Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 241: Quality assets

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So far, Morgan has helped Li Mu issue 16 million US dollars of Cuban national debt. This is not a small amount for the current Morgan Consortium. For reason and reason, Morgan should actually come to Cuba to take a look. Be responsible to your own investors.

Yes, there are investors behind the Morgan family, and now Morgan has not the power to cover the sky in the US financial industry. To put it simply, Morgan is only one of the spokespersons for Wall Street tycoons.

The Morgan family is also very lucky. If it was not during the Civil War, the Rothschild family withdrew from the US market because of the decline in the US economy, then the Morgan family would not even have a chance at all.

Three days later, Morgan's passenger ferry arrived in San Diego.

Li Mu and Benjamin went to the port to meet Morgan.

With the support of Li Mu, the United States of Cuba is still very efficient. In order to rebuild Colombia as soon as possible, Nielsen mobilized at least 50,000 workers in a way of "replacement by work" to participate in the reconstruction of Santiago.

The port of San Diego is located on the central axis of San Diego. It belongs to the first area to be started. In the plan of Nelson, after the reconstruction, the port of San Diego has a well-equipped dock, a large warehouse area, a convenient office area, and Living area where port workers live.

The first step in rebuilding the port is to widen the road. Santiago is the second largest city and the second largest port in Cuba. The city's supporting facilities are not complete. The road from the port to the main urban area is only less than five meters wide. The traffic conditions certainly cannot meet the transportation requirements. The first step in Nelson is to upgrade the paved road to a highway. At the same time, the width must be expanded to about 20 meters, and a railway from the port to the San Diego train station must be laid. Deserves Santiago's status in Cuba.

After seeing Nielsen's design plan, Li Mu further requested that the road be widened to 50 meters. Green belts should be left in the middle and both sides of the road, with sidewalks on both sides of the street, and expressways for horses and carriages in the middle. Crosswalks for pedestrians should be built so that after the new roads are paved, they will not need to be renovated for at least fifty years.

Fifty years, this is a hurdle. The port lease right signed by Li Mu and the United States of Cuba is 50 years. That is to say, within 50 years, the port of San Diego is owned by Li Mu, and Li Mu has the right to live in the port and its affiliates. The United States of Cuba has ownership but not jurisdiction.

Sound familiar?

Yes, this is Li Mu's concession in San Diego.

With this agreement, Li Mu can finally make a big move. It can be said that Li Mu is now responsible for the construction of the port area, and the Government of the United States of Cuba has no right to interfere.

It should be explained here that although San Diego is a seaside city, it is not a frequent city. When entering the San Diego Bay from the Caribbean Sea, it takes about seven kilometers to reach the San Diego Pier.

At present, San Diego is a east-west city. The city is about 4 kilometers long from east to west and about 3 kilometers wide from north to south. The urban population is about 30,000 and the total population is about 200,000.

The port area planned by Li Mu is about five square kilometers. In addition to the docks and warehouses, the office area covers about one square kilometer and the living area is a little wider. If Li Mu wants to, walk along the coastline in east and west directions. How big you want to plan.

Now that the port area has begun construction, Li Mu has transferred more than 1,000 workers from Guantanamo, and has begun to level the land in the port area. The dock has also been expanded and strengthened. In order to prevent the Spanish attack, Li Mu will also build at the entrance of San Diego Bay Two turrets can ensure the integrity of Li Mu's assets.

It is actually very easy to build a turret. The narrowest point of the entrance of the San Diego Bay is only more than 200 meters wide. It is basically impossible for the Spanish to attack San Diego from the sea. Unless they land from other places, the Spanish will never dream of success.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, the passenger ship that JP Morgan took was slowly sailing into the port of San Diego.

"Mr. Morgan, welcome to my kingdom-" Li Mu was not modest at the moment, and he was fully qualified to say so.

"Oh, my dear Rim, I'm so glad to see you, your achievements are remarkable." J.P. Morgan gave Li Mu a big hug, and his enthusiasm was like finding a brother who had been separated for many years.

"This is because of your support, otherwise I can do nothing." Sincerely, Li Mu said this sentence. Without Morgan's national debt, Li Mu would not want to pay for the United States of Cuba.

"Hahaha, I have good news to tell you that the sales of the second-period Treasury bonds are going smoothly, and 80% have been sold. I believe that if you want to add more, you will get more support." Morgan It came with money. It seems that Morgan and the tycoons behind him are very optimistic about Li Mu's work.

"Thank you, but in a short period of time, I have no plan to increase the national debt." Li Mu does not want to sell too much national debt. There are additional conditions for selling national debt. Li Mu does not need much capital in a short period of time.

Li Mu was not busy asking J.P. Morgan to go to the barracks. He first asked J.P. Morgan to get on the carriage, and then inspected the construction work of the port area.

Looking at the huge port area and the toiled workers, J.P. Morgan sighed with emotion: "This is the meaning of our investment. Watching new cities rise up, watching skyscrapers. Standing tall, what could be more fulfilling? "

"Some, such as investing in a country-" Li Mu's ideal is at least bigger than the current Morgan's ideal.

"Um, country, Rim, I have to say, your courage is amazing." J.P. Morgan looked at Li Mu's gaze, there were more rich people, but not many people with ideals.

"Let's go, let's go to the military camp in San Diego and let me introduce to you the significance of investing in a country." Li Mu is not polite. As a traversal person, Li Mu's vision is absolutely unique in this era.

In the barracks these days, some soldiers under George Dewey went to help Li Mu collect sugar cane, and some soldiers were to supervise the construction in San Diego. George Dewey was blind to the sight and simply took the rest of the troops to Ayer. Christo, so only the recently recruited 2,000 or 3,000 recruits in the barracks are being trained, which makes the big camp look a bit deserted.

When he came to the study on the second floor of the residence, Li Mu opened the curtain on the wall, and behind the curtain was a huge map of the Americas.

"Cuba has two very large ports, one south and one north, both of which are good natural ports. The south is Santiago and the north is Havana. The capacity of these two ports accounts for more than 95% of Cuba's national capacity. .Now I am honored to inform you that I have signed a contract with the United States of Cuba. For 50 years from now, Santiago is my place. "Li Muzhi was content with satisfaction, watching the map full of emotions.

"To be honest, Santiago is not as good as Havana in terms of geographical location." J.P. Morgan had a burning look in Havana. If Li Mu could control Havana in his own hands, then J.P. Morgan could not hesitate. You can add as many Treasury bonds as you like without an upper limit.

"No, no, no, I think it's the opposite. For now, Havana is indeed more prosperous than Santiago, but in the long run, Santiago has a better advantage than Havana." Li Mu said, walking around the Caribbean on the map. Draw a circle: "Look, San Diego is located in the Caribbean Sea. From San Diego, it can radiate all the countries along the Caribbean coast. We all know that South America is the source of raw materials in the United States and Europe. Processing and then shipping to the United States and Europe will not only save freight and capacity, but also create endless value for San Diego. From this perspective, as long as this goal can be achieved, then San Diego's status will be improved to There is no such thing as an increase. "

In terms of exporting sucrose alone, Santiago is indeed inferior to Havana. Havana is the colonial nest of the Spanish. The Spanish have been operating around Havana for hundreds of years, so Havana's economy must be more developed than Santiago.

But if not for a few more years, in the 21st century, sugarcane production in the northwestern part of Havana around Cuba will account for only 30% of the country, while in the southeast of Santiago, sugarcane production will account for 50% of the country. In terms of sucrose potential, Santiago has an advantage over Havana.

Followed by the processing industry, San Diego is surrounded by mountains, and Maestral and Pryal have numerous mineral resources. As long as these mineral resources can be fully utilized, then San Diego can become an industrial center in the Caribbean. .

You need to know that the United States does not block Cuba. Instead, because of someone's reason, the United States and Cuba wear almost the same pants. If Li Mu can take advantage of this, Santiago will surpass Havana to become Cuba's largest city, even the Caribbean coast. The largest city is just around the corner.

"San Diego—" J.P. Morgan touched his chin for a long time, and suddenly he got up and proposed to Li Mu: "So, let's talk about cooperation."


That ’s right. It ’s good for everyone. Hello everyone is really good. Depending on Li Mu ’s current ability, it may take more than ten or even decades to reach the goal. By then, it ’s almost time to return Santiago to Cuba. United States time.

If you cooperate with J.P. Morgan, this time can be greatly shortened. If San Diego can be built as an industrial center in the Caribbean within ten years, then in the next few decades, San Diego will always be in the hands of Li Mu. Quality assets.

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