Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 243: Robber tycoon

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If you weren't there, you wouldn't have imagined the scale of New York's sewers.

New York's sewer was built in 1849 and is located between 30 feet and 200 feet underground, with a total length of more than 10,000 kilometers.

The 10,000 km sewer is indeed a city in scale. By the end of the 20th century, many people who could not afford a house would move to the sewer, where would they beg God to bless them.

The sewer in Li Mu's plan is deeper than the sewer in New York and is located below 20 meters above the ground. In order to ensure the drainage capacity of the sewer, Li Mu designed a sewer with a height of about two meters and a "V" shape at the bottom of the sewer, which is conducive to sedimentation. The debris was washed away, and at the same time there were walkways for maintenance personnel. The exit of the sewer was on the seashore ten kilometers away from the port area, and the sewage was discharged directly into the sea.

What, what do you mean by a sewage treatment plant?

Sorry, the urban construction of the nineteenth century did not have this item, at least Cuba did not.

After the construction of the sewer, a water supply pipe must be laid on it. At the same time, there must be a space above the water supply pipe for the future laying of electrical wires, cable equipment, etc. Fortunately, San Diego is located in the tropics. There is no need to consider heating here, otherwise The remaining pipeline needs more.

Considering the complexity of the underground pipeline system, which can be laid within one year, Li Mu thanked God. By that time, the Port of San Diego should have been expanded and the second phase of the project could begin.

It is no wonder that J.P. Morgan estimates that such a huge planning plan will cost about 15 million US dollars.

Of course, this is the result of Li Mu's changes to the architectural drawings. According to Nielsen's original plan, the scale was not so huge.

For Li Mu, the port of San Diego will belong to Li Mu within 50 years, so Li Mu is really built according to the standards of the old nest. When the port area is completed, the entire area of ​​San Diego will be concentrated in the port area. This is tantamount to a new San Diego.

Of course, Li Mu did not forget the light bulb just researched. In Li Mu's plan, the San Diego port area will use electric power supply street lights, especially on the seaside wave proof. Li Mu will line up the entire light wave proof. Two years later it will become a landscape of the port of San Diego.

Of course, although there are light bulbs, it is not easy to put them into practical use. Unless Li Mu can solve the problem of long-distance power supply, light bulbs can only become the privilege of the rich.

Fortunately, there was no dispute between direct current and alternating current in this era. Edison was still studying the telegraph, and Nikola Tesla was still studying in Croatia. None of them had been involved in the field of electricity.

Speaking of Nikola Tesla, how could Li Mu forget this Zenith star, many things this guy researched can still be called "black technology" even in the 21st century. In this era, Nikus La Teslato is the first person in science and technology in this era, what Edison, Bell and so on, these people and Nikola Tesla are completely incomparable.

However, it is still too early for Nikola Tesla to "out the mountain". It will not be until at least ten years before Nikola Tesla leaves Europe for New York. Li Mu only needs to take Nikola Tesla before that. Just cut the beard.

In order to have more capital to attract Nicholas Tesla, Li Mu found a new research project for Steed Lab. In addition to the engine, Li Muming purchased the "phone" from Antonio Meucci Patent, while hiring Antonio Meucci to enter the "Horse Lab" as a researcher, specializing in "phone" improvement.

Speaking of Antonio Meucci, this is definitely a sad person. In 1849, while studying the electric shocker, Antonio Meucci accidentally discovered that the wires can transmit sound. Meucci immediately realized that this phenomenon had unusual significance. He immediately started working on a device he called a "talking telegraph".

This year, Alexander Bell, the inventor of the phone in the general sense, was only two years old.

In 1860, Antonio Meucci showed the system to the public for the first time and introduced the invention in Italian in a New York newspaper.

Yes, it's Italian. As an Italian, Antonio Meucci's English is very poor, which makes Antonio Meucci unable to integrate into American society, so he can't find investors.

At this time, Antonio Meucci was desperate. He could not even get the 250 US dollars for the "phone" patent. By 1871, the year before Li Mu came to the United States, Antonio Meucci had to pay every year. The price of ten dollars applied for a patent that needs to be renewed every year. By 1873, this year, Li Mu, who was also an unknown man, had begun to act as the gold master of a country, and Antonio Meucci even retained the patent. You can't get ten dollars.

Without Li Mu's intervention, Antonio Meucci would have to abandon the patent, and the "phone", a patented technology that could generate a billion-dollar market in the future, would become free to consult and quote.

In fact, just two decades later, when Bell Telephone won the dispute over the "telephone patent right" with Western Union Telegraph, Antonio Meucci had tried to sue Bell for fraud, and the then Supreme Court agreed. Antonio Meucci's claim, but at this moment, Antonio Meucci gave up.

With the involvement of Li Mu, Antonio Meucci will certainly not die with sorrow and despair. Li Mu invested $ 3,000 to buy Antonio Meucci's technology and hired Antonio Meucci for a monthly salary of $ 300. The Steed Lab conducts follow-up research on the Telephone.

After successfully purchasing the "phone" patent, Li Mu applied for a related patent in New York. Like the previous cooperation with MIT, the inventor of the "phone" patent belongs to Antonio Meucci, but the patent ownership Belongs to Li Mu.

With the patent of "telephone", Li Mushun set up "Junma Telecom Company" and ordered Grover Cleveland to go to Europe to apply for the European "telegraph" patent.

Ah, it's weird to use the word "command" to describe Grover Cleveland. This is the future president of the United States--

It is indeed the future. As a Democrat, Grover Cleveland has not had a good time in recent years and is in the low tide of life, so he has to cooperate with the Republican star Li Mu.

Yes, Li Mu is indeed a rising Republican star, and because Li Mu ’s birthplace is not in the United States, Li Mu ’s status in the Republican Party is very special. Whether it is a reformist or a hardliner in the Republican Party, they are all Li Mu will not be regarded as an enemy.

The United States Constitution stipulates that only American talents born in the United States are eligible to run for the presidency, which has made President Arthur controversial.

Arthur is now the New York Customs Chief of Arthur. In 1881, Garfield, who was just elected president less than four months ago, was assassinated and killed. Arthur succeeded to the United States President as Vice President in accordance with the US Constitution, but the birthplace of Arthur Not in the United States, but in Canada. Although Arthur flatly denied this, it still caused controversy on a large scale.

There is no such problem for Li Mu. Li Mu's birthplace is undisputed. It is definitely not in the United States, so Li Mu can join the Republican Party, but he does not qualify as a presidential candidate. However, because of Li Mu ’s extensive connections, Li Mu is in the Republican Party It also has a wide range of influence inside, which will make Li Mu a target for reform and hardliners to compete in the party elections years later.

Li Mu does not know this now. The port area has begun to dig the sewer. This sewer has to be dug 20 meters deep. The bottom layer is a two meter high sewer. It is supported by a double-layer masonry structure and a layer of cement mortar is laid in the middle. Then, after sealing the two-meter-high sealing soil, a layer of water supply pipeline must be laid, and a channel for laying wires and cables in the future must be left above the water supply pipeline. After all this is completed, the port area will not be used for at least 50 years. Worried about buried pipes being inadequate.

It is worth mentioning that the water supply pipeline laid by Li Mu in the port area is made of stainless steel.

Yes, after five months of research, MIT finally came up with stainless steel that met Li Mu's requirements. Li Mu quickly applied for a patent for the technology and publicly introduced the invention in the newspaper.

MIT's research on stainless steel has the biggest impact on Carnegie-McCandris Steel.

Li Mu is a shareholder of Carnegie-Micandris Steel Company. As a shareholder, Li Mu developed stainless steel and did not immediately notify Carnegie, which made Carnegie very dissatisfied with Li Mu.

Li Mu also has excuses. Li Mu is currently in Cuba, thousands of miles away from New England, so Li Mu can't get everything done. Li Mu ’s reply to Carnegie is that all stainless steel patents are operated by Henry. Li Mubu know--

Ah, I do n’t know, this is a great excuse.

Carnegie didn't care, and immediately left for San Diego to meet Li Mu in person.

Of course, Li Mu does not reject Carnegie ’s proposal. In fact, even if Carnegie does not come, Li Mu will coax Carnegie over. Li Mu is going to build a steel plant in Santiago, and Carnegie is well-known in the future. "Iron King", not working with Carnegie, is it working with Rockefeller's vampire?

Of course, Carnegie's reputation is not much better than Rockefeller. The "robber tycoon" is the best comment on Carnegie. Carnegie's name has been established in the next two months.

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