Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 253: The winner is not accused

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The so-called "recruits", regardless of how good the usual training is, on the real battlefield, they often fail to perform at normal levels due to tension. It is considered good to shoot normally. The nervous eyes are black, the whole body is trembling, and the gun is shot. It ’s not that they are not stable.

This shows the advantages of the first opponent to pinch the soft persimmon. Just like the football game, the first warm-up match before the competition is to find a good bully opponent, to abuse one to find the feeling, and to find confidence by the way.

Li Mu walked for three or four kilometers to the west, and then met Will, who was triumphant.

Really proud, Will is riding Prometheus, holding a thoroughbred horse that is not inferior to Prometheus, and dragging a guy with a shawl behind the horse. Here, they will be dragged to the ground accidentally, and each fall will attract the merciless ridicule and scorn of the cavalry around.

The guy was exhausted. After falling, he could n’t get up. The cavalry did n’t dismount. The two cavalry tied the guy ’s arm with a rope. The two men worked hard together, like pulling a carrot from the mud. Pull out of the ground, and then move forward step by step until the next fall.

"Wow ha ha ha ha, Riem, I was going to save the infantry brothers, but unfortunately these guys are too soft to wait for the infantry brothers to come up, so our cavalry will pick them up-" Will He greeted Li Mu from a distance, saying sorry in his mouth, but the expression on his face did not mean the slightest apology.

The cavalry gave their faces. As soon as Will's words fell, the cavalry lifted up the various weapons seized in their hands and cheered, which made Li Mu unable to get angry.

"Who is this guy?" Li Mu looked at the guy who fell into the mud again.

"What a viscount, the commander of this unit, this guy is a soft egg. When the gunfire sounded, this guy still ran off and turned off, but the result hasn't escaped yet—" Will looked at the struggling mud. " "Viscount" disdain, this kind of person is the most contemptible on the battlefield.

"I'm Viscount Elbiso of the Kingdom of Spain. My family will pay me a ransom, and I ask for the treatment I deserve—" The Viscount Elbiso, again pulled up like a carrot, yelled, just The shout was drawn by a knight with a whip on his face: "Shut up, this is what your grandfather should do--"

The cavalry around did not forget to make up for the knife, and laughed again, two of them couldn't sit still immediately.

"I'm from the Kingdom of Spain-" The viscount Elbiso, who was full of mud, looked at Li Mu muttering desperately before he realized it.

"Enough—" Li Mu raised his hand to stop the cavalier who was about to whip again.

An era has its own rules. If you want to integrate into this era, you must abide by the rules of this era. The knight system of the feudal kingdom still exists in Europe. People with title do have the right to demand treatment that matches their title. Those captured during the war have the right to trade money for their freedom.

What Li Mu wants is a strong combat force. This kind of power must be reflected not only on the battlefield, but also psychologically. Abusing prisoners in this way can never cultivate a mentally strong army. It can only cultivate one. A tyrannical, psychopathic army.

In other words, the title system of the Spaniards is very good. There are people like Viscount Elbiso sitting at the commander's position, which will reduce a lot of trouble for Li Mu ’s troops. Li Mu does not want to kill Viscount Elbiso. Commander, and then replaced with a real guy.

"Show him a bath, change into clean clothes, find a horse for him, and take him back to Guantanamo." For the sake of the ransom, Li Mu decided to give the grandpa what he deserves.

"You're lucky, boy--" Will doesn't matter, anyway Will has got what he wants.

"Will, since these people were all killed by you, then you have to clean up here. These corpses cannot be violent wilderness. This will lead to a large-scale plague. I do n’t need to teach you what to do, right?" Li Mu did not forget Will changing the military order privately, although those orders were issued by Will himself.

"Shouldn't this be the task of the auxiliary soldiers?" Will, who was just smug, was dumbfounded.

Well, cavalry is as tall as it sounds. How could it be possible to do things like cleaning the battlefield?

Under normal circumstances, such things as cleaning the battlefield are done by the soldiers of the army. When cleaning up the corpse, there will be some unexpected gains. Those unexpected gains are the rewards for the civilians.

This job, to be honest, many folk husbands will rush to do it.

"No, that's your task." Li Mu relented, Will's behavior of eating more and occupying more must be punished.

"Hum, this is the public grudge of the communique—" Will was dissatisfied and directly exposed the true face of Li Mu.

"Well, let's do it publicly. Regarding the blatant defiance of military orders by cavalry battalions-" Li Mu is good at everything. Since the communiqué has suspicions of retaliation, it should be dealt with as soon as it is spread out.

"Stop and stop —" Will immediately counseled, surrendering his hands and surrendered: "Let's pack, let's pack-"

"Hum--" Li Mu sneered and turned the horse's head with two sneers, only to see that the three faces of Chu Xue and Gloria had lost their faces.

"Now you know why I didn't let you come." Li Mu reluctantly, the battlefield after the **** war is not tolerated by some people, and some adults can't accept it, let alone these three little girls who are still young.

Li Mu doesn't matter. Li Mu has seen more horrible scenes, and has struggled with life and death. This kind of scene in front of him is pediatrics.

"What's this--as long as you and Will can tolerate it, we can all tolerate it." Gloria answered coldly, and it didn't seem to be tough.

It seems that Sandy is right. Gloria and Sandy are indeed not ladies who can't see the blood. With a father like Will, these two little girls cannot use common sense.

"How about you?" Li Mu was not discouraged.

"What's this? When I was in the palace before, I didn't see the killer—" Chu Xue whispered quietly, and didn't look too disappointed.

Alas, the little girl of this year is really not simple.

Compared with the three strong little girls, Adrian's performance was much worse. The guy's eyes were straight and stunned, he rode on the horse immediately and stared at a tiara on Gloria's head.

"Hey, Adrian, Will wants to lift the body, don't you help?" Li Mu deliberately picked a problem.

Adrian glanced at Will subconsciously, and finally spit out a "wow"-

Although no one laughed, everyone looked at Adrian not very friendly.

"Adrian, come here, behave like a man--" Will couldn't see it, and came over to take Adrian away like a chick.

Li Mu sneered, not optimistic that Adrian could transform into a real man, and urged Wu Wu to return directly to Guantanamo. Li Mu had already seen the performance of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment on the battlefield, as confident as eating a calming pill.

In the evening, Li Mu had dinner and ordered someone to bring Viscount Elbiso.

I have to say that people with titles are not the same. Viscount Elbiso is more proficient. There is no messy beard on the chin. Only the two-handed beard is left under the nose. The beard looks very trimmed. Neatly, the chin is slightly raised with a little arrogance. If you ignore the eyes that are easily frightened, it is worthy of the title "Jazz".

"What is it?" Li Mu asked softly.

"Francisco-" Francisco stared at Li Mu stupidly, as if he hadn't returned.

"Francesco-Fine. My name is Lim, and I'm glad to meet you here." Li Mu raised his hand and asked Francisco to sit down.

"Rim, are you Rim?" Francesco finally got a little spirit in his eyes, looking at Li Mu's eyes full of curiosity, and of course the hatred that could not be concealed.

"Yeah, I'm Lim--" Although he tried hard to control, Li Mu was still a little bit proud. It seems that his reputation has passed to Havana, wow ha ha ha ha-

"You shameless war hyena, **** arms dealer, disgusting thief-" Francesco suddenly broke out, with swear words continuing.

"Shut up—" Mason snarled behind Francisco, slamming his face fiercely on Francisco's face, and even slap someone with a chair and toppled to the ground.

"Oh oh, be kind to our friends, this is a grandfather—" Li Mu listened to loud slap in the ear, and sighed in amusement as he covered his face.

Play well!

Li Mu decided to double Mason's salary starting tomorrow--

Mason didn't speak, first gave Li Mu a sorry smile, and then pulled Francisco from the ground, helped the chair and pushed Francisco up.

"Look, as long as you don't talk nonsense, Mason is still very friendly." Li Muzhan expressed his helplessness and was very happy.

Do you really think you can get the treatment you deserve under the name "Jazz"?

Don't be naive, this is war, let alone a little Viscount, even if Prince Asturias is in front of you, Li Mu will not be at all polite when it is time to start.

Of course, the crown prince of others is physically and physically expensive, and he will certainly not run to Cuba to run a risk.

"First of all, I want to make it clear that I don't think the allegations against you are true. In fact, as a businessman, as long as your price is sufficient, I don't mind working with any of you. As for the" thief "part, I miss you Understand in your heart that even with your troops, even if you come a hundred times, your people will not be able to win, so I am not stealing the victory from you, but winning the victory with integrity. "As a victory Li Mu has reason to be proud.

The winner is not accused.

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