Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 266: Bottom line

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The leisurely days are always short. On August 15th, Li Mu left Grand Bahama Island and headed directly to Havana.

No, it's not Havana, but Santa Cruz near Havana.

Santa Cruz is a small town less than thirty kilometers from Havana. Li Mu wants to land in Santa Cruz and then travel by road to Havana to join George Dewey.

The Spaniards lost completely. They did not have the ability to withstand the attacks of the United States of Cuba. Willai Nicolaus tried to organize his army to defend on the ground several times during the retreat, but every time he always touched, George Dewey did not give Willai Ni At any time in Gourau, every time Willi Nikolau tried to assemble his troops, George Dewey's soldiers came one after another and did not give Wille Nikolau a chance to reorganize, which led to Willi Ni When Gourau fled back to Havana, there were fewer than a hundred people left, losing all his hole cards.

This time Willi Nikolau's active attack on El Cristo has drained all the war potential of the Spanish control area. Now the Spaniards are not able to regroup a force. Even if the manpower is sufficient, the Spaniards are not enough. Armed with their weapons, although Havana is still under the control of Willai Nikolau, the Spaniard is already dead.

On August 8th, George Dewey's forces besieged Havana. Havana had only sea routes to communicate with the outside world. Artillery of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment No. 9 bombarded Havana's port with mortars. The only channel for Havana's external communication was also declared sever. The Spaniards have only one way to surrender.

The Spaniards were in this position, and the Spaniards were unable to fight again. On August 13th, the Spaniards proposed to negotiate with George Dewey, which led to Li Mu's Havana trip.

"Rim, fortunately, we won--" This is the first sentence of George Dewey after seeing Li Mu.

"Yes, we won! Congratulations, you are now the strongest general in the United States." Li Mu gave George Dewe a big hug. When Li Mu came to Cuba, he never thought he could catch up in five months. Walking Spanish.

"Thanks for your trust. Without your support, I can't accomplish this." George Dewey was grateful from the bottom. In fact, George Dewey didn't understand it yet. Select yourself from the list.

Yes, George Dewey knows his abilities and believes that he can, but George Dewey's performance in the Civil War did not make George Dewey stand out. Just a few months ago, George Dewey had to consider whether Retirement is precisely because of Li Mu's recruitment, which has dispelled George Dewey's retirement idea. From this perspective, Li Mu is George Dewey's Bole.

What's more, from the perspective of George Dewey, there can be no better boss than Li Mu. Li Mu gives George Dewe enough trust and gives George Dewey enough rights. The most important thing is that Li Mu does not have The uncle shared his gains with George Dewey, so that George Dewey no longer has to worry about money in his life, which is very meaningful to George Dewey. With the dividend of the San Diego Investment Company, George Dewey no longer needs Consider retiring to become a businessman, and you can pursue your dreams wholeheartedly.

So George Dewey is very grateful to Li Mu.

No, it's not enough to use gratitude, and "respect" is more appropriate.

Although the age difference between George Dewey and Li Mu is huge, the term is used in harmony here, at least George Dewey will not object.

"This is what you deserve, because you are George Dewey, so you can do it." Li Mu was not proud and complacent, and attributed everything to George Dewey's own efforts.

Although Li Mu paid George Dewey and Benjamin and Mahan salaries, Li Mu never regarded them as subordinates, perhaps because Li Mu and George Dewey met in a special place, or maybe Li Mu knew George. Dewey's future achievements, so Li Mu never put on the boss's shelf.

It ’s even more difficult now. As long as the Spaniards are defeated, their employment relationship with Li Mu and George Dewey will end. Benjamin will return to Indiana as his lawyer, and then he will become a senator in a few years. George Dewey is expected to be equal. It will not remain unknown for decades, and Ma Han will become the US Navy's Taishan Beidou. These people will achieve extraordinary careers in different fields. To be honest, from the perspective of career value, their achievements are better than the current Li Mu Big.

It's just now that no one knows what kind of height Li Mu can reach in the future. Maybe this puppet can't compare to a Li Mu.

"Hahahaha-I'm really glad to hear you say this-" George Dewey and Li Mu side by side, introducing the latest developments to Li Mu: "Maybe you already know that the Spanish sent people to negotiate and want to end this war, So I'm sorry to interrupt your vacation. I didn't mean it. It was beyond my rights. "

"Is Sylvester and Nelson here?" There are no outsiders around, and Li Mu doesn't need to cover up. George Dewey knows how Sylvester became the president, and also knows the relationship between Nelson and Li Mu. Therefore, Li Mu did not use honorifics.

Although Li Mu is actually the person in charge of the United States of Cuba, Silvestre and Nelson are, after all, the nominal president and prime minister of the United States of Cuba, so when negotiating such a matter, Li Mu set the tone and gave it to Silves Te and Nelson are in charge.

"It was here yesterday. They were waiting for you in Havana. I wanted to greet you and let me appease me. I think we should talk about it first." George Dewey is also very smart. .

"Yes, let's talk, what do the Spaniards mean?" Li Mu agreed with George Dewey.

"The Spaniard came to negotiate with General Arsenio Martinez de Campos. He had originally come to replace Willi Nicolaus, but he did not expect the situation to collapse. This task is actually negotiation, haha— "George Dewey was a bit sorry when he said here. Speaking of this Arsenio, my name is too long to be too lazy to fight against General Campos, and it is estimated that this guy will go out when he goes out Did not look at the yellow calendar.

"Where is Willi Nikolau?" Li Mu hasn't seen Willi Nikolau yet. He is considered to have been a long time ago and is very worried about the old opponent.

"Who knows, it is estimated that he will never have a chance to lead a battle, and this will be his best ending-the conditions for the Spaniards are to restore Spanish rule to Cuba, abolish Cuban slavery, and allow Cubans to form themselves Cuba ’s government, but Cubans can only hold deputy positions in the new government. At the same time, the Spaniards will lower the tax rate and use part of the annual tax to be used for local construction in Cuba. ”George Dewey said this There was a mockery on his face. Although there were no private goods, the expression on his face betrayed George Dewey's true ideas.

"Is the Spaniard crazy? This condition is too whimsical!" Li Mu was surprised by the thickness of the Spaniard's skin.

The reason why Cespedes dared to fight against the Spanish colonial rule was because the Spanish adhered to slavery in Cuba, denied Cuban participation in politics, and imposed high taxes in Cuba. These policies caused strong dissatisfaction among the Cuban people. That is why there is this war.

Of course, the "Cuba people" in the previous article mainly refers to high-class people like Cespedes. As a lawyer, if he cannot participate in politics, then this lawyer is really a bit unqualified; as a planter The high taxes imposed by the owners and the Spaniards will directly damage the interests of the majority of planters. As for the "people", to be honest, these policies of the Spaniards have little to do with them, and it is not their turn to take the lead.

If the Spaniards had this awareness five years ago, there would be no such disaster. Now that the war has progressed to this extent, the leaders of the insurgents have changed several stubbles. The original requirements have long since ceased. More importantly, if the Spaniards still fantasize about going back in time, it is indeed a bit naive.

"Oh, they just make such a price, so there will be negotiations. We should first set a bottom line, and then talk to the Spaniards." George Dewey is also happy, but can understand the Spanish whimsical.

"Bottom line-our bottom line is to retain the name of the sovereign state for the Spaniards." Li Mu left a step for the Spaniards. If the Spaniards don't know what to do, then this step need not be left, anyway, Spain is in the civil war, it is estimated that the Spaniards will be short There is no ability to get back inside.

Keep the name of the sovereign state!

This condition is already fierce enough. Since it is only "nominal", that is to say that Cuba is not yet independent. Give the Spaniards a face so that the Spaniards do not seem to lose everything. All the privileges of the Spaniards in Cuba will be Being deprived, the Spaniards are no longer the "mighty emperor" in Cuba anymore, at most they are "ex-mighty emperor", or they are almost going to the grave.

"So what if the Spaniards want to withdraw, what about their property?" George Dewey asked a sharp question.

The Spaniards have been operating in Cuba for hundreds of years. Without mentioning the real estate, the Spaniards in Havana must have accumulated a lot of wealth. If only the Spaniards were to retain the name of the sovereign state, many Spaniards settled in Havana would return to Spain. At that time, what will happen to the property they have accumulated over the years, and whether they are allowed to take it away is a big question.

"You can take it with you, but you can't do it in other ways." Li Mu thought for a while, and left some tolls for the Spaniards.

This also means that the Spaniards can take whatever they want when they leave Havana, but it is impossible to pack them.

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