Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 287: Labor Knights

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The next day, Li Mu went to Boston to discuss the matter with Runkel in Boston.

"Exclusive Chinese, this behavior is really unfriendly--" Runkel is now a Massachusetts senator and has his own office in Boston. This office also has the credit of Li Mu, and Runkel receives Li Mu in the office: " To be honest, I don't care about things in San Francisco right now. What I can do is I can guarantee that nothing like this will happen in Massachusetts. "

"How much do you know about Watson Sequel?" Li Mu tried to solve the problem from a political level.

Watson Squill is the governor of California. In the event of an anti-Chinese incident in San Francisco, the inaction of the government and the police must have a direct relationship with Watson Squill.

"I only know that he is a Republican. The others are not very clear. I have just been elected as a senator and have not dealt with him before." Runkel told the truth.

Runkel is a politician who has just stepped out of college. Massachusetts is on the east coast and California is on the west coast, so it is normal for him to not know Watson Squier.

Unable to get the news he wanted in Boston, Li Mu went to Washington that night.

In Washington, Li Mu met Watson Squill himself.

Watson Squier came to Washington to report to his office, and sought upper-level Washington support to continue his campaign for governor of California.

Li Mu made an effortless appointment with Watson Sequel through Ebble.

At Ebble's house, Li Mu met Watson Squier.

When Ebble introduced Li Mu to Watson Sequel, Watson Sequel was clearly surprised.

"Oh, it turns out that you are Mr. Riem, hello." Watson Squill offered his greetings to Li Mu.

"Not very good, because of some things in San Francisco, I haven't eaten since last night." Li Mu is right, he really has no appetite today.

"About San Francisco, I'm sorry, that's not what I want to see--" Watson Squill's face wasn't very good-looking.

Li Mu said that it was tantamount to face-to-face. It would be strange if it looked good.

"But since it happened, you have no one to blame." Li Mu is not polite, this time it is tantamount to face to face blame.

"Hey, why don't we just sit down and eat and talk?" Ebble looked at the mood a little, trying to calm down.

"It's a bit complicated, I think I can explain it." Watson Squill was very good.

If Watson Sequel did n’t know who Li Mu was before, then after coming to Washington, Watson Squill already knew how much energy Li Mu had, and Washington ’s well-informed level is not comparable to California. The things Cuba does may not be known to ordinary Americans, but it is not a secret to Washington officials.

Just before Li Mu came to Washington, George Dewey, Benjamin, and Mahan had returned to Washington. These people are now Washington's stars. Others don't want to pay attention to them. When it comes to Cuba, their words always go around. But Li Mu.

"I listen to you--" Li Mu is also a Republican, so I have to give Watson Squier some face.

"Rim, how much do you know about the Labor Knights?" Watson Squill sat down at the dining table, instead of moving his knife and fork, he picked up the cup and prepared for a long story.

"I don't know—" Li Mu told the truth, before that, Mu Mu had never heard of this organization.

"Well, I'll start with the Knights of Labor--" Watson Squill wanted to smile at Li Mu, but unfortunately couldn't smile: "About five years ago, several tailors in Philadelphia The members of the union formed the Knights of Labor. This organization was similar to the union organization at first, but it is a secret organization whose purpose is to unite all skilled and unskilled workers regardless of race, gender or color. About three years ago, This organization was officially open and began to attract workers to join, but refused to join lawyers, bankers, liquor dealers, gamblers, exchange brokers. At first, the requirements of this organization were an 8-hour work system, equal pay for equal work, abolition of child labor, etc. On the other hand, in order to get workers to join, this organization has begun to consciously guide workers to start Chinese exclusion. I now have reasons to believe that this organization has a certain Democratic background. "

"Democrats?" Li Mu was very surprised.

"What does this have to do with them?" Ebble didn't understand.

"Listen to my friends, it is indeed our Republican Party in power, and it looks unshakable, but do n’t ignore the Republicans, they are not willing to lose power, so they have been looking for opportunities-just two months Formerly, Jacob Weissbaker of San Francisco was running for mayor. He contacted Daniel Crolin, and they jointly promoted San Francisco's Chinese exclusion event. "Watson Squill, governor, knows everything .

"Who are Jacob Westbeck and Daniel Crolin?" Li Mu finally found the behind-the-scenes ambassador.

"Jacob Westbeck is a grocery store owner. His business was closed during the economic crisis some time ago, so this guy jumped out to run for mayor. Jacob Westbeck believes that it is precisely because of the large amount of input from the Chinese. The competitiveness of large companies has further increased, so his business will be closed. As for Daniel Crolin, this guy is a rogue and fraudster. He is a member of the San Francisco Labor Knights. He wants to develop in the factory where the Chinese are. Member, but the Chinese have rejected him. The Chinese have their own organization and are very exclusive. "Watson Squeal sipped his wine and looked at Li Mu with a bit of interest.

"Chinese organization?" Li Mu was curious.

"Yes, I am about to say this, what is it called-it seems to be Hongmen." Watson Squill raised his eyebrows and continued: "Two months ago, a big incident happened among Chinese in San Francisco. The scale of the fight, the police and some whites tried to stop, and as a result, a police officer was injured and a white man was killed by mistake, which led to the subsequent outbreak of Chinese exclusion. "

Hearing this, Li Mu immediately understood what the eyes of Watson Squiel just said: "Then you mean that this matter is the fault of the Chinese, and those who kill are all innocent?"

"Of course not, I didn't mean it that way." Watson Squill immediately denied it, widening his eyes to prove his innocence: "When the Chinese Exclusion Event broke out, I notified the San Francisco government and asked them to control the situation, but You know, the police have limited manpower, and it takes time to gather the militia, so they have n’t been able to control the situation in the first place, but you have to believe that most San Francisco people are good. On the day of the riot, many locals The white people took the initiative to protect the Chinese, so the death toll of the Chinese was only eight, otherwise the number would surely be more. "

"Then why no one is responsible for the subsequent trial?" Li Mu refused to give up, holding on to the "inaction" and chasing after him.

"Ah-about this." Watson Squill looked helpless and lowered his cup to continue. "The San Francisco Police Department investigated afterwards, but no one was willing to testify, and the judge couldn't judge someone without evidence. Guilty. After all, the judges were elected by the San Francisco people, and the Chinese in San Francisco never participated in the elections, and the votes in their hands had no effect. "

Anyway, it's still a ballot.

Li Mu is speechless. The situation is far more complicated than Li Mu's imagination. According to the current information received by Li Mu, the behind-the-scenes role of some of these things in San Francisco cannot be ignored, but the Chinese themselves have a responsibility.

"Speaking of Hongmen, this is the first time I heard the name." Li Mu was interested in Hongmen.

In fact, this is by no means the first time Li Mu has heard of this name. In the Chinese circle, Hongmen has always been famous, especially in the Xinhai Revolution decades later, Hongmen played a key role in funding the "Father of the Sun". It can be said that without Hongmen's support, there would be no success in the 1911 Revolution.

"This is a gang organization, and they act in a similar way to the Italian mafia." Watson Squill didn't seem to have a good impression on Hongmen.

It can also be understood that the relationship between politicians and gang organizations must be clarified. Otherwise, the politicians will lose their reputation and receive no support.

Of course, there must be a certain degree of tacit understanding, otherwise, if the gang organization is making waves, no one's face will look good.

"Okay, is the Cavaliers? Well, I'll talk about it with Mr. President." Li Mu has now surpassed the level of fight and kill, Jacob Westbeck and Daniel Crolin Of course, it will be punished, but Li Mu does not need to take his own hands. Li Mu has one of the best weapons in his hand, which is "Time". As long as Li Mu uses this weapon well, it is not difficult to let someone lose his reputation. Tweed is The best example.

"That's great. If you can convince Mr. President to dissolve this organization, then I think a lot of people will be grateful to you." Watson Sequel reminded Li Mu vaguely.

That ’s right. Since the Knights of Labor is a trade union organization, the goal is to work for 8 hours, implement equal pay for equal work, abolish child labor, etc., it means that this is an organization that fights for rights for workers and opposes capitalists. Such an organization is the enemy of all capitalists.

Li Mu is just a capitalist and a big capitalist.

From Watson Squill's words, Li Mu knew that the Knights of Labor was already a national organization, so this also meant that there must be more than Knights of Knights in San Francisco and Philadelphia, but they also existed in other places. In that case, Li Mu can use his own strength to deal with this organization.

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