Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 289: BMW

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Speaking of which, John Rockefeller is the first billionaire in the United States, so Li Mu congratulates Rockefeller on getting rich, which is a bit counterintuitive.

Of course, it doesn't sound like this at Rockefeller.

Prior to the invention of the gasoline engine by the German Calbenz in 1886, gasoline was a nasty commodity. Rockefeller had countless refineries, but only produced kerosene for lighting. Gasoline was considered to have no effect. Throw away the by-products in vain.

Before Li Mu, no one connected gasoline with power. Even if someone was studying power, he was using the principle of a steam engine. It was completely different from an internal combustion engine.

Li Mu ’s steed laboratory is different. From the beginning of the engine research, Li Mu focused on the internal combustion engine, and never had the idea of ​​a steam engine.

It is precisely because of this that the Steed Lab has only dragged on until now with no results. If Li Mu simply set his goal on the steam engine, it would not take so long.

Thinking of the engine, Li Mu's eyes turned around and he immediately opened a new business.

"How about a discussion, John, if one day you want to build a gas station in the United States, can we invest together?" Li Mu dug a hole in Rockefeller.

"Gas station? It doesn't seem to be necessary. I have distribution companies all over the United States. These distribution companies have sales points and partners underneath. They just refuel for lighting-it seems that it is not necessary." John Rockefeller did not understand why Going on.

"Listen to me, I mean if-if you promise, I'll take you to visit my lab, how about you being the first guest invited? I assure you, my lab is absolutely There is something you like. "Li Mu resisted the urge to solve the mystery, and said that he must secretly take a piece of meat from Rockefeller.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, if I want to build a gas station in the United States, I will definitely have your share." John Rockefeller agreed, John Rockefeller really couldn't think of the need to build a gas station in the United States.

"Wait--" Li Mu stopped the Rockefeller who wanted to leave: "I need at least 40% of the shares."

"What the **** do you want to do? Why not 50%, or 100%? I don't care." John Rockefeller wanted to make a point.

"No no no, I don't want to be 100%, John, I'm afraid you will kill me then." Li Mu joked.

"God, who dares to think of your ideas. Think of Amis, Seth Pedes, and Darwin, and now Tweed, rest assured, no one dares to think of you." John Rockefeller felt Li Mu Make a big deal.

"That's because you don't know what a gas station means." Li Mu insisted.

"Well, I agree. If one day I build a gas station in the United States, there will be at least 40% of your shares." Although he didn't understand what Li Mu wanted, John Rockefeller gave Li Mu the face.

"Bingo!" Li Mu was very satisfied, and being able to tear a piece of meat off Rockefeller was enough to satisfy Li Mu.

Li Mu is right. If John Rockefeller understands how big the American car market will be in the future and knows the true use of gasoline, I am afraid Rockefeller will not say 40% to Li Mu, even if it is 10%, Rockefeller will Feeling distressed.

It's not necessarily, after all, without Li Mu's invention, gasoline can't find a real use, so from this perspective, Rockefeller should be grateful to Li Mu.

Over the next few days, Li Mu did the same and persuaded Andrew Carnegie and Henry Dupont. On November 15th, Li Mu and John Rockefeller went to Boston to watch Franklin's test ceremony.

In 1886, Carl Friedrich Benz developed a single-cylinder gasoline engine and installed it on a three-wheeled frame to develop the world's first car.

When you come to Li Mu, it must not be the same as the original history. If Li Mu ’s research institute also produces a monster like a “three-wheel car”, Li Mu can be ashamed to death.

Franklin's work is still very good. With the guidance of Li Mu, Steed Lab has been on the right path from the beginning, with almost no detours.

Unlike Carl Benz's "three-wheeled car", Franklin's car is a common four-wheeler and made of natural rubber. At the same time, this car has many basic characteristics of later-generation cars, such as electric ignition, Water-cooled cycle, steel tube bracket, leaf spring suspension, steering wheel control, front wheel steering, rear wheel drive, foldable canvas hood and handbrake brake, etc.

Compared with the horizontal single-cylinder two-stroke gasoline engine developed by Carl Benz, the engine developed by Steed Lab has more powerful power, better stability, and lower failure rate. Benz developed the engine.

It can also be understood that Li Mu invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to study the engine. If this research is successful, hundreds of thousands will be issued in the near future. Researchers, their previous identities were university professors, senior marine power designers, mechanical experts, and so on. They are also undergraduates at MIT; what does Carl Benz have?

Carl Benz was born as a posthumous child. At the age of 16, he entered Karlsruhe Comprehensive Technical School to study. This was Carl Benz's first degree, which should be similar to "secondary school". Later, Karl Benz participated After work, he studied at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Sciences and the Karlsruhe University of Science and Technology. These two qualifications should be considered adult education.

It is such a "secondary school student". In the case of failure to start a business, difficult factory operations, and the danger of closure, it was helpless to decide to study the engine to obtain high profits to get out of the predicament.

It was in this case that Carl Benz developed a horizontal single-cylinder two-stroke gasoline engine. If a group of senior talents at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can't match this "secondary school student", then Franklin jumped Charles early The river is better, lest Li Mu pull them out and plant lotus flowers.

To be honest, even if it is much better than Carl Benz's three-wheeled car, how can Li Mu look displeased when looking at it? For example, the proportions of the tires are uncoordinated, the frame looks too thin, and there is no headlight— —

Forget it, after all, it was the first car.

For Rockefeller, everything he saw was unbelievable.

The car was already full of petrol, and Rockefeller narrowed his nose and smelled it for a long time. Then he asked Li Mu uncertainly: "This smell--"

"Familiar, isn't it?" Li Mu smirked. Anyway, if Rockefeller wanted to invest in a gas station, Li Mu would take a 40% stake. Now it doesn't matter if the riddle is solved.

"Uh-huh!" Rockefeller's head nodded quickly, and the surprise on his face couldn't be hidden.

Regarding gasoline, Rockefeller thought about ways to research and develop the use of gasoline a long time ago, but unfortunately, the research team set up by Rockefeller did not have such talents as Li Mu, so Rockefeller's research team did not have the right direction for so many years Down, Rockefeller smashed in a lot of money, but basically did not produce any valuable results.

"Franklin, let's get started!" Li Mu took Rockefeller back to the back seat, ready to experience the performance of the car himself.

"Okay, please sit down, I'll give a demonstration for the two—" Franklin took the initiative to be in the driving position and was preparing to personally demonstrate for Li Mu and Rockefeller.

What Li Mu didn't expect was that Franklin tinkered with it for nearly three minutes, and the **** car still didn't start.

"Oh-Rim, should we pull two horses over-"

"Dammit, shut up-Franklin, can you start the **** engine first?" Li Mu was also anxious, but this was the first appearance of the car, but it turned out to be such a shameless face.

"Just right away, wait a minute--" Franklin was very polite at first, but soon broke into patience with the urging of Li Mu's urging and Rockefeller's rhetoric: "Can you two close my **** mouth- — "

Boom, boom, boom--

The engine finally started, and sitting in the back seat could clearly feel the vibration, which made Li Mu numb in his heart--

"Long live—" Not only Franklin, but the surrounding researchers collectively burst into a cheer, and even Li Mu couldn't help shouting.

As for Rockefeller, this guy opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth, staring blankly at the smoky exhaust pipe, as if seeing God beckoning him—

"Sit down, welcome to the 'Charles'. This is the first product of the Steed Labs Dynamics Institute. We call it 'Charles'-" Franklin chattered with extreme excitement.

"Who gives you the right? Don't use this name and call it 'BMW'. That's right, from now on, this is our BMW." Li Mu's ability to get his name was finally reliable once, or in other words, Li Mu didn't want to Face has finally taken a big step on the road.

"Well, BMW-the name is also good." Franklin started the "BMW" carefully. With slight bumps, the first human car finally started slowly.

The speed is not very fast, because the ceiling does not rise, so there is a breeze. Li Mu is relaxed and happy, and Rockefeller next to him is breathing fast. The guy's hand clutched the back of Franklin's chair, his body almost lying on Franklin On his back, he carefully watched every move of Franklin.

"Calm down, John, you are witnessing the birth of a miracle." Li Mu finally knew in his heart.

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