Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 310: No need

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A few days before Christmas, Li Mu was really busy.

Since December 22, Li Mu has been busy participating in various year-end summary meetings.

In fact, before that, American companies did not have the habit of holding year-end summaries. For American capitalists, "humanized management" is still a strange word. Capitalists can care whether their employees in the company have worked hard or not. In the year, we need some stimulating rewards to share the joy of corporate development. Capitalists think they have already paid their salaries, which is already worthwhile for employees. There is no need to pay more for this.

Li Mu doesn't think so. Li Mu knows the meaning of "humanized management". Since the development of the company cannot be separated from the efforts of the employees, even the lowest-level cleaners, they also need to get a sense of being respected. Very good year-end rewards are very encouraging to employees, they can help companies form stronger cohesion, stimulate employees' enthusiasm to a greater extent, and effectively establish the image of the Junma Group. The Steed Group is particularly important.

Yes, although the assets have exceeded 100 million yuan, the establishment of the Steed Group is really less than half a year.

Starting from last year's Steed Weapons Company, Steed Group now owns Steed Weapons Company, Steed Electric Company, Santiago Investment Company, Steed Car Company, Steed Labs, etc. The above-listed companies are basically wholly-owned or controlled In addition to these companies, Carnegie-Rim Steel, Corbin-Rim Shipping, Rockefeller-Rim Petrochemical, etc., which own part of the shares, form the Junma Group.

On the 21st, Henry, the general manager of the Steed Group, came to the Governor's Island and reported to Li Mu the results of this year.

As general manager, the data in Henry's hands must be more detailed than the Boston Evening's catching data.

At the time, the Boston Evening News only gave a valuation of about two million US dollars to Stallion Weapons Company, but here at Henry, the output value of Stallion Weapons Company in 1873 has exceeded 4 million USD, and the profit exceeded Above 2.5 million US dollars, this profitability is obviously not two million can be summarized.

"——Junma Weapons Company produced a total of 9,600 python-type pistols this year. The profit of this item alone exceeded 150,000 US dollars. In contrast, the more profitable are python craft pistols, although we only Produced less than 500 craft pistols, but the total profit was about 200,000 US dollars, and the average profit of each craft pistol was about 500 US dollars, and the profitability was comparable to the heavy rain light machine gun just developed in the second half of the year; when it comes to heavy rain Machine guns, this steed weapon company has contributed the most profit. Our order has been placed until the end of next year. The Ministry of War and the United States of Cuba are our biggest customers. When it comes to the United States of Cuba, Riem, if you want, we can Think of ways to export tax rebates, so that our profitability will be higher-"Henry is not too rich, and do everything possible to increase the revenue for Junma Group, of course, including some gray means.

There is a great article on export tax rebates. In view of the relationship between Li Mu and the United States of Cuba, if Li Mu and the United States of Cuba sing a double reed, then they can get more benefits from the US government.

"No, we don't engage in those unsightly things. The development of the company must be developed steadily and step by step, leaving no trace of stain." Li Mu does not intend to do so. According to the current trend, Steed Arms will soon become the United States. The leader of the military industry, a positive image, is more conducive to Steed Weapons Company's trust in Washington.

"Well, then next is Junma Electric. The electric company is divided into the electric light department and the telephone department. The electric light department is operating well. Although the actual operation time is relatively late, it has a strong ability to attract gold. The annual output value is 14 million. U.S. dollars, we are negotiating with the New York City government on public lighting in New York City. If we win this project, our revenue will double. The telephone department was actually suppressed by the New York City government. It's just started, but in Boston, our installation appointment has been scheduled for next May. This is a good business no less than electric lights. The current output value does not represent its actual value. In the current Steed Group, the electric company is the most profitable department.

"Send someone to Europe next year to set up a European company. We can't pin our hopes on cooperation. For electric companies, setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Europe can maximize profits for us." Li Mu has ambitions and does not want to be with others Share the profits of lights and phones.

Electric lights, telephones and smokeless gunpowder are different. Smokeless gunpowder is a military industrial enterprise. No matter which country opens a factory, it will cause national attention and vigilance. So when promoting smokeless gunpowder, Li Mu chose to cooperate and look for it in Europe As a partner, a powerful company is not only conducive to the promotion of smokeless powder, but also to the subsequent projects.

For example, the current electric lights and telephones. Because of the smokeless powder project, Junma Group has established a good relationship with Enfield and Krupp. With these two companies to help, it is very helpful for Junma Group to develop the British and German markets. .

"If you want to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, then you need to make additional investments in Junma Electric Co., Ltd.-" Henry faced indifferently.

The electrical industry is, in fact, highly profitable and high-income, but it is also a high investment.

For example, electric lights and telephones are two projects that require high infrastructure. As two new things, the technology of electric lights and telephones is not complete.

The long-distance power transmission technology of electric lamps has not been satisfactorily resolved. In previous research, Junma Electric's power generation equipment could only supply about twenty electric lamps. If there are more electric lamps to be supplied, unless additional power supply equipment is added, Otherwise, it is necessary to reduce the power supply intensity, thereby reducing the lighting effect.

This problem wants to be solved, unless it is to build a large-scale hydropower station or a thermal power station, but the construction of large-scale power supply facilities also faces a difficult problem, which is the loss of electricity in long-distance power supply. This problem is even more difficult to solve. Long time, so Junma Electric Co., Ltd. is currently only looking for suitable areas for the construction of hydropower stations, and has no idea of ​​starting construction.

The same is true of telephones. Telephones these days need operators. The laying of lines requires the cooperation of municipalities. The current telephones are limited to city calls. If you want to expand the telephone project to intercity, the difficulty will be doubled, even if it is a horse. Electric companies are now powerless.

If you want to change the status quo, you also need to expect technological progress. The switch is the key point. This can greatly reduce the workload of the operator, and it is more conducive to the rational planning of the line.

So don't look at Junma Electric's huge profits now, but if you consider the equally expensive infrastructure work, Junma Electric's earnings are not enough.

"Don't worry about the money. How much money is needed to make a report and go to Chuxue, she will give you a check." Li Mu is not worried about the lack of funds. The governor's island is still lying in the basement and grabbed from Tweed More than 30 million US dollars, these money are strictly speaking black money, but for Li Mu to wash white is not a problem.

Li Mu and the United States of Cuba have a good relationship. The US tax department can check the financial affairs of Junma Group, but there is no way to check the financial situation of San Diego Investment Company. Li Mu can completely use the money in the name of San Diego Investment Company through the legal channels to be magnificent. Come out, according to the relevant US laws and regulations, if this money is used for reinvestment, then even tax is not paid.

How good is the capitalist system!

In the same way, Li Mu can provide money laundering services for some people, and Arthur has a lot of money. It is also an unscrupulous black money. If Li Mu proposes that he can help Arthur launder money, then Arthur will be happy to pay Li Mu a part Handling fee——

"That's no problem. As of December this year, the total assets of the Junma Group have exceeded 110 million US dollars. If we release this financial report, then Rimm, you are undoubtedly the richest man in the United States! "Heng put his knees in astonishment, admiring Li Mu as much as the Connecticut River.

"Why announce it? I don't want those names that are not good for me-" Li Mu has passed the stage of needing fame. Through yesterday's audit, Li Mu suddenly realized that being a rich man hidden under the water seems to be It is more in line with Li Mu ’s expectations. As for the "Chinese Exclusion Act", Li Mu is now sure to stifle this possibility. With the lessons learned from the Labor Knights, I believe that in the United States in the future, few people will continue to talk about the Chinese work attitude.

"Henry, we will register a few more companies next year, and put the company under the names of Chu Xue and Will. After that, the shares of Junma Group will be diverted, and not all of them will be in my name." Li Mu wanted to split the company and did not want to Make it your own.

Americans are still very sensitive to "monopolies". DuPont family, Rockefeller, and even Carnegie's companies have encountered monopoly investigations. Although Junma Electric's electric lamps and telephones have not yet attracted attention, if If this trend continues to develop, then sooner or later, monopoly investigation will also be encountered, so Li Mu will now split up the shares and get a few "competitors" in advance so as to divert the attention of others.

"Will—" Henry's expression was playful, his eyes flashing at Li Mu.

"Don't worry, I believe Will." Li Mu knew what Henry was worried about, and to be honest, it was really unnecessary.

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