Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 312: Dear

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As an enterprise with the core function of producing weapons, it is logical for Junma Group to develop into the security field.

In Li Mu's opinion, the security industry is the most suitable industry for Hongmen. After all, even in the 21st century, security companies will not lack business, and the vitality of this industry is longer than any other industry.

Situ Lei is not stupid. On the contrary, Situ Lei is still very clever. So after Li Mugang said this idea, Situ Lei keenly grasped the core of the problem. This is a good opportunity for Hongmen to be whitewashed and integrated into American society. miss.

"In this case, let's talk about the share issue. The first thing to determine is that we can talk about the specific shareholding ratio, but Junma Group must hold this company." Li Mu first set a tone, and then here Talk on the basis of the tone.

The controlling right must be in the hands of Li Mu. Li Mu may use this security company to do unseen things in the future. Therefore, Li Mu must take absolute control.

"All obey Li Ye's orders." Situ Lei had no ambition. As long as he could get in the car, what Li Mu said was what he said.

"Well, in this case, Junma Group holds 60% and Hongmen holds 40%. After Hongmen's children join the company, they can receive a fixed salary every month, and Hongmen enjoys year-end dividends. Do you have any opinion on this? "Since Situ Lei's words were so open, then Li Mu didn't need to be a wicked person, so he made a decent condition.

Forty percent of the shares obviously exceeded Situ Lei's expectations, so Situ Lei had a surprise on his face: "No opinion, thank you Grandpa Li for your generosity."

"About the name of the company, how about *** Tian?" Li Mu did not have a bad taste this time.

When it comes to the company name, there are really a lot of names for Li Mu to choose, what are "Blackwater International", "Clover of the Three Leaves", and even the famous "protective umbrella" in the "Resident Evil" game. Li Mu is familiar, but Li Mu does not want to use these names, such as "Hei Shui International". If you do n’t know this is a military contractor company, the ghost knows what is the difference between this and a mineral water company. Although Li Mu wants to start a security company, but But wanting to dilute the violent nature of this security company, so the name "Springfield".

Chuntian, it's wonderful to hear the name. The spring field contains infinite vitality and hope, and nothing about violence.

"Everything is done according to Lord Li's orders." Situ Lei had no comment. Even if Li Mu chose the name to be "concentration camp", Situ Lei was willing.

"That's the way to go. From now on, you are all employees of Springfield. You will temporarily be the CEO of Situ. I will find you a white general manager to facilitate the company's business. You are now the company. The first batch of employees, looking back to find some white gunmen to meet the needs of different customers, you must ensure a rule, 'Chuntian Company' appears before the public, at least half of the white employees must be guaranteed, so as to dilute the Chinese of the company Attribute. "Li Mu thinks a lot, in order not to arouse the ideas of others, Li Mu is also thinking.

I want to start a violent security company in the white world. If the company is full of Chinese faces, it is impossible. This is not the same as a closed factory all day. Even Li Mu ’s Steed Weapons Company, the Chinese are more hardworking. As an excuse, recruiting Chinese workers as much as possible, and unavoidably hiring some white workers to hide their eyes and eyes, a security company that uses all Chinese people will probably attract some people's side.

"Master Li, rest assured, Situ promises to treat them equally and will not do things that make Li Li embarrassed." Situ Lei's understanding was a bit off.

However, Li Mu did not mean to correct. Even if Chuntian Company recruited white employees, it would still be Chinese employees. This is affirmative.

The company's name and equity were confirmed, and Li Mu next confirmed the company's logo.

In fact, Li Mu has always attached great importance to the corporate image recognition system, which is the CI of the company. The horse's logo is a horse with a forefoot vacated, similar to the Ferrari logo. Security companies must not use this logo. The company chose the "Blackwater International" logo-Bear Claw, which is similar to the Jack Wolfskin logo, but it looks more wild.

With the name and logo, even if Li Mu's work is completely completed, Henry will be responsible for the rest of the registration and finding office locations.

The 2% stake in Steed Group is not so easy to take. If you take Li Mu's money, you will have to work for Li Mu.

On the 22nd, Li Mu and Henry went to the headquarters of Time Magazine to participate in the year-end summary meeting of Time Magazine.

"Time Weekly" was founded in February this year. Although it was relatively short, it has developed very quickly. As of the third week of December, the circulation of "Time Weekly" has exceeded 100,000, becoming New York and even The largest circulation newspaper in New England.

Since its inception, Time Magazine has maintained an expansion trend. In May, the Boston Branch of Time Magazine was established. During the next five months, Time Magazine expanded its business to the ten largest cities in the United States. There are branches of Time Magazine in cities, and Time Magazine has become the first national newspaper in the United States.

In 1874, next year, Time Magazine ’s mission was to open up the West Coast market and the European market. Li Mu eventually wanted to make Time Magazine a world-leading media, so that Time Magazine could better serve Li Mu. service.

Right, it's for Li Mu, not to mention serving the public, maintaining objectivity and fairness, etc. Li Mu's original purpose of establishing "Time" is to expand Li Mu and the Steed Group's influence and serve Li Mu and the Steed Group.

It must be said that although Samuel himself was reluctant when he first arrived in Time Magazine, after entering Time Magazine, Samuel's work is still quite good, especially in the previous period and special In the process of Wade's contest, "Time" played a very important role. Without Time's waving flag, it is not easy to bring down Tweed.

At eight in the morning, two BMW cars drove into the square in front of the headquarters of Time Magazine.

The emergence of the two cars immediately caught everyone's attention, including within the "Time" magazine, and only a few people knew that Junma Group was preparing to establish the Junma Automobile Company. For most people, cars are still a new thing and they cannot Understand why these two iron guys can move to the square by themselves without dragging with a horse.

Media practitioners are very sensitive in their news sense. Just after the two cars appeared on the square, someone rushed to the headquarters of Time Magazine and they wanted to grab a camera to grab the news.

Dick Ackerman, a photojournalist of the Department of Social News, was the fastest one. When he saw two cars, Dick Ackerman was keenly aware that this would be big news, so Dick Ackerman chose to go back and report to the editor of the Ministry of Social Information for the first time: "Tony, Tony, Tony-fast, fast-"

The Dick Ackerman hadn't arrived yet, and his voice had reached the Ministry of Social Information.

"What's wrong?" Tony was chatting with a few editors with coffee, not realizing what was happening in the square.

"God, you absolutely don't know what happened. I swear I didn't lie, but there are two iron guys on the square--" Dick Ackerman panted, pointing to the square, while going to get his own camera.

"Don't worry, calm down, and speak slowly." Tony wasn't in a hurry, still cautious with the coffee.

Dick Ackerman ignored the explanation and pulled Tony directly next to the window, letting Tony see for himself.

The two cars were parked in the middle of the square, and they were surrounded by busy people watching it.

It's actually not accurate to say that leisure people are located. Although the location of "Time" is not Wall Street, it is still a prime area of ​​Manhattan. There are few idle people here. Executives or CEOs.

Of course, now these executives and bosses have become spectators. They are constantly talking about these two cars. They are full of surprise and envy. They are like children who have been looking for toys for a long time. .

There were a dozen people in the crowd wearing the uniform of the Steed Group. They were very conspicuously dressed, wearing wide denim cotton hats, black turtleneck trench coats, and short boots just around the ankles. Formerly embroidered with the Steed Weapon Company logo, this black garment is part of the Steed Group's security department.

The security guards politely asked the onlookers to step back and set up a temporary fence. Someone tied a red ribbon on the two cars. It looks like this is some kind of prize.

"I said don't worry, now I can see clearly, it's our people. As for the two cars, oh, if I guess correctly, they belong to our Mr. Samuel Bowers and Sammy Larkin. "Sir." Tony smiled, his serious envy was fleeting.

I'm sure envy. According to what Tony knows, these two cars are worth about $ 4,000. The value of the car alone is equivalent to the salary of an ordinary journalist for a year.

Of course, it was just envy. Tony knew that he was not eligible for the reward.

Samuel Bowers is the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, and Sammy Larkin is the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine. Both of these are veteran figures of Time Magazine and Time Magazine. Boss Rim is also a Springfielder, but they are all close relatives of the boss.

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