Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 316: can not forget

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It's a rare visit to Washington, and the docks for worship have to run again.

This description is not accurate. It should be that the relationships to be maintained must be maintained in place.

Well, it's really going to the stomach.

Li Mu also has a lot of relationships in Washington. Eb needless to say, this is the thickest thigh at this stage, it must be firmly held, and then there are Runkel and Burnside, these two people have a deep relationship with Li Mu It is necessary to have a meal to consolidate, as well as Bernard of the Ministry of War. In order to get through this line, Li Mu has spent a lot of money, and of course, he can't be equal.

So in the past few days before Christmas, Li Mu had been staying in Washington, and his daily task was to eat with different people.

Do n’t think that only the Chinese like to use alcohol to connect with their emotions. Americans are the same, and Americans are more exaggerated than Chinese. Li Mu knows many Americans and has a problem with alcoholism. This situation continued until the US government could not bear to issue the Prohibition Order Better.

It's not bad. Li Mu is strictly not yet an adult, so Li Mu drinks up to a bit of champagne, and no one tries to get drunk.

On Christmas Eve, Benjamin Harrison arrived in Washington.

Li Mu went to pick up the station in person. When he saw Li Mu, Benjamin Harrison's first sentence was to complain: "Why can't you wait until after Christmas? You should not be so anxious to harm Hawaiians."


The term is well used, Li Mu said he liked it very much.

"I don't want to harm the Hawaiians. I think it's you. It seems that someone lost the bet and should go to Manhattan Fruit." Li Mu did not forget this.

"Damn, I can't wait any longer. Let's go to Hawaii together. When will we set off?" Benjamin Harrison changed his face instantly, and his attitude was positive as if he was going to compete for the 38th Red Banner.

"Huh!" Li Mu expressed satisfaction and barely let go of Benjamin Harrison.

In fact, you do n’t need to worry so much. The situation in Hawaii is bad enough anyway. It ’s not easy to get worse, but considering that Li Mu, a Chinese, does n’t have any special ideas about Christmas, so Li Mu does n’t mind starting in advance.

Of course, it ’s not just Benjamin Harrison who went to Hawaii with Li Mu. Chu Xue and Yan Shun must go with Li Mu. Because “Springfield Security Company” has been established, Ford Benjamin has been transferred by Li Mu. Becoming the general manager of "Springfield Security Company", so Ford Benjamin also became the head of Li Mu's bodyguard. He and Chu Wushuang will be responsible for all military operations in Hawaii.

Will has already gone to Montana, so Gloria and Sandy will also follow Li Mu, who hires a tutor for them and Chu Xue, and will go to Hawaii together.

Li Mu and Benjamin also went to Hawaii with an official named Michael Kitt. Strictly speaking, Michael Kitt was the official ambassador of their group. Benjamin was only a deputy. As for Li Mu, he was heading to Hawaii. The tycoon on vacation has nothing to do with politics.

It is indeed a vacation. In December in Washington, snowflakes were as big as a feast. They were as big as fists, and they were still fists like Will. Li Mu ’s small arms and calves were not enough to look at. There was no greenhouse effect this year. Therefore, the winter in North America is extremely long. Starting from October of each year, North America seems to be entering the ice-sealing period, and the snow on the ground is layer after layer. It will not be completely until March and April of the following year.

This year's winter was extremely cold, and Li Mu actually had red lumps on his hands. This was a precursor to frostbite, so Li Mu now misses the sun in Hawaii.

In the 21st century, Hawaii is a world-famous resort. There are no four seasons. There is only the rainy and dry seasons in the year. In December in Washington, people should wear as much warm clothes as possible, but in Hawaii Each December is just the rainy season. Compared with the dry season, only one more coat is needed.

Regarding the temperature difference around the world, it was common knowledge in the 21st century, but in the 19th century, this was standard partial knowledge, which made Li Mu successfully pretend in front of Gloria and Sandy.

Gloria and Sandy have not traveled far away, and the farthest places have been to Cuba, or in the summer, so Gloria and Sandy do not know the difference between tropical and temperate.

On Christmas Day, Li Mu and Benjamin took the train to San Francisco, where they would change the passenger ship and then head to Hawaii.

It ’s really good to know more people. Li Mu is still on a special train. This time the special train is paid by the US government. This is the benefit of privilege. Money is a good thing, but if you only have money, it is not enough to enjoy special services.

Compared with a year ago, the speed of the train is still so embarrassing, but this time it is relatively comfortable. At least Li Mu does not need to go to the platform to grab food with other people. The special train has a dining car, which can be used for Li Mu. They serve hot food, the cold food on this platform is much better.

For a whole week, Li Mu was discussing with Benjamin and Michael how to pit Hawaiians. Michael is a civilian official in his forties and a director of the US Department of Foreign Affairs. This is a standard middle-aged person, not too much politically All pursuits have been smoothed by life, so Michael has no opinion and everything is subject to Li Mu's decision.

Benjamin had some ideas, but he couldn't control Li Mu's opinions. Li Mu had Benjamin's pain in his hands. As long as he mentioned "Guo Ben", Benjamin had no position immediately.

According to Li Mu's plan, after Michael and Benjamin arrived in Hawaii, they will contact the Americans in Hawaii as internal responses. Li Mu will be in charge of contacting the Chinese in Hawaii and walking rumors among the people in Hawaii to incite their dissatisfaction with the Kingdom of Hawaii. The right leader to launch a bottom-up revolution in Hawaii.

As for what happened after the revolution, that was not within Li Mu's responsibility. Li Mu's work will end there.

In the 1870s, Hawaii did not exclude Chinese, and even in Hawaii, the Chinese were a higher race, all of which originated from a Chinese named Chen Guofang.

Among the Chinese population, Hawaii is called "Honolulu". The name is allusion. It is rumored that the Chinese came to Hawaii in the 1870s. At that time, the Kingdom of Hawaii was not established, so it can be said that it was the arrival of the Chinese that brought Hawaiian natives have a more advanced lifestyle.

Look, this is the difference between Chinese and Western colonists. Every time a backward region comes, the Chinese bring an advanced lifestyle to the locals. Whether it is in Asia or Hawaii, this has been repeatedly confirmed. Western colonists Arriving in a backward area, they only bring about killings and deaths, such as Panama. In just a decade or so, the natives of Panama were extinct.

In the eyes of many "Hanhanists", this may be a waste of opportunity, but this is also part of Chinese culture, so the Chinese nation developed from a small piece of land at the beginning to an area of ​​9.6 million square meters. Kilometers of huge country, and the international order established by Western colonists using violence will also be destroyed by violence.

Far away-

When the Chinese arrived in Hawaii, they found that people used sandalwood as firewood. Heaven, this luxury was simply unforgivable, so the Chinese started to operate "Sandalwood" in Hawaii, which is also the reason of "Honolulu".

In the mid-nineteenth century, Chen Guofang came to Hawaii alone, first selling porcelain of the Qing Empire, and then starting a sugar factory. Just a few years later, Chen Guofang became the richest man in Hawaii, and he married the king's sister and went smoothly. Go to the top of life.

With such a richest man and "mammoth", the status of the Chinese in Hawaii has skyrocketed. With the efforts of Chen Guofang, the Chinese do not need to pay taxes regardless of their occupation in Hawaii, which has attracted more Chinese to do business .

In the 21st century, the number of Chinese in Hawaii is not as large as that of Japanese. However, in the 19th century, the Japanese were the lowest-ranking ethnic group in Hawaii. About five years ago, Camihamiha, who was heavier than O'Neal, was five. For the first time, Japanese workers were introduced to Hawaii.

Er, by the way, this Kamehameha V is the elder brother of Chen Guofang.

Perhaps because of the existence of Chen Guofang, Grant first thought of Li Mu when the situation in Hawaii changed.

Li Mu did want to make good use of Chen Guofang's relationship. Li Mu didn't know the end of Chen Guofang's last life. However, considering that Chen Guofang is currently also the Honorary Consul of Daqing State in Hawaii, it would not be a good ending for Chen Guofang.

Still, the sheep will become a lion under the leadership of a lion, but the lion will also become a sheep under the leadership of a sheep.

Li Mu is the lion in that flock.

Hmm, I almost forgot that Chinese traditional culture not only has elegant and elegant, but also belly black. Think of "Thirty-Six Strategies". If you don't have belly black, how can you come up with so many strategies.

Speaking of which, Li Mu's understanding of the traditional culture of the Chinese is also a scaly claw. If Li Mu can integrate the "Thirty-Six Strategies"-

Alas, the picture is too beautiful to look at.

On January 1, 1874, Li Mu and his party arrived in San Francisco.

In San Francisco, Li Mu and they were going to chat for two days and then take a steamboat to Hawaii.

San Francisco is about 3,800 kilometers from Hawaii. If they take a boat, Li Mu will take about nine days to reach Hawaii.

When you arrive in San Francisco, Yu Qing and Li Mu should go to the gate of Hongmen Baibaitang to chat with Hongmen ’s leading brother. Unfortunately, according to the information provided by Chu Wushuang, since the last leading brother was violent, the trusted leading brother also returned. It was not selected, so Li Mu was not in a hurry.

Of course, there is nothing left to do. Li Mu is a vengeful person. In the last riot in San Francisco, the Japanese acted as the leading party of the Labor Knights. Li Mu did not forget this.

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