Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 321: Those who rebel against me die

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How tempting is a state senator?

It is definitely more tempting than the "My Daqing" envoy in Hawaii.

If Chen Guofang's brother-in-law is in power now, then Chen Guofang's horse is still interesting, but the king has changed two crops, and the inheritance of the Hawaiian royal family will soon be cut off.

Regarding the royal lineage, this is indeed a sad topic, because Kamehameha V was not married in his life, so after the death of Kamehameha V, there are only two direct heirs to the Kamehameha family. Individuals have no intention of inheriting the throne, so only Lunilillo, the cousin of Camihami V, can be the king.

The king is really not so good. Lunariro became a king a few days later and died, so it is not a good job to be a king.

Because of several changes in the throne, Chen Guofang's status has been repeatedly marginalized. If there were no accidents, Chen Guofang would return to his hometown for more than a decade.

This "back to hometown" does not mean driving to the west of the crane, but returning to the original place to invest in the Hong Kong ferry industry and the Macau hotel industry.

Of course, now Chen Guofang has not been forced to that share, but according to this development trend, if there is no accident, Chen Guofang will inevitably inevitably withdraw from the stage of history.

But if you can serve as a Senator in Hawaii--

That was a different story.

When Chen Guofang was at war, Li Mu was in no hurry, so Chu Xue made a Hawaiian papaya, chilled it in the kitchen, and sprinkled it with lemon juice. This is a local specialty of Hawaii and came to Hawaii Can't help but taste it.

Gloria and Sandy are also here. Seeing that Li Mu is talking to people, Gloria and Sandy are very eye-catching and do not go here. The two took off their shoes, picked up their trouser legs and picked shells at the beach. There was a burst of fieryness in Chu Xue's eyes.

Li Mu wanted Chu Xue to play, but Chu Xue shook her head and moved a round stool to sit quietly next to Li Mu without going to see Gloria and Sandy.

Li Mu laughed absurdly, Chu Xue was all right, but she was too quiet.

"Rim, what would happen to the descendants of the Kamehameha royal family if Honolulu becomes the state of Hawaii in the United States?" Chen Guofang thought a little more.

"No matter how bad it is, it will not be worse than at present, at least they don't have to worry about death for no reason." Li Mu did not give a promise, only stated the facts.

Yeah, no matter how bad it is now, in fact, Western democracy is still more humane, at least it will not kill everything. As long as the descendants of the Kamehameha royal family are safe and secure, they need not worry about retaliation.

This is actually closely related to Chen Guofang's vital interests. Don't forget that Chen Guofang married the younger sister of Kamehameha V. Chen Guofang is also considered to be a member of the Kamehameha royal family.

"So what are the interests of our Chinese?" Chen Guofang asked again.

Speaking of Chen Guofang, he is now Hawaiian, but from the bones, Chen Guofang is a Chinese first.

The Chinese are better. No matter when they are, most Chinese will not forget their books. Of course, those Chinese who have a strong heart and want to be white are not among them.

"There is no need to worry about this, as long as the rights are in the hands of our Chinese, the rights and interests of the Chinese will not be harmed." Li Mu is not worried about this issue at all. If Honolulu becomes the United States of Hawaii, then the state legislature can formulate laws and consider When it comes to the economic strength of the Chinese, the Chinese will certainly occupy a considerable amount of power in the state legislature. If this does not guarantee the interests of the Chinese, then Li Mu has nothing to say.

"Over Washington—" Chen Guofang didn't know Washington's attitude.

"I'm here to discuss this issue with you, and it's a good illustration of Washington's attitude." Li Mu gave Chen Guofang a peace of mind. In fact, American democracy is not terrible. As long as you understand the rules of American society and act within the rules of the game, the Chinese also Can be like a fish.

"Say, what should we do?" Chen Guofang made up his mind.

Now, if you do nothing, you can only sit back and wait. If you do something, maybe you will get the greatest return. Chen Guofang is a businessman, so this choice question is not difficult for Chen Guofang.

In fact, for the Chinese, the implementation of American-style democracy in Hawaii is more beneficial to the Chinese. If the current operation of the Kingdom of Hawaii continues, then no matter what the future of the Kingdom of Hawaii will be, there will be no Chinese in the future, at most like Chen Guofang. It ’s hard to get even further.

The implementation of American democracy is different. People like Chen Guofang are capitalists, and American democracy serves capitalists. Therefore, it is possible to put people like Chen Guofang to the pinnacle of power by implementing American democracy.

"You should have a lot of Chinese workers, organize them, and then we will launch an American-style" revolution "at the right time, and we will overthrow the current government." Li Mu said with ease. Compared to Cuba, Honolulu is really not here Everything.

Speaking of "revolution" is not easy for many people. There is a saying that "students cannot rebel for ten years", which largely explains this problem.

For example, the "Father of the Sun" later worked hard and professionally for more than a decade and finally overthrew the Qing government, but he made a wedding dress for Yuan Datou.

For Li Mu, "rebellion" is indeed a very simple matter. First, Li Mu has a gun in his hand. As the owner of an arms company, Li Mu can provide sufficient arms support, which solves the primary problem of rebellion.

Secondly, Li Mu is rich. Do n’t think that those who are professional rebels have a high level of political consciousness. Many of them are just to live or to take advantage of opportunities. Li Mu can meet the needs of most people. This has created rebellion. The most convenient conditions.

Finally, there are people. Rebellion definitely requires manpower. Li Mu is Chinese, with 360 million Chinese behind him, accounting for nearly 30% of the world ’s total population. With this population proportion, no worries--

"This-it's that simple?" Chen Guofang still doesn't know what kind of resources he has as a Chinese. It seems incredible to Li Mu's understatement.

"So how troublesome do you think?" Li Mu asked first, and then said more specifically: "After a few days, there will be an arms ship docked, and by that time there will be enough arms for 5,000 soldiers to arrive. Honolulu, and then there will be all kinds of materials to gather here, food, clothes, etc. These materials are used to stabilize the society after the success of the 'revolution'. In short, we are the people here who flicker, and use the rope to buy them. Pass the state constitution. Once the state constitution is passed, then we will have the final say. "

Li Mu really did not find it difficult to rebel. The key is to be famous.

Before the rebellion, Li Mu would mobilize the masses to fight a jihad in the name of "the people." After the rebellion is successful, the state constitution will determine the social order. If anyone does not agree, then, the iron fist of democracy is waiting for you-

"This--" Chen Guofang has never rebelled, so I don't know how feasible Li Mu said.

"Rest assured, those who do rough work for me will do it. What you need to do is determine who is our enemy, who is our friend, and draw as many allies as possible." Li Mu gave Chen Guofang a division of labor, a step-by-step church How Chen Guofang rebelled.

"Honolulu-the forces are still relatively complicated, the French, the Germans, the Americans, the Japanese-the Japanese can be regarded as our allies-" Chen Guofang made a mistake at the beginning.

"Stop, the Japanese are definitely not our allies, so if we succeed in rebellion, the first thing is to expel all Japanese." Li Mu does not like Japanese, and if there are Chinese in Hawaii, then there cannot be Japanese.

This has nothing to do with "one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers." It is purely a struggle for survival space. This issue must not be concealed in the slightest.

In fact, the living space of the Chinese is small, and the living space of the Japanese is even smaller. At present, the population of the Chinese is about 356 million, but because imperialism has not yet set off the tide of separating the empire, the territory of the Qing empire is now in More than 13 million square kilometers, in fact, the living space is not small.

Japan is different. Japan's projectile land has a local area of ​​less than 400,000 square kilometers and currently has a total population of about 35 million. In terms of population density, the Japanese face much greater pressure on survival than the Chinese.

Therefore, since the nineteenth century, Japan has been actively emigrating, not only Hawaii, but also South Americans represented by Brazil.

Li Mu doesn't want to see Japanese people spreading abroad. It's better that all Japanese people are crowded in their homeland, so Li Mu is more happy. So the reason why Li Mu is willing to come to Hawaii is to cut off Japan's way of immigration.

The reason why Hawaii ’s geographical location is important is because Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is a supply point that cannot be bypassed around the Pacific Ocean. Japan wants to emigrate to South America or the United States. When ships pass through Hawaii, they must add coal and water. Hawaii has become a Chinese-led Hawaii, haha, maybe the Hawaii state government can come up with a "Day of the Day Act"-

Thinking of this, Li Mu ’s spirits are really uplifted. That ’s right, the Patriarch Act. After all, as a qualified American, Li Mu must also consider the mood of ordinary Americans. Since American workers have resentment, then help the United States. It ’s not difficult for Li ’s working class to find an enemy. Li Mu has propaganda tools anyway.

In this case, it is necessary to start writing about the Japanese. In fact, the image of the Japanese at this time is even worse than that of the Chinese. The Chinese in the United States are criticized by ordinary American workers because of the low labor force. The Japanese export is based on Women are the most important thing.

From the Meiji Restoration until the Second World War, foreign exchange sent by Japanese prostitutes from all over the world has always been one of the important economic pillars of Japan's development.

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