Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Mustang

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I am afraid that when the Japanese government decided to set up a smokeless gunpowder factory in Sasebo, it was absolutely not expected that the revenge of the Steed Group would come so fast and so violently. If we can foresee the situation today, I believe that the Japanese government will be more cautious when making decisions. .

In the final analysis, the Japanese government has underestimated the influence of the Junma Group. The Japanese government, which is still in the feudal society stage, cannot understand the influence of the capitalist social chaebol. The Japanese government treats the Junma Group as an ordinary enterprise.

This is no wonder the Japanese. After all, there is not even a good company in Japan today. It is not because the Japanese do n’t want to do it. There is no money to do it. Before the end of the Sino-Japanese War, Japan had no ability to improve the domestic industrial base. The counterattack against the Qing empire was accomplished by means of similar methods of picking up rags.

Okay, this also fully shows how indisputable the Qing Empire is, even such a Japanese ca n’t win, and the good situation is completely buried in the internal consumption. It is really heartbreaking. It ’s just a pity that the people of the Qing Empire, they It seems that the suffering is endless, and it will take decades.

In mid-September, the Steed Group and Krupp finally reached an agreement. Krupp transferred the related artillery technology to the Steed Group, and the Steed Group transferred related light weapons technology to the Krupp. The Steed Group and Krupp will establish the Steed-Krupp Bo company, set up a factory in Germany to produce related products of the Steed Group and sold to the European continent.

Because it has more core technologies, in the cooperation with Krupp, Steed Group occupies a dominant position. Although Steed Group does not need to spend a penny, Steed Group occupies 60% of Steed-Krupp Company Shares, Krupp invested 30 million gold marks, occupying 40% of Steed-Krupp shares.

This result was better than Li Mu had expected, so after the negotiations, Li Mu took out half a million dollars to reward the Junma Group's negotiating team.

"500,000-isn't it a little too much?" Grover Cleveland couldn't hold back the cheque drawn by Li Mu. The future President is now a string of money and has become the best one in Li Mu's hands. Card.

"This is what you deserve." Li Mu Dafang, this is also an investment to Grover Cleveland, and Li Mu will get rich returns in the future.

In fact, Li Mu ’s “collection of celebrities” has improved a lot. Perhaps it ’s because the big men have seen more. Then, when they hear some names like Lei Guaner in the future, Li Mu sometimes does not bother to make friends.

No matter how great the future achievements of the big men, there will always be times when life is low. At this time, nobles need to appear in their lives in order to free them from the vortex of life.

And Li Mu has gradually reached the peak of his life as a businessman. The American system is capital support politics. So Li Mu does not need to please politicians now. On the contrary, those who have lofty goals should take the initiative to come to Li Mu and look for Li Mu's support. .

This is related to the continuous improvement of Li Mu's status and status. Now Li Mu and the Steed Group have become an undeniable force in the American political arena. At this pace, Li Mu can even take more than ten or twenty years. His own spokesman was pushed to the throne of the president, and once power lost that mysterious veil, power was no longer awesome.

"Thank you, I have to tell others the good news as soon as possible, half a million, and we can almost buy a phantom car each--" Grover Cleveland didn't seem to have much ambition, which was also similar to Grover. Cleveland's status and status are related. Grover Cleveland is now a lawyer, and the president is a little far away.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you. Brooklyn is building the main pavilion of the Independent Centennial Exhibition. Friendship reminds you that the land price in the neighborhood will definitely rise-" Li Mu has the exact inside information and just used it Humanity.

Now Li Mu has been despised by the little money of speculating land. If he wants, Li Mu can build another Manhattan in Brooklyn.

This is not delusional, in the West Coast of Auckland, Li Mu is doing this.

Oakland, as a Chinese settlement, is still a vassal of San Francisco, but Li Mu is confident that within ten years, Oakland will become the essence of the San Francisco Bay Area, and everyone will be impressed by the creativity of the Chinese.

Li Mu used many of the livable concepts of future cities when constructing Auckland. In Auckland, public facilities such as parks, grasslands, and squares are available everywhere. The industrial area is on the other side of the city, away from residential areas. At the same time, it has injected enough vitality into the development of Auckland. In order to facilitate the transportation of residents, Li Mu even planned a subway and a large parking lot in Auckland.

Regarding the subway, this is not the first of Auckland. In 1860, the British started the world's first long subway between Farrington Street and Bishop Road in Paddington, London. The subway is six kilometers long and excavated and backfilled. It was built in the same way and opened to traffic on January 10, 1863. In the first year of operation, it carried 9.5 million passengers. This is the world's first underground railway system, the London Metropolitan Railway.

New York's subway has also been on the agenda. In response to Manhattan's increasingly tight construction sites, Arthur plans to build a subway between Manhattan and Brooklyn so that people working in Manhattan can live in Brooklyn.

This is a big project, because there is a section of railway to cross the East River, how to pass the tunnel from the bottom of the river has become the biggest problem in construction.

Fortunately, engineers in New York have sufficient experience in digging tunnels. The entire New York underground official website is densely packed, with several floors up to 100 meters deep. As long as you work hard, you can always find a solution.

Although the New York subway has not yet started, Junma Construction has won the bid and will build the New York subway. Do not misunderstand. There is no insider trading. Although the construction of the subway is costly, the New York City government does not need to pay for it. The funds required by the subway are paid by the Vanderbilt family. After the subway construction is completed, the Vanderbilt family will obtain a certain period of operating rights to recover costs.

The content of the transaction is still not sunny enough, but it was already a huge improvement with Tweed.

After sending Grover Cleveland away, Li Mu relaxed again.

The Steed Group is flourishing, Henry is in charge of the overall situation, Zhang Leye and Russell are each responsible for their own work. The Steed Group's products are not worried about sales, and their biggest task is to increase production.

The lawsuit with Edison has no suspense, and has lost the support of Oliver Winchester. Edison has no threat to the Steed Group, but Li Mu does not intend to make Edison better this time. This hidden danger must be cut off, and Edison cannot jump out from time to time. Li Mu is in trouble.

Krupp's people have returned to Germany. Tony Hurst, Deputy General Manager of Steed Group, returned to Germany with Alfred Krupp. He will be responsible for the preparation of Steed-Krupp.

Tony Hirst was Henry's deputy. He became a member of the Steed Group during Springfield. This is also a loyal old courtier. His ability is not outstanding, but his victory is solid and reliable.

Similar to the situation of the Junma Group, in fact, the ability of the leader is really not important. Even if the pig is put in the position of the general manager of the Junma Group, Li Mu need not worry about losing money.

This analogy seems to belittle Henry's role. In fact, in the era of monopoly, it is so easy to make money. There is no competitor at all for the products of Junma Group, and customers have only one choice, so they do n’t need too many sophisticated commercial methods and can only produce With more products coming out, Junma Group will be able to attack the city with the fastest speed.

What Li Mu has to do is to provide the greatest degree of support to Steed Labs, which will allow Steed Labs to continuously generate new technologies and help Steed Group to maintain its technological leadership. This will ensure that Steed Group does not fall behind in competition with other companies. wind.

Just last month, the Vanderbilt family's car factory was finally put into operation. The Vanderbilt family's name is still so inconsistent. Since it is a Vanderbilt family car, the name is Vanderbilt. Special car.

Different from the perfect and luxurious phantom, Vanderbilt cars are as frugal as possible, even to the extent that even BMW cars are far worse. At least BMW cars also use a tin roof. The cars produced by the Vanderbilt family I simply used a soft shed, and it is not the type that can be stored. It can be said that Vanderbilt cars are not shameful, even if compared with BMW, Vanderbilt cars can be described as shabby.

However, one of the benefits of cheap materials is the low price. The BMW of the Junma Group sells for $ 5,000, and the Vanderbilt car only costs $ 3,000, and the Vanderbilt family makes even more money than the Junma Group. This is really speechless.

After the Vanderbilt family launched their own car, Russell suggested that Steed Group also develop its own low-profile BMW. However, this decision was rejected by Li Mu. The brand image is a very magical thing. Once it is branded with a cheap brand, it wants to be white It is impossible.

However, you can't just watch the Vanderbilt family seize the low-end market, so Li Mu decided to set up another car factory to produce a low-profile version of BMW and use "Mustang" as a trademark for the new car to be used with Vanderbilt. Car competition.

Not bad, this is a native American brand.

As a civilian model of Steed Car, Mustang Car uses the first-generation engine and gearbox. Although it is also a soft-top design, the roof can be stored in the trunk. In addition, the Mustang also increases the chassis height, making the Mustang have more The passability of the car has a large compartment, which is more similar to a pickup in terms of appearance.

In this way, the total price is actually not cheap, completely lost the qualification to compete with Vanderbilt cars, Li Mu is not angry, and simply positioned the Mustang as a pickup, and put it on the market as a brand-new car brand. .

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