Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 431: trust

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Wayne Henry can be frank if he is facing other people, but not Old Wiley. For this old man who dedicated his entire life and even the entire family to Colt, Colt is about to fail. The news is really cruel.

Maybe he saw Wayne Henry's hesitation. Old Willie's mood calmed down and his voice became low.

"Those messages-are they really true?" Old Willie asked blankly.

Wayne Henry knew what Old Willie was asking, and after a little hesitation, Wayne Henry nodded acquiesce.

There is no way to deny it. Colt is a star enterprise in Hartford. The entire Hartford people are following Colt. Recently, news about Colt's imminent relocation to the UK has been circulating. Even because the sons and grandchildren of the old Willie were highly skilled and became the main working objects of the Colt family, the old Willie certainly knew this.

Mrs. Colt hopes that Willie's son and grandson will follow Colt to the UK, but Willy is not within Mrs. Colt's plan. After all, Willy has retired. For Mrs. Colt, Old Willie has lost value.

"So, do you plan to go to the UK too?" Old Willie was in a low mood, his eyes were out of focus, his eyes were empty, and it was like he lost his soul in an instant.

"No, I don't go-I don't want to return to the UK, and even if I can't continue in this industry, I think I can find another job." Wayne Henry didn't hesitate this time.

After all, as a general manager for so many years, Wayne Henry is still very confident. If he can lay down, it is not difficult to find a job.

Well, for Americans, in fact, there is no such thing as "face". For the past three generations, all of them came to the United States who could not get mixed in Europe. So Americans are very practical. When they first arrived in the New World, Faced with strange environments and horrifying Indians, "face" doesn't really matter, as long as they can live.

"Of course, you are still very good as a general manager. You should be able to find other jobs." Old Willie's tone was a bit perfunctory, and he didn't hate anyone. It was probably a feeling of sorrow more than death.

"What are they planning on, Larry and Tom?" Wayne Henry cared about Old Willy's family. After all, they were all under Wayne Henry's men. If they didn't want to go to the UK, they would face unemployment, as a former Ke General Manager of Cult, Wayne Henry has an unshirkable responsibility.

Regardless of whether Wayne Henry has real power in the general manager role, staying in that position must be responsible for certain things.

"What else can they do? They can't go to Springfield or New Haven. I think Larry and Tom should, like the children of Rex, go to a mine in the Great Lakes to dig coal. Maybe there is only that. Eat a bite. "Old Willie was sad, his two sons and five grandchildren had no other survival skills. When it comes to gunmaking, Old Willie is confident that his children and grandchildren are no less than anyone, but The only way of life has been blocked by the original contract, so there is not much room for the old Willie family to choose.

Rex is an old Willie's old friend, and was also an employee of Colt. Like the old Willy family, they worked at Colt. The Rexes also served Colt for generations, but it is sad that Because of the poor management of Colt, not long ago, the Rex family was laid off by Colt. Rex had also signed a contract at the beginning, so he could not find other jobs. In the end, the family had to go to the Great Lakes mining area to mine coal. It's speechless.

Others may not know it, but Old Willie is very clear. When it comes to technology, Rex is not much worse than Old Willy. If Old Willy is allowed to choose, in no case will he lay off old workers like Rex. Rex, like Old Willie, is a hero of Colt and should not be treated this way. They should have a more decent way to leave.

"Good luck-" Wayne Henry hesitated for a long time, after all, he didn't tell the old Willy Steed Group that he was recruiting in Hartford.

Although leaving Colt, Wayne Henry is a person who knows how to be grateful. Wayne Henry can choose to leave Colt, but Wayne Henry will not do things that are sorry for Colt.

At least Wayne Henry can't do it now.

Saying goodbye to the disappointed old Willie, Wayne Henry pulled his hat down and walked down the street to his home.

If it was before, Wayne Henry would never walk down the street like this. Celtic.

But Colt no longer exists--

This thought swallowed Wayne Henry's heart like a viper, making Wayne Henry's heart twisted like a knife, and unknowingly red eyes.

Who says a man bleeds without tears?

Don't shed tears just because you haven't been sad. Men should be strong, but they should also be emotional. The two do not conflict.

Like Junma Town, the people living near the Colt factory are all employees working in Colt—

Oh, it used to be.

Wayne Henry was previously the general manager of Colt, so everyone knew Wayne Henry. On the way home, Wayne Henry didn't dare to look at each other. Wayne Henry could feel the eyes of those people. There was hatred, sympathy for the sick, and a lot of unclear words, which made Wayne Henry feel incapable.

But there are always people who can't avoid it, such as a nasty lawyer: "Wayne, come and have a drink together."

Grover Cleveland stood under the sign of a bar by the road, put his hands in his pockets, and smiled and invited Wayne.

If Grover is alone, Wayne can ignore it, but Grover has several people familiar with Wayne, which makes Wayne unable to walk away.

People around Grover knew Wayne, Larry, Tom-these are the two sons of Old Willie; Paul, this is the old grandson of Old Willie, this little guy has a strong body and a pair of steel The big pliers are Colt's best skilled workers; Zach, this is an old Colt employee, and his qualifications in Colt are not much less than Wayne; Bobby and Peter, this is Rex's Two sons, they may have just returned from the mining area of ​​the Great Lakes, and Wayne could even smell the gas in them--

"Glover, what do you want to do?" Wayne couldn't see his expression, but it must have been ugly, and his voice was like tearing linen, like an injured beast.

If Wayne has a group of sorry people in this world, then it must be Colt's workers. Looking at Larry and Tom's complex eyes, Wayne feels complacent. There is a kind of **** hanging on him. The feeling of the exhibition on the square was as if the scars had been uncovered in public, and the blood couldn't be seen.

"I don't want to do anything. These guys around me want to ask you for a drink. I didn't want to do this. I know you are a stubborn guy, but they want you to come. After all, you used to be their general manager. Decide on Colt's fate, but they trust you— "Grover's words made Wayne's reluctant mood completely out of control.

Yeah, they trust you!

So to the point where the mountains and rivers are so exhausted, these simple workers still trust themselves as the incompetent general manager, Wayne burst into tears.

"Wayne, that's not your fault. Even Bobby and Peter don't blame you, because that's not your decision--" Zach came and patted Wayne on the shoulder.

"Wayne, we want to thank you. If it wasn't for the money you lent to my father, maybe my son would be dead, so I want to ask you for a drink, although this is not enough to express my gratitude." Bobby also came over This simple guy doesn't talk much, but he can always say it.

Indeed, Wayne does not need to be responsible for Bobby and Peter's dismissal, because it is not Wayne's decision to lay off staff and layoffs, but Wayne can do his best to compensate Rex's family after the event. At the time, the thought was good, but now it actually has this result.

"Let me say, you guys are really miserable. Look at you, Zach. You have been with Colt for 30 years, from your teens to almost 50 now. Your grandchildren have Come on, how much is your salary every month? And Bobby, your family works in Colt, but you are so poor that you do n’t even have the money to see your child. I really do n’t know what kind of abuse you have been subjected to "Laws are always poisonous. Especially if Grover is a lawyer who can become president in the future, poisoning one's tongue can kill someone alive.

"you shut up!"

A group of people here are immersed in tenderness, but they are cleaned up by the outsider, Grover. These are all front-line workers, and their tempers are so big that no one saves Grover's face.

Grover didn't mind it either. Actually Grover was ready to be beaten just now, but it seems that Colt's workers are more docile and less temperamental than those of Junma Group.

The workers of the Steed Group are indeed very angry, and all of them are hot characters. If anyone dares to say that the Steed Group is not in Springfield, it will immediately lead to group fights. As the chief lawyer of the Steed Group, Grover has not dealt with it. With few such cases, there are several cases almost every month.

What Grover doesn't know is that not all Chinese are hot-tempered, but because of professional relationships, Grover has been exposed to this type of incident, so Grover now does not think that the Chinese have a weak personality.

This is what Li Mu has been pursuing. From encouraging employees to hold guns, to organizing employees to join the National Rifle Association, and to mobilizing employees to join the Massachusetts National Guard, Li Mu has exhausted his thoughts.

The effect is still there. At least some Chinese have become more and more like Americans, from the way of thinking to the way of behavior.

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