Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 441: Master

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The richest Americans in the 21st century like to donate. That is because donations are tax deductible, so donations have become a reasonable means of tax avoidance.

For example, so many charitable foundations in the United States have basically left the scope of donations. The jurisdiction of the foundation is not in the hands of the government, but in the hands of private individuals. Therefore, the whereabouts of these funds are left by the foundation's directors. Will decide, and these board members are generally members of the family who set up the foundation.

In this way, this family trust-type foundation has become a legal means of tax avoidance. At least, when Lao Tzu passed the position of the foundation's president to his son, the son did not have to pay the estate tax.

In the 19th century, the United States did not have a tax deduction for donations, so Li Mu was not very concerned about donations, but this is better than raising taxes. Donations are like this. Donate if you do n’t want to donate, and if you do n’t want to donate, After the tax, it is not a matter of wanting to think, but must pay, otherwise the tax officer will block the door of Li Mu's house.

However, since Li Mu came up with the idea, he had to find a way to solve it. Regardless of whether he was buried in Li Mu's style, especially for Arthur, Li Mu wanted to live in New York to be more nourished, and he couldn't ignore Arthur.

"It is easy to increase government revenue. There are many ways to increase taxes. The most stupid way is to increase taxes. If you increase taxes, you ca n’t just let Junma Group pay more. If all companies pay more taxes, think about you. How much pressure to face, this is more violent than a few words in the newspaper-"Li Mu is rude, and he is ashamed and arthur is indifferent. Seeing the fire is almost over, Arthur is about to make a fool of it, and then Li Mu starts to say the right thing: "To increase wealth is to open source and reduce expenditure. Throttling is not a method. You ca n’t save money by saving money. You still have to find a way to make more money. You are the mayor of New York. You ca n’t be too ugly to make money, at least We can't be as brazen as our own companies. Find a good way. It's better to make money and gain popularity. "

Li Mu talked for a long time and didn't mention the punctuality. Arthur remembered scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks. After all, he couldn't hold back and didn't speak.

"What's the most valuable thing in New York now? The house! Look at how fast the city has developed these years. There were only 1.5 million people in New York three years ago, and how much is 1.6 million. At this rate, it won't take long. New York It ’s going to be crowded, and you, the mayor, do n’t want to do anything about it? ”Li Muchun is so tempted to bring real estate in the 21st century to New York in the 19th century.

In fact, in the middle and late nineteenth century, almost all cities in the United States were expanding rapidly, and a large number of surplus rural laborers were flocking to cities. This situation is similar to that of the newly reformed and opened republic.

New York is a special city. In the process of urbanization, the population growth of other cities was achieved by absorbing the remaining rural population, but the population growth of New York was mainly accomplished by European immigrants.

The former New York immigration office was in Clinton Castle. Li Mu has read relevant information. From 1820 to the present, nearly 15 million immigrants have entered the United States. A considerable number of people stayed in New York. In 1850, the total population of New York City was only 696,115. By 1860, the total population of New York had increased to 1,174,779. By 1870, the total population of New York City had risen to 1,478,102.

It is now 1874. A conservative estimate is that the total population of New York has exceeded 1.6 million.

New York is not New York in the 21st century. Brooklyn is still Brooklyn County in New York. It is not Brooklyn in New York. The Bronx is still a large arable land. Staten Island is still an isolated island. I have to take a boat to get up, so so many people are crowded in the narrow urban area of ​​New York, and the degree of congestion can be imagined.

No wonder Li Mu wants to live on the Governor's Island. If he is also in Manhattan, then Li Muzhen will die.

"You could rent an apartment in New York for five dollars two years ago. Do you know the price of a rented apartment now? A ten-square-square apartment costs 20 dollars. Junma Construction Company wanted to build an apartment complex in Brooklyn for lease. The news has just been announced. All the houses have been rented out within three days. You must know that the planned community has not yet begun, but someone has already paid the rent for two years in advance. "Li Mu did not finish, in fact, The community to be built by Junma Construction Company is only for Junma Group employees and is not open to the public at all.

Of course, if it is open to the outside world, the degree of popularity is similar, and it may even be more sought after.

"What kind of house are you building?" Arthur instantly moved.

Real estate is a monster. If you copy real estate in the 21st century, it is uncertain whether it is good or bad, but public or low-rent housing is definitely no problem. Although the public and low-rent housing in the Republic are not well-known, The sutras are in fact good sutras, but unfortunately they have made the monk crooked.

"The simplest small apartment, one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, the living room can also be converted into a study, with a total area of ​​no more than 50 square meters. Such an apartment costs 30 US dollars per month no more than those of 10 square meters. Are apartments better? At least living in such a house can protect your self-esteem. "Li Mu's asking price is not cheap. In fact, the horses of the Junma Group are not cheap, but they are all value for money.

New Yorkers are not without money. Actually, in New York, the income of one hundred dollars per month is not high. The employees of Junma Group are tempting only because they don't have to pay for food and accommodation.

For ordinary New Yorkers, renting an apartment for 30 dollars a month is normal. The problem now is not that they ca n’t afford it, but there is no apartment to rent at all. Li Mu wants to solve this problem. Anyway, in the Junma Automobile factory There is so much vacant space and idleness is not as good as building an apartment for rent. Although a horse is separated by the river between the Steed Car Factory and Manhattan, as long as the problem of ferries and subways is solved, transportation is still very convenient.

The development of New York is indeed fast. The subway has not yet been completed. The bridge connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn is also on the agenda. It is still the Junma Construction Company that undertakes the construction tasks. Only such horses are qualified to undertake such projects.

"If the government takes the lead, will this be a loss?" Arthur thought a little bit. If the government builds public or low-rent housing, it will definitely help Arthur gain reputation, but the economic benefits are hard to say. After all, this is a For long-term projects, it is not easy to achieve results in a short time.

"Why do you care so much? I just wanted to ask you, why did the Tweed government owe you debts, and other cities owe more and more, only New York's overall debt is decreasing, Do you think New Yorkers will pay attention to this? No, they will not care, they will only care about whether the environment of the city has improved, and whether the quality of life has improved. As for the others, sorry, that is a headache for the next mayor. You should not be responsible, nor should the people in New York be responsible. "Li Mu said that the true meaning of politics, officials do not repair it, the soldiers in the iron-battled camp, after exerting their efforts, are still not pleased, can you manage it?

Arthur was stunned, and looked at Li Mu with a strange expression before he said, "It seems that you are more suitable than me as a mayor. If you give this mayor position to you, I believe you can do well."

This is nonsense. Compared with white people, Chinese people are born to be officials. In fact, it is much more difficult to survive in Chinese society than in white society. Therefore, as long as you create a suitable environment for Chinese Americans, the achievements of Chinese people are not comparable. Bad for anyone coming.

But as far as New York is concerned, nearly half of the population is Irish, and then the remaining half is German, and in New York City, only about a quarter of the population is other nationalities. Immigration, but for the time being, the Chinese population in New York still does not exceed 50,000. Among the 1.6 million New York population, this population is very inconspicuous.

However, in general, because almost all Chinese are working, except for Junma Group, which is in Springfield, the overall income level of Chinese in New York is very high, and they are in the upper middle class.

Of course, this income level is not the salary level, but because Junma Group and Chuntian Company both provide room and board for workers, the Chinese have a lot of surplus money, and the low salary level also means that they pay less taxes, so The living standards of Chinese people are generally very good.

Li Mu didn't want to be the mayor, but Li Mu couldn't bear to see Arthur so tangled, so Li Mu laughed: "My level is not even the average level among Chinese people-forget it, if you have the chance I can help you to hire a master Shaoxing, which may help you a lot. "

Master Mu has a long history. Li Mu was very impressed with Chen Daoming's "Master Shaoxing", so when he mentioned the staff, Li Mu's mind immediately remembered the old staff who was the old man in the sea. In distress, Li Mu would not have been able to live ashore if he had not relied on the asylum of the veterinarian Mike.

It is not a joke that Li Mu wanted to help Arthur find Master. The Qing Dynasty was the heyday of Master, and it was also the main era of Master activities. Local officials in the Qing Dynasty, from the Governor, the Governor, down to Zhizhou, Zhixian, generally have to hire a number of masters to help themselves handle government affairs, there are more than 1,500 states and counties in the Qing Dynasty, most states and counties have masters. There are as many as ten masters in each state and county, as few as two or three, and there are no less than 10,000 masters in all states and counties.

The American scholar Fei Zhengqing said in Cambridge Cambridge Late Qing History: "As officials' duties at the provincial or local level have increased, the scale and number of screen friends have also increased. By the end of the 18th century, the total number of these assistants It is estimated to have reached 7,500 people. Although there are no reliable survey statistics, it can be assumed that their number continued to increase in the 19th century. "

Therefore, it is not difficult to find a master. Just like finding a professional manager in New York at present, it may be a bit exaggerated to say that it is everywhere, but it is definitely not troublesome.

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