Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 448: Some happy and some sad

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As Christmas approaches, the Steed Group begins to prepare various benefits for employees.

The goodness of the Junma Group is well-known in New York. Other companies take a maximum of two days off at Christmas. If the boss is in a good mood, he may even send an extra bag of apples or something, which is even a Christmas benefit.

The Steed Group is different. The Christmas holiday lasts for a week. If you work overtime, you will be paid twice. Each employee will have various benefits. Apple and other things are not rare. Fine wines from Europe and Cuba, as well as from Silk of the Qing Empire is the protagonist of this year.

The Americans also make their own wines, but they do n’t know whether it is due to climate or other reasons. The American wines are not very delicious. Even the Americans themselves are very disgusted. The liquors of the Qing Empire were not used to drinking, and The production of Imperial Liquor is not enough, so Europe and Cuba have become the main procurement direction of the Steed Group.

Rum is mainly sourced from Cuba, and the wines purchased from Europe are more abundant. Champagne, red wine, brandy, and even tequila from Mexico have all entered the benefit list of the Junma Group.

Of course, Cuban rum is the most purchased. Before Christmas, the horse group purchased a total of 20,000 barrels, almost all of the remaining rums this year in Havana, and the famous Havana cigars were purchased together. This is of course only enjoyed by a small number of middle and senior management staff.

The silk of the Qing Empire has always been a high-end product. Under the impact of the Japanese raw silk industry, the silk of the Qing Empire has been greatly affected in recent years. As long as it can make the Japanese feel awkward, Li Mu is happy, so Junma Group never Purchase Japanese raw silk products.

Affected by the Steed Group, the Japanese are now unpopular in two major cities in the United States: East and West. San Francisco does not allow Japanese citizenship at all. In New York, even Japanese people who have already acquired U.S. citizenship are difficult to find in New York. Find a job.

Japan has already filed a lawsuit in Washington for this purpose, but under the mediation of Burnside, Runkel and others, President Grant is not willing to comment on this.

The United States is a federal state, and states have great autonomy. Large population states like New York and California. As long as they do not want to be independent like Texas, they will not interfere in the formulation of state laws. As long as it does not conflict with federal law.

As a Chinese, Li Mu is not very cold about Christmas. Although Li Mu nominally believes in Catholicism like Will, in fact Li Mu is not very willing to commemorate Jesus. With that kung fu, Li Mu might as well prepare for the Chinese tradition next month. For the Chinese New Year, this is a truly memorable festival.

But it doesn't matter, just think of Christmas as a preview of the Chinese New Year.

With this idea, Li Mu no longer cared about the five-meter-high Christmas tree brought by Ford Benjamin, but instead focused on the thousand red lanterns that will be hung in Central Park, Battery Park, and Governors Island. on.

In the Chinese tradition, red is the most auspicious color. Many times, the red lantern is a symbol of the festival. Therefore, where the Chinese gather, the red lantern must be essential. Li Mu is going to hang all the red lanterns on Christmas Eve. Chinese gathering place, let New Yorkers experience the Chinese way of celebrating the festival.

New Year's gifts prepared by Li Mu are not only red lanterns, but also lion and dragon dances, as well as fireworks shows that cost a whole 100,000 US dollars. In order to give New Yorkers a grand audiovisual feast, the horse group deliberately invited from the Qing Empire Professionals are preparing to hold a grand firework show as the start of celebrating the Chinese New Year.

The imagination of Americans is still lacking these years. New York is the largest city in the United States. The only way to celebrate Christmas is to organize a hundred Santa Clauses to send gifts on the street. There is no parade and no Christmas dinner. The legendary turkey is even less and less. For ordinary people, it is a feast to eat potato roast beef.

Santa Claus is also very snobbish this year. Unless the parents make an appointment on the first day, children do n’t want to receive gifts on Christmas Eve. All the gifts are bought by the parents themselves, and the price is higher than that in ordinary stores. More expensive.

The Stallion Group definitely despise this money. Before Christmas Eve, the Stallion Group organized hundreds of Santa Clauses. They were wearing uniform red clothes and with beards, and they would prepare the Stallion Group on Christmas evening. Small gifts were sent to the homes of all Steed employees.

Gifts are not valuable, they may be just a small comb, or a book, but this is of great significance to children and may become the most memorable memory of their growing up.

Near Christmas, the workers of the Steed Group are also a few happy and sad. Although the benefits of the Steed Group are very good, there will always be some families living in difficulties for various reasons. Eddie Joy's family is such.

Eddie Joy is an old employee of the Steed Group. As early as when the Steed Weapon Factory was established, Eddie Joy joined the Steed Weapon Factory as a security officer. Although in the battle on the long street, Eddie Joy was not following Li Mu had no opportunity to perform around him, but for four years after joining the Steed Weapon Factory, Eddie Joey worked hard and worked meticulously, receiving numerous awards from Steed Weapon Factory.

Although Steed Group's salary to Eddie Joy is not low, for Eddie Joy, who has six children to take care of, and two elderly people to support, Eddie Joy's salary is still more than enough. So Eddie Joey was unable to improve the family situation.

On the night of Christmas Eve, Eddie Joy worked until eight in the evening before returning to his Brooklyn home. The family lived in an apartment less than fifteen square meters in Brooklyn County. know.

Fortunately, Eddie Joy has a virtuous wife who has been married for more than ten years. Although her life is not easy, Eddie Joy's wife has never complained. This will always make Eddie Joy feel sad. Because Eddie Joyce believes that his wife and children should have a better life, at least not in a crowded apartment.

Although life was not rich, Eddie Joy did not lose hope. The steed group was preparing to build an apartment in Brooklyn. Eddie Joy applied for one of them. The house has four rooms and a total of nearly 70 square meters. Although still not spacious enough for eight people, compared with the apartment now, Eddie Joy is very satisfied.

"Come on, the children are waiting for you—" Finally, when Eddie Joy came home, Joy's wife was very happy.

Thanks to the Junma Group, the dinner is very hearty. In the middle of the table is a grilled and shiny turkey. The side dishes are roasted corn and stewed potatoes. The fruit platter contains apples and citrus, and bananas from the Far East. Benefits unique to the Steed Group.

Eddie Joy's eldest child is eleven years old. He is currently studying with two younger siblings at the Steed Affiliated School. It is Christmas and the school is closed, so the children return home and the family is very lively.

Eddie was lazy when it came to naming children. Eddie's oldest child was also called Eddie, but at home, Eddie always used "II" to call his child.

The three children who are attending the horse school are wearing school horse uniforms. The upper body is a woolen sweater, the lower body is overalls, and the boots are small leather boots. Such clothes are usually unwilling to wear at home, only during the festival. Put on.

The three younger children were all dressed in small clothes with Eddie Joey's work clothes. The clothes were cut to fit, but the iron gray color was not suitable for young children.

But this is not a problem. In a few years, Eddie Joy's children will be able to attend the school affiliated to Steed, and they will naturally have uniforms.

"Come on kids, let's pray together, and then start our dinner-" Eddie Joy set aside his troubles and prepared to spend a warm night with the children.

"Can you make a wish?" Little Annie, who is going to elementary school next year, remembers the Christmas tradition, although it has almost never been achieved.

"Of course you can—" Eddie Joy passed a bit of pain in his eyes, but soon covered up: "Let me guess, do you want to go to Steed School next year? If this is the case, then you don't need to Maybe, I can assure you that you can go to school next year. "

Little Annie is envious of her brother's and sister's uniforms. Usually, her brother and sister are very baby. Uniform.

"Not this, I hope we can live in a big house next year, so that I don't have to listen to Eddy's purring at night-" Little Anne's wish is simple, but it is not easy to achieve.

"Yes, I promise, we will definitely have a big house-" Eddie Joey's eyes were red unconsciously. Fortunately, the Steed Group was preparing to build an apartment, otherwise Eddie Joey didn't know what to do. Comfort Little Annie.

A smile with a clear healing effect appeared on Joey's wife's face, and put her hand gently on Eddie's.

"Can you eat it? I can't wait--" Eddie Jr. looked really impatient, but the meaning of leaving the subject was a little obvious.

"Let's start—" Eddie clapped his hands, ready to start.

There was a sudden knock at the door.

"I'm coming--" Joey's wife quickly got up and didn't let Eddie go open the door.

"Mrs. Hello, nice to meet you." There was an incredible voice at the door of Eddie Joy, this, this seemed to be Riem.

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