Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 450: Lonely as snow

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Although apartment building in Brooklyn County has not yet started, the Steed Group headquarters in Central Park has been completed.

The Steed Group has built three buildings in Central Park, two of which are the Steed Group headquarters, and the last one was taken out as an apartment to be assigned to the Steed Group's middle and senior management staff.

After learning about the Eddie Joy family, Li Mu immediately decided to take out one of the apartments and give it to Eddie Joy as a Christmas gift.

This is a duplex apartment with eight rooms and a total area of ​​160 square meters. Even if Eddie Joy has six children, it is enough for them to allocate.

Rewarding the house originally belonging to the managerial staff to ordinary employees, this kind of thing should be hyped up, in order to get sufficient results, so on Christmas Day, the Eddie Joys family also need to accept a gifting ceremony. On behalf of the Steed Group, Henry will officially award the house to Eddie Joy.

Americans do n’t pay attention to doing good deeds, do n’t leave names, go to church on Sunday to donate money to “Heavenly Father,” and write a name on the guestbook. In Li Mu ’s case, every move should have special meaning, so “The Times The Weekly will cover a whole page to cover the incident. Since the horse group has paid out, it should get enough publicity.

This kind of thing is normal, and both the parties and bystanders are happy to hear it. No one dares to make irresponsible remarks about this kind of thing, otherwise it will be attacked by the whole society.

Li Mu ran a total of ten families on Ping'an in the evening and gave ten different blessings. The value of the gifts ranged from expensive, such as to the house of the Eddie Joy family, which was worth more than $ 30,000 in New York. Considering that Central Park's location will be even higher in value; cheaper ones are also available, such as the "python" craft pistol prepared for Arthur's son.

Arthur married his wife Ellen Lewis Hearnden in 1857 and had two sons and a daughter.

Arthur's eldest son was born in 1860, during the Civil War, Arthur was a Northern Army officer, and Arthur's wife Ellen was born in the South. At that time, Arthur and Ellen had a close relationship. tension.

Arthur's eldest son died unexpectedly at the age of two and a half, which made Arthur and Ellen sad.

One year before the end of the civil war, Arthur's second son was born in New York. Arthur gave the child the exact same name as Chester Allen Arthur.

Arthur II was in good health. When Li Mu went to visit Arthur's house last time, when he knew that Li Mu was the largest weapon manufacturer in the United States, Little Arthur asked Li Mu for a "python" craft pistol.

Such requirements can be met. Li Mu specially customized a "detective" craft pistol for Little Arthur to suit Little Arthur's hand.

This gun is very precious. Most of the other craft pistols are "cavalry" and "detective" only.

Seeing his son ecstatic, Arthur was very happy and invited Li Mu to dinner.

This is not possible, at least not today. Will and Chu Xue are still waiting for Li Mu on the Governor's Island. Li Mu will not go home, and they probably wo n’t have dinner.

Leaving Arthur's home, Li Mu returned to Governor's Island as quickly as possible. When passing by Battery Park, Li Mu noticed that the Battery Park had been hung with red lanterns and electric lights were used, so there was no need to worry about causing a fire.

The red lanterns are very eye-catching. In Manhattan at night, it is like a beautiful landscape. Many Chinese people see this scene with tears and nostalgia. While white people do not understand the Chinese tradition, they can still feel it. The moral of the big red lanterns, especially when hundreds of lanterns appeared together, the scene was indeed spectacular, at least not rare in the nineteenth century.

In the 21st century, such scenes are commonplace. Ordinary people will get lanterns to hang at the door when everything is OK. Once the festival is celebrated, Chinese people who like liveliness must not hang lanterns all over the world.

The nineteenth century was different. Americans still do n’t know much about national power and unified action. The employees of Junma Group can wear newspapers to discuss for half a month, let alone the night. Thousands of lanterns suddenly hung between them.

Opposite the Battery Park is the Governor's Island, which stands across the water from the Junma Automobile Factory. These three places are full of red lanterns tonight. The red lanterns form beautiful reflections in the sea water, and they form a line with the lanterns on the shore. It's dreamlike.

Back to the Governor's Island, Will and Chu Xue and Gloria were still waiting for Li Mu. After seeing Li Mu coming back, Will laughed and said that it was finally time to start cooking.

Only then did Li Mu realize that Will had almost fainted.

After leaving the barracks and returning home, Will was completely freed up, and he would drink a drink every meal, otherwise he would not be satisfied.

Today's situation is quite special. Before Li Mu came back, Will watched Chu Xue and chat with Gloria, and accidentally drank too much.

"What are you talking about?" Li Mu was also curious. Chu Xue and Gloria's relationship was not bad, but it was not so good as nothing to talk about, but today seems not to be quite right. Chu Xue and Gloria look like Very speculative.

"Two boring women, what good things can you expect them to talk about?" Sandy was very dissatisfied. It seemed that Sandy was just rejected by Chu Xue and Gloria just now.

"Shut up—" Gloria was rude to Sandy, and immediately suppressed it. Before Sandy could tell, she said to Li Mu eagerly, "Jennifer and I are discussing to build a special woman ** * Magazines, which recommend beauty and clothing for women, can also guide fashion trends. What do you think of this idea? "

Li Mu had to think about it before she remembered that Chu Xue ’s English name was “Jennifer”. After listening to Gloria's words, Li Mu nodded naturally: “Very good idea, maybe you can also create a fashion brand, women It has huge consumption potential, but there are no service brands targeted at women in the market. If this part of the market is developed, the market size will be no less than the current Junma Group. "

Women have not been valued in this year, they have not even the right to vote, and few are able to go out and work bravely.

This right to vote is not directly related to work. Although the United States Constitution stipulates that only by paying a certain amount of taxes can it have the right to vote, even if Ghana, such as Gloria, has sufficient tax, it cannot get the right to vote.

For the women's market, it is indeed still in the wild era. In the future, those luxury brands that are thunderous will not even have a shadow now. If Chuxue and Gloria really want to make a difference in this area, the difficulty is not great. With the support of Junma Group, it is not too easy to succeed.

"Brother returned to Springfield last time, and said that Dad wanted to open a shoe store in Springfield, specializing in selling leather shoes produced by our factory. Today, Gloria brought this up, and I think it's very good. We usually only go to specific clothing stores when making clothes. Although the craftsmanship is very good, the price is also very high. Look at the uniforms of our Junma Group. They look just as good as they wear. Employees buy uniforms and send them to the market for sale, so I think this can be done. "Chu Xue now also has his own discrimination ability, including Lao Yan, are improving their realm.

The "clothing store" that Chu Xue refers to is tailor-made clothing, and rarely sells ready-to-wear. These clothing stores are indeed very good in craftsmanship, but the prices are indeed very expensive, and most people cannot afford them.

When Li Mu first introduced uniform clothing, he opened a clothing factory in Springfield, specializing in the production of bedding, clothing, shoes and other textile products used by the Junma Group. Li Mu had never paid attention to this factory, but now it seems that Li Mu It is ignored that if this is done well, the results may not be smaller than the Steed Group.

Garment manufacturing is a labor-intensive industry. The larger the scale of production, the lower the cost. The Junma Group is actually very advantageous. There are tens of thousands of professional housewives like Mrs. Joey in the Junma Group. It seems not difficult to make use of the surplus labor force to become bigger and stronger in the textile industry.

"If you want to do it, do it yourself. You need to take the money yourself. Anyway, if you want to do the women's market, I recommend starting with clothing and bags. After all, we have some experience in this area. You're welcome, I can provide it for free. "Li Mu strongly supports and plans to continue to get some classic clothing from the 21st century.

Li Mu is still very talented in design. Although Li Mu was not a fashion designer in his lifetime, he has never seen pork run before. He did n’t have a girlfriend, but he did n’t prevent Li Mu from browsing the web and having an eye addiction when he was fine. So Li Mu I still have a lot of experience, at least from the breadth of what I have seen and heard.

At the time when the Steed Weapon Factory determined the uniform, it was the sketch of Li Mu's design. Li Mu did not dare to design too avant-garde at that time, and chose a design similar to the hunting style. This was all named "retro" in the 21st century. In the nineteenth century, it was an out-of-the-box trend, and it was still at the forefront of fashion.

People have no concept of "fashion" these years, but in the plans of Chu Xue and Gloria, they have to be magazines first, so that they have the best recommendation platform, as long as they are in magazines Introduce the concept of "fashion" and put a few more illustrations. It is not difficult to create a brand.

The key is that there are no competitors, such as Louis Vuitton, Burberry, and so on. At present, they are still at the workshop stage, and this market does not occupy the market.

It's lonely like snow.

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