Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Jews

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The Spaniards refused to help simply because the temptation of the New York City government was not enough.

Rich money can make the ghost push. During the Civil War, the US government also screamed at the British for nothing, while still desperately doing business with the British to earn military expenses.

State-to-state relations have never had any stance at all. Only interests are eternal allies.

In fact, it is not so troublesome to deal with Tweed. If you don't take into account the face of the US government and the New York City government, you only need to send a gunman to help justice.

Once connected with politics, the simple things will become complicated, so Tweed is now the thorn that stabbed in the hearts of the New York City government. As long as people are alive, the New York City government has no credibility. .

This is an issue that Arthur and Grant need to worry about. It has nothing to do with Li Mu. Li Mu is not even a member of the New York City Council. It is not necessary to consider the issue from the standpoint of the New York City government.

The bustling crowd gradually dissipated until 10 o'clock in the evening. Don't expect how high the quality of Americans this year. The original neat and clean Junma Motor Plaza was full of rubbish, and then the working hours of the cleaning staff will come tomorrow. Before that, they wanted to restore the horse racing plaza to its original state and welcome another wave of more turbulent citizens.

Sunday is the official competition day, starting at 6am, the staff and security personnel will be on duty in turn. They must ensure that the rally is normal and will not be disturbed by any off-site factors.

There are indeed off-site factors. The competition has not yet begun. A group of protesters who do not know where they are occupying the corner of the Junma Automobile Plaza. They have rich slogans, such as: "Opposition to the scale of machinery, we need living space" For example: "To oppose capital expansion, we have to get back our own land."

The former seems to be related to agricultural associations, who are worried that the large-scale application of machinery will hurt the interests of farmers.

The latter is a slogan issued by farmers in Brooklyn County. The horse factory covers a huge area and has conflicted with the interests of farmers.

The former problem is well solved. Once the agricultural machinery appears, this contradiction will be resolved.

There is no room for easing the latter problem. Li Mu will not dismantle the factories that have already been built. These farmers will either become workers at the Junma Automobile Factory or they will only have to travel far away.

In fact, the first time he saw these protesters, Li Mu was ready to let people disperse.

But the order could not be executed, and Bresta's expression was distressed: "They are just protesting and have no other action. We are not good at dispelling it directly by force. Civil rights ... they are granted to them by the Constitution."

If it is the usual, the dispersal will also be dispelled. Now the situation is different. Where is the president? There are still many senators who always have to converge in front of them.

These people were basically invited by the Junma Group, and Li Mu was regarded as a cocoon.

"Let people stare at them and not let them affect the normal game." Li Mu tolerated and tolerated, not to affect the overall situation because of this little thing.

"Rest assured, as long as they dare to enter the arena, I will arrest them immediately." Bresta did not dare to care, only a dozen people marked the sign, and the surrounding police and plain clothes were thirty or forty. This is the New York Police Department. The version of the painting is a prison.

As a result, this group of people was very interesting. When the game was about to start, the people threw away the slogans in their hands, took Budweiser beer and fried chicken in spring field, held regular tickets, and followed the crowd to watch the game.

This is not a delay.

The arena was very lively, with tens of thousands of people gathered together, and even if they didn't speak loudly, the tossing movements were like an uproar.

Li Mu missed the slightest opportunity to make money. According to the performance of each team, the Metropolitan Gaming Company opened the market. The Vanderbilt team, which had the worst performance, had the highest starting odds because it won the starting position. To lose three, the Mason of the Steed Team only ranked in the middle because of poor performance, and the odds of winning were only 1:15.

Both the Metropolitan Gaming Company and the Metropolitan Auction House belong to the Barron family. Although the Barron family brand is displayed, Will and Gloria do not know anything about the two companies' operating projects. The company consists of professional managers. People management, directly responsible for the Steed Group headquarters.

Betting through the Metropolitan Gaming Company can only be placed up to ten dollars, winning or losing is one hundred dollars.

Li Mu and William Vanderbilt are also betting, but Li Mu is a big bet. Li Mu pays 100,000 US dollars, betting on the Steed Group's team will win the top three.

William Vanderbilt expressed dissatisfaction, and also paid $ 100,000, betting that the Vanderbilt team could reach the top three.

Rockefeller also opened the market, the cunning Rockefeller will not give anyone any chance, so Rockefeller bet the Rockefeller team's performance will not be worse than the Vanderbilt team, nor will it lose to the Mustang team and BMW team, The bet is one million dollars.

No one dares to take this bet. The Rockefeller team uses phantom cars. The engines and transmissions belong to the second generation technology. The three teams that Rockefeller bet on use the first generation technology. If so, the Rockefeller team Can't win yet, Rockefeller expects to be desperate to kill.

J.P. Morgan does not take part in any bets. They talked and laughed with Arthur Grant and seized every opportunity to make friends with others. This is what the successful people should do. Compared with J.P. Morgan, Li Mu and Vanderbilt Rockefeller, they are really enjoying it, and the game is a fun game.

At ten o'clock, the game officially started with a gunshot from Grant.

After the gunshot, the roar of ten racing engines gathered together, and in a moment suppressed the cheers of the 100,000 audience at the scene. The epoch-making industrial product of the car, for the first time, fully showed its wild charm. In front of the world, when ten cars started running on the track, everyone on the scene knew that the era of cars had finally arrived.

According to the rules of the competition, the participating cars should run 20 laps along the 2.5-kilometre track with a total length of 50 kilometers.

In terms of car performance at this time, the race time should be controlled within two hours.

Li Mu apparently ignored the potential of the team and the temptation of the championship. The Junma Group's teams all knew that they needed to modify the car to adapt to the fierce race conditions, as did other teams.

Even the Vanderbilt team, which only aimed at the normal completion of the race, also modified their cars, all unnecessary decoration was abandoned, four seats were compressed into one, and the body was as low as possible. In order to reduce air resistance, so many technologies are combined to make the speed of the vehicle greatly improved.

Just a little more than an hour, Mason of the Steed Group had already run 15 laps. After studying urgently, Li Mu and a group of big men decided to extend the race to 40 laps.

Doubling the schedule doubles the pressure on the team and the drivers far more than doubles. For example, the Vanderbilt team, they have replaced the racing car twice. If they run more than ten laps, it is estimated that Vanderbilt The special team will face the embarrassing situation of no car to replace.

But there is even more embarrassing. When Mason finished the 20th lap, the Mustang car had just completed the 13th lap.

This is also no way. The positioning of the Mustang car is a pickup truck. The speed is not the strength of the pickup truck. The field is the home of the Mustang car. If it is on a bumpy rural road, throw another one or two tons of cargo on the car. It is the phantom who also eats in front of the Mustang.

Li Mu did not intend to take away all the honors. The so-called three top three before the race is just a joke. Li Mu really has high hopes for the Steed and Mirage teams. As long as these two teams can get good results, they will be given to other teams The third place is nothing.

If the Steed Group takes away all the honors, it will not be a good thing for the race itself. It is always necessary to let other people in the team see a little hope, so that it will have the motivation to compete.

The result of the race did not exceed Li Mu's expectations. On the tenth lap, Mason established his leading position, and then continued to expand his advantages, eventually winning the New York Auto Rally Championship.

This championship is of extraordinary significance. It is the first stop of the national car rally and the first car race of human society. Li Mu finally left his own mark on the course of human development in his own way.

At the celebration after the game, Li Mu smiled and accepted everyone's congratulations. Although he lost the private bet, but left the championship trophy in the Steed Group, this is something to celebrate.

The Rockefeller team won the third place. Rockefeller was very satisfied with this result. After all, the Rockefeller family does not focus on the production of automobiles. The purpose of participation is mainly to advertise for Mobil Petroleum and Standard Petroleum, as long as they can stand on the podium. Rockefeller was very satisfied.

William Vanderbilt was not lost. Although he failed to get a place, the Vanderbilt team also scored points. The most important thing is that the Vanderbilt team's car finally completed the race smoothly, without the staff and drivers. Pushing the car across the finish line together is a huge win for Vanderbilt.

After the New York Auto Rally, all teams are about to move to Boston. One month later, the second round of the National Auto Rally will be held in Boston.

Of course, Li Mu will also be present at the scene, and Grant will have no time.

But it doesn't matter. In April, the National Auto Rally will go to Washington, and Grant will fire his gun for the race.

"I have to say that I underestimated the value of the car. Now it looks like the automotive industry has bright prospects. Perhaps in a few decades, the automotive industry will become the world's most valuable industry." Grant spoke highly of the car. After the rally, even the most conservative people have to acknowledge the bright prospects that cars have.

"It's true, so we should all have eyes that are good at discovering new things so that we don't miss something." It was Solomon Loeb, the boss of the Kuhn Loeb Consortium, and The owner of the Kuhnlob team: "Rim, thank you for your calm some time ago, otherwise I don't think we will have a chance to celebrate now."

Solomon Loeb refers to the attack on Mason at the time. During that time, rumors spread, and the Kuhn Loeb Consortium was also one of the suspects.

"Mr. Solomon, the first time I launched the initiative, you responded to my invitation, so we are friends, not enemies. I know this very clearly." Li Mu would not just make enemies, especially Jews.

The group of Jews is amazing. Although the Jews seem to be scattered and have no country of their own, Li Mu knows the characteristics of the Jews and the Jews are very smart, so they will not plant the land honestly. Most often the Jews are In business.

The problem lies in this. In Europe, Jews are like gypsies. They have no fixed masters. They have no loyal objects. Therefore, whenever a war breaks out or an economic crisis breaks out, the Jews will always rob Dafa of the country. Wealth, which often makes Jews the object of ruler's transfer of hatred.

However, the revenge of this nation is very serious. After thinking about the aftermath of World War II, the Jews chased after the Nazis for decades, Li Mu shuddered.

In fact, the Jews are a group that Li Mu has always wanted to fight for. Although some people say that the United States in the 21st century is dominated by Jews, it is now the 19th century. The situation facing Jews in the United States is not much better than that of Chinese.

In fact, the statement about the Jews dominating the United States is not correct. The United States is not dominated by Jews, but by capital, but the Jews just happen to control most social capital, so it seems that Jewish talent has sufficient influence on the United States. If these Capital is in the hands of the Chinese, so the United States can also be dominated by the Chinese.

It seems that the Jews did not mean to be hostile to the Chinese. Just as Li Mu announced that he would hold a national rally in the United States, the Kuan Lob Consortium announced that it would organize a convoy to join. This is clearly a release of goodwill, so Li Mu is sincere.

"Yes, we are friends." Solomon Loeb was very satisfied with Li Mu's attitude, and he was also very positive: "I heard that Li Mu has transformed the Governor's Island into a large garden. I very much hope to see it with my own eyes if I have the opportunity. See what the garden looks like, because I also have a few islands, and I have always wanted to use them, but I have no idea. "

"Of course, anytime, I am very welcome." Li Mu will certainly not refuse such a request, which is clearly demanding.

There are many people at the celebration, and many things are definitely inconvenient. It is enough to have such a good destiny. If Solomon Loeb really wants to do something with Li Mu, then in the next few days, Solomon Loeb Will definitely visit Li Mu on the Governor's Island.

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