Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 465: storm

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When Shigeyama Noguchi personally cut off the heads of the four workers, Kentaro was preparing to do something outrageous.

Kentaro is a native of Sasebo. He had excellent grades when he was educated in the "Temple House" early in the year, but unfortunately Kentaro was born in a poor family. He dropped out of school early and went to work to support his family.

However, a good cultural foundation gave Kentaro the opportunity to work in a smokeless powder factory.

"Terikoya" is an education system handed down from the Edo period. Before "Kaichi Elementary School" was not popularized, most Japanese nationals received education in "Terikoya".

Thanks to this education system, the literacy rate of Japanese nationals is very high, and many manual workers can also read and write, which was unique in the world at that time. You must know that even in western societies with a relatively high degree of economic development Most citizens are still illiterate, and the degree of cultural monopoly is still relatively high.

Let's do something. In the smokeless powder factory, Kentaro's job is "treasury management". There are more than 20 workers in charge of warehouse management of raw materials.

Although this job can ensure that Kentaro himself has no worries about food and clothing, it is still not enough to ensure that the four children of Kentaro live a happy life, so Kentaro is very sad. Kentaro vowed to make more money and not let his children repeat their lives.

About a month ago, a Japanese named Yamaguchi found Kentaro, saying that he could help Kentaro to immigrate his wife and four children to the United States, and that he could pay Kentaro a large sum of money. In return, Kentaro wanted to put something Into the warehouse of a smokeless powder factory.

Not a warehouse managed by Kentaro, but a warehouse of finished gunpowder.

Kentaro knows that this is a betrayal, but Kentaro can't refuse the temptation of Yamaguchi's letter. Kentaro knows that since Yamaguchi's request, it means that Yamaguchi's letter has absolute certainty. If he refuses, then his family may not see The sun the next day.

Looking at the gentle and virtuous wife and the lively and lovely child, Kentaro decided to be selfish once and live for himself.

A delicate pocket watch is what Kentaro wants to put in a smokeless gunpowder warehouse. If Kentaro knows a little bit more, then he knows what the steed mark on the pocket watch's case represents.

That's right, this thing is produced by Steed Labs. If you push a specific button, the pocket watch will start to count down. After 12 hours, an explosion will occur. The power of the explosion is comparable to a grenade.

If you put this thing in a warehouse full of smokeless powder, you can imagine the consequences.

Of course, this consequence is not within the scope of Kentaro's consideration. When promised by Yamaguchi, Kentaro forgot about the emperor, Japan, and those partners who live in the gunpowder factory.

If in the next few decades, after a series of victorious baptisms such as the Sino-Japanese War, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Russo-Japanese War, it would not be easy to buy a Japanese and let him do things that are bad for the Emperor and Japan. .

It is easy now, the Shogunate rule has just ended, and the Emperor Meiji has just taken control. For ordinary Japanese, the prestige of the Emperor is not paramount, and it is not unacceptable to betray the Emperor.

Kentaro didn't know. Just when he promised Yamaguchi ’s letter, a commando composed entirely of Japanese had been waiting for him. If Yamaguchi could n’t find a proper answer in the gunpowder factory, the commando would launch The ultimate goal of the raid was to blow up the smokeless powder factory.

It is not easy to put pocket watches in the finished product warehouse. The finished product warehouse is more than 500 meters away from the raw material warehouse where Kintaro works, even in the same working area. To go to the finished product warehouse, Kintaro has to pass not only a row of factories, but also two passes. In the inspection of the sentry, the finished product warehouse was not within the scope of Kentaro's responsibility. If Kentaro appeared in the finished product warehouse, then whether or not the task could be completed, Kentaro would cause suspicion.

According to Yamaguchi's letter, tomorrow night is the deadline. Before leaving work tomorrow, Kentaro must keep his pocket watch in the finished product warehouse, otherwise Kentaro's wife and son will not be able to arrive safely in the United States.

"If you don't have a chance today, then you have to take a chance." Kentaro sighed secretly as he looked at the finished product warehouse in the distance. Kentaro knew that his time was running out.

"Master Takumon, Mr. Noguchi invites you to a meeting." A guard came to report.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Kentaro was so excited that he felt the hardness of the pocket watch he had been wearing in his chest pocket, and Kentaro's heart slowly became cold.

Today is the day when the Minister of Industry inspects. The number of guards has doubled. Kentaro had no chance to leave the raw material warehouse where he worked. Now this requirement is just fine.

"Safety is a top priority. Whenever you do, you must not take it lightly. You know the value of smokeless powder factories. This is the first attempt to modernize our military. If something goes wrong because of carelessness, you and I have to pay the price. "Looking at the bodies of the four different bodies, Ito Bowen screamed loudly.

The safety of smokeless gunpowder factories has always been a huge hidden danger. Although Ito Bowen obtained technology related to smokeless gunpowder from the Qing Empire, although smokeless gunpowder was built in the defensive Sasebo, although Ito Bowen can give Noguchi Shigeyama all the trust, But when I think of the strong horse group, Ito Bowen still feels uneasy.

Ito Bowen knows the strength of Steed Group in the United States, and the hostility of Steed Group's owner Li Mu to Japan. Ito Bowen has carefully studied the history of Li Mu's fortune. Ito Bowen noticed that all the enemies of Li Mu and Steed Group were already dead. Either it has already gone into exile, but whenever there is a chance, Ito Bowen will not be the enemy of the Steed Group, but it is unpredictable that the Steed Group will eventually become the enemy of Japan. It is also helpless.

According to Li Mu ’s usual style of action, Li Mu will not give up. Although Steed is fighting back in all aspects to Japan, Li Mu has not done anything against the Sasebo smokeless powder factory.

Ito Hirofumi does not think that Li Muhui will stop here. Because of a patent royalty, Junma Group dare to retaliate against Japan. Ito Hirofumi does not think Li Mu will be afraid of it.

The point is that even if the Japanese government came up with the patent royalties, the Steed Group did n’t want it, so Ito Hirofumi was really embarrassed, but it also strengthened Ito Hirofumi ’s determination to stand on his own. Only when Japan is truly strong can it Will not be despised.

"Yes, His Excellency Ito, if the safety of the factory goes wrong, I will plead guilty to all the management staff." Noguchi Shigeyama's voice is firm. Although I accidentally spilled blood on my shoes when I cut people, Noguchi Shigeyama did not. Dare to wipe, looking at the scarlet blood on the shoes, Noguchi Shigeyama wants to keep this color in mind to warn himself.

A rush of mixed footsteps hurried up. This was the management staff who rushed to receive education.

Several guards dragged and dragged two middle-aged people **** with big flowers. This was the direct leadership of the four beheaded workers.

"Since the first day of the establishment of the smokeless gunpowder factory, I have emphasized safety issues countless times, but there are always people who neglect their duties and do not take the rules and regulations seriously. Today, in the factory work area, there are actually workers gathering. The vicious incident of burning fire, I think I need to repeat it again, no matter what happens to violate the rules and regulations, will not be tolerated, no matter who is involved. "Ito Hiroshi's eyes are fierce and murderous, especially when I see When one of the two management personnel dragged in was his distant relative, Ito's eyes were more aggressive.

"Uncle ..." This distant relative of Ito Bowen finally couldn't help crying and crying.

"Gangfu, it's time to show your courage." Ito Bowen yelled coldly, drew a rib from his side and his waist, and threw it to Gangfu: "I will be your wrong person in person, so you don't need to Sorry. "

"Intermediate person" is a unique term in Japan. When Japanese people commit a serious mistake and commit suicide, they will invite their relatives and friends to be their intermediary person. The suicide method of Japanese people is by caesarean section. In pain, the wrong person will cut off the head of the suicide.

"Yes uncle, I will wash my own mistakes by myself." Gangfu knew that it would be useless to plead. If he acted happily, then Ito Bowen might take care of his relatives and take care of his wife and children.

Caesarean section is a very serious matter in Japan. Even if the Gangfu made a mistake, someone came over to loosen the Gangfu immediately, and he drank some water to wash the Gangfu and spread it on the ground. Green felt.

The steelman cleaned his hands solemnly, took up the ribs thrown by Ito Bowen, and carefully wiped with a white handkerchief, his expression was sacred and solemn.

Regarding the cost difference, there have been rumors that this is a Japanese special laparotomy knife. In fact, this is wrong. The cost difference is an aggressive tool. Compared to the long knife such as a knife, the cost difference is an auxiliary tool. In a narrow space, it is full of power, especially indoors or in alleys. The cost of the rib attack is easier to play than the knife.

Of course, because the length of the knife is shorter, the rib difference is indeed more suitable than a knife when laparotomy.

As the wrong person, Ito Bowen also prepared a long knife, stood next to the Gangfu, and after the Gangfu's laparotomy, Ito Bowen would cut off the Gangfu's head when the Gangfu was in the most pain. It not only ends the pain of the Gangfu, but also helps the Gangfu complete the whole ceremony.

The Gangfu knelt and prayed in the direction of his hometown, with no fear or regret in his expression, and some only had strong self-blame and nostalgia.

After half a ring, the steelman got up, looked up at the snowy sky, closed his eyes for a deep breath, calmed his emotions, picked up the cleaned ribs, and yelled into his stomach.

According to Japanese traditional habits, in general, the procedure of laparotomy is to cut transversely from left to right, then rotate the blade, and then cut up the second knife to form a "L" -shaped wound on the abdomen, even if its internal organs overflow .

After the second pass was removed, the intervening person usually quickly cut off the head of the cesarean, and the entire ritual was completed.

Maybe he didn't want to suffer too much pain for the steeler, and Ito Bowen cut off the steeler's head without waiting for the steeler to cut the second knife.

Immediately, guards came to clean up the scene. They had to converge the gangster's body, plug the internal organs back, sew the belly, and then sew the gangster's head and body, so as to be worthy of warriors like gangster.

A laparotomy is a very glorious thing. As a relative of Ito Bowen, Gangfu is qualified to do so, and another supervisor is not qualified. Several guards pull the other supervisor next to the corpses on the ground and cut them with one stroke. Lower your head and put a stop to it.

After cutting off the head of Gangfu, Ito Bowen didn't speak anymore, only using the haze-like eyes of the injured lone wolf to tour the audience.

No one dared to look at Ito Bowen, no matter who Ito Bowen saw, that person was always sieve-like, like a voles caught by a poisonous snake.

"I hope the princes will take this as a warning and really keep safety in mind. If someone makes a mistake again, then I don't need to tell you what to do." After finishing Ito Bowen, he turned and strode away. follow.

In fact, the first stop of Ito Hirofumi's inspection was the finished product warehouse. This is just an episode of Ito Hirofumi's journey to the finished product warehouse.

Seeing that it was getting closer to the finished product warehouse, Kentaro's heartbeat became faster and faster.

Success is close at hand. As long as he finds an opportunity to put his pocket watch in the finished product warehouse, Kentaro will be paid a thousand dollars. Even if Kentaro cannot escape, his wife and children will smoothly go to the United States and receive good care.

Thinking of the legendary horse-equipped school with complete facilities and advanced systems, although the sky is snowing and the feet are freezing three feet, Kentaro's heart is fiery, free education, free clothing, free meals a day, Kentaro seems to see himself The four children, wearing clean and tidy uniforms attached to the steeds, smiled happily at themselves.

It was an angelic smile.

"The security work must be the top priority. Even our own employees, including our own employees, cannot enter the finished product warehouse without permission. Everyone must perform his or her own duties and must not get involved in the links that are not their own." At the time of the finished product warehouse, Hiroshi Ito still ordered Shigeyama Noguchi.

"Yes, please rest assured." Noguchi Shigeyama echoed.

Kentaro deliberately walked into the finished product warehouse last, subconsciously took out the beautifully made pocket watch, and approached the mountain-side wooden box.

Get closer, get closer, and it only takes another meter, and Kentaro can complete the task.

At this moment, Kentaro suddenly felt an irresistible impact, blowing himself up, just like snowflakes flying in the sky.

It turned out that they were looking for more than me alone.

This was the last thought in Kentaro's mind.

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