Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 467: break out

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"Mad Cow Tribe" is a bar owned by Springfield Company. Although the name of this bar is very Indian style, it is located on Manhattan's busiest Fifth Avenue.

The "Mad Cow Tribe" has a very rough decoration style and has a strong and wild western taste. This is unique in the steel city of Manhattan. Since its opening, the "Mad Bull Tribe" has been very sought after by financial people in Manhattan. At sunset, those "white-collar workers" and "gold-collar workers" who have been in trouble all day are always accustomed to the "mad cow tribe" to have a drink, relax the body, and let their minds be relieved, so although the opening time is not long, But the "Crazy Bull Tribe" has become the most profitable bar under the Springfield Company. Chu Wushuang also regards the "Crazy Bull Tribe" as his home base and puts his office here.

As night fell, the sign of the "Mad Cow Tribe" lit up again, the colors of the neon lights were dazzling, and two huge specimens of bull heads at the door became more and more dazzling.

These two bull head specimens are not crafts, but they are from serious North American bisons. According to the size of these two specimens, the weight of these two bisons should be more than 1500 kg before birth. This type of bison is extremely rare. Called a treasure, at this time placed in the "Mad Cow Tribe" at the door as a decoration is a masterpiece.

Since the explosion of the Sasebo smokeless powder factory, Springfield has strengthened the security of all its bars, and the "Mad Cow Tribe" is no exception.

At the gate of the "Mad Cow Tribe", there are more than a dozen big men who are patrolling. Although the spring is cold, these big men have bare chests and breasts. They do not show their developed muscles and cricket tattoos to the public. The rooms are equipped with weapons, and several people are even equipped with powerful shotguns. If anyone wants to come here to make trouble, they must carefully weigh it.

If these big men alone are not enough to generate sufficient deterrence, there are police on duty at the front of the "Mad Cow Tribe". This is the real police, not the security guards wearing similar police uniforms. This is also a subsidiary of Springfield. One of the reasons for the booming business is that places where the police are on duty always make people feel safer.

"Mad Cow Tribe" is free for all women. Men who want to enter the "Mad Bull Tribe" need to pay one dollar for the ticket. The price of one dollar is not cheap in this era, but here is Manhattan, which is the best in Manhattan. The bar, which has the strongest liquor in Manhattan, the most beautiful woman, and the most satisfying enjoyment, so people still rush.

"Mad Cow Tribe" covers a huge area. The entire hall is more than 2,000 square meters. It is divided into counter areas, deck areas, performance areas, rest areas, entertainment areas and other functions. Customers can simply The choice is just to have a drink, and you can enjoy the wild pole dance for a while. You can even ask the blues singers on the small stage to sing a song for themselves, or go to the billiard room with friends for entertainment.

If you are alone, there is enough fun to find. There are many beautiful women in the "Mad Cow Tribe". Even those special workers who have enough charm can free them from the "Mad Cow Tribe". Take away without anyone interfering.

And if you just want a drink, there are plenty of fine wines to choose from. Here you can enjoy the most pure Budweiser beer, the most explosive Russian vodka, the most mysterious Qing Empire wine, and the most unique drinking method. Mexican agave.

As for all kinds of fruit wine, I am sorry, although there are everything in the "Mad Cow Tribe", if you order a glass of fruit wine here, it will be ridiculed and despised.

At six o'clock, the "Mad Cow Tribe" is already full of enthusiasm. Huge sound waves and heat waves are mixed with alcohol to stimulate people's nerves. The financial elites who have worked for a day have taken off their suits and shoes and replaced them with casual clothes. Came to the "Mad Cow Tribe" for a drink. They took off their daily professional masks, unbridled wave-shaped skeletons, beautifully dressed beautiful women shuttled through the crowd, and bunny girls dressed as bar girls. Their task was to bring wine Although these wines are not cheap to sell to those who are looking for pleasure, in the earnest persuasion of the bunny girl, people always take out the money willingly.

The single-formed ladies are the most popular. No matter in the corner of the bar, someone will always come out and ask her to have a drink. Maybe something beautiful will happen.

The regulars in the bar also include soldiers, and those wild darts returning from the west. New York is now the home of the Army Cavalry Division. There are also a large number of customs police and sailors. Although the soldiers have strong personalities, In the bar, the soldiers can always exercise restraint. Even if there is a dispute, they will use a relatively civilized method such as a wrench wrist or darts to solve it. They will never fight on the spot.

Wilderness darts are a peculiar scenery. These guys walking on the edge of life and death are the most popular. They regard money as dung, and tips handed out are often whole dollars, and spending hundreds of dollars a night is not It is strange that if there are beautiful women around them, they will be like peacocks with open tail feathers, and show their male charm.

Standing at the railing on the third floor, Chu Wushuang looked at the lively scene in the hall, without a smile on his face.

"Tell my brothers, be alert this time. Ye Li and the Japanese have already started a war. The Japanese will certainly not give up. If something goes wrong, go to the court to lead the family law." Chu Wushuang himself is Xige Sentence, speak out decisively.

"Relax, Grandpa Chu, as long as the Japanese dare to make trouble, I guarantee that they can't get out of this door." It was Mike Zhang, the manager of the "Mad Cow Tribe". It is one of Chu Wushuang's left and right arms.

"In terms of the Japanese three-inch Ding and Luo Quan legs, they can't even enter the door." Tom Chen is not tall and cold, and he has the most trust.

These days, it is no longer possible to rely on beating and killing. After the establishment of Chuntian Company, Chu Wushuang also had to talk about their rules. Tom Chen is working hard to learn the law. In the future, he may be the first Chinese lawyer of Chuntian Company.

Tom Chen's words caused a big laugh. Chu Wushuang was standing around a dozen men, all of whom are Chuntian's middle and senior leaders. These people now throw away their machete and put on suits, walking in Manhattan under the title of manager and minister. The streets and alleys look like successful people. No one would have thought that just a year ago, they were still struggling to survive in San Francisco, and when they saw the police, they had to retreat.

"Smile, don't underestimate the Japanese, these dwarfs are not stupid. They will also hire Westerners to help them, even our Chinese." Chu Wushuang did not laugh, the sword on the Governor's Island really let He couldn't laugh.

Before coming to New York, Chu Wushuang never thought that one day he would hire Westerners to do things for him.

The first Westerner hired by Springfield was a white lawyer. When Chu Wushuang heard the white lawyer respectfully call himself "Mr.", Chu Wushuang felt that he had entered a new world.

What Chu Wushuang said was the fact that there are more than a hundred people. Although most Chinese people are good at themselves, there is still one or two rat feces mixed in it. Li Mu can buy the Japanese to blow up the Sasebo smokeless powder factory, then Japan. People can also buy Chinese to target the Junma Group. Li Mu had already greeted them with Chu Wushuang.

"Who dares? If some Chinese dare to kill their lives with the Japanese, sooner or later let them taste the taste of three swords and six holes." Mike Zhang was murderous.

"Three swords and six holes are too cheap, **** and thrown directly into the sea, or sealed under the square to make foundations, to see who dare to betray their ancestors." Tom Chen rushed to kill.

"If anyone dares to kill the Japanese, kill him!"

"Make a stick and light the sky lantern!"

"Go back and plan his ancestor's grave!"


Managers and ministers filled with indignation, taking one shot harder than the other.

Affected by the Junma Group, Springfield is also building its own headquarters.

Springfield's headquarters is located on the Hudson River on the southwest side of Manhattan, and the future twin towers will be built here.

Like the Junma Group headquarters, there is a square in front of the headquarters building of Springfield, which is also named Springfield Plaza.

The foundation that Tom Chen refers to is here. This is a rather cruel way of execution. When people are still alive, they are stuffed into oil barrels and then filled with cement and buried underground, unless it is a coincidence. Otherwise, never see the sun.

"Okay, don't say it's useless, just keep me awake and tell the brethren to keep your eyes wide open and look at the people around you, Lord Li's tens of thousands of employees, we only have a few hundred people here, if There is something wrong with us. No matter who it is, go to Li Li to explain it by yourself. "Chu Wushuang confessed to him after the explanation. In a very unusual period, he must not be careless.

"Relax, Lord Chu, if something goes wrong on my side, I don't need to tell you, I'll take the family law by myself." Mike Zhang was the hottest and issued a military order on the spot.

"I have three swords and six holes ..."

"I touch my neck ..."

The managers and ministers were just a tad, and then they all smashed away. They were all men who broke out of the sea of ​​swords and mountains. These people were **** the enemy and even harder on themselves.

Chu Wushuang is also busy with business and cannot stay in the "Mad Cow Tribe" for a long time. Seeing that time is almost up, Chu Wushuang is going to visit some other places.

Walking along the iron spiral staircase, but on the first floor, Chu Wushuang walked out of the "Mad Cow Tribe" from the side door, surrounded by a dozen brothers.

As a high-ranking officer of Chuntian Company, Chu Wushuang is eligible to buy a phantom car, but Chu Wushuang never swaggers. He buys a BMW car only for travel use.

Of course, there are more than a dozen people around Chu Wushuang now, so Chu Wushuang has four BMWs, which can form a team.

As soon as Chu Wushuang went out, the driver drove the car over, and stopped at the side of Chu Wushuang. A dozen bodyguards spread out. The long guns and short guns in his hand were live ammunition, ready to deal with the accident.

Chu Wushuang stepped down the steps in front of the door, walked to the door, was about to get into the back seat, and suddenly turned back and ordered: "Double the fire equipment and say hello to the fire brigade ..."

The bar is most afraid of fire. Previously, it was only necessary to prevent accidents, but now it is necessary to prevent someone from setting fire on purpose.

Mike Zhang Lianlian nodded and was waiting to speak, and suddenly saw a few fireworks falling on the next floor.

The side door of the "Mad Cow Tribe" is in a small alley. Although the car can pass through, the width of the alley is not large. The three-story hotel opposite the alley is very complicated.

The height of the three floors is not high, and several flames are rolling closer and closer. Mike Zhang noted that there were several glass bottles accompanying the flames.

Although I do n’t know what these glass bottles with flames are, Mike Zhang still felt the danger was approaching. The situation was urgent, and Mike Zhang could not be allowed to observe carefully. Mike Zhang shouted "Danger" and dragged Chu Wushuang's arm. Run into the "Mad Cow Tribe".

Before Chu Wushuang responded, the glass bottles fell to the ground. One of the bottles slammed on the car in front of Chu Wushuang. The liquid in the bottle splashed out, and an unpleasant smell of gasoline spread out. The flames instantly turned into flames, and the sound of "bang" surrounded the entire car.

"Bang bang bang ..." The bodyguards immediately realized what happened, and although they did not see where the attackers were, it did not prevent them from firing.

Roofs, windows, flower stands, any place where people might hide, have become the shooting targets of bodyguards. Even if they can't hit people, they must interfere enough with each other.

The other party was obviously prepared. A dozen iron golems dropped from the roof and smashed on the street slabs to make a "grumbling" sound.

"Grenade ..." Mike Zhang broke his liver and gallbladder, pushed Chu Wushuang to the side door of the "Mad Cow Tribe" and flew to the ground holding his head.

"Boom boom boom ..." A series of explosions sounded, screams and wailing one after another, and the alley was like hell.

This is not the end. The attackers apparently want to put Chu Wushuang in the dead. The flames are burning, the explosion has not subsided, the smoke has not yet dissipated, and the continuous gunfire of "Tata Tower" sounds.

This is not a pistol or a shotgun, but a "storm" light machine gun.

"Is this **** army?" Mike Zhang shrank as hard as possible to avoid stray bullets flying across the street.

Although the building of the "Mad Cow Tribe" is very sturdy, it is still a civil building after all. Under the attack of military bullets, the two or four walls have no protection at all.

"Fart army, this is a mercenary that the Japanese are looking for, get up, get me up, and do tnd ..." Chu Wushuang's wild hair, shook off his trench coat, and pulled out a pistol around his waist.

Through the firelight, he could see the blood flow on Chu Wushuang's arm.

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