Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 471: fate

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. Although the Steed Group's headquarters is in New York, it is wrong to judge that the influence of the Steed Group is only in New York.

If Watanabe stayed in New York, there was really no good way for Li Mu to deal with Watanabe. He could never send an army to knock down the Japanese consulate in New York. It was not a diplomatic incident, but a war act. The Washington and New York City governments alone cannot explain. No matter how good the relationship between Grant and Li Mu is, Li Mu will not be allowed to declare war on Japan on behalf of the US Government.

This is the best situation now. Watanabe believed that when he left New York, Haikuo could fly as a bird with a mountain of fish. But for Li Mu, it also meant that he could let go and put the responsibility on the train afterwards. The robbers are just that, anyway, many train robbers in the United States these days, Jesse James is just one of them.

Oshima justice is now very certain that the speed of the train is definitely not as fast as the horse, because the speed of the train has slowly dropped after the knights passed by the window.

With a harsh braking sound, the train finally stopped on the railroad tracks, exclaiming suddenly. In this place where the village is not behind and the store is not behind, the sudden stop is by no means a good omen.

The robbers in the United States are wild, have no technical content, and no humanistic feelings. Before work, they will not come back again and again. "This road is my drive, this tree is my plant." There were sporadic gunshots.

Shooting at this time is of course mostly intimidating, and the money has not yet been obtained, and the robbers will not casually kill.

"Sir, hurry up, I will drag these people as far as possible." Justice Oshima sweated heavily, opened the revolver's magazine, inspected the bullets in the magazine, and anxiously told Watanabe.

It's ironic, knowing that this group of robbers is likely to be hired by Li Mu, and even the Horse Group's people pretend to be it, but the only thing that Oshima justice can trust now is the revolver in his hand, the Horse Group Production of boa handguns.

"Walk ... Where can I go?" Watanabe's expression was bitter, and he did not expect that Li Mu would kill everything.

The nearest station is also more than 20 kilometers away. There are wild roads along the way. There are no roads at all. Railroad tracks are the only reference object that can indicate the direction.

Watanabe doesn't think that in the wilderness, his two legs can run over the horse's four legs, so there is no way to escape.

But staying is also a dead end. In order to be able to leave more decently, Watanabe asked William Vanderbilt for a special train, so except for the three train drivers in this car, all were Japanese in New York. The staff of the embassy and their families, although there are samurai like Oshima, these are more ordinary people who deal with copywriting. The rest are women and children. Facing mercenaries armed to the teeth, they are basically No resistance.

Watanabe doesn't think that these mercenaries will open up one side, and if they replace it with their own advantages, Watanabe will not leave a trace of affection.

As Watanabe thought, the battle was indeed one-sided.

After the train stopped, the robbers didn't rush to board the train. Instead, they ran around the train and rushed for words that no one could understand. From time to time, they also added some tension to the shotgun.

Just as the passengers focused their attention on the knights, a group of sturdy gunmen suddenly appeared in the first compartment.

Some people did resist, but sporadic resistance led to dense projectiles. When some casualties started, resistance quickly dissipated like ice cream in the summer sun.

Maybe it is not time to show tyranny, the gunmen who pedal the bike are quite restrained. When facing women and children, they show gentleman-like politeness. As long as there is no resistance, there is no killing. People are treated in bondage.

In this case, no one took their own lives to test the bottom line of these gunmen. When facing the strong, the obedience and humbleness of the Japanese's bones played a key role. As long as one person lay on the floor as the gunman ordered, Others will learn everything.

When the gunmen kept coming to the compartment where Watanabe was riding, the fighting finally broke out again.

At this time Watanabe's carriage had gathered more than a dozen embassy staff members. Oshima justice distributed weapons for them. Watanabe encouraged everyone to fight hard, and they did not think they might be spared.

Shun Lee did not numb the vigilance of the gunmen. When the first gunman was knocked down, everyone immediately became alert and a scuffle began.

"Delete, die, give me all to die!" Masahiro Oshima hid behind a table in the box, blocked the car's connection channel with a double gun, and continued to pull the trigger while cursing wildly.

The two women crouched at the foot of Oshima Justice, helping Oshima Justice's pistol load bullets. With a steady supply of bullets, Oshima Justice believed that no one could break through his muzzle blockade. If he persisted for a longer time, Maybe the railway guards will follow.

Indeed, as a samurai, Oshima Justice is qualified. He started learning Kendo at the age of 11. He has started his samurai career for more than 30 years. After the popularity of the hot weapon, Oshima Justice learned humbly and made rapid progress. He even watched the American Civil War and the Indian War, and was known as the backbone of the Japanese military. Oshima's justice marksmanship is accurate, determined, and physically fit. It is not easy to break through his blockade.

But for a train car, it is obviously not enough to want to stay in danger.

Although the train that Oshima is riding on is a special train, it is not a bullet-proof train. The carriage has only a thin layer of iron sheet, and then is decorated with wooden bars. This level of defense is not worth mentioning for the penetration of the bullet.

There are gunmen inside the compartment cleaning one by one, and there are knights patrolling outside the compartment. After noticing the fierce fire of this compartment, more than a dozen knights rushed to the vicinity of Oshima's righteous compartment, raised their rifles and began to gather Shoot.

The bullets these days have not been distinguished from full-loaded and semi-charged. The standards for military and civilian bombs are the same. How much gunpowder can be loaded and how much, it is scary and powerful.

The shotgun is even too much, with 20 shots flying in one shot, more than a dozen shotguns volleyed, and more than 200 steel **** raged in each round. The volley took only two rounds, and there were The voice of "ceasefire" came out.

It really can't be beaten. The samurai in the age of hot weapons is a tragedy. It may take decades for a warrior to learn martial arts from his childhood, but in the face of a rifle's volley, decades of hard sweat are all bubbling. No matter how skilled martial arts is, it can't reach a lot of steel ball paste.

Holding the constant trembling body of Oshima Justice, Watanabe's heart was also trembling.

Maybe it was Oshima's body that was too big and covered a huge area. In the first round of volley, Oshima was hit by a frontal bullet. More than a dozen steel **** smashed the upper body of Oshima ’s upper body into honeycomb coal. Watanabe's two hands couldn't hold his hands as the fountain splattered.

This shot not only killed Oshima's body, but also the determination of all Japanese, including Watanabe.

"Just form a team and surrender immediately, otherwise we're welcome." A stern voice came from the window, followed by a scorching smell.

It turned out that the gunmen were already sympathetic. If they used the combustion bottle just now, everyone in the compartment would become a roast suckling pig.

Feng Shui is taking turns. Two days ago, the gunners of the Springfield Company mourned under the raging of the combustion bottle. It is the Japanese's turn today, and the retribution came a little faster.

"We ... surrender ..." Watanabe's confidence was bitter, looking at the restless faces around him, all his thoughts disappeared.

All the resistance has stopped, and the people in the carriage were taken out one by one, kneeling in a row by the railroad. At this time, the gunmen tore off the tender veil and looked at people with a particularly bad intention, especially those who shook Women who make a ball.

Watanabe was also shaking, and the gunman who brought him out of the carriage was not friendly. He even used dragging and pulling to be rough. He saw that Watanabe was slow to move and even kicked him.

This made Watanabe more and more uneasy, so just after being taken off the bus, Watanabe was shouting, "Come and talk to me personally, I think we need to talk."

As a diplomat, the killing with a knife is not what Watanabe is good at. Watanabe is good at talking. As long as he is in his area of ​​expertise, Watanabe is confident to retreat.

"Mr. Watanabe, long time no see." A strange voice came.

Watanabe raised his head. Among the knights, Watanabe finally found a familiar face.

A cowboy hat with a police badge, an iron gray woolen coat embroidered with the Springfield company logo, shiny horse boots, a gleam of Orchid cold light, and a slightly mocking smile and apathetic look, Watanabe knew This person, this guy is the manager of Springfield Company, and Li Mu's number one beater Ford Benjamin.

When seeing Ford Benjamin standing in front of himself so unabashedly, Watanabe originally had a hint of luck, and finally sank to the bottom.

So naked and undisguised, this is the rhythm of not preparing to stay alive, so naturally there is no need to worry about leaking news.

"You guys, how dare you ..." Watanabe's fingers were shaking as he pointed to Ford Benjamin. He was so confused that he didn't know how to blame Ford Benjamin.

"Of course we dare! Because this is the United States, this is the land of the United States. On this land, we can do whatever we want, as long as we are willing." Ford Benjamin's words were very straightforward, and his confidence in the speech was thin. , Domineering is unbelievable.

Watanabe had once imagined that one day he could also declare sovereignty to others in such a domineering tone.

What Watanabe didn't expect is that when others add this tone to himself, this feeling will be so sad.

"Aren't you afraid of being condemned?" To this day, Watanabe's letter can only rest on justice and justice, and hope that the Japanese government will come to its own people to seek justice, and do not know how long it will take .

"God won't bless you, you pagans, this is the punishment God gave you." Ford Benjamin can also be a **** stick when necessary.

Watanabe is not the same as Li Mu, who has already become a U.S. citizen. Li Mu can brazenly declare to everyone that he is a standard Catholic believer, but Watanabe cannot.

As a Japanese, Watanabe believes in Shintoism. It must be emphasized that the Japanese government will never allow its officials to worship Western churches.

Even if it ’s just like Li Mu, just talking.

In fact, the extremist sect is not only a little white hat, but Christianity is also exaggerating, as evidenced by the Crusades that have lasted for hundreds of years.

At this time in the 19th century, the social atmosphere has become more enlightened, and the influence of the Holy See on the secular society is getting lower and lower. Christianity is slowly becoming like a true religion, but people ’s spiritual sustenance. For all the pagans, there is probably only one way to be burned alive.

"You will definitely get retribution, please tell Li Mu, he must ..." Watanabe knows that he must not be spared this time, so he is dead-headed.

Ford Benjamin didn't give Watanabe a chance to let go of his words. Seeing that Watanabe's emotions were about to get out of control, Ford Benjamin didn't hesitate and raised his hand in the middle of Watanabe's brows.

The sharp gunshot was like a signal. The killing began immediately. Some people could not help dragging those women who were scared into dementia into the carriage. They did n’t know what they wanted to do.

"Damn, when you're done, each of you has a reward of $ 100. Now give me the truth, take care of your lower body." Ford Benjamin can't just sit back and watch what happened beyond his own bottom line Although Ford Benjamin will not be pedantic to let go of these women and children, Ford Benjamin will not let them suffer more humiliation.

Life is really cheap these years. It costs only a hundred dollars to hire a stink Irish in New York. These people have just disembarked from their hull and they have nothing else to sell except their own lives.

It is a good choice to serve the Steed Group. To become a gunman, you need to go shirtless and kill people. Of course, there are dangers, but what work is not dangerous in this year?

What's more, working for the Junma Group can enjoy all the benefits and benefits of the Junma Group, and find a group that suits them and ensure that they are not discriminated against. This is the most valued.

The most discriminated group in New York now is the Japanese, and then the Irish. Although the Irish have a large population, because of the lack of education and lack of economic strength, the Irish are often engaged in the heaviest work and receive this meager salary. So many Irish people are willing to play for the Steed Group.

As for the skin color of the owners of the Junma Group, no one really cares about this. It is the 19th century. The skin color did not bring them any benefit, so it is serious to fill the stomach.

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