Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 474: Force output

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Strictly speaking, the nineteenth century was also a unipolar world.

Although the United States is gradually becoming stronger, although the French do not recognize that the "sunset empire" has completely covered the glory of France, the United Kingdom is the undisputed first power in the world.

As for other Germany, Japan, Russia, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and so on, these are all second-rate countries, or are still struggling in the third world. They want opportunities to make their voices heard.

The unipolar world has the advantages of the unipolar world. There is no "Paris embargo" and no trade barriers. As long as Li Mu is willing, Li Mu can sell the weapons produced by the Steed Weapons Factory to any corner of the world.

Oh no, the Commonwealth does not. In view of the bad relationship between Steed Group and the United Kingdom, it is estimated that the Commonwealth will not do business with Steed Group.

It doesn't matter. Where there is oppression, there is resistance. So Li Mu must have the opportunity to do business with some people in the Commonwealth. At that time, Li Mu will give them a severe discount.

It is not only the British Empire that is hostile to Li Mu. The relationship between the Japanese and Li Mu is already on the same level. The Qing Empire regarded Li Mu as a confidant and cut off these huge markets. The products of Junma Group want to It is not easy to get out of the United States.

The cooperation with Mike was a useful attempt by Li Mu. In the past few years, when the horsepower plant's capacity was insufficient, it had been forced to cooperate with Chuntian Arsenal to buy OEM weapons from Chuntian Arsenal to sell to the United States of Cuba, which was also called the Republic of Cuba If Mike now registers a new brand, Li Mu would not mind selling the weapons OEM from the Steed Weapons Factory.

This is also a helpless move. Although Li Mu also values ​​brand effects, he cannot let these markets be occupied by other arms companies.

Think about it, although the Japanese can be ignored because they have no money in their pockets, the Commonwealth occupies the largest land in the world, and the Qing Empire has the largest population in the world. These two markets are no matter how Can't lose it.

As for whether Li Mu will cultivate a competitor, Li Mu is not worried about this.

As long as the Steed Lab is operating normally, Li Mu can have a steady stream of new technologies, and Steed Weapon Factory can always ensure that the technology is at the leading edge. It is not easy for Mike to turn around.

Mike knows this too, so Mike cares more about what's on the list he gets.

"Everything, as long as it is a weapon produced by Junma Weapons Company, you can get it." Li Mu thought it through, and he was not afraid of the proliferation of technology.

Li Mu did indeed lay down his blood. On the list for Mike, even the 75mm infantry rapid-fire guns that had just been finalized at the New Haven factory.

The New Haven factory is the former Winchester factory. Because New Haven has a port, Li Mu put the artillery factory here.

The 75mm infantry rapid-fire gun is the first artillery produced by Steed Weapon Company. This artillery uses a large number of new technologies. The most notable is the hydraulic retreat.

Hydraulic retreat is the latest technology of Steed Weapon Company. This technique has a more well-known name called "tube retreat".

Yes, the 75mm infantry rapid-fire gun is the world's first tube-retracted artillery. This technology should have been developed by the French. They applied this technology to the 75mm field gun because it took one The nice name is "Miss Seventh Five".

From this name, we can see how much the French like this artillery. The French valued the artillery tradition. Napoleon, an artilleryman, praised the artillery as "the **** of war". Most of the senior French generals were artillery. Origin.

"Miss Seventh Five" did well. Before the appearance of "Miss Seventh Five", skilled artillery was able to control the artillery at a rate of two rounds per minute. The rate of fire of "Miss Seventy Five" was 7-10 rounds per minute. This is enough to form an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield.

The power of the "Miss Seventh Five-Year Plan" is so great that the French have imposed a strict technical blockade on the enemy of life and death, the Germans. All countries that have won the "Miss Seventh Five-Year Plan" must make a commitment not to send weapons to Germany. .

Before the First World War, the Germans could not understand the mystery of "Miss Seventy-Five". In order to offset the advantage of "Miss Seventy-five", the Germans had to make a fuss about the range and power of the artillery, which also caused Germany Human artillery is getting bigger.

Everything has two sides. The French think that they are "Miss Seventh Five-Year". They have nothing to worry about. As a result, World War I just broke out. The Germans used the range and power of the large-caliber artillery to dominate the French. A thousand miles away.

As for the "Miss Seventh Five-Year Plan", which the French had high hopes for, due to its range, it played almost no role in the large corps operations.

Because of Li Mu's emergence, Steed Weapons Company and Krupp have maintained close cooperation. In the 75mm rapid-fire artillery produced by Steed Weapons Company, Krupp's barrel self-tightening technology and bolt technology have also been used. The 75mm rapid-fire artillery produced by Steed Weapon Company has a longer range than the former Miss Seventh Five-Year Plan.

Body tube self-tightening technology and bolt technology are Krupp's housekeeping skills. In order to obtain these technologies, Steed Weapon Company can only exchange tube return technology.

Li Muke does not mean to cherish his broom. On the other hand, Li Mu also hopes that German military strength will be stronger so that Germany can play a greater role.

Now that the Germans have the technology of tube withdrawal, the tube withdrawal technology is no longer a single weapon. Even if Li Mu does not sell 75 mm infantry rapid-fire guns, the Germans will sell artillery all over the world.

In fact, as a country that has just been united, although Germany won the Franco-Prussian War and received a large amount of war compensation from France, Germany's economic strength is still weak, so the Germans are also short of money. In this case, don't Count on how many martial arts the Germans can have.

Mike probably didn't know what he got. After getting Li Mu's promise, Mike's expression was not easy.

This is also normal. Although Mike still has some money in his hands, it is estimated that there is not much. Otherwise, Mike would not be so busy going to the Far East to discuss his life.

Arms traffickers are a high-risk occupation. Although the returns are also high, arms traffickers have no stance. They are destined to become targets of some people's attacks.

The situation of the Qing Empire was very complicated. The central and local governments were playing games. The Han and the Man were undercurrents.

The Commonwealth is also not stable. Apart from India, probably no other country will face the colonizers. As a white man, it is dangerous for Mike to travel to the Commonwealth colonies.

However, in this world, there are risks in doing everything. White people have not yet reached the point where they can enjoy themselves. If they want to worry about the rest of their lives, then Mike still has to work hard.

So Mike didn't hesitate, and quickly agreed to Li Mu's proposal: "Okay, I'll go to the Far East next month."

"Great Mike, I think before you go to the Far East, you must hope to understand your product." Li Mu will also have some training for Mike, otherwise in case Mike goes to the Far East, avoiding customers, but still can't Qing is what he wants to sell, but that's funny.

Arranging Mike to become familiar with the product, you do n’t need Li Mu to do it yourself. In fact, carefully speaking, it ’s no longer worthwhile to let Li Mu meet in person, but Li Mu is a nostalgic person. So alienate Mike, as long as Mike is still trying to get closer to Li Mu.

Those who are qualified to visit Li Mu at any time should be at least the level of Bernapp.

Bernap is no longer the Secretary of War of the United States. Compared with Eble, Bernap and Grant are farther away, so in the face of the crazy attack of the Democratic Party, Grant did not protect him as Ebol Under the protection of Bernap, so in the face of a large vote of members of Congress, although Rapp was not convicted, but now that he is no longer trusted and has become a suspect, Bernap can only resign.

According to the previous agreement between Steed Group and Bernard, once Bernard has retired, Bernard will be able to come to Steed Group as a special adviser to Steed Group.

The reason why Li Mu has this commitment is that he wants to maintain a good relationship with Bernap, on the one hand, and also wants Bernap to continue to play after the retirement of Bernap.

Now is the time for Li Mu to make his promises. Li Mu did not fail to keep his word, so Bernapp became the first special adviser to the Steed Group.

The special adviser is a bit complicated. Generally speaking, Bernapp will be responsible for lobbying the War Department to continue to purchase the Steed Weapons Company's products, and at the same time should make some suggestions for the Steed Weapons Company's operation.

If Li Mu wants to adopt the "agent" system in the Far East, he must inevitably discuss with Bernap.

"It is a good idea to develop the Far East market. Although there are many dangers, there are also many opportunities." Bernapp knows that he is advancing and retreating. His responsibility is to make recommendations, not to make decisions. After Li Mu makes a decision, Bernap can play The effect is to find a way to thoroughly implement Li Mu's decision.

The Far East has special significance for the United States. It was precisely because of the "black ship incident" created by Americans that it opened the course of modernization in Japan.

As far as Li Mu's system is concerned, in a few years, the United States will provoke the "American-Western War." By that time, Americans will have the first colony in the Far East in the world.

No, it should be the second piece. Strictly speaking, Cuba and the nations are now American colonies.

In fact, the American political system determines that the United States is not a visionary country. For example, Grant has a term of only eight years. No matter how good Grant is on the stage, once Grant steps down, all of Grant's orders may be subject to his The successor overthrows.

Relatively speaking, the military structure is relatively stable, so although the US-Spanish war will not erupt in 20 years, Li Mu believes that the Ministry of War must now have plans in this regard.

Such things as plans are not necessarily implemented anyway, so Li Mu believes that the Ministry of War will have many plans, even those that are at war with the British.

"I need some young and capable officers, like the ones I took to Cuba, if I hire them in the name of a company, I don't know if it is possible now." Li Mu thought a lot, Such matters can only be discussed with Bernap.

At that time, Li Mu went to Cuba. Because of the burden of certain political tasks, the Ministry of War had no obstacles to Li Mu's request.

Now that things have changed, it is almost impossible to mobilize one or two hundred active officers to serve Li Mu personally.

But Bernap may be here. If Bernap is willing to help, then even if it is not possible to hire active officers, it is still possible to hire retired officers.

Li Mu's mercenary officers are to train the new army of the Qing empire. We must know that selling new weapons to the Qing empire is not enough. In order for these weapons to exert their normal power, enough experienced people must be trained.

Thanks to the nine-year compulsory education, Li Mu clearly remembered the demise of the Qing Empire. The Nanchang Uprising was the first shot of the new army, so if Li Mu wants to end the decadent rule of the Qing Empire decades ago, then he must be inside the Qing Empire. Cultivate new forces. Only new forces have the courage to break all the old traditions.

Bernapp does not care about Li Mu's purpose. This is not something Bernap should care about. What Bernap should do is how to make Li Mu's decision a reality.

"Young and capable officers are not easy to find. They are often the focus of military training. They receive too much attention. It would be much easier to relax the conditions." Bernapp has a solution. What is the Minister of War? There are many old and young juniors in the military, and some people will always be unhappy, especially after Benap resigns. Those Bernabs's former relationship must now be popular. When the new minister comes to power, they may be disappointed. All cleansed, even if they do not leave the army, they will be beaten into the cold palace, and as their old superior, Bernapp will of course, if possible, find a better way for them.

It is good to work for the Junma Group. If you don't consider the illusory things such as honor, responsibility, etc., the Junma Group's salary is still very good, although it is impossible to have as much as one thousand US dollars per month, which is certainly a few hundred dollars. It is guaranteed. This salary is already very good. At least they cannot get so much in the army.

"That will trouble you. I need a hundred, no, two hundred experienced officers. Even if they are older, it doesn't matter. But if they can travel for a long time, they will be sent to all over the world. Those recruits will be taught more. Good use of our weapons. "Li Mu has ambitions, arms dealers, do not provoke war, what kind of arms dealer?

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