Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 479: Little girl

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Although there are some twists and turns, Zhang Changrong finally settled in Indiana.

There are hundreds of small groups like Zhang Changrong in Indiana and Illinois. They are widely distributed along the railway, like nails, stubborn and tough, and became the first generation of Chinese-American farmers in the United States.

The farms in these years have rarely planted land. Before the large-scale promotion of agricultural machinery, similar to Zhang Changrong's family, they hoped that two people could cultivate 6000 acres of land, which would bring Zhang Changrong and his wife to life.

Therefore, for most farmers, in about three to five years, their farms must be dominated by animal husbandry. Of course, it is not to say that they do nothing. The ethnic talent of the Chinese is left here, at least the vegetable land is definitely not. Will be less.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all the bad guys will pretend vegetables, such as Li Mu.

If Yan's mother was there, you would n’t waste Li Mu ’s large lawn in the front yard on the shores of Lake Lauing in Washington. Li Mu would not have the heart to serve those flowers and plants. He did n’t even make a simple garden. Just keep the lawn in the yard tidy.

Since there is a lawn, of course, it cannot be wasted. It is most suitable to hold a dinner party on a cool breezy night and a beautiful lakeside.

It is not easy to attend Li Mu's banquet. If the level is not enough, you ca n’t get an invitation letter. Representatives should not come here for fun. If you want to enter Li Mu ’s door, at least you need a senator.

There are still many qualified, Li Guofang, Runkel, and Samuel, who was just elected Senator of New York State. These are all members of Li Mu's family, and naturally they are regulars in Li Mu's family.

In addition, there are Benjamin Harrison and Burnside. These two people have a close relationship with Li Mu. It is a life and death relationship. You don't need to make an appointment to find Li Mu.

In recent times, people who often appear in Li Mu's house include Sherman.

Although there is no special friendship between Li Mu and Sherman, the two are interdependent. No one can be separated from others. Li Mu needs to maintain a good relationship with the Ministry of War, hoping to get a steady stream from Sherman. For orders, Sherman had no choice. Except for Steed Weapons Company, no one in the United States could provide enough weapons to the US Department of War, so it did n’t take much effort. Li Mu and Sherman reached a consensus and further relationship. Getting closer.

Dinner with only a few people can not be described as "banquet", at most it is a dinner.

However, after the meal, Li Mu will set up a table and several rattan chairs in the yard. There will be a variety of fruits and wine on the table. There will also be chefs cooking barbecues and snacks on the spot. No one can Reject the temptation of these things.

"The Far East has the largest population in the world, in other words, it also has the largest market in the world, so if we really want to get out of the predicament, then we must develop the Far East market." Li Mu is not enough now In the Senate, there are only more than 70 senators. The number of votes directly controlled by Li Mu has exceeded one tenth. This is a huge force that no one dares to despise. It can even determine the president's produce.

Now that the strength has reached this level, Li Mu will no longer be awkward, so Li Mu is now trying to influence Congress's policies through Congress to achieve his own goals.

"Although the Far East has the largest population, people there do not have the purchasing power. Whether it is the Qing Empire or Japan, wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few people. It is not easy to squeeze money out of them." Samuel from the media industry can talk to Li Mu. Others, such as Langer, a scholar, and Benjamin and Burnside, both from a military background, have nothing to do with Li Mu.

In fact, it was Chen Guofang who was more qualified to discuss the economy with Li Mu, but Chen Guofang always looked at Li Mu's horse head. What Li Mu said was what Chen Guofang never raised objections, so Samuel became the most active one.

As the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, Samuel naturally has a level. Samuel is right. The population in the Far East is indeed large, but the purchasing power is not strong. For example, the Qing Empire and Japan, the economies of these countries The structures are all self-sufficient small peasant economic systems. Although the production methods are a bit backward and the organizational form is not large enough, they are barely able to meet demand. Unless this balance is completely broken, opening the Far East market is empty talk.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Take the textile industry of the Qing Empire as an example. The ordinary people of the Qing Empire usually weaved their own threads. They did n’t need to ask for help when making clothes. At most, the stitches are fine or thick, or the style is not novel enough, so there is no clothes to wear.

If you want the people of the Qing Empire to buy clothing directly, you can only find ways to make them wirelessly spinnable, or make the price of clothing extremely low, just like the "Chinese cabbage" of the 21st century, so that they can succeed.

In fact, there was the Qing Dynasty. Although Western countries tried to use the ship's cannons to open the door of the Qing Empire and then open the market of the Qing Empire, this goal has not been completely achieved. Western countries open up most to the urban market. For the vast rural areas, , Foreigners are also beyond reach.

Considering the level of urbanization at the time, I am afraid that the degree of market development is not even one-tenth.

"We want to develop the Far East market. What we want to earn is not the money of the poor. The poor have no money for you to make. It is the money of the rich. This should be our goal." Li Mu knew the living conditions of ordinary people in the Qing Empire. He didn't hit his mind on ordinary people at all.

What Li Mu wants to earn is the money of the rulers of the Qing Empire. It is not too easy to make money in the Qing Empire these days. Just get a few warships in the past, find a port city and fire a few guns, you can force the Qing Empire to sign an inequality. treaty.

This will definitely increase the burden on the ordinary people of the Qing Empire, because no matter how much money the Qing Empire will lose, eventually these money will be passed on to ordinary people.

But losing money is inevitable. Even if Li Mu ca n’t, other countries, such as Japan, such as Russia, have historically squeezed enough oil and water from the Qing Empire. Li Mu is now earning money first, and anyway, In the end, no matter what method is used, Li Mu will find a way to return all the squeezed money to the people of the Qing Empire.

I just hope that the people of the Qing Empire can wake up sooner, so that the Chinese can end their suffering a day earlier.

"Want to make money for the rich, do you mean we declare war on the Qing Empire directly?" Burnside finally found an opportunity to interject.

In fact, compared with the old imperialist countries such as Britain and France, the United States has a more friendly attitude towards the Qing Empire. Therefore, the Qing Empire sent Li Mu to the United States in an attempt to learn the advanced experience of the United States and hope to save the decaying empire.

As an emerging capitalist country, when the United States had the power to expand abroad, the entire world was basically divided up, leaving only the ancient empire of the Qing Empire, which also belonged to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

At that time, the United States did not have any military strength. The Army did not have a standing force. The navy's dilapidated ships were not comparable to the powerful Royal Navy. Therefore, the United States proposed an "open door" policy and hoped to use its economic strength. , Opened a new situation in the Far East.

Although the United States has not yet proposed an "open door" policy, Burnside knows this background, so Burnside will certainly not support Li Mu to provoke war in the Far East.

"The Americas are still a mess right now, so we can't set our sights on the Far East right now. At least we need to keep our backyard safe so that we can move on." Benjamin also disagreed with Li Mu's proposal.

The trip to Cuba was the starting point of Benjamin's political career. If it was not for President Sylvester, Benjamin might not have been so easy to be elected as a senator. Therefore, Benjamin's emphasis on the Americas is customary and mature.

"Of course, the United States must maintain purity. The Americas are the Americas of the Americans, so we support the independence movement of the American people." Li Mu was right and right. This is really not a contradiction.

After integrating the U.S. arms market, Steed Weapon Company began to reach more and more customers. The identity of these buyers is complex. Some are from Europe, some are from the Far East, and some are from Africa. Of course, more are from the Americas. To be precise Is from South America.

Li Mu treats all customers equally. Not only is the price as low as possible, but the payment methods are flexible, allowing customers to use resources or pay off land.

Regarding the payment method, it gained a lot of image points for Steed Weapon Company, so Steed Weapon Company's reputation is getting better and better, even outside the United States, its reputation is much better than in the United States.

"You also have to converge in this regard. The British government has sent us a protest. Have you sold your weapons to the Boers?" Burnside's tone was not like blame, but more a reminder.

The word "Bull" comes from the "peasant" in Dutch. In the early days, it was the Dutch who came to South Africa to take root and multiply, which led to the present Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Transvaal, and Natali. The Republic of Asia and the Free State of Orange.

All the four republics are nations founded by the Boers. These countries are not recognized by the British. In fact, this year or next, Britain will persuade these countries to accept British government rule.

The Dutch arrived in South Africa earlier than the British. Although the British paid for the Cape of Good Hope area from the Dutch, they did not buy the entire African continent, so the Dutch did not recognize the British rule.

The development of this "disapproval" will eventually lead to the outbreak of the "Boer War".

Li Mu was indeed doing business with the Boers. The Boers got the most advanced weapons from Li Mu, and Li Mu got the gold and diamonds from the Boers.

Gold and diamonds are also one of the causes of the Boer War. Do not underestimate the power of gold. The federal government overturned the previous agreement and attacked the Indians of Montana because of the discovery of gold mines in Montana.

"Who cares about them. Is anyone willing to do business with me? I want to keep people out of the door. Isn't this the way of business?" Li Mu doesn't care about the British at all. Even if Li Mu doesn't sell weapons to the Boers, the British don't. Orders will be sent to Steed Weapons Company.

The US government does not even care what the British think. In fact, the Americans are anxious that the British are unlucky. They are very happy with Li Mu's approach, so far Washington has not asked Li Mu to talk about it.

However, for the British, this kind of thing is a taboo in the end. If Li Mu has been so unscrupulous, sooner or later, the British will do everything possible to deal with Li Mu and his steed group, and then Li Mu's family will be the target of public criticism.

Burnside does not want to see Li Mu become a scapegoat for your US government, or Burnside is unwilling to lose Li Mu's ally, so Burnside will remind Li Mu.

"Be careful, beware of the big wind." Li Guofang finally couldn't help reminding him that there were many similar words. People were afraid of famous pigs and strong people, Mu Xiu would be destroyed by the forest wind, the first **** would rot, etc.

"Haha, my tree is big enough. Even if I don't look for wind, the wind will come to me." You have the consciousness of the first soldiers. If everyone is in order, history will still develop at a predetermined pace. The next few decades, Li Mu will definitely be boring.

Although there are more and more reasons for the British to deal with Li Mu, there are also more and more reasons for Li Mu to hate the British.

Going forward, to break the existing world structure, the first thing to break is the colonial system established by Britain and France. If this is not broken, let alone the United States is in the foreseeable future, the Chinese want to really stand up, it is simply daydreaming.

I went on to say that the English people, who claim to be gentlemen, have always been disgusted with Li Mu, first Edison, and then Colt. I do n’t know what happened. Li Mu ’s enemies always like to run to Britain.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, so whether it is Edison or Colt, the British government has sealed him as a guest. Edison has set up his own Edison laboratory in London and is suing the Steed Weapons Company for infringement. The patent of Edison Labs, and Mrs. Colt, re-established the Colt factory in Portsmouth. The list of weapons produced includes the "Springfield" rifle and the "python" pistol.

Although he knew that his legitimate rights were being violated, Li Mu was helpless.

Although Junma Group has applied for related patents of "Springfield" rifle and "python" type pistol in Britain, it is estimated that the British courts will not accept it if Junma Group goes to Britain to sue Colt.

Don't look at your Westerners dangling the law all day. In fact, they are watching to see if this thing is good for themselves. When it ’s good, the law is heaven. No one can violate it. , Can be dressed casually.

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