Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Snake out of the hole

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The news of Yan Shun's return is not good. A pirate has recently appeared on the sea near Cuba. In just one month, four Santiago investment company ships have been looted.

This group of pirates is not the same as other pirates. The general pirates will only make money and will not hurt the lives of the crew, so that they will not break the road to wealth, and will not cause the shipowners to respond madly.

This group of pirates is more extreme. They want money and death, and the ships that they ca n’t take away are also sinking. They are really cruel and leave no room for them.

About twenty days ago, the Cuban government noticed the pirates. It was helpless that the new-born Cuban government had almost no maritime power, so even if they wanted to destroy the pirates, they were powerless.

The Cuban government desperately asked for assistance from the US Navy stationed in Guantanamo.

Guantanamo agreed to the Cuban government's request to send warships to patrol the relevant waters.

These pirates are very cunning. They do not compete directly with the US Navy. It is impossible for US warships to patrol the sea at all times. As long as the warships enter the port to rest, the pirates will wait for an opportunity to commit crimes.

"... Affected by the pirate attack, the turnover of the San Diego Trading Company fell by 25% and the profit fell by 56% last month. If this group of pirates is not wiped out as soon as possible, the profit and profit of this month are expected It will fall further. "Yan Shun closed the report frowning.

The biggest problem in dealing with pirates is that they are beyond reach, let alone shepherd is in New York. Even if she is in San Diego, she cannot find the pirates.

"What is Fry doing?" Li Mu has troops in the Bahamas and Youth Island. Now that the pirates are rampant, naturally they must hold the relevant leaders accountable.

Fry is Li Fei. In order to let Chinese people integrate into the United States more quickly, Li Mu requires all Chinese people to adopt an English name in order to downplay their Chinese attributes.

Li Fei performed well in the Cuban Independence War. Bai Qi and Yan Hu followed Will to return to the United States to join the Army's First Cavalry Division. Li Fei became the highest military commander of the Chinese in Cuba.

In fact, Li Fei is still not qualified enough to be the highest military commander. After all, Li Fei has not received systematic military education and his age is too young. Compared with those politicians who are old and sly, Li Fei still has a gap.

This is also no way. As the only armed force in his hand, Li Mu has to rely on the forces in the hands of Li Fei to protect the Chinese in the Bahamas and the Youth Island. Civilians can of course be hired from within the United States, and military forces cannot in any way impersonate others.

Besides, if we let the US government know that Li Mu actually has an armed force overseas, it will be unclear whether the disaster is good or not. Considering Li Mu's arms dealer status, this is not a good thing.

"Fry is currently busy installing submarine cables from the Bahamas to Miami. Given that he does not have an armed gunboat in his hand, Fry is helpless." Yan Shun explained to Li Fei that there seems to be a tendency between words.

Although Li Mu ’s government has been 1,000 years old and the Bahamas has been obtained from the Bahamas government, after all, neither the Youth Island nor the Grand Bahama has independence. Therefore, Li Fe ’s army as a private armed force cannot gain experience and can only be equipped at most. Several armed gunboats.

Compared to warships, armed gunboats are much more low-key, and many shipping companies have varying numbers of armed gunboats. Government comparisons are also open and closed, such as the former shipping giant Vanderbilt family. The number of gunboats was more than that of the US Navy's armed gunboats.

The submarine cable is not used to transmit electricity, but to transmit telegraph signals. Before the radio telegraph was not invented, the cable telegraph was the most convenient method of message transmission. At present, the submarine cable from Cuba to the Grand Bahama has been laid. When the cable between Grand Bahama Island and Miami is laid, news from San Diego will be passed directly to New York.

"Send the maritime striker and tell Frye that I will only give him one month. If the pirates have not been wiped out after one month, then he will wait to dig asphalt in Trinidad." At sea The Hussar is in San Francisco, and Li Mu's hands can only be transferred to the Ranger, which is also the biggest support Li Mu can give to Li Fei.

Immediately after the news of the "Sea Rider" arrived on the Grand Bahama Island, Li Fei was full of confidence immediately: "As long as there is a boat, it is easy to wipe out the red beard. Don't think that I can't find him in hiding in Nassau. It's got into the queen's crotch, and I'm going to carry him out. "

In the Bahamas, Li Fei is now a land snake. Although the pirates are traveling at sea like wind, after all, they still have to rest on the shore. Li Fei played chess pieces in Nassau early, and now finally comes in handy.

"Red Beard" is not the "Red Beard" in history. This guy is said to be a descendant of a noble British noble. His ancestor once held a "private permit" issued by the Queen himself. Now he is in the family, so the descendant of the pirate Had to return to the old business.

The British, the private raid, and the target of plunder are the San Diego Investment Company. These words have a strong conspiracy.

No matter what kind of conspiracy Li Fei does, if anyone dares to oppose the San Diego Investment Company, Li Fei will bear his own responsibility.

"After the maritime cavalry arrives, we will be able to plunge into the pirate's nest and kill them without leaving a piece of armor." Li Fei's deputy Qin Meng was also fierce. During this time, the pirates were too crazy Seeing the news of a cargo ship attack, Qin Meng felt a fever on his face.

"Do you know where the pirate's nest is?" Now Li Fei's face had no blush, bronze skin, stubble on his face, and developed chest muscles, all proving that the big boy was transforming into a man.

"I don't know." Qin Meng told the truth.

"Where do you plug in?" Li Fei expressed despair at Qin Meng's IQ.

"I thought you knew." Qin Meng's eyes widened and said he was innocent. He probably didn't know how cute the action was.

"I know ... hmm, I want to know, can't I take the Americans with me." Li Fei didn't know either, otherwise the pirates would have been lit by the sky lanterns: "We have to lead the snake out of the hole and wait for the Haifeng Rangers. When the number came, I sent someone to Nassau to spread the news, and I didn't believe that Redbeard could sit. "

This snake is used well to get out of the hole, which fully shows that Li Fei is learning, regardless of the degree of progress, it is good to have this heart.

Compared with Li Mu ’s last visit to Nassau, the city has no changes. The most magnificent building is still the Governor ’s House. In addition, there are no more than two floors of buildings. Only the Governor ’s House has a set of horses. The lighting system produced by the electric company, every night, Governor Shawn Bradley puts an electric lamp on the highest vault of the main building of the Governor's House, so that the city can also be bathed in the glory of modern civilization.

Every night, except for the glorious modern civilization of the Governor's Palace, other areas of the entire Nassau City are shrouded in darkness. The sewage is flowing, the smell is overflowing, and the disease is frequent. The complaint now is far from being a tourist destination in the 21st century. No wonder the British don't value it here.

Sean Bradley also knows the status quo of Nassau, but Sean Bradley has no meaning to change the status quo, because in Nassau, Sean Bradley does not see the future.

For Sean Bradley, the only thing he could do was make as much money as possible during his tenure, and then return to London to bribe the sergeant and go to a better place to continue to get rich.

The upper beam is not the lower beam. Since the Governor is the same, don't blame other officials for floating their hearts. The political situation in the Bahamas in recent years has been so chaotic that 40% of the islands have become privately owned.

As the capital of the Bahamas, the port outside Nassau is always lively at night. Although the Civil War has ended and Nassau's special role as a trade transit point has disappeared, some merchant ships will finally stop at Nassau For supplies, there are always dismal businessmen coming to look for opportunities, so Nassau Port under the night always has a lot of temptations, and the tavern is the most lively place among them.

"Beauty Hearts" is the largest bar in Nassau Port. It is said that the owner of the bar is a relative of Governor Sean Bradley, so although the business of "Beauty Hearts Bar" is good, no one dares to make trouble here. It can also be guaranteed here, so every night, "Beauty Hearts Bar" is always full of business and customers.

The setting sun in the Bahamas is actually very magnificent, but unfortunately it may be because you are tired of it. In the Bahamas, almost no one notices such a spectacular view.

At sunset every night, the "Beauty Hearts" bar is already open.

In the era when there was no gramophone, people always did not lack music. The owner of the "beauty heart" bar knew the guests' psychology. Although the invited band was not very skilled and the cooperation was not tacit, there were often out-of-tune situations, but in the In such a lively environment, several people will notice that the band does not run. The strong alcohol anesthetizes people's nerves, and the air is filled with decadent breath. The only role of the band is to increase noise and people's attention is concentrated. On the stripper's snowy thigh.

The stage is right next to the bar. Although the looks are not very delicate, the dancers with unusually hot bodies are teasing people's nerves.

The height of the stage is a little small, about one meter from the ground. The dancer's skirt is unusually short. If the guests lie on the stage and stretch their heads over, they can see the color of the dancer's underwear.

Obviously, the two dancers are also veterans, and will not make the guests easily succeed. Unless there is a guest throwing up pounds or dollar bills, the dancer will laugh and take off a piece of clothes on his body to satisfy the guests' dark mind.

Whenever this time, there will be harsh whistles and cheers in the bar, followed by a sharp increase in sales of drinks.

Today's situation is obviously a little bad. The two dancers twisted on the stage for a long time, whistle and saliva won a lot, and there were no serious pounds and dollar bills. This situation was really frustrating.

"It is estimated that the poor are all ghosts today!" A dancer whispered, the range of movement was much smaller.

"Not necessarily, Mr. Salad is over there." Another dancer twisted with a smile, sending an air kiss in the direction of Mr. Salad.

"Hey, beauties, smile at me. Your smile has healing power."

"Really, can't you just take off that **** clothes ..."

Looking at the lively alcoholic fans around the stage, the dancers' clothes have not been reduced for a long time, and they can't help clamoring.

Unmoved by the two women, they continued to flirt and flutter kisses, of course, most of the firepower was concentrated in the direction of Mr. Salad.

Salad's attention was not on the stage, but on the old man in front of him.

"So, the St. Louis on the dock is yours?" The old man looked at the salad with a scrutiny glance. Although this was not very polite, it was already the most kind expression in the bar to see people with this glance. .

"Yes, it's mine. I'm going to Marseille in a few days. When he comes back, I will ship a boat of the best champagne." The salad had been half a drink, and it seemed unguarded.

The St. Louis is an asphalt ship. Such an asphalt can be sold for $ 3,500 in New York and $ 5,500 in Marseille.

About a week ago, the St. Louis docked at Nassau Port, and then did not intend to go to sea, which has attracted many people's attention.

"Now that you are full of asphalt on the boat, I mean, why don't you go to Marseille now?" The old man raised his hand and asked for another glass of rum for the salad.

"Thank you." The salad's enthusiasts refused to take it, and drank it with a glass of wine. "Because of the **** pirates, they were intrigued. They can do a lot of things last month."

In Nassau, Red Beard is well known, and it is not a secret. It is also in the port of Nassau. Because of the fear of pirates, it is not just the St. Louis.

"Pirates! That is indeed a problem." The old man frowned, as if worried about pirates.

"It won't be a problem soon!" Salad laughed happily, and threw a one-dollar coin on the stage. The dancer was ecstatic and gave Sara a piece of underwear with body temperature.

"Don't worry ... what does it mean?" The old man asked with anxiety.

"We got a **** from a security company in New York, and they promised to send a warship! You know, it's the real warship, not the damned armed merchandise merchant ship." Salad sniffed at the underwear in her hand and looked awkward.

"Warship! How is that possible ..." the old man muttered to himself.

"Why not? Except for the higher asking price, but I think it's worth it. Escort costs one thousand dollars at a time, and it takes five merchant ships to get the warship, but this is enough to keep us away from pirates. Threat ... "Salad threw another dollar on the stage, and the old man was gone.

"Off, all off!" This time the salad threw it directly.

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