Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 486: Not weak

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In the evening, the first officer of the merchant ship "St. Louis" David Lee carried a cigar and led his Doberman named "King" down the ramp and habitually walked around the pier.

"King" is a good dog. He is well-balanced, strong, and always energetic. His eyes are particularly energetic, and his body exudes deterrence that is not close to others.

In contrast, David Lee's image is almost. Although the height of 1.75 is barely passable, the thinning hair is reduced a lot, especially David Lee has a small belly that is middle-aged. It made David Lee look cute and round, without the slightest attack.

"Good evening, Mr. Chief." The cleaners on the dock greeted David Lee habitually.

"Good evening, Tom, it's hard for you." As David Lee smiled and raised his hand, a 10-cent coin flew towards Tom.

This is the main reason for David Lee's popularity. The average income of Nassau people is much lower than that of New Yorkers. A ten-cent coin is enough to pay the family a day.

"Thank you, sir." Tom thanked him happily, and then prayed wholeheartedly: "I wish you had been here all the time, and it would have been nice if every sir of every merchant ship was as generous as you."

All so generous?

I want to be beautiful. Nearly 20 merchant ships are moored in the port of Nassau. If every big gentleman has a tip for ten cents, I am afraid that 99% of the people in Nassau Will break the head for the job of cleaners.

"How could I be here all the time? I'm afraid I'm going to work with you ..." David Lee was laid back, his fingers gently flicked the soot from the cigar, inadvertently showing the Havana cigar factory logo.

For a long time, Havana cigars are well-known luxury goods. During the Spanish colonial period, most of the Havana cigars were transported back to Spain by the Spanish colonists, and were exclusively used by the Spanish aristocracy. Even locals are rare to see.

After the founding of the United States of Cuba, most Havana cigars were shipped to the United States, but a small percentage of them were eventually sold locally in Havana.

This part of the Havana cigar has become a popular commodity in the market. Unless you have a certain status, you can't even buy it with money.

Tom must not be able to afford Havana cigars. In fact, if it were not for David Lee, Tom would not even know what a Havana cigar looks like.

"Why, are you leaving?" Tom's expression was very reluctant, which meant that his income would be a lot less.

"Hurry up, maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, who knows ... Actually, I envy your work more. At least you can stay with your family every day, but I have to travel around every day. Only my king will accompany me. . "David Lee's expression was shaky, but the king at his feet stared warily at Tom.

"It is not so pleasant to be with your family every day. If you are allowed to take up such a job, maybe you will disapprove of your job without challenges and life without passion." Tom is a very interesting person and often will Say something philosophical, so David Lee is willing to chat with Tom.

"Hahaha, who said no, the best is what you can't get." David Lee hit the haha ​​and exposed the topic. Fish and bear's paw are destined not to have both.

"So I wish you all the best ..." Tom blessed politely.

"Thank you. If I come to Nassau next time, I will bring you a bottle of cane wine from San Diego." David Lee thanked him and promised.

"Thank you so much." Tom bowed, his eyes flashing away.

After a circle on the pier, David Lee returned to the ship, bolted the king to the ramp, and turned down the cabin.

"Lao Li, when are we going to the sea? I think I'm a bit whiter than my damsels now." As soon as I got into the cabin, someone complained to David Lee.

"Then you have to be careful. If your skin is whiter than the damsels on the boat, then you have to be careful of your butt." David Lee jokingly stepped into the dirty cabin of the air and immediately disliked it Cover your nose: "I said, can't you wash your feet? And don't smoke in the cabin. Finally, if you are finished urinating, please cover the **** toilet."

There are many taboos to live on the ship, especially personal hygiene, you must pay attention to maintaining, otherwise other crew members can take you too far and cannot take care of themselves.

"Shut up and put on Li, you really should be allowed to sit in a black prison for ten days, and see if you can still talk in the wind." Another voice was also welcome.

After squinting at the door for a long time, David Lee adjusted to the dim light in the cabin.

There are more than a dozen people in the small cabin, squatting or lying down. It is not easy to maintain hygiene in such an environment.

Although life at sea is difficult, one single fixed bed per person can be guaranteed.

The San Diego Investment Company never treats the crew in terms of life. Not only is the salary adequate, but the usual benefits are also good. For example, the Havana cigar, which is relatively rare in the market, is only one of the standard supplies for the crew. Although the cigars dispensed are not the best cigars, they are enough for the crew to pretend to be pick-ups when they rest on the shore.

This is a standard cabin originally intended for four people. The height of the cabin is not high. David Lee stands at 1.75 meters. The scalp has almost reached the top of the cabin. The four beds are less than one meter wide. It's about two meters in length, and it's a bit difficult to hold a dozen people in such a cabin.

"Brothers, hold back a bit, and let you stay in the warehouse, but you don't want to, so you can only be wronged here for a few days." David Lee smiled carelessly, as the chief officer, the captain was away At that time, David Lee was responsible for daily work, and it was certainly impossible to be jailed.

"Well! Is this a special asphalt ship? Is the warehouse detained?" Immediately, some people looked at each other, and the meaning of disdain was obvious.

The "St. Louis" is a cargo ship dedicated to transporting asphalt. In fact, it is similar to the cruise ship of the 21st century. The cargo compartment of this ship must not be able to live in people. Even if it is cleaned, it has the smell of asphalt that cannot be covered.

"Be patient, bear with me, I guess, these two days, the fish will be hooked, and then the brothers will be out of their heads." David Lee calculated the time, and it should be these two days.

In the business field, it is normal for me to cheat. Redbeard tried everything to probe the news, and David Lee tried everything to spread the news.

Both people were afraid of hemp stalks hitting both wolves, and Redbeard must carefully discern the authenticity of the news, so as not to miss the opportunity or be dumped by someone.

David Lee, they have to spread the news and at the same time pretend to be inadvertent. They cannot be found to be bait, which is also very difficult.

"Fuck, wait for Laozi to catch the pirates, and be sure to light them all up." Thinking of these ten days, living in a dark cabin like mice, a group of people would not get angry.

"How cheap it is to light the sky lanterns. I have learned a new word these days, asking you to enter into the palace. This is a cool official in the Tang Dynasty ..."

"You can't do that. It is said that during the Shang Dynasty, King Wang invented a punishment called artillery ..."

Lou suddenly crooked out ten thousand miles, a group of people began to talk about how you tossed people, my atmosphere was like a white mansion.

"Master Xing, are you okay with me?" David Lee took the opportunity to approach a big man.

The big man checked the bullets in his hand one by one and stuffed them one by one into the magazine. It was almost indifferent as if he had just been taken out of the water: "What can be done? Brothers have high morale. . "

It is indeed a high morale. It is delicious and delicious here every day. Except not being able to go out, what should I give? If such a day is three years ago, I can really wake up laughing.

But for these big men, this kind of life is a nightmare now. Without this thing, they should be enjoying the beach and sun on the island of Maha, Havana cigars and Guantanamo Rum in San Diego, or in New York. Talk to a beautiful woman.

Yes, the composition of the cabin is very complicated. Of course, some of them are Chinese, but more of them are local indigenous people from Cuba, and some are mercenaries from New York. They gather here for one purpose, that is, red. Moustache.

In Li Mu's view, the United States is relatively more important than Cuba, so the Chinese in Cuba not only have to divert to Youth Island and Da Maha Island, but even the best of them will be eligible to travel to the United States.

As a result, the number of people left in Cuba is very short, so many jobs have to use more local Cubans.

Generally speaking, security work is more dangerous, so in the current Cuba, the company Guantanamo, which is responsible for security, is recruiting more and more Cubans.

At Guantanamo, Cubans cannot be in leadership, even if they are a small captain, they must be Chinese or professional cowboys hired from the United States.

In fact, strictly speaking, the original accumulation of capital this year has not been completely completed, and most white people have not had time to be rotten by the capitalist system, and still retain the nature of hard-working people.

This is the case for the Cubans. Although most of them are white, these whites work hard and do not blame, they will not pick and choose, and they will not work or do nothing. It is really easy to use.

"Hey, good morale is good, but you have to keep your brothers awake. It ’s always okay." David Lee grinned as he watched a group of enthusiastic guys discussing it, many of them It's nothing at all. It's such a shameless naked body, letting those three and two halves dangle, and they won't even cover it.

In fact, no wonder they are. The Maha Islands are located in the tropics. The weather is already very hot in June. These people can only live in airtight cabins all day long, and even for privacy, they dare not even open the windows. In this case, , And then asked them to be neat and tidy, it would be a bit picky.

"Boil these two days before talking, I said, can you get me some water, and I will pickle up without taking a bath." The man named Xing was impatient, and David Lee stood still and didn't have backache.

It's not unacceptable to stay in the dark cabin for more than ten days, and it is unacceptable to stay in a hot and humid room for more than ten days before taking a bath.

"Master Xing, don't make it difficult for me. There are only a dozen crew members on our boat, and we use so much water every day. I ’d like to say that the water that our brothers drank the other day was actually our crew members. Bath water ... "David Lee is not insulting, he is telling the truth.

The red beard is very cunning, and the force in Nassau is huge. If the water and food used by the "St. Louis" are far beyond the standard, the red beard will definitely not be hooked, so David Lee is very careful and sends people ashore every day Buy, buy only a dozen people's share, don't buy more.

"Fuck, I have to say, your success this time made me sick ..." Xing Shihan grinned, and really regretted asking such a sentence just now.

"Be patient, bear with me, I guess, Red Beard has to do it in the past two days, otherwise in a few days, you dare not let him do it." David Lee hippie smiled, making people hate it.

In order to force Redbeard to act as soon as possible, two armed merchant ships will come from the port of San Diego early tomorrow morning and Nassau the next morning.

The two armed merchant ships did not avoid anyone. From the transformation to the test voyage, they were carried out blatantly in the port of San Diego. Red Beard must have eyeliner in the port of San Diego. .

In other words, if Redbeard wants to get started, tomorrow night is the best opportunity. Otherwise, after the day after tomorrow the armed merchant ships arrive, Redbeard will have to spend a lot of time even if it can succeed.

The man named Xing was trying to talk, and suddenly someone on the outside deck yelled, "Who?"

Please follow the king and bark.

"Come here?" Xing's man was so dazzling with both eyes that he inserted his pistol back into the holster and raised it and walked out of the cabin.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first." David Lee was careful, stopped the man named Xing, and went up to take the lead himself.

It's night, the window is dark, and the sky is starry. In addition to the sound of cries and calls and the king's cries, the sound of the waves beating the hull.

"What's going on?" David Lee stepped onto the deck with a serious expression.

"Some people seemed to be coming in a boat just now, we shouted here, and then those people jumped into the sea." A sailor reported to David Lee, the hand holding the pistol was a little white.

"Regardless of them, tell the brethren to be more vigilant. If anyone dares to approach, kill them." David Lee was so aggressive that it would happen almost every night. When it is time to harden his wrist, David Lee will never be soft.

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