Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 490: Mouth is really hard

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Li Mu received the relevant battle report only three days after the end of the Nassau battle.

The vicious Red Beard gathered more than 300 pirates on the night of June 22 and launched a surprise attack on the port of Nassau.

Nassau ’s Governor ’s House did not take any precautions against pirate attacks. Sailors on merchant ships in the port were forced to pick up their weapons to defend themselves. After killing dozens of pirates, the heavily damaged pirates transferred their targets to Nassau City. Below Governor Sao Bradley, nearly 600 civilians in Nassau died during the war. The 150-man guard of the Governor ’s House did not play any role in facing the pirate ’s crazy attack. They fled, which led to the final battle death of Sean Bradley.

Armed merchant ships "Water Hound" and "Great White Shark" of Santiago Investment Company arrived in Nassau after dawn. Facing the port of Nassau burned by the red beard, the "Water Hound" had to return to Guantanamo, which would happen in The tragedy in Port Nassau informs the British government.

"You came up with such a report, do you think the British would believe it?" J.P. Morgan was a bit big, holding his head out of reach.

When JP Morgan promised Li Mu to put pressure on Washington, he never expected that things would turn out to be what they are today.

In the opinion of J.P. Morgan, this report is indeed full of loopholes. With the personality of the British people, it will certainly not give up.

"Of course the British don't believe it. Redbeard is an Englishman and Sean Bradley is also an Englishman. They may use each other, but if they kill each other, let alone the British, I don't even believe it. Li Mu was very frank. This report said that it was Li Mu who deliberately threw out the disgusting British. Believe it or not, it does not matter. The British will definitely investigate.

Of course, even if the British sent an investigation team now, it was already July when the investigation team arrived in Nassau, and they could find nothing.

In Li Mu ’s report, Sean Bradley was dead, the red beard disappeared, and the Governor ’s Guard lost 7878 on the night of the war. The rest could not provide any valid information at all. Even if the British wanted to Investigation must first find evidence.

Panama is located in the tropics. July is the hottest season of the year. In such weather, if the dead body is not handled in time, it can easily cause a plague.

The "Water Hound" and "Great White Shark" have fully carried forward the humanitarian spirit, and are actively helping the survivors of Nassau City to rebuild their homes. This includes cleaning up the corpses. Otherwise, after a period of time, Nassau City will become A dead city.

There is no witness or physical evidence. The British want to know what happened in the evening of June 22, and it is estimated that Holmes must be invited out of the novel.

Oh, sorry, Conan Doyle hasn't started writing Holmes yet ...

"Really, you are so unscrupulous, aren't you afraid that the British will be ashamed?" J.P. Morgan felt that the state of affairs was beyond his control. To be honest, J.P. Morgan didn't feel how surprised this was, as long as there was Li Mu's involvement can easily lead to some unexpected situations, and J.P. Morgan is used to it.

"Cut! The British have used even pirates. Can they still declare war with the United States directly? With the British ’s first day, there is my fifteen. They broke the rules of the game first, so do n’t blame me now. Cruelty. "Li Mu's operation in Manhattan is like an iron barrel. Li Mu is really not worried about British retaliation.

If the British still have follow-up measures, that would give Li Mu and the British a reason to die.

"I originally thought you were just trying to deal with pirates. I didn't expect that your goal was actually a complaint, or the whole Bahamas. Is your appetite a little too big?" J.P. Morgan had a feeling of being a thief ship, Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to disembark.

Looking at Li Mu's arrangement, it was indeed a loop-by-loop approach. The red beard was seduced out first, the red beard was used to attack Nassau Port, and then the sailors of the San Diego Investment Company took over ...

J.P. Morgan has reason to suspect that maybe Nassau Governor Shawn Bradley was killed by Li Mu, but J.P. Morgan would not verify this with Li Mu. Even if asked, Li Mu would absolutely Won't admit it.

What if the Bahamas is a land without land? Although the Bahamas is not high in the Commonwealth, it is purely British territory. The British will definitely not give up easily, especially when the British eat this big After a loss.

As far as the value of the Bahamas is concerned, in the next few decades, maybe the British will take the initiative to abandon the Bahamas. After all, there are no gold mines, no oil, and even the necessary population.

It's hard to say now, even if Sean Bradley no longer works, that is also the Governor of Nassau appointed by the Queen of England himself. If he died in Nassau so unclearly, it was tantamount to sucking on the Queen of England. Slap, if no one is responsible for this, the British Commonwealth team will not be able to bring it in the future.

"No, no, you can be wrong about this. My purpose is Red Beard. Sean Bradley was killed by Red Beard, and the sailors of the San Diego Investment Company protected the civilians of Nassau. Nassau or the Bahamas did not have any interest. Opening up territories should be a state action and should not be done by me as a businessman. "Li Mu said with a serious expression, saying that the brother was determined to not back.

At this point, Li Mu's attitude is resolute. No matter who asks, Li Mu will resolutely refuse to admit it.

The Steed Group now has a big business. As long as Li Mu and Steed Group comply with the law, Washington will provide Li Mu and Steed Group with the proper protection. With such a thick thigh, we must hold firmly.

If Li Mu has expressed interest in Nassau Port or the Bahamas, then Washington must be wary of Li Mu, which is worth the loss.

Li Mu didn't plan to be king, even if the king can marry any number of wives casually, Li Mu didn't want to try.

Of course, if you just want to marry more wives in the United States, there is no way out. For example, Mormonism, as long as Li Mu announces conversion to Mormonism, no matter how many wives Li Mu marries, no one will care. The attitude is at best not to publicize.

At the level of Li Mu, marrying several wives is no longer the focus of public attention. Ordinary people can still have a lover. Even if Li Mu has made many romantic affair, it is just to add a bit of lace news to people after a meal. Newspapers Are too lazy to report.

I dare not report ...

Although J.P. Morgan did not believe the punctuation marks that Li Mu said, J.P. Morgan could not confirm. Now, except for Li Mu, no one knows what happened that night, so J.P. Morgan can only hope that Li Mu's Mouth is always so tight.

Of course Li Mu's tone is very tight. When facing Sherman, Li Mu still said the same thing.

Sherman came to Li Mu as a special envoy of Ulysses S. Grant. Washington once sent a formal note to Nassau's governor's office on red beard. Now the note has become a hot potato, Ulysses S. Grant. Anxious to know exactly what happened in this.

Facing Sherman, Li Mu was still firm and gave exactly the same speech as J.P. Morgan.

"You mean that Red Beard killed Sean Bradley, and then your people killed Red Beard ... Do you think anyone would believe this statement?" Sherman also did not believe it, and looked at Li Mu. His eyes were full of contempt.

Li Mu spread his hand, and did not respond to such queries.

J.P. Morgan is a partner of Li Mu. Li Mu can be patient with J.P. Morgan, but in Sherman, Li Mu has little patience, even if Sherman is representing Ulysses S. Grant. Nope.

What happened to the president?

The president was also elected by one person and one vote. Li Mu's biggest reliance now is votes. Without the support of Li Mu and the Steed Group, Ulysses Grant wants to be reelected for the third time.

Of course, it is not easy for Ulysses S. Grant to re-election now, but at least with the support of Li Mu, the possibility is still relatively large.

"So what are you going to do next? Let your people control Nassau?" Sherman was helpless in the face of Li Mu, not to mention that Sherman had no evidence that Sean Bradley was murdered by Li Mu, even if there was Evidence, can Sherman take action against Li Mu?

Don't be funny, if there is no support from other Wall Street tycoons, it is impossible to deal with Li Mu, but Li Mu will backfire.

Like the former war minister, Bernard, Sherman is also a confidant of Ulysses S. Grant, and a general election will be held next year. If Ulysses S. Grant cannot be re-elected, then Sherman may also have to deal with Bell. Napp went to Steed Weapon Company as a consultant, so it was not a good idea to offend Li Mu at this time.

"Of course not. In fact, I am now ready to order my people to leave Nassau ... if you want, now is a good opportunity ..." Li Mu beat a rake and behaved like an unscrupulous internationalist fighter.

"Why do I want Nassau? If the U.S. Navy is present in Nassau, it will definitely trigger a war." Sherman is not confused, even if the soldiers need military merit to build their careers, military merit is not such a method.

Just as a governor, the British are now like a wounded wolf. They are staring at everyone with blood-red eyes and want to find a target to breathe out. At this time, the US Navy went to Nassau and declared war directly. An effect.

"Good war, I am an arms dealer and you are a soldier, so we should all like war, you are not a pacifist, you will succeed in the future ..." Li Mu joked at the right time, but it was dead. Friends are immortal, let's fight it, just smash all the pots and pots in the house.

The old one will not go, the new one will not come ...

"I want war, that's right, but I don't want an inexplicable war, and I'm not a pacifist, but I won't let my children innocently waste their lives ..." Sherman managed to be sidetracked by Li Mu. It is estimated that I have forgotten the purpose of coming to Li Mu.

"Come on, don't say it so nice, do you dare to say this to an Atlanta man?" Li Mu didn't believe it at all. In the face of his compatriots, Sherman could kill the killer without hesitation and follow this. Don't mention any kindness or morality.

"It was a time of war. You have to make everyone feel your determination, and let them feel the end of resistance, so that you can end the war as soon as possible." It is clear that Sherman did not think that he had done something wrong. From the standpoint of the Northern Army, Sherman was indeed right.

"Well, dear William, I'll have lunch with Mr. Arthur later, would you like to be together?" Li Mu wanted to end the conversation and sent an invitation to Sherman casually.

Entertain Sherman. Don't worry about Li Mu. Will is sitting in the garden. He just needs to talk to the Minister of War.

"No, no, you haven't told me how I should respond to Mr. President." Sherman was very dissatisfied with Li Mu's explanation. By analogy, it is estimated that Ulysses Grant will not be satisfied with this explanation.

"With William, don't get entangled in this matter. Some questions will never be answered, such as how Red Beard came up, and the relationship between Red Beard and Sean Bradley ..." Li Mu didn't want to be in this matter. It's better to be entangled.

"You mean Red Beard and Sean Bradley ..." Sherman wasn't sure. The beards on his face looked curled, like question marks.

"Yes, according to the information I got, they must know each other. Maybe they are not as close as the relationship between the two of us, but they are definitely not enemies." Li Mu directly said that Redbeard and Sean Bu Radley was embarrassed and furious.

"Where did you get the information?" Sherman was still skeptical, but relatively speaking, with this news, it was already possible to fool Ulysses S. Grant.

"No matter where I get the news, you just need to know that it is true." Li Mu didn't want to say too much, Li Mu can be sure, the British people probably don't want this matter to go viral, so this incident is final The result is likely to be left to rest.

Although the ancestors of the British Royal Navy were pirates, but since they have been washed ashore, naturally they do not want to have any connection with the pirates. Now the British are most fortunate that the identity of the red beard has not been exposed, otherwise it will be A big scandal.

Li Mu's purpose is to make the British feel uncomfortable, so the more British people want to avoid it, the more they must press harder.

Li Mu now has solid evidence of Red Beard's identity, and when appropriate, Li Mu will make it public.

Stone and Henderson were not dead. They were captured by the Mariner and are now being held on Youth Island.

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