Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 493: candidate

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Cooperation between different masses is certainly not completely fair and just.

In the 21st century, many small companies prefer to cooperate with large companies in order to get in touch with large companies, just to join the ranks of suppliers of large companies. In this case, it is impossible to care about it. Only with a long-term perspective, the future can be taken. Better.

As a Jew, and also a successful Jew, Solomon Loeb would definitely not be stupid in this regard. If the Boston Consortium cooperates with other companies, it may still be able to hold the shelf, and it may not be possible to cooperate with the Steed Group. .

With the cooperation with Solomon Loeb, Li Mu was in a good mood.

Li Mu does not intend to form a united front on behalf of the Chinese and the Jews. This depends on the sincerity of Solomon Loeb. If Solomon Loeb can show his sincerity in future cooperation, then Li Mu does not mind giving more Solomon Loeb has some political resources.

Li Mu does not know how much power the Boston Consortium has in Congress, but if it is specific to the Senate, Li Mu does not think that the Boston Consortium has stronger power than Junma Group.

Political resources are always scarce, after all, there is only one president.

Speaking of the president, although the formal presidential election will not start until next year, in fact, the parties have now started to build momentum.

Li Mu naturally supported Ulysses Grant's third term re-election. Although Li Mu knew this was unlikely, Li Mu was already labeled with a military label, so although the prospects were not good, Li Mu could only choose to support Ulyssi. Grant.

Ulysses Grant's rivals are not just from outside the party, but also James Blaine and Rutherford Birchhard Hayes from the Republican Party are Ulysses Grant's strongest opponents.

James Bryan is a former House leader. After the Republican Party lost the majority status in the House, James Bryan rolled into the Senate and became the Republican Senate leader.

James Bryan was born in Pennsylvania. In 1862, James Bryan was elected to the House of Representatives and began his political career.

From 1869, James Bryan served as Speaker of the House of Representatives until the Republican Party lost its majority status in the House last year.

Like Ulysses Grant, in the Republican Party, there is a lot of support for James Bryan's election, but there are also many people who oppose James Bryan's election.

Opponents' reasons are also related to inevitable corruption. After Union Pacific Railroad was forced to split, it was rumored that James Bryan had accepted a Union Pacific Railroad company with a check of $ 64,000, and there were also rumors that James Bran Lane owns bonds from the Little Rock and Fort Smith railways. Although these bonds now seem worthless because of the economic crisis, they will eventually re-enter the circulation field as the economy recovers.

The rumors against James Bryan were merely rumors, and no one could confirm them and sent James Bryan to the defendant.

Similarly, James Bryan can't prove his innocence. Although he has unparalleled speaking ability and outstanding personal charm, after being connected with these scandals, James Bryan has an indelible stain.

What do Americans hate most now?

It is not the dispute between the Republicans and Democrats, nor the economic situation where the rate of recovery has not yet reached the expected level, but the endless scandals, the scandals surrounding Ulysses S. Grant have seriously affected the image of the Republican Party, so whether it is Whoever gets involved in the corruption scandal will get him farther and farther from the presidency.

Relatively speaking, Hayes is much cleaner. When Hayes proposed to run for president, Li Mu's position shook to a certain degree. Hayes is an Ohio native and the current Ohio governor, Benjamin Harrison's hometown.

During the Civil War, Hayes joined the Northern Army like Ulysses Grant. During the war, Hayes fought bravely and repeatedly, and at the end of the war, he had been promoted to the rank of major general. Like Ulysses Grant, Hais Sri Lanka is also a well-known national hero.

When Benjamin Harrison was running for the Senate, Hayes gave Benjamin Harrison a huge help. Now is the time for Benjamin Harrison to return to Hayes. If Benjamin Harrison gives up supporting Ulysses S. Grant, Support Hayes, then Li Mu really needs to think carefully about where to go.

In fact, there is nothing to consider. Hayes is known for "being honest and efficient". He opposes party fattening, black-box operation, and promotes the civil service system. If Hayes comes to power, people like Li Mu will certainly not be liked by Washington.

If Hayes has only the above problems, Li Mu can still tolerate it. Hayes also has a political standpoint against protectionism, advocating lower tariffs, lowering tax burden, and strengthening economic ties with European countries.

For companies, reducing the tax burden is a good thing, but reducing tariffs is hardly acceptable. After the outbreak of the economic crisis, U.S. companies rely on the protection of high tariffs to make great progress. If the country opens the market, then American companies will definitely usher in a new round of reshuffle.

In view of Hayes' economic policy, Li Mu will definitely not support Hayes. Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison made it clear.

In addition to James Blaine and Hayes, Ulysses S. Grant's opponents also have candidates running for the Democratic Party.

Although the Democratic Party lost the war, it won the hearts and minds of most southern states. This is also attributed to the Republican Party ’s failure to do so. It is precisely because the Republican Party suppressed and discriminated against the people of the South, which caused the people of the South to fall to the Democratic Party.

At the end of the Civil War, the Republican Party had the opportunity to gather the hearts of the people. At that time, the Democratic Party was hit hard. The Republican Party even had the opportunity to turn the United States into a one-party autocracy.

The democratic system once again played an important role at this time. The Republican Party was stunned. First, it was slow to start the post-war reconstruction of the South, and then imposed heavy taxes on the southern states. Caused strong dissatisfaction among the people of the South.

So far, the Democratic Party has resurrected in many states in the south, regained its ruling party, and successfully became the House majority last year. Although this is not the decisive force that determines the president, the Republican Party ’s control of the political situation is no longer the same as in previous years As solid as gold soup.

Li Mu is not worried about the rise of the Democratic Party. In fact, although Li Mu is a Republican, he has always maintained a good relationship with the Democrats. Even the chief lawyer of Junma Group is a hired Democrat. This also determines that Junma Group will take office after the Democratic Party takes office. Will not be targeted.

You can't put eggs in the same basket. There are three holes in the cunning rabbit. Li Mu will definitely not make mistakes like throwing a bet.

In August, before the Republican election, Li Mu returned to Washington to prepare for the Republican election.

The Washington Monument restoration project is underway, and the Steed Construction Group has undertaken this project. Li Mu promised Ulysses Grant that the Washington Monument will be completed before the president takes office next year. Ulysses Grant also counts on relying on the Washington Monument to attract popularity. Unfortunately, I do n’t know who will be cheaper then.

Intra-party elections are also very important. If you cannot win the intra-party elections, you will not be eligible to represent the Republican Party, and you will not be able to talk for three consecutive terms. So after Li Mu arrived in Washington, he immediately got Ulysses and Ulysses. Grant had the opportunity to have dinner.

The dinner was held in the President's Palace, accompanied by Abel and Corbin. Mrs. Grant personally cooked the food and made Li Mu the best apple pie and beef pie.

This meal was a bit embarrassing. Li Mu and Eble were originally partners, but after the Whiskey Group case, Eble-Rim shipping company was split up, Li Mu dedicated to immigration on the West Coast, and Eble once monopolized New York. Port to UK sea transport.

At this time, Britain was the largest trading partner of the United States, and New York was the largest port on the east coast of the United States. Imagine Ebble at that time, which was really a day of gold.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long. After the steeds of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom, Ebble gradually stopped being seen by the British because of the cooperation with Li Mu. For more than a year, Ebble's business has been greatly affected. The highest number of 160 ships has dropped to less than 100 at present.

Ulysses S. Grant will definitely not let her sister go hungry, and Eble Corbin will accompany him. It also means that Li Mu and Eble will join forces again.

Li Mu did not want to do this. Ebble was not a business genius. Even ordinary people couldn't match it. He was greedy, ignorant, and bottomless. Without Ulysses Grant, such a person would be a pile of stinky shit.

The general election will start next year, and by then Ulysses S. Grant can't know whether to re-election, so Li Mu will definitely not conduct any further cooperation with Ebble.

As far as Li Mu's status is concerned, he no longer needs to please Ebble in order to gain the favor of Ulysses S. Grant.

Probably also see Li Mu's perfunctory. After dinner, Ulysses S. Grant invited Li Mu to take a walk on the lawn in front of the President's Palace, and did not let Ebour follow.

"I heard about Benjamin Harrison. It's really regrettable. What we need most now is unity. As long as we are united, we can meet any challenge." Ulysses S. Grant was slightly lost, But this does not affect Ulysses Grant's perception of Benjamin Harrison.

This is good in the United States. Although the political struggle is equally brutal, it is not bloody. Whether Benjamin Harrison supports Grant or Hayes, this is a normal choice and will not affect Benjamin Harrison and Ulysses. · The relationship between Grant will not be retaliated by Ulysses Grant.

Li Mu's relationship with Benjamin Harrison is inexhaustible, and he justified Benjamin Harrison in a timely manner: "That's not what Ben really thought. The cooperation between him and Mr. Hayes should only be a transaction, but I believe this is not Will affect the final result, so Mr. President, you will still be the owner of this house now. "

"Hahaha, I have always believed ..." Ulysses Grant was shot very well by Li Mu, happy to see his little tongue.

"But we can't be careless. We must despise the enemy strategically and pay attention to the enemy tactically." Li Mu still kept calm enough. It is still far from the time when the dust settles. Even if it is to celebrate, wait for Ulyssi. Let's celebrate after Mr. Grant's successful re-election.

It ’s been a long time since he came to this world. Li Mu does n’t remember the details of the future. After all, in Li Mu ’s well-known history, the Steed Group has never appeared in the United States. The independent century exhibition will be held in Philadelphia. Cubans will not be expelled until the end of this century, and the Hawaiian Islands will not join the United States until the end of this century.

Compared with Li Mu's well-known history, reality is beyond recognition, so Li Mu is not sure whether Ulysses Grant can be re-elected for the second time.

Although in the history that Li Mu is familiar with, Ulysses S. Grant did not succeed, Li Mu is still willing to give it a try. After all, Li Mu also has certain political resources. In some specific cases, this is enough to be a decisive force.

Compared with James Bryan and Hayes, Ulysses Grant's re-election is of great benefit to Li Mu. At least Li Mu no longer has to spend a lot of money to win over the ministers, and he does not have to accept some unknown variables.

Yes, it ’s a variable. Except for Ulysses S. Grant, whoever becomes president will bring new variables to Li Mu and Steed. Of course, this variable may also be a good one, but why take risks Well, it may be bad.

"You're right, you should despise your opponents strategically, and pay attention to your opponents tactically. No matter what enemy we are facing, we should play a twelve-point spirit." Regardless of how the president is doing, as a commander, especially Lisis Grant is still qualified. He can certainly understand the meaning of these two sentences. Great thoughts are great no matter what time.

"Rest assured, Mr. President, I will be your eternal supporter." Li Mu promised to Ulysses S. Grant. This promise is valuable to Ulysses S. Grant now. Support, Ulysses Grant can be said to have been half successful.

"Thank you Lim, you will not regret your decision. In fact, I am considering raising the tariff on arms to 150% ..." What Li Mu wants.

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