Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 500: Involuntarily

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According to the ratio, there are more than 700 votes, and 25 votes is enough.

However, this number is far from satisfying Li Mu's ambitions. According to Li Mu's assumption, if he wants to be a decisive person who really feels feared by all parties, it should affect at least 100 votes.

So the current 25 votes are far from meeting Li Mu's requirements.

Of course, Li Mu ’s influence is not limited to these 25 ballots. With the relations between Li Mu and Will, George Dewey, Alfred Mahan and other military generals, Li Mu wants to influence the military. It's easy, and because US law stipulates that soldiers cannot join the party directly, these votes will not be intuitively reflected in the Republican National Convention, so people will not understand the true power of Li Mu until this election.

What Li Mu lacks now is an opportunity to prove himself, and not everyone has the same vision as Bole.

The next morning, Ulysses Grant's special train arrived in New York, and Li Mu and Arthur and other Republican leaders went to pick up the station.

When Ulysses Grant got out of the car, Li Mu deliberately stood in the corner of the platform and was not noticeable at all.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ulysses Grant standing at the door of the carriage and beckoning to the crowd. The reporters were busy taking pictures. Girls were going up to present flowers. There was a military band playing on the platform. The scene was very lively, so the fundamentals No one noticed Li Mu.

"Shouldn't you go up and get familiar at this time ..." Gloria didn't know when she appeared beside Li Mu.

Others may ignore Li Mu, Gloria will certainly not. Recently, Li Mu is not in a good mood, so Gloria will often stay on the Governor's Island, and even the business of urban beauty stores is too lazy to go. open up.

"Your newspaper seems to be for women. Why are you here?" Li Mu could feel Gloria's concern.

The sales of "Urban Beauty" is gradually rising. As a magazine dedicated to women, "Urban Beauty" has a large number of fans in the United States, Gloria's status has risen, and it has even been nominated as a member of the American Journalists Association Committee .

Although Gloria has no interest in the members of the Journalists Association, this nomination is enough to make Gloria a legend in the hearts of American women. In these years, few women have dared to go out and work at home. Gloria is theirs. Among the representatives, although Gloria is not very old, Gloria's fame is very high, and people's evaluation of Gloria is also very high, at least higher than the troublesome first lady .

The first lady recently had a lawsuit again, this time because of Corbin's shares.

To save his company's demise, Eble Corbin registered a new company in New York to export agricultural products to Europe.

As a result, Aibel Corbin did not do a good job of confidentiality, and a newspaper controlled by a Democratic Party broke the news that the first lady had a large stake in the company.

This has become a new excuse for the Democratic Party to attack the Republican Party recently. In newspaper reports, people have reason to believe that this is another new example of a nepotism between government and business.

Corbin has just opened, and even if it is really like those Democrats say, this is a typical collusion between government and business, and it has not had time to cause serious consequences, so Ulysses Grant is too lazy to explain this time.

It is also possible that there is no worry about debt.

"The first lady is the columnist of our" city beauties ", so I'm here to collect debts." Gloria is proud and very proud of Huang Shiren.

For debt collection to the first family in the United States, Gloria is also capable.

"Well, can you ask, how much manuscript remuneration did you sell to the President's wife?" Li Mu laughed, not expecting Gloria to be a good hand in business, at least better than Will.

One of the things that Will is most proud of now is that when Steed Weapons Company was just established, it became a shareholder of Steed Weapons Company.

Now Will's investment has received a return of thousands of times, which has also become the best example of the successful investment in Will's mouth.

"One dollar a word!" Gloria was pleased with the price.

Li Mu has nothing to say. The English language is actually very embarrassing. It is far less concise than Chinese. The two Chinese words can speak clearly. English can give you an 800-word argument. One word at a time. The U.S. dollar is not cheap.

However, considering the identity of the first lady, this price is worth it. "The first lady writes in person." This is a perfect gimmick.

Until Ulysses Grant got into the car, Li Mu could not find a chance to talk with Ulysses S. Grant.

When leaving the train station, Gloria got into Li Mu's car again.

"Get the manuscript?" Li Mu cares casually.

"Don't worry, it's not important anyway." Gloria was also careless, and neither of them focused on that insignificant manuscript.

"The laboratory built a model of the aircraft and conducted a test flight the day before yesterday." Gloria tilted her head and looked at Li Mu with interest.


Really, during this time, he was busy fighting with each other, and Li Mu really didn't care about it.

Compared to the first human plane, the presidential election is really not that important.

Li Mu made a paraglider two years ago. At that time Li Mu decided to build an airplane, but due to the technical conditions at that time, the airplane could only be an idea.

Now two years have passed, the engine has been launched, and the third generation has been successfully developed, and the aircraft has finally made a breakthrough, and everything seems to be so natural.

Many things are actually a matter of concept, like a layer of window paper, and breaking it is a major invention that can change the course of human history.

For example, an airplane. This gadget sounds full of high technology. Think about the kind of national celebration when the 21st century Republic built a large airplane. It stands to reason that this gadget wants to be created out of nothing, and it is no less difficult for humans to land on Mars in the 21st century .

In fact, it wasn't that difficult. The Wright brothers had a father who was a shepherd and a mother who was a music teacher. The two did not graduate from college. They left home to work as a printer, and studying airplanes was just their hobby.

Such two people can successfully research the aircraft, so why can't Li Mu, who is now a steed laboratory that gathers all the leading figures in the US science and technology industry, research it?

Of course, from the perspective of the 21st century, the aircraft developed by the Steed Lab is still very primitive, and at best it can only be regarded as a big toy that can fly.

But no matter what, the aircraft developed by the Steed Lab is more complete than the first aircraft developed by the Wright brothers.

"Yes, but they should have succeeded in researching a year ago, and their progress has been seriously delayed." Although Li Mu was dissatisfied, he still had to pay a lot of bonuses.

With a basically complete theoretical foundation, sufficient prerequisites, and nearly massive research funding, if this doesn't work, Franklin should go home and hug the child.

"I think it's pretty good, do you say that one day humans can really fly ..." Gloria opened her arms and gestured in a flying posture. Although Li Mu's back seat is wide enough, the two are still inevitable. Some kind of physical contact took place.

"Dream you, unless you have a pair of bird-wings." Li Mu let off Gloria's arms with anger and shattered Gloria's fantasy fiercely.

"It's awful ..." Gloria was dissatisfied, but her attention shifted immediately: "What is a birdman?"

"Angel!" Li Mu had a strange illusion that Shu Shu coaxed the little girl.

"Yeah ... you should confess to the priest!" Gloria was righteous.

"If I have the opportunity to go to the church again, I will go." Li Mu was also thinking, is it necessary to go to the church to sit.

It seems that this is not necessary, the priest in the United States doesn't care about drawing lots.

The welcome banquet prepared by Arthur for Ulysses S. Grant was also held at Clinton Castle. The banquet was still in the form of a cold dinner. Before the banquet began, Li Mu finally got the opportunity to meet Ulysses S. Grant.

"Well, I heard that you've had a hard time during this time." Ulysses S. Grant hid in the locker room and had time to eat steak.

The cold dinner party is actually a place to chat. No one sits down to actually eat, so if you are hungry before the cold dinner party starts, find something to pad first, otherwise you will ask yourself for a while.

Seeing that Ulysses Grant was so delicious, Li Mu felt very hungry and raised his hand to ask Yan Shun to help him get a copy.

"Don't mention it, you are debt-free now, only pity us as a group of people to make their own living." Li Mu and Ulysses Grant now have nothing to say, Ulysses Grant now understands Li Mu Dilemma.

"The road to self-employment should not be too far. Who can really refuse you if you are willing." Ulysses Grant is not worried about Li Mu.

This statement is not wrong, as long as Li Mu is willing to give up the access system, whether it is James Bryan or James Garfield, will cheer for Li Mu.

"Why give up ... The admission system is indeed a good thing for the Junma Group, and it is also a good thing for the United States." Li Mu did not intend to give up, and has insisted to this day. If he gives up now, it will really become a fool.

At this level of Li Mu, it is impossible for others to say what it is. Li Mu had to insist on his own.

In other words, being a man can't speak too well, so it's how Sheng Mi En fights Mi Qi.

"Well, I can't help you too much right now. I can help you with the proposal, but there is no guarantee that the proposal will be approved." Ulysses Grant told the truth.

Failure to get a presidential nominee is a huge blow to Ulysses Grant's prestige. Do n’t look at Ulysses Grant who smiles wherever he goes now, but no one has Ulysses. Grant's words matter.

The hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken ...

"No, I want to show someone that what I want to do is not something they can stop." Li Mu really has grudges, and the grievances are not small.

"Then you have to be careful, don't play with fire." Ulysses Grant reminded kindly.

Ulysses Grant knew that James Blaine had rejected Li Mu's request. To be honest, Li Mu ’s request was really a bit too much. If James Blaine was replaced by Ulysses S. Grant, then You Lisis Grant didn't know if he would agree to such a request.

At present, the voice of James Blaine in the Republican Party is the highest, so Ulysses Grant is worried that if Li Mu refuses to stop, it will affect the Republican election plan.

If the Republican Party's civil war is triggered as a result, and the Republican Party loses the election, Li Muke will become a public enemy.

"Rest assured, I'll be sure that the Republican Party won the election anyway, and I can tell that clearly." Li Muen has clear grievances, and he has a debtor and a debtor. This will not affect the presidential election.

It is said that Li Mu also needs to ensure that the Republican Party wins the election before it can ensure that its plan is implemented. The two are complementary and there is no conflict of fundamental interests.

"That's good." Ulysses Grant was relieved, but couldn't help but say a few more words: "Rim, sometimes a setback is not permanent, and your future is undoubtedly bright, So don't get entangled in this kind of thing, it will only make you look unkempt. "

Still graceful, why do you say it is so nice, and just say that the chicken belly is not finished?

"I understand ..." Li Mu smiled slightly, shoved the last steak into his mouth, and lowered the napkin in his hand.

Ulysses Grant's political career has ended. He now has only one task, which is to enjoy his presidential life more than this last year, so Ulysses Grant can not care, but Li Mu cannot care.

Seeing that Li Mu actively ended the conversation, Ulysses Grant smiled helplessly.

Ulysses Grant is not the same as Li Mu. Do n’t look at Ulysses Grant wherever he goes now, it ’s all the attention. It ’s a halo bonus brought to him by the presidency. If this aura disappears, then Ulysses Sith Grant's life is not much better than ordinary people.

Li Muqiang is strong in the Junma Group it owns. Even though Li Mu does not hold any position in the US government, and no one dares to despise Li Mu's existence, the position of the Junma Group in the US economy determines that Li Mu will always be Heavyweight, others can dislike him, but must not ignore him.

Such a Li Mu, how could you ask him to forbear, even if Li Mu wants to retire now, the horse group and the interest group formed with Li Mu as the center will push Li Mu forward.

This is actually involuntary.

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