Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 502: Offer

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In 1903, the Wright brothers' first test flight was a fully controlled, self-powered, airframe heavier than air, and continued to stagnate aircraft.

This was the first aircraft in human history, and it has since become one of the greatest inventions in human history.

In this time and space, the Junma Group is ahead of its time again, and developed the first human aircraft in nearly 30 years.

In order to develop the aircraft, Steed Labs has set up a research team with nearly 100 researchers and invested nearly 600,000 US dollars, which lasted one and a half years.

Well, it is not a long time compared with the Wright brothers in one and a half years, but the Wright brothers do not have the conditions of the Steed Lab. From the perspective of knowledge reserve, the Steed Lab in 1875 is no better than the 1903 Wright brothers are worse.

Li Mu wanted to go to Boston as soon as possible, but the second round of voting was imminent. Li Mu had no time to split, so he had to let Franklin, the leader of the Steed Lab, bring Xibodu McMillan, director of the Aircraft Research Institute, to New York to report to Li Mu in person.

Since it is a reporting task, it cannot be carried out on the Governor's Island. Li Mu chose to receive Franklin and Xibodu McMillan at the Steering Park Group headquarters in Battery Park.

Thibode McMillan is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Department of Mechanics. When Steed Lab began researching cars, Thibode McMillan was a member of the Automotive Research Institute. In the process of researching the engine, Thibode McMillan played a key role. After that, Steed Lab established the Aircraft Research Institute, and Thibode McMillan became the director of the Aircraft Research Institute.

In the elevator heading to the top of Steed Mansion, Xibodu McMillan's expression was both proud and disturbed.

I am proud that the aircraft has finally been successfully researched. This will be the best achievement of Steed Labs this year, and Xibodu McMillan will also stay in the history for this reason. This is definitely something to be proud of.

Uneasy is because of funding. So far, Steed Labs has said that the aircraft research institute has allocated 600,000 US dollars. Although this money has not been used up, there is still little left in the account. This time, Xibodu McMillan will meet you. Li Mu also has another purpose to ask for additional funding.

Perhaps because of the uneasiness of Thibode McMillan, Franklin comforted: "Don't worry, our Mr. Riem is a very generous person. Aircraft research has made a major breakthrough, and subsequent funding is essential, and you There will be a lot of rewards, which is a tradition of our Steed Lab. "

Franklin did not avoid the elevators when he said these words, and there is nothing to avoid, as Time Magazine has already reported.

"I'm not nervous, Mr. Principal, I just think ... well, I'm still a little nervous ..." Thibode McMillan took several deep breaths in succession, trying to calm his emotions.

"Calm down, calm down ..." Franklin was overwhelmed and patted Thibode McMillan's shoulder. "Trust me, you will see more big scenes in the future. You have to learn habits."

Franklin is very happy that although the honor of inventing the aircraft belongs to Xibodu McMillan, but after all, it was conducted under Franklin's leadership, so Franklin and even the entire Steed Lab were honored.

Soon, the elevator door opened and Franklin and Thibode McMillan walked out of the elevator at the same time.

"Excuse me, Mr. Franklin and Professor McMillan?" A blond woman in a black professional suit was waiting at the elevator door.

"Yes, we are, we have made an appointment with Mr. Riem." Franklin smiled, without the rigour and harshness in the institute.

"Come here, sit down a bit, you came a little early, Rim has no time right now." The blond woman's manners were impeccable, and she signaled to the small hall next to her.

"Thank you ..." Franklin thanked politely.

This is a lounge with an area of ​​about 20 square meters. There is a circle of single sofas around the lounge, a coffee table next to the sofa armrests, Turkish handmade carpets on the floor, and European Renaissance oil paintings hanging on the wall. There is a row of bookshelves with some newspapers and magazines on it.

"What do the two want to drink?" The blonde did not leave immediately.

"If you can, please get me a cup of coffee." Franklin was polite and saw an ashtray on the coffee table next to it, but made no additional request.

The blonde smiled and turned her eyes to Thibode McMillan.

"I want a glass of boiled water, thank you." Thibode McMillan couldn't taste anything at the moment, so it was simpler.

"Just a moment, please." The blonde smiled, showing her standard eight teeth, and then went away.

"Looking at the professionalism of others, I think we should find some beautiful women after we return to Boston." Franklin's vision is also very high now, Franklin is really inconspicuous. .

"If you come over a few beauties of this level, I'm afraid no one will feel comfortable experimenting ..." Xibodu McMillan smiled, this is also a wonderful person.

After a while, the blonde came in with a tray.

"This is your boiled water ... this is your coffee ... and there are special products from Cuba ..." The blond beauty noticed Franklin's small movement just now, and gave Franklin a surprise.

It is said that the Havana cigars of the Junma Group are well known, especially the cigars prepared by the chairman's office for guests are all specially customized. From picking to production, they are all hand-made, and they are not available outside.

"Thank you! This is really a surprise ..." The surprise on Franklin's face was just right.

The so-called special cigar for the chairman's office is just a gimmick. Others may not know it, but Franklin is certainly no stranger to it. You must know that Steed Labs has a superb position in the Steed Group. As the person in charge, it is not difficult to get a special cigar for the chairman's office.

Of course, it's not rare to return, it should be low-key. After all, this is the headquarters of the Junma Group. Few people have extravagant capital here.

The blonde did not forget to close the door lightly when she left, and now Franklin relaxed, smoking a cigar and drinking coffee, and the waiting time suddenly became not so difficult.

The cigar was not smoked, and the lounge door opened again. This time a dark-haired girl came in.

The girl didn't look very old. Although she was wearing a bun and wearing a pair of old-fashioned black-framed glasses, she looked like she was about 20 years old.

The girl wore a tailored black professional suit, a straightforward black lapel suit, pencil pants, half-heel shoes, and a white shirt with a snowflake-like pattern embroidered on the collar of white silk. This treatment was really low-key.

When he saw the dark-haired girl, Franklin immediately got up and put out the cigar that had not been smoked in his hand.

"Mr. Franklin, Professor McMillan, please come with me." The dark-haired girl had a cold voice but was kind, but it felt like a thousand miles away.

"Good Miss Chu Xue, please trouble you." Franklin nodded with a smile, his attitude more and more kind.

Chu Xue smiled and nodded, but did not respond.

Li Mu was waiting behind his desk, seeing that Chu Xue brought Franklin and Xibodu McMillan in, Li Mu took the initiative to rise to meet him.

"Good morning, Li Mu." Franklin greeted himself.

"Good morning ... Mr. Franklin ... Professor McMillan, please forgive me for not being able to travel to Boston to congratulate you, you should know that the National Congress is being held in New York, and I really can't go away." Li Mu sincerely apologized.

"It's really busy, we already feel it." Franklin was more relaxed when he saw Li Mu.

It's easy to see that the ghosts are hard to deal with. The truth is universal. In front of Li Mu, Franklin can relax a bit, but in front of the staff below, Franklin will certainly show good manners.

"What to drink?" Li Mu called Franklin and the somewhat restrained Thibodeau McMillan to sit down.

"No, we have already drank it."

"Coffee, thank you."

Franklin and Thibodeau gave two very different answers.

"Professor McMillan, talk about your plane." Li Mu did not force it, and went directly to the topic.

"Okay, Mr. Rimm ..." Xibodu immediately trembled, took out a large stack of documents from the folder he was carrying, and handed them to Li Mu.

"Rim, just call me Rim." Li Mu corrected his expression seriously as he took the file.

"Okay ... Rim ..." Thibodeau started from the kind, with a little restrained introduction: "We conducted the first flight test at the end of last month, and the experiment was very successful. The flight lasted 30 minutes and the fastest speed reached 60 per hour. Kilometers, and flying height of about 200 meters. Through experiments, we found some problems. In the next few months, we will further improve the prototype and then transfer to Florida for a second test flight ... "

It is now winter, and the minimum temperature in New York has dropped to about -10 degrees. The temperature in Boston is similar to that in New York. It is really not a good idea to conduct a flight test under such weather conditions. The test pilot will be frozen after a while. Into popsicles.

The current plane is relatively simple, there is not even an airport, it can be said that test pilots do not have any protective devices, and each test flight is a life-threatening effort.

In the document brought by Thibodeau, there is a photo of the prototype. The plane on the photo is terrible. The double wing, the open cabin, the fixed landing gear, the criss-crossed cable ...

Everything is so primitive.

Considering that this is the first human plane, and the original point is understandable, Li Mu certainly knows what the future aircraft will look like, but it is impossible to achieve it because of current technical conditions. No matter how many people Li Mu recruits, he is willing No amount of money.

"... In order to find suitable materials, we have footprints on five continents. At first we chose ironwood from Mexico. The strength of this wood is ok, but because the density is too high, the weight is still unacceptable. Later, we We chose birch from the Rocky Mountains. Although it is still not satisfactory, it is relatively the best. We use birch, animal skin and the lightest steel we can find in the aircraft. Next we prepare It is important for us to continue to search for lighter and stronger materials ... "Xibodu said as he started to digress, and already meant to ask for additional funding.

"Very well, I'm very satisfied with your work ..." Li Mu set the tone first.

When Li Mu said this, Xibodu and Franklin's expressions immediately relaxed, as long as Li Mu was satisfied, so at least Xibodu and Franklin did not have to explain where the 600,000 US dollars were spent.

"Look for materials in advance and focus on developing more powerful engines. In addition to aircraft styles, there is also room for optimization in this area. I think you can study the shape of the bullets. This may It can alleviate the resistance of the air to a greater extent. "Li Mu opened a golden finger and led Xibodu to the right.

The most suitable material for aircraft should be aluminum alloy, but aluminum cannot be refined on a large scale, so it is almost impossible to make aluminum alloy. Li Mu can only focus on the engine, which has great potential to be tapped. .

In addition, there is the shape of the aircraft, which involves a lot of aerodynamic principles. Li Mu can't say clearly. He can only vaguely put forward concepts such as "streamline". The rest is for Xibodu to study. Go on.

"Bullet ..." Xibodu looked blank, did not understand Li Mu's meaning at all.

"Yes, it's a bullet. You think about the fastest speed of bullets in the air. If we wrap all the objects exposed in the air with something similar to the shape of a bullet, then it should definitely reduce the resistance of the air. In addition to the organic wing style, how thick the wing should be made, whether it is as thick as before, or if it is thick before and after, or if it is thick before and after, it should be oval or triangular. I believe there must be a regular pattern inside Follow up, if you can figure out these rules clearly, then I believe that you can sort out a discipline. "Li Mu cheers up Xibodu. For a scholar, what can be more exciting than the founding of the school.

"Wing styling ... yes, yes ... it's very likely ..." Xibodu was stunned by Li Mu, first murmured, and then took out his pen and notebook to record quickly.

"We are now working on a great invention, so there must be difficulties, and they will not be less. This requires us to have more resolute confidence, invest more motivation, and of course, have more funds ... Li Mu finally talked about funds, and Xibodu immediately felt dry.

"How much do you need? You say the number." Li Mu is generous, and Ren Xibodu will open the price at will.

To be honest, Li Mu is acceptable within 10 million US dollars.

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