Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 522: Simple and rude

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Waiting until the train, Li Mu finally got a chance to be alone with Will.

The second generation is still very cute. The little guy will not leave now. He is as fat as a meat ball. He is very energetic and likes his two sisters very much.

When a woman sees a child, she always has a motherhood, so now women are all around the child in the box, trying to dress up II as a girl.

Li Mu and Will didn't find this kind of fun at all. They didn't have the heart to see the little guy being tossed by a group of women, and didn't have the ability to rescue him. .

"It's really defenseless. The family thief is hard to defend. You just cheated my Gloria away. I have to warn you now that you have established the relationship, you must treat her well. Otherwise, I must not I will let you go. "Will remembered that his girl from home had been stolen by Li Mu, and still felt upset.

"Not willing? Then I'll go back and tell Gloria clearly." Li Mu was unhappy.

"Hey, what's your attitude? No one likes Gloria, what's wrong? Isn't it wrong to be with Gloria?" Will tried to gain momentum. .

But now I think of it, it seems a bit late, who will let Will usually not have the authority of the "guardian".

The relationship between people is actually very magical. Gloria is certainly very good. You need to have a good figure and a good looks. Although the character is a bit sloppy, it looks good on the whole, at least not annoying. In addition, Gloria is the eldest daughter of the Barron family, a shareholder of Steed Group and Santiago Investment Company, and the founder of Metropolis Magazine and Metropolis Store, who wants to marry Gloria Lined up to make three laps around Manhattan.

For a long time, Gloria has many admirers in New York. His cousin is just one of them. Many people are afraid of Li Mu and Will's power, and they dare not show it.

But this does not include Li Mu.

Although the US government has not confirmed it, almost everyone knows the truth is that Li Mu is now the richest man in the United States, so others may fall down under the Gloria skirt, but Li Mu will never, in the strength of Li Mu, If you want to marry, you ca n’t marry. If Li Mu wants to, it ’s not difficult to marry a princess.

So it seems that Will wants to stiffen in front of Li Mu, it seems really difficult.

Of course, the face to be given is still to be given, so Li Mu's performance is quite reasonable: "As long as you don't force me to call your father-in-law, I can say anything."

Regarding the matter of changing the mouth but not the mouth, in fact, the problems are not big. Gloria and Sandy are also at home from Will to Will. They are just titles and cannot represent anything.

Will didn't force it, and immediately ended the topic: "Of course not, whatever you shout, it's like you can break a leg."

It seems that the conflict between Steed Apparel and Texas Cowboys is well known.

This kind of thing can't be concealed. From Springfield to Texas, the train just passes through Washington. The horse clothing company's people are a little too much. After breaking the arms and legs, even the most basic medical Send people away without providing, the train goes all the way to Washington, and those Texas talents are treated, so many people are now waiting to see the show.

"Interrupting the leg is only the beginning. If Owen Hart is obsessed, then it will not be so easy to interrupt the leg." Li Mu did not take this matter to heart, since Li Mu went to Samuel Till After boarding, Li Mu has been waiting for a signal from the Texans.

It now seems that the Texans don't seem to have the meaning of remorse, so Li Mu no longer expects this thing to be good. Since the Texans don't want to end the problem in a peaceful way, they will come to it. Do it.

"You're always so sharp ..." Will's words weren't blame, but emotion.

It must be said that Will benefited a lot from Li Mu's sharpness. When the conflict with Amis was in the beginning, if it was not Li Mu's sharpness, Will would have been forced to be a ranger, so Will There is absolutely no position to blame Li Mu.

Taking into account the relationship between Will and Li Mu has always been in this matter, Will can only choose to maintain the same front with Li Mu.

"Wait and see, since the Texans don't want to sell me cotton, then I can't sell a pound of their cotton. What other cotton farmers' association do they really think they can control the market? I It can only be hehe. "Li Mu did have a big plan. This was the Texan's initiative to come to the door, and Li Mu was not polite.

The development of the Junma Group has been very good in the states governed by the Northern Republican Party, but the traditional sphere of influence of the Southern Democratic Party is still deserted for the Junma Group, so the Texas provocation may not be good news for the Junma Group, as long as Can open the situation in Texas, then the Steed Group will be able to extend its tentacles to the south.

Not to mention that in the southern states of the United States, Texas is very special for the entire United States. If the Steed Group can open the situation in Texas, then it can enter the rest of the spine that has been interrupted by the Republican Party. State.

"What do you want to do? Send someone to kill Owen Hart?" Will was a soldier, always solving the problem in the simplest and roughest way.

In this regard, Will and Li Mu are really a family. Li Mu did not directly answer Will's question, the method is also simple and rude: "Wait and see, if everything goes well, there will be news tomorrow."

"When will the two of you stay here?" Claudia came out to greet Li Mu and Will.

"Come here ..." Will threw his cigar out of the car window, and walked towards Claudia with open arms.

An interesting fact, Li Mu and Will talked here for a long time, and did not touch Chuxue at all.

In fact, everyone knows that Chu Xue is unlikely to be separated from Li Mu, so since this is the case, sometimes he still has to pretend to be stupid.

People are alive, sometimes just to be silly. When Li Mu and Will were chatting on the train, Owen Hart was pretending to be silly in a pub opposite the Houston City Hall.

"The **** Republicans are too bullying. We just made a little mistake. They are going to terminate the contract and ask us to pay huge compensations. In the final analysis, because we lost the war, now the Republicans People can do whatever they want, and we can do nothing but passively accept it ... "Owen Hart seemed drunk, and his words were incoherent.

Texas is rich in cowboys. The people here are rough and irritable. They often fight with each other if they don't agree with each other. They often rush into a duel. If the party dies unfortunately in a duel, his family is usually proud.

So the character of the Texans can be imagined. They are a group of people who are not afraid of power and advocating freedom. When the Mexicans wanted to rule them, they became independent, and then the US government wanted to collect them, which also caused their fierce resistance. The pursuit of freedom has penetrated deep into the bones of the Texans. For a pure Texan, it is not free. Do n’t rather die. This is really not a slogan.

As a traditional sphere of influence of the Democratic Party, the Texans generally have no opinion of the Republican Party, so Owen Hart's words immediately resonated in the bar.

"Yes, those Republicans are a group of **** scammers. They robbed us of our property, robbed our servants, robbed us of our glory, and we should do something, or we will be killed by them sooner or later. . "Someone echoed immediately.

Texas is the largest cotton producer in the United States, so if the economic losses of the United States during the Civil War are listed in a table, Texas is definitely among the best.

When the Civil War was brought up in the 21st century, people usually used "liberation of slaves" to explain everything, as if Americans launched the Civil War to abolish the slave system.

In fact, that ’s just the beautification of future generations. The reasons for the Americans to launch the Civil War are very complicated. There are economic and political factors. The British's provocation cannot be ignored. The only thing that does not touch is the slave system.

The Civil War broke out in April 1861. In the early days of the outbreak of the war, the northern government was declining on the battlefield because of the poor personal capabilities of the soldiers. After a year and a half of the war, the northern government was close to running out of oil. New forces joined, then the war will be unsustainable. In order to restore the decline, Lincoln announced the abolition of slavery in September 1862, liberated slaves, and attracted black people to join the war. This was the victory of the local government.

Therefore, in order to liberate slaves in the Civil War, everything was a slapstick. It should be the Civil War objectively promoted the liberation of slaves. The farmers in Texas were the biggest victims after liberation of slaves.

One can imagine how deep the resentment is in Texas farmers.

In Texas, politicians wanting public support is easy, just scold the Washington government.

"We lost in the last war, so we lost the glory of our fathers, lost everything, and now a new war is about to begin. The Steed Group is the vanguard of those shameless politicians in Washington, so we have to renew Take up the gun, reclaim our land, reclaim the honor that should belong to us ... "In addition to the post of President of the Texas Cotton Farmers Association, Irving Hart also has the status of Texas Representative and speaks in public. Of course, it is out of the question, but it is more provocative.

In fact, Junma Group has been involved in Texas a few years ago. Under the wilderness of eastern Texas, it sleeps the largest oil field in the United States. Li Mu bought the East Texas oil field two years ago. Therefore, Li Mu is now also a landlord in Texas.

Probably the largest landlord in Texas.

Of course, because Li Mu was purchased through the San Diego Investment Company at that time, few people knew this information, and Owen Hart, as a Texas Representative, was not surprised to know the news.

After all, it is Christmas Eve at night, so the carnival in the bar did not last long, and the bar was closed in advance before night fell.

Owen Hart brought his top hat, wrapped his trench coat, and walked out of the bar surrounded by a dozen people.

Just out of the bar door, Irving Hart suddenly remembered something and turned to his secretary.

"Tom, send a telegram to Mr. Tilden. I want to re-review the legality of the San Diego Investment Company's purchase of the East Texas Farm, a full 1.5 million acres. Since only $ 1.4 million is needed, I want to know, this How the contract was approved by the state government. "Irving Hart is also a farmer himself. Seeing so much land being collected by the San Diego Investment Company at an extremely low price, Irving Hart feels his heart is bleeding.

"Mr. Tilden has gone to Miami for a vacation, and I will send a telegram to Mr. Tilden's office." The secretary nodded again and again.

At this point, Owen Hart's car finally drove over. It was embarrassing that Owen Hart's car was also a BMW produced by Junma Group.

However, both Owen Hart and the secretary deliberately ignored the logo on the front of the car. The secretary stepped forward and opened the rear door. Owen Hart sat in the car. When he closed the door, the secretary did not forget to send his best wishes: "I wish you a happy Christmas Eve, sir."

"Thank you Tom, and good luck." Irving Hart's expression was not very pleasant, leaning on the back of the chair and rubbing his forehead, his face was full of fatigue and worry.

It is understandable that in the current United States, it takes courage to fight against the Steed Group. I am afraid that just thinking about it will directly crush the spirit.

"Want to go home, sir?" The driver asked softly in the front seat.

"Well ..." Irving Hart wasn't in the mood, not even talking.

The driver quickly started the car, and the car galloped down the street.

On the last corner before arriving home, Owen Hart's car stopped.

"What's going on?" Irving Hart was upset.

"It looks like there was an accident ahead." The driver did not get out of the car.

A traffic accident did occur. When the two carriages passed by, the driver did not control the distance between the carriages. As a result, the axles of the carriages collided, and the axles of one carriage were broken. As a result, the entire road was blocked. .

"Damn carriage, **** streets, **** weather ..." Actually, not far from home, Owen Hart cursed as he pushed the door of the car, and decided to go back by himself.

When passing the carriage paralyzed in the middle of the road, Irving Hart subconsciously thought that, in fact, the Steed Group was not useless.

The idea flashed in Owen Hart's mind, and Owen Hart shook his head as if trying to get the idea out of his mind.

Just then, a young man across the street took a python detective revolver from his arms.

Uh ...

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