Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 550: Cannot do

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Before penicillin was not successfully researched, flower willow disease was definitely a world-class problem. This is simply an incurable disease. Legend has it that the emperor Tongzhi who died last year died of flower willow disease.

Even the emperor can't escape the poisonous hands, ordinary people are almost powerless to resist. Once infected with Hualiu disease, there is no other way but to wait for death.

The prostitute industry has always been a high-incidence area of ​​syringa, and there is no medical examination system these years. Customers will not check any health certificate before the transaction. There is no Durex for sale in the store, so the prevention of syringa depends mainly on luck.

Although the Junma Group has a biological laboratory, and the biological laboratory has also carried out penicillin-related research, there has been no progress at present, so Bai Qi is very worried that some non-combatant attrition will be caused due to some force majeure factors.

That's more than worth it.

Obviously, Hunter also talked about tiger discoloration about the flower willow disease. After hearing Bai Bai's words, Hunter was obviously a little hesitant. Looking at the eyes of these women is like watching the banknote that accidentally fell into the pit when going to the toilet.

"Make all the meat, and share the wine for the brothers who are on duty, and wait for them to drink after they get off the whistle." Bai Qi did not forget to be vigilant when arranging dinner, after all, he was in the battlefield, a little bit Negligence can have serious consequences. As a veteran, you will definitely not make such low-level mistakes.

"Hunt, hold on, I'll find you a bunch of cleansing in a few days." Cole came out to clear Hunter's perimeter.

"Ah, that's so thankful ..." Hunter immediately abandoned it.

Relatively speaking, there are still many ways for Cole to be a half-headed snake. After all, this is the Far East. There is a country that strengthens its national strength by organizing the sale of spring, so it is not troublesome to solve this problem.

The meals in the army are relatively simple, and you do n’t need to pay attention to what you eat when you are in combat, as long as you can cook the rice.

The meat that Yangwei sent to Baiqi was chicken and pork. The chicken was all stewed, and the pork was made into barbecue. Each piece of meat was half the size of a fist and the surface was golden brown. With oil flowers, the taste is very good.

Most of the gunmen are cowboys. In fact, these cowboys are all-rounders. It is a good thing to make barbecue, so this dinner can be said to be full of color and fragrance.

After dinner, Cole and Bai Qi talked about their future work arrangements.

"In the future, our immigration transfer station will be located on the main island of Ryukyu, so we must first build two camps that can accommodate 10,000 people, and also build a material warehouse. There will also be doctors, nutritionists, language teachers, etc. You do n’t have to worry about manpower. Your task is to set up the camp. Fortunately, there are enough manpower in Ryukyu. The problem in this area should be small. ”Cole ’s main job is immigration.

Regarding this immigrant, in fact Li Mu had other arrangements.

The current Ryukyu has a total population of about 300,000. Li Mu's original intention was to get more than 300,000 people to Southeast Asia or the United States, and then move the Chinese from the Qing Empire to Ryukyu to complete the population replacement.

After all this is completed, Ryukyu will be the second Hawaii. Whether it is under the control of the United States or the state, it will eventually expand the living space for Huaren.

In the next few years, Li Mu plans to promote this approach.

You know, there are so many stars in the Pacific Ocean. Most of these islands are very suitable for human habitation, but there are not many people on the island.

For example, Guam, the southernmost point of the Mariana Islands, has more than 500 square kilometers of land, and it has only reached 100,000 people until the 21st century. At this time, it is at most 10,000, or even less than 10,000. It is estimated that even The Spaniards don't know how many people are on Guam right now, so the cost of replacing a population is very simple.

Once the population replacement is successfully completed, the future benefits are endless.

There are disputes where there are people. To a younger age, it is the personal economic interests that are contested, and the social status is contested, which enlarges the space for survival.

The 19th century was the last chance to divide the sphere of influence. Without seizing the current opportunity, Li Mu himself would not forgive himself.

"No problem, give me half a year, I will be able to build the camp." Bai Qi patted his chest and packed tickets with Cole.

Talking to Bai Qi about what kind of living space it is is to play against the cow. Bai Qi doesn't think about such esoteric problems, and the biggest advantage is that he does not contradict Li Mu's orders. As long as it is Li Mu's decision, Bai Qi will be true. Go to the deduction.

"You can also start the Ryukyu people. You must know that the Japanese have suffered this time and will definitely not give up. When they make a comeback again, they will not be so tender. When the time comes, they may not see a real chapter on the battlefield. You have to be mentally prepared. "Cole had a lot to worry about.

Cole's worries are not groundless. Right now, Ryukyu King Shang Tai is still missing, including members of the entire Ryukyu royal family. They are likely to have been looted by the Japanese to the Japanese mainland, although Bai Qi is preparing to make a fuss. The King of Ryukyu, but after all, Shang Tai is the real King of Ryukyu, and the Japanese will definitely use this to make a fuss.

"It's okay, let them come ..." Bai Qi didn't worry about it.

To be honest, Bai Qi could not wait to fight the Japanese now, even if it was a bit of a loss.

Although they came to Ryukyu personally in name, in fact, the US Department of War must be paying attention to their actions. Bai Qi hopes to prove the value of the army by the facts that the Navy cannot replace. The only thing Bai Ba can do for Will.

As soon as the next day dawned, Pan Tingzhen came into the hands from Wu Tian.

At this time, the Shuri Castle has basically recovered its calmness. The scattered Wangcheng Army was searched from house to house, and then they were collected in the military barracks, waiting for them to be screened. Most of them will join the new King City Guard. A small number of people have other uses.

In Shuri Palace, Pan Tingzhen finally saw Lin Shigong who had been transformed.

This is also the first time that Bai Qi came to the legendary Ryukyu Kingdom.

Before entering the city, Bai Qi still had expectations for the Ryukyu Royal Palace. As a result, he was disappointed. The entire palace can be described as low and shabby. It is simply lacking and the building is not as complete as the Governor's Island.

Lost interest in visiting the palace, Bai Qi had to focus on the ascension ceremony that was being held in the main hall.

It was really a ceremony of ascension. Lin Shigong was busy working all night last night and did not know where to find a two-year-old child. He vowed to say that this is the only remaining descendant of the Ryukyu royal family, so this little fart child named Shang Xi will be Become the new king of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

"Where can I find the child?" Bai Wei was still curious when Shang Xi was still there.

Judging from the name, this Shangxi is indeed a surname of the royal family of Ryukyu, but Bai Qi has sufficient reasons to suspect that this child must not be a royal descendant, and even the eight poles cannot be hit. Maybe Lin Shigong picked it up from the roadside. of.

"Do you care ... who cares ..." Lin Shigong has broken the jar. Since he decided to be a traitor to the Ryukyu Kingdom, he should be completely thorough.

In fact, it is not a traitor. For the Ryukyu royal family, what Lin Shigong is doing is of course a traitor, but it is not necessarily for the entire Ryukyu kingdom. At least after such a toss, the status of Chinese in the Ryukyu Kingdom will rise linearly.

Don't watch Lin Shigong commit suicide for the Kingdom of Ryukyu in another spacetime, but when family interests and national interests conflict, Lin Shigong still habitually stands on the side of the family.

This is the disadvantage of the family system. The king ’s power does not go to the countryside. The king ’s influence on individuals is not as good as that of the clan. Lin Shigong committed suicide at another time because Lin Shigong ’s family was destroyed along with the Kingdom of Ryukyu. Now the situation is completely different. Although the Ryukyu Kingdom no longer exists, Lin Shigong's family is still there.

For his family, Lin Shigong will bear the burden.

"Good job, I find that your political class's talents in this area are all innate. Others cannot learn, at least I cannot." Bai Qi feels ashamed in this regard.

Lin Shigong didn't make sense of it, the scornful little eyes had explained everything.

Everything was done quickly, and the entire ascension ceremony was not complicated. When two-year-old Shang Xi was taken to the throne of the king, he squeaked two throats and was bought by a sugar gourd in a blink of an eye. The biggest variable of the entire ascension ceremony disappeared.

Then, when it came to rewards, Lin Shigong smelled shamelessly and left himself a left, then Feng Tingzhen made a right, and Bai Qi was named a general and commander-in-chief of the entire Ryukyu Kingdom.

After the announcement was completed, the Ryukyu Kingdom officially entered the Shangxi era with Lin Shigong's "Li Cheng".

In the second seal letter after Shangxi's ascension, he decided to permanently donate the small ring island to the Junma Group, and at the same time leased Naha the largest port city on Ryukyu Island to the Junma Group for 99 years.

The Steed Group will pay the Ryukyu Kingdom one million U.S. dollars a year for this purpose.

This is also the largest revenue of the Ryukyu Kingdom since its founding and the first revenue of the Shangxi era.

Originally, according to Pan Tingzhen, he meant that he did n’t need a single penny, or he gave it a meaning of 100,000, but how the current Ryukyu Kingdom was poor, and he could n’t even afford the left and right salary. Therefore, Pan Tingzhen could only accept the money with shame as the starting capital of the Ryukyu government.

In fact, not all of this money is given to cash, most of which is converted into materials, and a large part of it is converted into building materials to build the camp for ten thousand people required by Kerr.

The news of Shang Xi's ascension reached Japan the same day and the Qing Empire the next day.

The Japanese reacted violently to this, saying that they did not recognize Shang Xi's status as a king at the same time, and that they would seek justice for the former king of the Ryukyu Kingdom, Shang Tai.

The Qing Empire also responded quickly, but unlike the Japanese, the Qing Empire not only acknowledged Shang Xi ’s ascension, but also according to tradition, the Emperor Guangxu, who had just ascended to the throne in the Qing Empire, enshrined Shang Xi.

This is a bit funny, I don't know how the history books will evaluate this book. After all, the two kings are less than ten years old. It seems that incarnation is really a technical job.

Perhaps knowing that they are not to be seen, the Japanese did not protest to Washington this time, but said they would return to Ryukyu in their own way.

The day after Shangxi ascended the throne, Japan began hoarding troops on Kyushu Island to prepare for the counterattack of Ryukyu.

This preparation was also extremely difficult. At this time, Japan was also poor, and the entire country had only a standing army of the Guards Division, and this unit also had to be stationed in the Beijing Division. There was no room to counterattack Ryukyu.

So all the Japanese assembled on the island of Kyushu are recruits. They have to complete at least three months of training here before launching an attack on Ryukyu.

It is regrettable that a large Japanese empire, even the supply of ordnance used by recruits, was inadequate, which was a bit too rampant.

Regarding ordnance, the Junma Weapons Factory can be said to be a blockbuster at the National Centennial Exhibition in the United States. Since the "trial operation", the Junma Weapon Factory has won more than 3 million US dollars of orders, becoming the largest winner at the Independent Centennial Exhibition.

The current Steed Weapon Factory has successfully killed Enfield and Krupp, becoming the world's largest weapons company.

Japan wants to buy weapons, in fact, the best channel is through the Steed Weapons Company.

However, the Japanese this year did not have a good impression in the hearts of people all over the world. Therefore, the Steed Weapon Factory actually rejected the Japanese's arms purchase request and gave no face at all.

What made the Japanese feel the fire was the reason for the rejection of the Steed Weapon Factory.

After learning about the Japanese's purchase of ordnance, the Steed Weapon Factory actually claimed that it would never sell weapons to people who are not yet high in weapons.

That would give the suspicion of using child labor.

When the Japanese began to prepare for the whole army, Bai Qi was also fighting hard.

To despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically, this is what Li Mu has emphasized many times. Therefore, he said that he looked down on the Japanese in vain and actually regarded the Japanese as his opponent.

If the Japanese can understand this feeling, maybe the Japanese can take pride in their current mentality.

With the addition of the Tianmin Group and the joining of the Wangcheng Guard, Bai Qi's expansion was going smoothly. In less than three days, an army with a total number of 4,000 was formed.

At this moment, we can see that the horse and horse group's wealth is rough. The new Ryukyu National Guard has just been announced. The horse and horse group immediately provided a full set of clothing and weapons. Not to mention, the weapons and equipment included 75mm rapid-fire guns and heavy rain. Heavy machine guns, and purchased a large number of Mongolian horses equipped with the Ryukyu National Guard from the Qing Empire.

This handwriting is not something ordinary people can do. Japan, a country as big as one, cannot do it with the power of the whole country.

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