Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 552: reservation

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During the dinner, Li Mu still found an opportunity to communicate with Rockefeller in a timely manner.

"Pennsylvania court ... This is a tough bone. Some people think they are helping justice, but they don't know the current affairs. Unfortunately, this is the judge of the Pennsylvania State Court." After listening to Li Mu, Rockefeller also expressed a headache. .

In fact, this kind of situation can be found everywhere, such as Amos, who had been misbehaving because of Mobilil Credit Company and Li Mu.

Speaking of the Mobilier Credit Company, Li Mu played a negative role. Li Mu has reasons to believe that if he changes time and location, Li Mu may become a good friend with Amos and do something together. what.

However, in the case of Mobilil Credit Company, Amos chose to stand on the opposite side of Li Mu. Li Mu was forced to tear his face with Amos. As a result, Amos was disgraced and pulled away. It's Li Mu's blackening journey.

It should be said that there is no one who is right or wrong, it is just the normal reaction of people.

If it is not related to their vital interests, everyone can become a keyboard man, and once related to their vital interests, their positions and choices will change accordingly.

This is similar to the 21st century online public opinion. Li Mu still remembers that before Li Mu's crossing, there was a period of time when the Republican police were criticized for violent law enforcement, and the online scolding and accusations led to police restraints during law enforcement. When the high-speed rail obstruction occurred, many keyboard men began to blame the police for being too weak to enforce their law enforcement power, which set off a new round of public opinion storms.

Perhaps in the two rounds of public opinion storms, the same people were accused of the police, so it is easy to understand that they are wrong with the people at all. No matter what the police do when they enforce the law, they will always find the entry point for the accusation. As for the netizens who listen to the wind is the rain person Yun Yiyun ...

Well, they are all children ...

From the standpoint of Li Mu, Rockefeller's gloat must not make you dissatisfied, so Li Mu's attitude is quite firm: "Isn't Pennsylvania your old nest? Don't you have the slightest influence? I don't deny that some judges are upright People, but integrity is definitely not an out-of-date reason. If you can't handle this, then I will find someone to handle it. "

Li Mu doesn't hate people who are upright. Even most of the time, Li Mu believes that justice should be fair and should not be controlled by some people's thoughts.

But it also depends on who's looking at it. Of course, the judges in Pennsylvania have reasons for the Philadelphia government to have a so-called fairness. If it is after the election, Li Mu will even choose to support the Philadelphia government's approach.

But not now, everything that Li Mu and even the Republican Party should do is to serve the general election at the end of the year. During this period, all instability must be eliminated in time. If some people do n’t know current affairs, Li Mu wo n’t mind Make them part of history.

It sounds a bit unscrupulous, but in the United States in this period, this was the only thing Li Mu could do.

This can only be done.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited. Leave this to me, and I will give you a satisfactory answer." Rockefeller was afraid to let Li Mu handle it.

If Li Mu was allowed to handle the matter himself, then Rockefeller could now foresee that Li Mu would surely launch a killing ring without hesitation.

That would definitely cause accidental injury.

"Of course, that's your place. You should be responsible for this." Li Mu did kill his eyes recently. As long as someone dares to jump out and cause trouble for Li Mu, Li Mu will use the simplest and rude method to make that person. Understand what it means to be a "Jiejie".

The welcome dinner for Ulysses S. Grant was held in the banquet hall of the Clinton Castle Hotel. This is a huge banquet hall that can accommodate 600 guests at the same time. Because the venue is too large, there are three live bands that provide music. Many people attended the welcome dinner including Cuban President Silvestre and Brazilian King Pedro II.

Pedro II was the second emperor of the Brazilian Empire. In 1840, Pedro II, who was only 14 years old, came to power and announced the release of all his slaves in the same year.

From an American standpoint, Pedro II's actions are in line with American values, so Pedro II was regarded as a guest by the Americans.

But it is regrettable that Brazil has not completely abolished slavery so far. Although Pedro II has been working for this, it is clear that Pedro II cannot completely control the political situation in Brazil.

At the same time as enlightenment, Pedro II was a down-to-earth militant who carried out a firm expansion policy towards neighboring Paraguay.

It is also regrettable that Pedro II's military capabilities are still lacking, so Pedro II coveted Paraguay for 20 years, but it still did not annex Paraguay, which led to domestic civil grievances and political instability.

This kind of person is exactly what Li Mu likes. Well, the arms trader likes war madmen the most. If there is no war in the world, Li Mu will starve to death.

Near the end of the banquet, Li Mu finally found an opportunity to spend time with Pedro II alone.

Immediately after Li Mu introduced himself, Pedro II immediately showed great interest in Li Mu.

"Rim, I'm glad to meet you. In your native language, I am also a long-awaited name ..." When Pedro II spoke of "a long-awaited name," Pedro II actually used Chinese, it seems Pedro II also did his homework before.

"Your Majesty, you are too polite. In fact, what I did is not worth mentioning. Your experience is fascinating." Li Mu knows how to vote for Tao, and it's good to send it.

"I'm very interested in your Steed Weapons Factory. The heavy rain machine guns you produced and the 75mm fast-fire guns are all amazing, so if you can, I hope we can find a good opportunity these two days. Just talk. "Pedro II really wanted something.

War madmen have this problem, their weapons are always insufficient, and Li Mu's existence value is exactly this, so Li Mu and Pedro II really feel that they meet late.

"Of course, I also hope to be able to communicate with you in depth. If I can show my value and help you, then I will be honored." Li Mu will certainly not miss such an opportunity.

"Haha, what are you talking about?" Ulysses Grant, who had a toast for a while, finally returned.

"We are talking about the opening ceremony tomorrow ..."

"I feel that the wine used in the banquet is too rich today. I didn't prepare so many kinds for me."

Li Mu and Pedro II gave two very different answers.

"Your Majesty, you need to understand, after all, there is only one Mr. President." Li Mu spoke quickly, kept his words quiet, and ran Ulysses Grant again.

This is also the meaning it deserves. Pedro II is even better, and he is also the king of Brazil. He ca n’t hit the United States with eight poles. Ulysses Grant is the president of the United States. He must be more concerned about himself. Only OK.

"It really saddened me, and it felt like I was a relative in the countryside from a poor mountain and a remote country." Pedro II couldn't help laughing and laughing at himself.

There is nothing wrong with this. The emperor still has three poor relatives. Even Li Mu, an orphan who has not seen his parents in his childhood, would not feel this way.

Of course, as the king of a country, you can open yourself up without any fear. This also requires courage, so Li Mu felt good about Pedro II in an instant.

"Come on, if you are a poor relative, what am I? The clown who warmed up before the play?" Ulysses Grant also has a humorous cell, of course, it depends on who he is. If the identity does not match, probably There is no chance to experience the humor of Ulysses S. Grant.

"Gentlemen, let's talk about the opening ceremony tomorrow ..." Li Mu shifted the topic in time.

"What's so funny, I'll ring the bell with Her Majesty the King tomorrow, I'm sorry Rem, I don't think so many people can stand on the podium." Ulysses Grant is very clear about tomorrow's itinerary and does not need Li Mu Special reminder.

"Ringing the bell" is part of the opening ceremony tomorrow. This is a code name. When Ulysses Grant and Pedro II rang the bell, the largest Curtis-style steam opportunity at the exhibition started. The steam engine will provide sufficient power for the entire main exhibition hall.

Oh, not just Ulysses Grant and Pedro II, but also Silvester, President of the United States of Cuba.

Sylvester is now in the corner of the banquet hall and has a great conversation with Benjamin Harrison.

Li Mu is not malicious in speculation, do not know if Sylvester and Benjamin Harrison are talking about Crouch.

Crawford is Sylvester's daughter and Benjamin Harrison's girlfriend, and Benjamin Harrison is already married. So, the relationship between the two is really a bit complicated. I don't know how Benjamin Harrison faced Sylvester. This psychological quality is indeed strong.

Li Mu didn't disturb Weng Yan and the others to exchange feelings, came to the entrance of the banquet hall, raised his hand and called Yan Shun over.

"Tell Melwell, let him make a plan, I want to do a business with the Brazilians, all the joints have to be opened, and before Christmas this year, I want to let all Brazilian troops use horses. The company produced weapons. "Li Mu's requirements are high, which can also be regarded as an assessment of Melville Fowler.

Following the departure of Glover Cleveland from Steed Group, Melville Fowler began to serve as Steward's lead lawyer.

To say Melville Fowler, this guy is also a well-known figure in American history. Just after Grover Cleveland became president, Melville Fowler became the ninth chief justice of the United States.

Of course, Melville Fowler is not well known now. It will take about ten years for Melville Fowler to make his mark. Li Mu is an investment in advance and a double for Grover Cleveland. Insurance.

Grover Cleveland is a Democrat. After the Civil War, Grover Cleveland was the first Democratic president. Although Li Mu and Grover Cleveland have a good relationship now, no one can guarantee it. After Grover Cleveland assumes the presidency of the United States, will Grover Cleveland fulfill his promises and give extra gratitude to the Steed Group.

Li Mu is now adding a double guarantee to the future Steed Group, even if Grover Cleveland will betray his faith and focus on the Democratic Party's overall situation, he will always target Li Mu and Steed Group as long as the Chief Justice can stand with Li Mu Together, Li Mu has the confidence to face any martyrdom.

"Yes, sir." Yan Shun turned and left immediately after taking orders.

Although Yan Shun was not qualified to enter the banquet hall to attend the welcome dinner for Ulysses S. Grant, Yan Shun was still at the door of the banquet hall and did not dare to care for a moment.

When Li Mu returned to the banquet hall, someone came up again.

"Mr. Riem, I'm glad to meet you." It was an old man with a beard and a white beard, and his beard was very lush. If he ignored his complexion, it would be like Zhang Fei.

"Excuse me, are you?" Li Mu thought for a long time, leaving no impression on the person in front of him.

"Of course you don't know me. Strictly speaking, this is the first time we have met ..." The old man with a white beard smiled wryly and then introduced himself: "Please allow me to introduce myself to you. I am from Germany Achill Theresa of Texas, previously in Texas, served as executive chairman of the Cotton Farmers Association. "

Texas Cotton Farmers Association ... Li Mu immediately remembered this organization that was almost forgotten by itself.

"So, what's the cost of doing this?" Li Mu didn't show any favor to the Texans, so he immediately pulled down his face and was impatient with his speech.

"Now I'm not the president of the Texas Cotton Farmers Association. Although the Cotton Farmers Association still exists, in fact the Cotton Farmers Association is dead. Speaking of it, it is also due to you. If it is not you that have caused great pressure on us Then, the Cotton Farmers Association still exists now ... "Achill Theresa's words were a bit too much, and there was no point, Li Mu was impatient.

"Thank you for the point. You know, I'm busy. Everyone in this banquet hall is busy, so I'm afraid I don't have time to tell the old people here." , But remembering what the Texans did that day, Li Mu still felt uncomfortable.

In Li Mu's social status, there is no need to cover up his true emotions. Likes are likes, hate is hate. Other people can not understand, but must accept it.

"Yes, of course I know you are busy, so I hope to get a chance to talk with you in the office, believe me, it will definitely be of benefit to you." Achill Theresa has not yet Be clear about the situation.

The chairman of the Cotton Farmers Association, it seems that the appointment should be left to the secretary.

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