Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 557: will

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The contest between different weights is always unequal.

Li Mu was really angry when he saw the products of the Zaihan factory in the main exhibition hall of the independent century exhibition, but when Li Mu began to attach importance to the Zaihan factory, Li Mu had not exerted his strength and the Zaihan factory could not bear it anymore.

Originally, Li Mu prepared many tricks, such as water and power outages, financial taxation, raw material supply, and even the stability of employees. Li Mu didn't need to exert much effort. He only needed to show his dissatisfaction with the Zaihan factory, and someone would help Li Mu deals with the fat man and the Zaihan factory.

When the fat man was scorched, Li Mu had begun preparing Will's engagement banquet.

It should be said that in Li Mu's mind, Will's engagement is definitely more important than the presidential election to be held at the end of the year.

This is not putting the cart before the horse. In fact, even if the Republican Party loses and the Democratic Party succeeds, the social status of Li Mu and the Steed Group will not change much, but Li Mu will inevitably bear the reputation of “footing two boats”. This is what Li Mu is very reluctant to see.

As the division chief of the Army's First Cavalry Division, Will's engagement attracted enough attention, and even Ulysses Grant said that he would definitely take the time to participate.

Since the president is involved, it cannot be rushed. Li Mu still does his best, hoping to leave Will and Claudia a good memory.

Of course, this engagement ceremony can also be regarded as a dress rehearsal, because it will not be long before Li Mu and Gloria are about to get engaged.

Originally according to Will ’s plan, the engagement with Claudia only required a simple ceremony, and there was no need to invite too many guests. Will even felt that as long as his family was involved, other friends would be enough. No invitation is needed.

Although Claudia has no apparent opinions on Will's plan, Li Mu is very clear that every woman has a beautiful fantasy about the major events in her life, although Claudia has given birth to Will's son However, if according to Will, there is only a simple ceremony, it will be a regret in Croatia's heart forever.

For Li Mu, what is the significance of rebirth?

Probably just hope that the people around him can live a better and more fulfilling life, so Li Mu insists on giving Will and Claudia a grand engagement ceremony.

According to Li Mu's plan, the engagement ceremony will be held at Trinity Church in New York, and then a gala dinner will be held at the Clinton Castle Hotel. The entire engagement ceremony will have more than 300 guests. To this end, Li Mu has built the entire Clinton Castle Hotel. The North Building serves as a hotel for guests attending the ceremony.

"Us 25,000 dollars per day, are you too dark to start with yourself?" Will still has opinions on Li Mu's arrangement.

The US $ 25,000 per day refers to the cost of contracting the North Building of the Clinton Hotel. This is only part of the engagement ceremony. In fact, in Li Mu's plan, the entire engagement ceremony will cost about US $ 500,000.

"US $ 25,000 is already a discounted price. The North Building has two presidential suites. These two presidential suites alone cost more than US $ 5,000 a day." Li Mu said he didn't have much to do, US $ 25,000 Just the friendly price.

"Are you crazy for $ 5,000? You can buy a house in Manhattan for $ 5,000." Will doesn't know much about the definition of a presidential suite.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, it's time to try on clothes, all you have to do is cooperate, that's all." Li Mu didn't want to talk nonsense with Will. The presidential suite not only means top status, but also top price. Demonstrate the noble status of "Presidents".

Will's dress for the engagement ceremony is also customized. The dress to be tested today is not a real dress. It is just a sample that the tailor gives Will. After the trial installation, the formal production of the dress will begin.

It sounds a bit tedious, right? In fact, it is only this kind of excellence that can afford the customized price. What is needed is this tone.

In order to complete this test, more than a dozen people came to the tailor's shop, and they had to modify it according to the effect of the scene before determining the final style.

Seeing a group of people embracing Will into the fitting room, Gloria subconsciously held Li Mu's arm.

"Thank you ..." Gloria couldn't hear emotions, but this "thank you" was really sincere.

"We don't need to thank each other." Li Mu didn't think it was very grateful. From the moment Will decided to serve as Li Mu's guardian, Li Mu regarded Will as his own family. In Li Mu's view, he These things are justified.

Gloria didn't talk anymore, leaning her head on Li Mu's shoulders, hugging Li Mu's arm tightly, and shaking a little coquettishly.

"After Will and Claudia get engaged, it's our turn. Do you have any special requirements at that time?" Li Mu really wanted to start. Although Li Mu felt that engaging in an engagement ceremony was tantamount to frustration, but as long as Gloria was satisfied, and Li Mu didn't mind.

"No, I just hope that you can handle your business well, then you can only have me in your eyes." It should be said that Gloria's requirements are not high, but it is not easy to do so.

Gloria refers to Chu Xue, now Gloria no longer expects Li Mu and Chu Xue to be clean, and only hopes that Li Mu will not embarrass Gloria at that time.

Although lover relationships are prevalent in western society, there should still be some superficial articles, at least not to let the original wife go off the stage. Gloria now wants to be very open. Since Chu Xue cannot be driven away from Li Mu, he can only Try to accept it all.

Sure enough, as Gloria thought, Li Mu didn't give the answer right away, but he groaned for a moment before answering: "Relax, you are my wife, and always will be."

For this answer, Gloria was basically satisfied, and although her mouth was still with a bitter smile, Gloria closed her eyes with satisfaction.

It is very good to have this kind of intention. Although in the real world, things like spoiling wives and wiping out rarely occur, but it is not completely absent. Gloria was a reporter before, and there are similar things. I heard that if Li Mu can stick to her promises, then Gloria believes that she can open her eyes and close her eyes at some point.

Rarely confused.

In this matter, Li Mu was indeed indebted to Gloria, but Li Mu could not do it if she wanted to completely abandon the relationship with Chu Xue.

People are not sages, and they ca n’t do anything. So far, Li Mu thinks that he can be rational most of the time after being born again, but Li Mu has no choice in this matter.

This is indeed unfair to Gloria and Chu Xue, but what can Li Mu do? If neither is necessary, it is even more unfair to Gloria and Chu Xue.

"Where's Dad?" Sandy finally appeared, breaking the rare warmth and calmness.

"Changing clothes." Gloria didn't let go of Li Mu's arm, and even held it tighter.

Now that Gloria is quite sure of Sandy's love for Li Mu, Gloria has been angered by Sandy in recent months.

Although Li Mu and Gloria have established a relationship, Sandy is not discouraged and behaves the same as usual. As long as there is a chance, he will always appear next to Li Mu.

For Sandy, Li Mu can swear to Heaven. He really only has brothers and sisters in his heart, and has no intention of men and women. However, Li Mu cannot explain to Sandy, only hope that Sandy can adjust by himself.

The girl Huaichun is actually a wonderful thing. Almost all girls, when they are young, have had fantasies about a certain opposite sex, even if the object is not appropriate.

In Li Mu's view, Sandy is still a child, so it is normal to have fantasies. Li Mu does not want to cruelly break the dream that Sandy woven for himself. Li Mu believes that over time, Sandy will come out of his dream by himself. .

To be sure, Sandy hasn't stepped out by himself now, watching Li Mu and Gloria's arms tightly clasped together, Sandy pouted his lips invisibly and said, "Mr. Martin is coming Are you waiting for him in the living room? "

Martin, Will's personal lawyer, came to Will to help Will draft a will.

As a widower, and a rich widower, it was normal for Will to leave a will before getting engaged.

In fact, don't look at Gloria who is now the helm of Urban Beauty Magazine and Metro Beauty Store. In fact, the wealth controlled by Gloria is only part of the wealth owned by the Barron family.

Even a small part.

The biggest part of the wealth owned by the Barron family is undoubtedly the shares of the Junma Group. At present, the Barron family owns about 20% of the shares of the Junma Group. Based on these shares, the Barron family has become one of the top rich.

In addition to these shares, the Barron family also owns a top-level VIP account of the San Diego Investment Company, with liquidity in the account of more than $ 15 million, which is the result of Will's participation in the Montana campaign.

When Will returned to New York from Montana, the value of the gold wares and jewellery he brought back exceeded $ 10 million. Li Mu gave the money to the San Diego Investment Company, which was invested by the San Diego Investment Company. The Barron family Receives only dividends. So far, the funds have increased by 50%.

Will came to Martin mainly to divide the property of the Barrons.

Li Mu did not know how Will would be divided until after dinner, Li Mu did not find the opportunity to spend time with Will alone.

"... To be honest, you don't have to leave the money to Gloria, and with the Metropolis Magazine and Metropolis Stores that Gloria owns, Gloria is among the rich. To be honest, you should be worried It's not whether Gloria can stand on her own, but whether Gloria can effectively control this wealth. This is what you should worry about the most. "Li Mu was still coming up with an idea.

Will also really loves Gloria. In addition to the urban beauty magazine agency and urban beauty stores controlled by Gloria, Will also left the stock of the steed group to Gloria, and clarified the future The only money to be given to Will II was from the San Diego Investment Company.

As for Sandy Will, it was not clear how much money was left for Sandy. This is probably Will considering that he is still young and will have the opportunity to earn a dowry for Sandy, so what will he do?

"Her is hers, mine is mine. There is no conflict between the two. You should know what I am worried about, so if possible, help me take care of Sandy." Both said that her daughter was father Cotton jacket, in fact Will did a good job.

"I set up a Ryukyu company in Ryukyu. Would you like to join in?" Since Will is so generous, Li Mu is not hesitant.

One of the biggest hidden dangers Li Mu faces now is the high market value of Junma Group. Because the market value of Junma Group is too high, and most of them are concentrated in the hands of Li Mu, the Barron family, and the Columbia Investment Company, so if anyone takes this as a breakthrough Li Mu's troubles may have caused Li Mu some trouble.

In fact, for large families, cross-shareholding is normal. Li Mu also wants to make the shares of Junma Group look more dispersed, but the only people Li Mu can trust are Will and even partners Carnegie and Rockefeller. None of them can be fully trusted, so this situation is already the greatest extent that Li Mu can do.

Relatively speaking, Ryukyu's shares are more dispersed. Although most of them are in the hands of Li Mu and Santiago Investment Company, at the same time, there are also many shares of Pan Tingzhen. Even so, Li Mu hopes that the shareholders of Ryukyu will be more complicated. Some, this way, on the one hand, Li Mu does not seem to be too aggressive, and at the same time, he can find more support for the Ryukyu company.

Be considered two birds with one stone.

"Ryukyu company, forget it, I have never been to Ryukyu, I do n’t even know where Ryukyu is, so it ’s like this. Although I should still thank you, I do n’t want to take the shares for nothing. Rest assured, if there is a need on the Ryukyu side, someone will naturally stand up and take responsibility. "Will is self-aware and refuses to take Li Mu's shares.

"Well ... Seriously, if you make a will like this, does Claudia have no opinion?" Li Mu couldn't help but say one more thing. Relatively speaking, Li Mu had far less confidence in Claudia than Will. .

"Isn't 10 million US dollars enough? If II grows up, he will naturally understand how much this money is. As for Claudia, I don't know if you believe it or not, Claudia doesn't care about it. "Will doesn't worry. In Will's view, this distribution method is the most reasonable. No one can say half a word.

"Well, I hope so." Li Mu gave up and persuaded that Will was already an adult. Since doing so, there must be his reason.

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