Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 583: Can't get rid of

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The influence of the Steed Group is ubiquitous. No matter how reluctant Norman Carlisle is, the Stewart family is at a disadvantage in this dispute.

When the time comes to the third week of November, the dilemma facing Stuart Department Store is becoming more and more serious. Of all the 21 large suppliers, only six have maintained partnerships with Stuart Department Store. The consignors are in the United Kingdom, one in France, the last two in South Carolina, and one in Texas.

Both US suppliers are located in the south, which fully shows the strength of Junma Group. It can be said that as long as Junma Group continues to target Stuart Department Store, Stuart Department Store will be difficult to move in the northern United States.

At least in the north.

At the same time, the Manhattan supermarket in charge of preparation by Solomon Loeb is in full swing.

"The core competitiveness of our stores is quality, so we must make it clear to all suppliers. I do n’t care what the quality of the products they provide to other stores, and the quality of the products they provide to the Manhattan supermarket. This must be guaranteed. One point should be written in the supply contract. If there is a problem with the quality of the product, the Manhattan supermarket reserves the right to claim and must pay three times the retail price of the product. "Li Mu repeatedly emphasized to Solomon Loeb that quality control must not be controlled. Something went wrong.

The Manhattan supermarket is not prepared to take the "small profits but quick turnover" route. Since product quality is regarded as the core competitiveness of the Manhattan supermarket, then this must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Li Mu ’s slogan for the Manhattan Supermarket is “fake one and lose three”. As long as the product is sold in the Manhattan supermarket, if the quality of the product fails, consumers will receive three times the retail price.

Even in the 21st century, many merchants could not do this. Now, in the 19th century, if the Manhattan supermarket can resolutely implement this, then there is no need for too much publicity. Consumers will definitely choose Manhattan Super when shopping. market.

"Fake one pays three ... There has never been such a precedent in the market before. Suppliers have a lot of opinions on this point. The suppliers we are looking for are willing to cooperate with us to sign a quality commitment, but they are not willing to implement fake one pays three. "Solomon Loeb is now under great pressure. Although the prospects of the Manhattan supermarket are promising, he has come up with such a clear slogan. Not only the supplier, but even Solomon Loeb felt a little too much.

In fact, the quality of goods has always existed. In the past, when the Stuart department store was the most popular, the products with quality problems were only processed for refunds. There was never such a thing as "fake one loses three." Now Li Mu raised this slogan. Although Solomon Loeb didn't say anything on his mouth, in fact, he still had opinions.

In the American society at this time, although the name was implemented as free trade, in fact, the shortage of goods was almost the same as in the era of the planned economy of the Republic. A startling phenomenon in the economic crisis was that farmers preferred to pour milk into the river. Not willing to give alms to those who really need it. This is not to say that there is no demand for milk in the market, but that people who really need it cannot afford it. Therefore, in order to ensure the profit of the product, the farmer can only reduce the market supply. This will cause commodity prices to rise further, thereby maintaining farm profits.

From this point, we can know that at this time, the relationship between consumers and business owners is not equal. For enterprises, consumers are not a god, but only the cash cows of enterprises. The status of enterprises in the market is The giver has neither respect nor attention to consumers.

In this context, the Manhattan Supermarket proposed "fake one loses three," this is the first time that the consumer is truly regarded as God, and the enterprise is in a subordinate position. This is definitely an impact for consumers, and It takes time for the Lord to accept it.

"Solomon, if you want to run the Manhattan supermarket well, you must first be clear. You have to take care of customers as your loved ones, so that customers have a sense of belonging to the Manhattan supermarket." Li Mu treats his partners It's fair to be patient, but the attitude shouldn't be questioned. If you understand, you must implement.

Solomon Loeb reluctantly spread his hands and said nothing about Li Mu's strength.

"Explain clearly with those suppliers. In our Manhattan supermarket, they can put their own trademarks on their product packaging. This will also be a publicity for their company. I believe they will be happy to do this, of course. If you do n’t want to, it ’s okay. Our suppliers are all over the world. If someone does n’t agree with our terms, then we just look for other similar suppliers. ”Li Mu is not worried that the supplier does not agree with this. "Overlord clause", for Li Mu, there are thousands of suitable suppliers, and for the majority of suppliers, there is only one Manhattan supermarket.

Li Mu has always done a lot of work. In New York and Manhattan supermarkets, there have been 15 large-scale supermarkets. This has exceeded the scale of the Stuart department store. I believe that suppliers will certainly recognize this.

It ’s okay even if you do n’t recognize it. In Li Mu ’s plan, the suppliers of Manhattan Supermarket are not limited to the United States. Li Mu intends to concentrate the best goods in the world in Manhattan Supermarket, so as to lay the Manhattan Supermarket. Leading position in the retail industry.

In fact, many of the Stewart department store suppliers are from the European continent, but unfortunately, the cooperation with the Stewart Department Store are all auction houses, second-hand sellers, and leather bag companies. The real high-quality goods have never entered the Stewart. Department store.

For example, champagne is known all over the world. The best champagne comes from France, but in the Stuart department store, although the origin of the champagne is France, it is actually from Belgium, Switzerland and other countries. Alexander Stuart brought these cheap champagnes The whole ship is shipped to the United States, then packed in the United States, and finally put on sale on the shelves of the Stewart Department Store.

The whole process can be described as fraud, but there is no supervision and no investigation, so Alexander Stewart can implement his "small profits but quick turnover" policy.

Li Mu does not intend to falsify in this regard. If he wants to build a good reputation, he must take real goods for sale. Li Mu intends to invest in two vineyards in the French province of Reims, specializing in the production of champagne for the supply of the Manhattan supermarket. Although the price will not be much higher than that of Stuart's champagne, the profit is actually not low.

As for other cheap drinks, they certainly have the opportunity to enter the Manhattan supermarket, but they must also sign a "fake one loses three" agreement in order to get the opportunity.

"I think fake one for three is only applicable to those durable goods. For fast-moving consumer goods, I think fake one for three is not applicable." Solomon Loeb also had his own opinion, and it was obviously well thought out.

Compared with durable goods such as furniture and automobiles, fast-moving consumer goods are products with shorter shelf life, such as fresh milk, jam, fresh beer in summer, etc. These items have shorter shelf life, but exceeding the shelf life will also cause quality problems, and The responsibility for this quality problem is that it is difficult for anyone to verify. If the Manhattan supermarket blame the supplier completely, the supplier is expected to lose money.

"I have considered this issue. Regarding fast-moving consumer goods, we must first ensure that the goods are absolutely qualified when they are stored in the warehouse, and then be regulated by the storage center. For special products such as fresh milk and fresh beer, we can use promotional methods to win in-products. During the warranty period, sell them all. If there are still products that exceed the warranty period in the end, then our principle is to destroy all the expired products, and the loss is borne by our Manhattan supermarket, and has nothing to do with the supplier. " Li Mu will never shirk responsibility.

"This ..." Solomon Loeb frowned, as if he had heard something incredible.

It ’s really incredible. Li Mu has accumulated such a huge net worth in just a few years, and it has become a myth in the business field. Now I can hear from my mouth my own loss, which is really not in line with Li Mu ’s style. .

"Rest assured, we can afford this loss ..." Li Mu did not think the loss would be as great, at least not as great as Solomon Loeb imagined.

Regarding sales promotion, Solomon Loeb probably hasn't seen that kind of scene, but Li Mu has a deep memory, so Li Mu doesn't worry about the product not being sold at all. The only reason for not selling is because the price can't meet the psychological expectations of consumers. The price is low enough that consumers can accept even some flaws in product quality, which has been verified in the 21st century.

And the promotion itself is a means to increase the popularity of the supermarket. As long as the price of the promotional products is low enough, Li Mu believes that there must be someone in the promotion area every day, waiting for those discounted products.

This is indeed very likely. In the United States today, most housewives do not work. They have time every day. As long as they can buy discounted goods, it is nothing to bear with tolerance.

"Well, that's the way it is." Solomon Loeb was powerless to refute Li Mu's decision and could only accept it in its entirety.

"Hurry up, I hope our first batch of supermarkets will open before Christmas, and then you will really realize how crazy consumers are." Li Mu has now forgotten the original intention of opening a supermarket It is to retaliate against someone. Once devoted to doing something, Li Mu can't help but do his best. As for the Stewart department store, it is destined to become a stepping stone to the success of the Manhattan supermarket.

In fact, the work efficiency of Americans in this period was relatively high. The so-called low efficiency refers to the government and public institutions. Ordinary people do not have so many social benefits to enjoy, so the attitude of ordinary people is normal.

In the 21st century, Li Mu has heard a lot. The so-called China speed, Shenzhen speed, etc., but before that, the American speed should be world-famous. Until the Second World War, American efficiency They can be described as the world's best. They once laid a seven-mile-long railway in one day, built a destroyer in two weeks, and built a ten-storey building in 30 days. These were once the so-called world records.

Of course, in the face of the rising republic, these world records are not enough. As of Li Mu ’s crossing, the world ’s "world record" in construction has basically belonged to the republic. At that time, Americans were already idle. It's gone. They would rather play financial concepts than be down-to-earth ...

New York is indeed the financial capital of the United States. Fifty years ago, Alexander Stewart needed only $ 90,000 to buy a piece of land on Broadway. By this time, Li Mu had soared more than ten times. In order to prepare for the Manhattan supermarket, Li Mu used The purchase of land has already exceeded 15 million.

Of course, not all of this money was paid by Li Mu. It is still a Manhattan sales company in the supermarket. In this company, Junma Group occupies 30% of the shares, Bank of America occupies 25%, and the Barron family occupies 20%, and the remaining 25% are jointly owned by the Morgan family, the Rockefeller family, and Solomon Loeb.

If you look at this list, you know where Alexander Stewart lost. Taking any of the parties on this list is enough for Alexander Stewart to drink a pot, let alone bring them together. This is almost a can. The power to subvert America.

It is precisely because so many shareholders have joined that that the Manhattan Sales Company was able to purchase suitable land in the desired location. Now these 15 places are under construction and almost all have reached the renovation stage. From the perspective of progress, Opening before Christmas is no problem.

Considering the future value of the land, when purchasing land, Li Mu requires that the area of ​​the land is as large as possible, not only the huge area of ​​the store, but also the huge parking lot attached. In this way, the future Manhattan supermarket Just by transferring land, you can get a lot of income.

Of course, Li Mu also has a selfish attitude. In 15 Manhattan supermarkets, he has reserved a place for men's clothing and urban beauties in advance. When the Manhattan supermarket opens, men's clothing stores and urban beauties stores can settle in smoothly. For men's clothing and urban beauty is another major benefit.

"Selling fashion in a supermarket, you can really figure it out." Gloria is still at the "vegetable market" stage for the concept of a supermarket, so she disagrees with Li Mu's decision.

"Okay, at that time, only men will be stationed, and urban beauties may not enter." Li Mu has to prove his wiseness and martial truth with facts.

Gloria didn't even think about it. The pretty student rolled her eyes and shook her head without saying: "You want to be beautiful!"

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how is this possible!

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