Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 597: Miranda warning

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Don't look at foreigners who are properly overlord in the Qing Dynasty, but in the eyes of most Americans, going to the Qing Dynasty is the standard hair distribution.

Lawrence Lucas had previously switched from City Bank to Bank of America, and was promoted from a major customer in Springfield to General Manager of Bank of America. To be fair, Lawrence Lucas has done a good job in recent years. Banks can have branches in the 20 largest cities in the United States. Lawrence Lucas has contributed. You must know that these 20 cities include cities such as Philadelphia and Austin, Texas. Bank of America can successfully establish a foothold in these cities. However, it is not easy.

Bank of America is headquartered in New York and has a strong New York background. Because of the right to host the independent century exhibition, Philadelphia and New York have brought a lawsuit to the Senate. Although New York finally won the right to host the event, it also completely offended Philadelphians, so It is very difficult for New York companies to enter Philadelphia. Monopoly companies such as Junma Electric Company and Junma Motor Company must find agents in Philadelphia before they can successfully enter the Philadelphia market.

As for Austin, this city was not very famous in the 21st century, but in the 19th century, because of the penetration of the East-West Railroad in the United States, Austin was an important place for cotton and livestock trading in the United States, so this city is also very important.

Austin is the capital of Texas. In Texas, almost all northern companies will be excluded. Steed Group is the focus of exclusion. Bank of America can successfully enter Austin, so it proves that Lawrence Lucas's working ability.

But credit can't cover everything. Lawrence Luca's mastery of business can't cover up the lack of overall outlook. Therefore, he lost in this competition and couldn't keep up with the development of the Steed Group and left the team.

Even so, Li Mu did not completely abandon Lawrence Lucas. After all, Lawrence Lucas still has the personal working ability and played a vital role in the expansion of the Bank of America, so Li Mu wanted to give Lawrence · Lucas had an opportunity to adjust Lawrence Lucas to the position of general manager of Pacific Company.

Pacific companies and the banking industry are completely indifferent. If they want to make achievements in Pacific companies, they need to have a better relationship with government companies and other aspects. This requires the general manager to have a good overall view. Li Mu put Lawrence · Lucas adjusted to this position in order to improve Lawrence Lucas, otherwise Lawrence Lucas's achievements will not be too great in the future.

In addition to San Diego Investment Corporation, Bank of America and Pacific Company, the editor-in-chief position of Time Media will also change. Now, Time Media is also developing into a group. Its subordinates "Morning News", "Evening News", "Time" Weekly "," City Beauty "and several other branches. The former helm of Time Media, Sami Larkin, is about to participate in the senator election, so he must resign from the position of Time Media editor. Li Mu also needs to find a job for Time Media. New helmsman.

There are relatively many candidates for this position. Taylor Palmer, the current editor-in-chief of Metropolis Beauty, and Thomas Nast, editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, are eligible.

Taylor Palmer's advantage is that he has a strong execution ability, can better understand the intention of the Times Media Headquarters, and resolutely implement it, even if it is reversed.

Thomas Nast's advantage lies in his strong professionalism. Thomas Nast is a well-known cartoonist in the United States. The donkey representing the Democratic Party and the elephant representing the Republican Party were all produced by Thomas Nast. After the Weekly, Thomas Nast also made great achievements, playing an indelible role in overthrowing Tweed and assisting Hayes in the election process.

Based on the overall quality of the two, Li Mu finally chose Taylor Palmer. Among them, Taylor Palmer's execution played a key role. Li Mu looked after Taylor Palmer's shame when he wrote the article. Jiner, this is a man who can interpret the stare of the nonsense to the extreme. He lies and is afraid of himself.

Of all Junma Group subsidiaries, the only person whose position has not been adjusted is Zhang Leye.

As the core industry of the Steed Horse Group, Steed Weapon Company has an unshakable core position in the Steed Group. Zhang Leye is also one of the earliest employees serving Li Mu. To say that the most trusted person in the Steed Group is Zhang Leye.

Compared to other subsidiaries, Steed Weapons Company's development in the past two years is impeccable. They have successively annexed other competitors such as Springfield, Colt, Winchester, etc., and have almost monopolized the entire US arms market, and the products have burst out of the United States Entering the European market, it has become a three-legged player internationally with Enfield and Krupp in Germany.

Li Mu was not dissatisfied with Zhang Leye's work, so Zhang Leye was able to stay in office, which in itself reflects Li Mu's greatest trust.

Compared to other subsidiaries, the situation of Junma Weapons Company is also very special. After all, more than 90% of the employees of Junma Weapons Company are Chinese. Therefore, the general manager of Junma Weapons Company can only be Chinese. Among the current Chinese, There are still few high-end talents, and Li Mu has limited choices, so it is reasonable for Zhang Leye to stay in office.

Throughout December, Junma Group issued a series of job transfer orders. Former Pacific company general manager Cole transferred to San Diego Investment Corporation as general manager, former San Diego investment company general manager Howard Burent transferred to Bank of America, as the new helm of Bank of America, Former Bank of America general manager Lawrence Lucas was assigned to Far East Pacific.

In addition, Taylor Palmer was promoted to Editor-in-Chief of Time Media, Richard Gresham, former deputy general manager of Junma Telecom, was promoted to general manager of the company, and Antonio Meucci, former general manager, was transferred to Junma Labs. As the director of the Steed Lab, Franklin, the former director of the Steed Lab, was transferred to Springfield Institute of Technology to serve as the dean of the Institute of Technology.

The most unexpected adjustment was Junma Motors. The candidate for the new general manager of Junma Motors was Noah Sweet.

Noah Sweet was previously the chief engineer of Junma Motor Company. The famous Phantom series is designed by Noah Sweet, as for the former general manager Liandel Clark.

The official statement issued by the Steed Group was due to illness, but in fact everyone who knows the facts knows that Liandel Colac has "illness" on his body, but this kind of illness does not need to go to hospital for treatment, but requires court intervention. .

After the U.S. Senate passed the 1877 budget, Vanderbilt Motors announced their new car for the US government.

Vanderbilt Motors announced that the engines used in the new car come from the Vanderbilt family of engine plants, which have applied some of the new technologies that have not yet appeared. It is reported that these new technologies should have been applied to Junma Motors first In the engine, but somehow, these technologies were pre-registered by Vanderbilt Motors.

After the announcement of the adjustment of the position of the Steed Group, many people suddenly realized that the departure of Liandel Clark was related to the new patent applied by Vanderbilt Automobile Company, otherwise Li Mu would not be so ruthless, even though Liandel Clark could not Staying in office will not end up being swept away.

After learning that Vanderbilt Motors had preemptively registered a new patent, Li Mu and William Vanderbilt had an informal communication.

The communication took place in the living room on the third floor of Clinton Castle, because no third party was present, and no one knew what William Vanderbilt and Li Mu had talked about. Some beach club members later revealed that William Vanderbilt left Clinton Castle At that time, although my hair was disheveled, and his eyes were covered with sunglasses, the expression on his face was very pleasant.

On December 24th, on the eve of Christmas Eve, Liandel Clark died unexpectedly. Due to excessive drinking, Liandel Clark fell asleep on the street in front of his house that night. When someone found out the next morning, the whole person was frozen. Stiff.

Considering the series of events that have happened before, people have reason to doubt and practice calligraphy, and Clark's accidental death is inseparable from Li Mu.

But this matter is also within the scope of the people's lack of official attention. New York will freeze hundreds of people every winter. This kind of thing is very common, not rare at all, and Randall Clark's widow is not. Questioned the death of Ryandale Clarke. After hurriedly finishing the funeral, Ryandale Clarke's widow went to Europe with Ryandale Clarke's three children and the incident came to an end.

Li Mu did not attend Lider Clark's funeral. On the day of December 31, Li Mu and Gloria were about to hold an engagement ceremony, so Li Mu only sent his special representative Mason to participate in Liandel Clark's funeral.

"Did you kill Liandel Clark?" The night before the engagement ceremony, Gloria and Li Mu talked about it.

"What is it, not what? Is it true that tomorrow's engagement ceremony will be cancelled?" Li Mu did not directly answer Gloria's question, but instead threw back a more difficult question in the past.

"What are you talking about? Even tomorrow is the end of the world, the engagement ceremony will be held as usual." Gloria immediately forgot her problem.

"Then don't ask, if I tell you yes, you will be sad, if I tell you not, then you will be sadder, so you still don't know the answer." Li Mu didn't want to leave Gloria in his heart A cruel image, although Li Mu has successfully made the impression on all New Yorkers, it is clear that Gloria is special in Li Mu's heart.

"I just want to know whether it is or not. Don't think how vulnerable I am. When I was ten, I went up the hill with Will to hunt and kill the wolf and slaughtered the rabbit. Will told me and Sandy since childhood The enemy must not be soft-hearted and must be killed, so I just want to hear your own say yes or no. "Gloria is not trying to find justice for whom, she cares whether Li Mu will lie to her, others Everything doesn't matter.

It is rare. In this respect, Gloria and Li Mu have exactly the same ideas.

Li Mu has always believed that "the crime of shelter" is the most contradictory charge.

From the perspective of heaven and human relations, it is natural for a family to help each other. No one can force children to betray their parents and husbands to betray their wives. Even in law, as long as there is kinship, the testimony is often insufficient. The humanitarian spirit of the "Miranda Warning" is manifested at that time, and you have the right to remain silent, but every sentence you say will become a testimony.

The focus of this warning is on your right to remain silent.

In the face of Gloria's questioning, Li Mu also cleverly kept silent, neither admitting nor denying it, only silently looking at Gloria, with a calm and deep eyes.

Gloria was also very clever. From Li Mu's silence, Gloria already knew the answer, so Gloria didn't speak, and quietly moved over and hugged Li Mu and nestled in front of Li Mu's chest.

"I hope that you can always stay safe and happy, without any influence from the outside world. Do you remember that you wanted to be a reporter for the battlefield? Will and I are opposed because that is what men should do." Li Mu stroked the grid lightly. Loria's hair was peaceful inside.

The real man should shoulder all the difficulties, whether good or bad, whether beautiful or dirty.

"I know ..." Although Gloria was a young girl, she was not naive. For this society, Gloria, who had a military family background and had been a journalist, had a similar understanding to Li Mu.

"I'm looking for you everywhere, hurry up, it's almost time." Will hurried to break the warmth between the two. It seemed that Will was anxious to marry Gloria out.

"Dad, can you come back later?" Gloria acted helplessly.

Actually, there has n’t been much interaction between Li Mu and Gloria, but sometimes love is so wonderful. Almost from the beginning, Li Mu and Gloria knew that they would belong to each other, so Loriya cherishes the opportunity to deepen her relationship with Li Mu.

The engagement between Li Mu and Gloria is actually a family marriage. Such a marriage is often without love, but Gloria is obviously unwilling to marry Li Mu so vaguely. The feelings to cultivate should still be Training, so that in the future can be happier.

Looking at Will, who was desperate to find fault, Li Mu could understand Will's mood. After all, the Chinese cabbage that had been carefully cultivated for so long was going to be swallowed by pigs. Probably all Lao Zhang people were unhappy.

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