Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 599: Vertical and horizontal

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The importance of the Panama Canal to the United States is undeniable, and it cannot be described in any way. If it is the first time that the Pacific Railroad has connected the east and west of the United States, the role of the Panama Canal is equivalent to the integration of the east and west of the United States.

Before the Panama Canal was excavated, it took about a week from New York to San Francisco by train. This time is limited to manpower. If it is to transport goods, it takes at least half a month from New York to San Francisco, and sometimes even 20 days. Long.

Once the Panama Canal is successfully opened, the time from New York to San Francisco will be shortened to ten days. This time is already a certain advantage compared with the direct rail link. If the transfer time is counted, then the sea transportation will have the advantage.

Think about it. Before the Panama Canal was cleared, if it was from New York to San Francisco, it would take at least a month to get around South America by train or ship.

If you only consider domestic transportation in the United States, it is okay to say that railroads are not bad, but if it is a ship from Europe to San Francisco, then the efficiency is slow and people want to hang.

In general, large-scale projects such as the Panama Canal definitely require large-scale use of construction machinery. In this regard, the Junma Group has a unique advantage. As long as Li Mu thinks it, whether it is an excavator or a bulldozer, he wants to research it. It's not that difficult.

Ulysses also took this into consideration, so he hoped that Li Mu could take over the Panama Canal.

Last year alone, the U.S. Senate conducted at least three hearings on whether to launch the Panama Canal project, each time because of cost factors.

Since it is impossible to start by relying on national power, the intervention of private forces is imperative. In this case, the effect is the same if you hand over the project to Junma Construction Company or other construction companies. In comparison, Ulysses Grant still trusts Steed Construction Group.

In other words, Ulysses S. Grant still trusts Li Mu more.

Of course, trust belongs to trust and implementation goes to implementation. After all, the Panama Canal is a project involving funds of $ 3 billion. It can be said that the Panama Canal Project is the largest project in the United States since the founding of the United States. In this issue, Ulysses Grant is still cautious enough.

After the conversation with Ulysses S. Grant, Li Mu thought and thought, and still brought in William Vanderbilt.

The Vanderbilt family is the current American railroad giant. Before obtaining this title, the Vanderbilt family occupied a monopoly position in the U.S. shipping industry. Therefore, in just a dozen years, the Vanderbilt family Accumulated such a huge wealth.

Although the Vanderbilt family has now successfully "landed", in Washington, the Vanderbilt family still has a huge influence, so Li Mu needs the help of the Vanderbilt family.

"Ah, Rim, Rim, it's finally time for you to ask for me. The last time I just snapped up a few patents, you treated me that way. So what price are you going to pay this time? "William Vanderbilt, whose eyes are still dark, finally waited for the chance of revenge, so he did not easily let go of Li Mu.

"Stupid, that's not a matter of a few patents at all. Your approach has a bad start and started to make the competition bottomless. If I, like you, buy your men under heavy money, the ending will be How's it going? "Li Mu didn't want to focus his limited efforts on dealing with William Vanderbilt.

Li Mu can send someone to kill Owen Hart, and William Vanderbilt can send someone to kill Martin Robinson. These are all fine. This is an interest group's declaration of war against another interest group.

But if Junma Motors and Vanderbilt Motors penetrate each other, then this problem will be more serious. Strictly speaking, this is a contradiction among the people and should be closed behind the door to coordinate settlement. If it is true, it will be hostile to each other. For the sake of it, it will be a situation that no one wants to see.

Including Li Mu.

Obviously, in relative terms, William Vanderbilt was more worried that Li Muhui would ignore it and take risks, so as soon as Li Mu's words fell, William Vanderbilt immediately put away his hippie smile, and his expression was extremely dignified.

"Well, to be serious, if our Vanderbilt family cooperates with your steed group to obtain the right to excavate the Panama Canal, then what can we get?" This is the truth, the others are hypocritical, only true Gold and silver can move people's hearts.

"What your Vanderbilt family will gain is the further improvement of your social status, and at the same time you will earn more impression points for yourself, so I don't need to say more about where to go, you should have your own decision." Li Mu did not want to talk nonsense, excavation Where are the benefits of the Panama Canal? Li Mu doesn't believe William Vanderbilt can't see it.

Although Li Mu wanted to swallow the Panama Canal in one go, it was clear that although Junma Construction Company had the best engineering team in the United States, the Panama Canal project was too large and exceeded the capacity of Junma Construction Group. Li Mu could not take all After taking all the benefits, you still have to share what should be given to others.

Now Li Mu is indeed mature politically. The combination of vertical and horizontal play can be magical. The world's money can never be made. Forming a stronger alliance through the process of making money is the goal that Li Mu pursues.

So in order to win the Panama Canal, Li Mu was going to join the Vanderbilt family to work with Rockefeller J.P. Morgan. Li Mu would use all available power.

"If you can talk about Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, then we will definitely join the Vanderbilt family." William Vanderbilt is a hare without a hawk.

"I'm really doubtful. As for your decision, can your father safely trust the Vanderbilt family to lead you?" Li Mu's unscrupulous fancier ignited and quietly buried in William Vanderbilt's heart. A thorn.

Regarding inheritance, this is indeed a big issue, and no family dares to ignore it.

The so-called poor can't be poor for three generations, and the rich can't be rich for three generations. This fully illustrates the problem. People like William Vanderbilt have lived in honeypots since childhood, and there are no challenges around them. Under normal circumstances, such people, Psychological quality is not very good. If Li Mu works harder, maybe William Vanderbilt will explode immediately.

"This is my business, and you don't need to worry about it." William Vanderbilt's expression was somber, apparently being said by Li Mu to his mind.

Having inheritance rights and not inheriting rights are really two different things. For example, William Vanderbilt, as long as he can be recognized by the old Vanderbilt, then William Vanderbilt will have a huge amount of funds and will have almost unlimited manpower. Resources.

And if the old Vanderbilt does not get the recognition, then William Vanderbilt will, like his other dozen siblings, have a certain number of monthly subscriptions. Although he has enough food and clothing, he wants to be serious. Back to the center of the stage, that would be even more difficult.

John Vanderbilt certainly understands this, so when Li Mu talked about inheritance, John Vanderbilt's expression was slightly agitated, his eyebrows beating several times in succession, and the ears were a bit reddish. Obviously, this It was moved by Li Mu.

"I will have further communication with Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan later. If possible, I hope we can abandon our former suspicions and ignore the personal gains and losses of the place and jointly take down the Panama Canal project. Our real opportunity. "Li Mu cheered John Vanderbilt, this is not bragging, but the fact.

According to the Senate's resolution, the Panama Canal can introduce private capital to join, but the prerequisite for joining is that the construction party must self-fund and complete it in just two years, which can exaggerate the advantages of Li Mu's team.

Of course, compared with "self-funding", for the Panama Canal, the Washington government still has huge dollar compensation, and after the Panama Canal is completed in the late period, the construction party will have a 20-year profit right for the Panama Canal. This power is more important. It is almost comparable to the "Amulet".

"I, I need to think about it ..." William Vanderbilt was pressing against Li Mu step by step, and was already cornered.

"Of course you can ..." When it is time to be polite, Li Mu will always be so personable, without the slightest fireworks: "But I want to remind you that it is not just that we are thinking about the Panama Canal project, so you need time It's better to be less, um ... is an hour enough? "Li Mu thought he was generous, but in William Vanderbilt's eyes, this kind of remark was more similar to embarrassment.

Unlike the indecisive William Vanderbilt, Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan communicate better, or Rockefeller and Morgan also trust Li Mu more, so Li Mu just got a head start and got Rockefeller and Morgan's positive response.

"Yes, if what you said can become a reality, then no one can shake the position of the Steed Group before the new century." Rockefeller's words were still sour.

Up to now, Rockefeller has not understood why the laboratory equipment is comparable, and it is almost the same every year, but the Steed Institute has a continuous patent project, and the Rockefeller laboratory has very few results.

This is the role of the leader, but unfortunately Rockefeller can never achieve it.

"Twenty years is still too little, I hope we can get more compensation, such as 50 years, what do you think?" J.P. Morgan did not want to miss this opportunity, and at the same time his appetite is still bigger. This made Li Mu feel a bit wrong.

The right to use it for 50 years is not a lot. If authorization can be obtained, all investors can recover the cost within ten years, and the next few decades will be a net profit.

Everyone wants to do this kind of business, and J.P. Morgan is no exception.

"Then we don't hesitate, first determine the ratio, and then we will publicize together." Li Mu wants to strike the iron while it is hot, and the project can be made a day earlier, if the Vanderbilt family can be pulled, Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan will work together Li Mu believes that obtaining sensible permission from the Senate is not a problem at all.

Throughout the wedding, there were a lot of people who came to visit Li Mu. Li Mu came and talked with everyone cordially, even if there was no business relationship for the time being, it was good to have a good destiny.

In the main banquet hall, Will and a group of soldiers started to fight again. They did not need wine glasses at all. They opened the bottle and drank the bottle. There were dozens of people dancing around. It is hard to imagine that there are some people in this group. Several are active generals.

Later, Li Mu personally arranged the guests' accommodation. In order to get started, Li Mu bagged the entire North Building of the Clinton Castle Hotel.

It sounds like a big deal, but the airport, with more than 160 suites, simply cannot meet the needs of guests.

Fortunately, most of these people have their own real estate in New York, so Li Mu settled all the guests.

After one day, although Li Mu didn't stand for too much time, he still felt his legs weak.

Marriage is indeed a tiring thing, as is engagement. It depends on whether the parties want to toss, if you want to toss ...

Well, the end is the same as Li Mu.

Back at the Governor's Island, Li Mu was finally able to sit down and chat with Will.

"Today is the happiest day of my life. Finally, someone has loved my little baby for me. I hope you don't forget your career." Will is still unpleasant to see Li Mu.

However, Li Mu didn't care. The Laozhang people all over the world are the same. They always worry about the abuse of their little cotton jacket: "Relax Well, I will love Gloria as much as my eyes. She is mine. Angel, you ca n’t help it ... ”

It is indeed an angel. Today's Gloria is overwhelming the audience. I don't know how many young people should let their **** and feet be full, so Li Mu should be fortunate. If it wasn't because Will was so bored that Li Mu was taken in, then neither There will be such a fate today.

"After the New Year, I will return to New York. I hope your speed will be faster. The money in the sky is inexhaustible. The people who really deserve your attention are often by your side." It ’s rare, Will said There is actually a bit of philosophy, which makes Li Mu also want to buy a few books to take a look.

"When I come back from Washington, it shouldn't take long." Li Mu couldn't make a promise, and it was quite difficult to do this.

A large part of Will's leadership of the army in Pennsylvania during this time was to provide guarantees for the smooth running of the election, followed by the bitter incident between blacks and whites.

Although slavery has been abolished in the United States, in fact, the social status of black people has not really improved. The reason why Will went to Pennsylvania was to encourage black people in Pennsylvania to take the initiative and cast their sacred votes.

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