Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 630: Successor

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Is the security contract of the US embassy and consulate in Panama worth $ 10 million?

Not worth it. In fact, if you calculate it carefully, even a thousand dollars is not worth it, because the security of the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Panama is the responsibility of the US Department of War and will not be entrusted to a security company, even the Panamanian company and the United States. The government has signed an employment contract. It is estimated that the security guards sent by the Panamanian company to the United States Embassy and Consulate in Panama can only place a whistle or something outside the embassy or consulate.

But such a seemingly ridiculous employment contract will be able to get the consistently harsh Senate and House of Representatives with funding approval. Don't think that the senators and members are idiots. They know that this employment contract is not worth 1,000. Ten thousand dollars, but the cooperation with Panamanian company is absolute value.

Even adding $ 10 million is worth it.

According to the contract reached between the U.S. government and the Colombian government in 1865, the Panama area is jointly managed by the United States and Colombia. Neither the U.S. government nor the Colombian government can station troops in the Panama area, so if the U.S. government wants to do something in the Panama area, the Colombian government does not If it agrees, then the intervention of a third party is required, and the Panama company will play this role in the future.

Oh, forgot, if the Panama region is separated from Colombia and become an independent country, will the Panamanian government recognize the contract signed by the United States and Colombia in 1865 and say that in this case, the United States government needs a superficial one? An armed force that appears to have nothing to do with the US government, defending the interests of the United States in the Panama area.

"Can we think that the current Panamanian company has the ability to control the political situation in Panama?" After the contract was signed, Rockefeller found Li Mu and raised this issue with Li Mu.

"In a way ..." Li Mu gave Rockefeller an answer that didn't sound accurate enough.

How to say, if there is no Panamanian company, the Panamanian government will definitely not have the determination to break up with Bogota. After signing the security contract with the US government, it is foreseeable that the Panamanian company will expand rapidly in this period. In this way, the Panamanian government It will become increasingly inseparable from the support of Panamanian companies, so to a certain extent, Panamanian companies can indeed control the political situation in Panama.

However, this "left and right" does not actually have a solid foundation. After all, the Panama Company is a company with a strong American background. Most Panamans do not recognize this, so Li Mu can only express cautious optimism and dare not speak. Too dead.

"So can we form a Panamanian government that is fully in the interests of the Panama Canal Company in our own way?" Rockefeller is like a child who just got a new toy. During this time, his interest in the Panamanian company has exceeded the standard. Interest of oil companies.

Previously, William Ewart expressed vague opinions in this regard when communicating with Li Mu, so it is estimated that William Ewart also said the same to Rockefeller when he met Rockefeller, so Rockefeller is now so enthusiastic.

"Form a new government ... Do you have the right candidate?" Strictly speaking, Li Mu did not object to the proposal, because in Cuba, Li Mu did so.

Compared to Cuba at the time, the situation in Panama was different. After all, Benjamin Harrison and Sylvester's daughter played fiercely at that time, so Li Mu could basically trust Sylvester, and in Panama, and No such person can be trusted by Li Mu.

"No, but what does it matter? We can just find someone and let him be president." Rockefeller also has a big heart, or Rockefeller has no awe at politics. What Rockefeller cares about is power. .

At the level of Rockefeller and Li Mu, it doesn't really matter whether there is a suitable person. For example, in Ryukyu, Pan Tingzhen found a two-year-old child to become the king, which is more excessive than Rockefeller imagined.

"I think Eddie Hausman is doing a good job. We can try to give him more trust." Li Mu did not want to replicate the Ryukyu style in Panama. The two-year-old king is suitable in Ryukyu, but not necessarily in Panama.

The reason why Li Mu is assured of the two-year-old king of Ryukyu is because Ryukyu also has Pan Tingzhen. It is Pan Tingzhen who really decides in Ryukyu, but there is no such candidate in Panama, and he can find a two-year-old child to be president. Then make Eddie Hausman the prime minister?

What's the difference between not changing people.

In addition, Li Mu wants to correct Eddie Hausman, and he has his own plans. After all, the Panama company is just a company and has a strong American background. The United States also looks at Panama as a tiger, so Eddie Hausman will be a good one. Shield.

"Well, you are an expert in this area, just do what you say." Rockefeller didn't insist. In fact, Rockefeller also knew that in the current troubled time, maintaining the stability of Panama's political situation is equally important.

After fixing Rockefeller, Li Mu changed his mind when he saw J.P. Morgan.

"The interests of the Canal Company need to be safeguarded, and the interests of the United States also need to be safeguarded. This is our common aspiration, so we have no choice." Li Mu knew that J.P. Morgan opposed the cooperation agreement with the US government. Therefore, Li Mu's wording was more intense, and he came up with a big hat first.

"I always feel that what we are doing has deviated from the original goal, so I still reserve my cooperation with Washington." As the future leader of the Morgan family, J.P. Morgan is not so easy. Convincing.

Compared with Li Mu and Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan is as pure as an angel, but there will be shadows where there is sunlight, so it is not reasonable to be right or wrong.

"I don't think the goal has shifted. Our goal has always been the Panama Canal. Now what we do is to serve this goal." Regarding selfishness, Li Mu will never admit it, let alone Li Mu's words are true. Everything Li Mu did was ultimately for the Panama Canal.

Compared with the ownership of the Panama Canal, Li Mu does not care who is the president of Panama, because no matter who is the president, the canal company must be pleased at that time, otherwise his president will not be long.

Compared with Li Mu, J.P. Morgan is more similar to traditional merchants. Li Mu has become familiar with controlling the political situation of a country. Rockefeller is irritable and J.P. Morgan is far from it.

There are generally some quirks in investing. For example, speculating in a real estate market, becoming a landlord, speculating in stocks, becoming a shareholder, picking up a girl, becoming a husband, and so on, sounds like it, but for those who are investing, they don't think so. .

"Say something practical, Peppa. I want to increase investment in the canal. What do you think?" Li Mu received several investments during this time, all aimed at the Panama Canal, and Li Mu and J.P. Morgan before them There is an agreement that members of the Canal Management Committee may not make additional investments unless it is agreed by all the members of the Canal Management Committee. Therefore, Li Mu must first seek the consent of J.P. Morgan.

These investments are basically from people who are inconvenient, such as Arthur, such as Benjamin Harrison, and Ulysses S. Grant.

Everyone knows the bright prospects of the Banama Canal, so in recent months, the stock prices of the Panama Canal in New York and the Panama Canal have risen and increased, but there has been no price and no one is willing to "cut the meat and leave" at this time, This will make them make less money.

At the same time, there were "hot money" who wanted to invest in the Panama Canal Company, so these people eventually sought Li Mu's head.

At this time, the United States did not have an official property disclosure system, so how much money does a politician have at home, and there is no obligation or responsibility to explain to anyone, and this money is often not clear, such as the rose company stock purchased by Arthur, and For example, the return on investment that Benjamin Harrison received from Cuba, if the money is passed on, the reputation will not be very good.

As for Ulysses Grant, his money comes from the respect of Corbin. Li Mu is now very sure. Ulysses Grant is not as cheap as written on Baidu Encyclopedia, and he wo n’t rely on memoirs in his old age. Selling money to pay off debts is like the money that Ulysses Grant gave to Li Mu this time. The amount is so large that even Li Mu is a bit surprised. If Ulysses Grant and his wife travel the world according to the old historical trajectory, Well, even if they spend it to death, they may not spend it.

"Rim, we had agreed in advance." Dangerous light appeared in the eyes of J.P. Morgan, and J.P. Morgan expressed his disdain for this behavior of Li Mu.

"Come on, don't say you don't have this need. I can't bear them anymore. If you don't agree, I will sell my own stock to them." Li Mu doesn't care about J.P. Morgan's Attitude, because in politics, J.P. Morgan also has a lot of friends.

"Well, you win, rest assured, how could I just watch my friends suffer ..." J.P. Morgan said so nicely, in fact he was just such a person.

With the stock settled, Li Mu returned to Governor's Island early from work.

The Governor's Island is immersed in a joyous atmosphere. Starting from the small pier, the sides of the road are full of red lanterns that were only taken out during the New Year. Pan and its children shouted in the past. They all seemed extremely well-behaved. Although they were still ecstatic when they saw Li Mu, they couldn't hear any more.

The main building is quieter here. The guards are scattered far away, not close to the main building at all. The maids walk lightly, no one is loud, and the expressions on their faces are strange.

It's weird, because Chu Xue is pregnant.

Li Mu has n’t gotten married, it ’s not long since she got engaged to Gloria, but it ’s not Gloria but Chuxue who is pregnant, so the situation is a little complicated. It ’s time to be happy for Chuxue. Or should I be sorry for Gloria?

It doesn't seem very suitable.

After confirming pregnancy, Chu Xue's status rose sharply. Not only did his residence move into the main building from the podium beside the main building, but Yan's mother also rushed from Springfield to New York to take care of Chu Xue. Too many opinions.

The issue of unmarried pregnancies, although not as common in the 21st century in the United States at this time, is not completely absent, especially for families such as Li Mu, this situation is even very common, so Will and Crow Diya didn't show much hostility to Chu Xue.

Of course, it's impossible to make Will and Claudia behave happily. During this time, Will's work is not busy, and Will simply goes back to Springfield with Claudia for a vacation, and can't see Not upset.

Will and Krodia can escape, but Gloria can't escape. As the future hostess of Governor Island, Li Mu's future wife, Gloria knows that she should be more generous, but it's important for Georgia. It's too difficult for Loriya. In front of Chu Xue, although Gloria didn't say anything, she even greeted Chu Xue, but when she turned back, from the day that Chu Xue decided to become pregnant, Gloria I haven't talked to Li Mu, or even had eye contact.

Li Mu was a child for the first time in two lives, which made Li Mu feel a bit overwhelmed. According to American traditional customs, Li Mu and Chu Xue were not even marriageable. Pregnancy was indeed a little earlier for Chu Xue, but In Qing Dynasty, the age like Chu Xue had already been a child.

Yan's mother gave birth to Yan Hu at the age of early snow.

"How are you feeling today?" Back to Governor's Island, Li Mu first went to Chuxue's room to take a look.

In the last few days, Chu Xue ’s affection is more serious. I ca n’t eat anything. Even if I eat hard, I eat as much as I can, but I have to eat Chu Xue in order to supplement my body. Great sin.

"It's much better today. I just drank some porridge and walked downstairs ..." Chu Xue's face wasn't very good-looking, and the bright red on her cheek was very abnormal, which made Li Muxun's heart endless.

In fact, the most uncomfortable time for pregnant women is just conceiving this period of time, but it will be better after two or three months. Li Mu was in Modu in his last life. He often saw pregnant women who were eight or nine months old and still insisted on working. The reason, of course, is the pressure of life, but it also means that the body can support a certain intensity of work.

"It's a good thing to be active, but don't do strenuous activities, just bear with it, it's better after a while." I haven't eaten pork, I've seen pigs run, although Li Mu hasn't served pregnant women, but some of the common sense Taboo is still known.

After all, it was the otaku in the 21st century, and in the 19th century, it was the standard all-rounder.

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