Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 649: foundation

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In the 19th-century United States, the importance of "political correctness" has been taken very seriously, so almost everyone has spoken in unison in treating the murderer, trying to find justice for the couple who were killed innocently.

Even those who are usually hostile to the Chinese say so.

Don't think that Li Mu and Steed Group are in the midst of a day, and there are no other voices in the United States. In fact, there are wonderful works everywhere. No matter when and where, there are people in Congress who advocate that they should "close the country" and not deal with any other country.

I really do n’t know how he was elected. I am afraid that even elementary school students know how to maintain foreign relations, but even these people often rely on outrageous speeches to win the voters.

Just like a clown.

Fortunately, John Kussoun did not rely on outliers to come to power, so Chu Wushuang did not have to endure unnecessary troubles, but Chu Wushuang did not mean to eat with John Kussoun. Chu Wushuang came to find trouble Yes, the relationship with the local government of Clay County is beyond the scope of Chu Wushuang's business.

Zhong's farm is in northern Indiana, on the shores of scenic Lake Michigan. The railway near the farm was originally owned by the North Pacific Railroad Company, but it has now become the property of the Vanderbilt family.

"The soil here is awesome. All we have to do is reclaim the wasteland and sow the seeds, and leave everything else alone. For those of us who are good at farming, this is simply heaven." On the way back to the farm , Zhong proudly introduced to Chu Wushuang.

Zhong originally arranged Chu Wushuang and others to live in Brazil City, but Chu Wushuang was unwilling to do so, and he wanted to visit Zhong's farm in person. Of course, Zhong would not refuse such a request. Chu Wushuang is a noble guest from New York. In the future, the "protection god" of the Chinese, Chu Zhongshuang can make any request.

In October, the weather is getting colder and colder. At this time, the climate has not started to warm. When the coldest winter in Clay County, the snow can fall to more than one meter. Fortunately, it has not snowed recently. So Chu Wushuang can go to the farm on horseback with Zhong.

In winter, most white farmers almost rest at home. It ’s okay to burn a little wine, call friends and drink a few drinks, and enjoy life, but for the hard-working Chinese farmers, there is no “rest”. As said, today is to meet Chu Wushuang, so the Chinese gathered at the train station, otherwise the Chinese farmers should be in the wasteland at this time.

When it comes to agricultural skills, the Chinese are absolutely full of people, and they have exploded to any other ethnic group in the world. Most white farmers in this year treat their farms as pastures and rely on normal grazing to maintain their lives. There is no such thing as "farming". That is to say, even if it is farming, it is mostly done by burying the seeds in the ground. As for the growth, it is completely up to the fate.

Relatively speaking, Chinese farmers are absolute intensive farming. Even if they are also grazing, Chinese farmers prefer conscious planting of pasture, so that they can raise at least more livestock, and selling pasture is another income.

"Looking at the situation here, when we think about when we were in the Qing Dynasty, sometimes we have to say that when God also snores, some foreign monks say that our God is not as good as God, and often we are beaten out by clubs. This is simply It's just bullshit, what's the relationship between their God and us ... "Zhong's narrative is a bit messy, mixed with a lot of private goods, and sometimes it sounds unconscious.

However, this does not prevent Chu Wushuang's understanding. New York where Chu Wushuang is located is a standard immigration city. Chu Wushuang has seen all kinds of people. The Chinese attitude towards God is tolerant.

"No one has forced you to believe in religion?" Chu Wushuang is more concerned about this issue, which stems from Li Mu's request. The severity of such things as belief can be small or large. Li Mu does not want to see someone forcing Chinese to change their beliefs. This involves To a question of cultural tradition.

"That's not true. Some people have asked me this question. Our unified calibre is that we all believe in Taoism. We also want to raise funds to build a temple in Cle County in the future, but I don't know if the Taoist Chief is willing to host it." Zhong The belief is still relatively pure.

There is no coercion. Regarding the question of whether or not to find a host, Chu Wushuang can't help, and can only echo politely: "This is a good idea."

It wasn't long before he left Brazil City. Zhong was holding a stable by the side of the uncultivated barren land, looking at the rake on the ridge, and his expression was a little heavy: "This is the farm of the Bruce couple. Before they were killed, they As the wasteland is being reclaimed, Bruce is confident that he will reclaim at least half of the land this winter ... After the Bruce couple had an accident, we organized their property, but we did not know who to give it to. "

Bruce is the name of the victim. As for their original surname, it is not important anymore. In the United States, their husband and wife have no other relatives. This was originally an opportunity to fall apart, but it has withered before the opportunity to grow up.

"If you really can't find their loved ones, donate money to the Junma Fund. By the way, I am also a member of the Junma Foundation. This time when I came to Clay County, I was entrusted by the Junma Fund." Chu Wushuang Do n’t worry about the beneficiaries of this money. If the Bruce couple knew, they would probably not object to such an arrangement.

The establishment of the fund was the result of Li Mu's thoughtful thinking. Perhaps Li Mu also realized that he had done too many bad things, so he had to pray for his unborn child, so there was the Steed Fund.

The establishment of a fund is also inevitable. Congress is now discussing raising the inheritance tax. It seems that collecting inheritance tax has become inevitable in the future. Li Mu does not want to wait for a hundred years and watch the government take away most of his hard-earned life. Funds are the best way to evade estate taxes.

On the other hand, the establishment of a fund also has its own objective needs. Although Li Mu tries to make all Chinese Americans as happy as possible, after all, there are already many Chinese who have no time to set up a family. After most of his life, he is still alone.

In the past, Cao Anran was unable to form a family. Now Cao Anran is powerless. Even if he finds a suitable object, he is not able to leave a child. Therefore, what will happen to Cao Anran's pension problem in the future.

The Steed Fund was born to solve this kind of problem. In the United States, there is no need to consider any problems such as falling leaves and returning to the roots. It can be dependent on the old and support the old, even if Li Mu's greatest contribution to the Chinese group, after all No one can guarantee that his family will not have any problems in the future. The relatively perfect social welfare environment in the 21st century will also lead to the tragedy of losing independence, not to mention the 19th century.

After learning about the business scope of the steed fund, Zhong Zhong finally got a bit of relief: "It's set, I will transfer the money back, and does the steed fund accept separate donations?"

"Donation" is actually the main way to raise funds in this model of the fund. Many religious believers in the United States often donate regularly. For example, Rockefeller. When he was mentioned in the 21st century, he always mentioned that Rockefeller always paid 10% of his income. % Donated to the church to show the piety of Rockefeller's faith.

In fact, as far as Li Mu knows, there is no such thing at all. Rockefeller did like to donate money, but that was the history in which Rockefeller used to evade social condemnation after becoming the richest man in the United States. Rockefeller does not have this habit. If you go to Rockefeller and ask him to donate 10% of his income to the church, it is estimated that Rockefeller is more likely to find someone to blow up the church.

"Of course you can. The Steed Fund accepts various forms of donations. In addition to the necessary operating expenses, the Steed Fund will use all the investment income to return to the society. Of course, it is our steward who has the final say. Even the President of the United States has no right to interfere in this. "Chu Wushuang seized every opportunity to advertise the Steed Fund.

As a half-life lunatic, Chu Wushuang has done a lot of bad things in this life, so now as long as he has a chance, Chu Wushuang is also willing to accumulate some virtues.

For other methods, the fund is indeed more free and convenient. Li Mu will prepare to donate all his assets to the fund in the future, and then hire professional personnel to manage it. The descendants of Li Mu can hold posts in the foundation. Receive a certain amount of monthly maintenance income, so that the investment of the foundation will not be dangerous, and there is no need to worry that Li Mu's descendants will not be rich enough for three generations. Perhaps many years later, Junma Group can still maintain the current scale.

"Tell me about the Bruce couple, do you know who made it? Even if there is only a general scope." Chu Wushuang finally remembered that he began to do business. Although the tone in his mouth was light, he had quietly clenched the stable.

This time when I came to Clay County, Chu Wushuang was prepared to set up a prestige, so it does n’t matter if the scope is larger. Anyway, Chu Wushuang is not ready to let anyone go. Since someone has provoked an incident, then he must bear the consequences. Way to end this thing, to make some people shudder to think of it.

"The brothers Rex, who live in Brazil. They were notorious before. Their brother was Irving Rex and his brother was Brent Rex. No one knows the cause of the matter. People who are familiar with Bruce It's also not clear why they complained. As Owen Rex said, it was because Bruce stole his stuff and then scolded him. This is simply nonsense. Bruce is definitely not such a person. We know Bruce and he treats others with enthusiasm. Generous, kind-hearted, and will never do that kind of disgraceful thing. "Although it has been more than ten days, Zhong still mentioned this matter with indignation, linking the reputation of the deceased to the thief, not only It is simply an insult to Bruce, but also an insult to all Chinese.

"The two brothers, do they have any background?" Chu Wushuang is not worried that the Rex brothers have an amazing background. Since they can do such a thing, it also means that the brothers should have little patience, otherwise they would not do so. .

The biting dog doesn't bark. This sentence is true. Often those who have a louder voice are more insidious. They can only use some aspects of publicity to conceal their inner emptiness. Chu Wushuang cannot determine Ray Is n’t this the Brothers, but in New York, Chu Wushuang saw more people like the Brothers Rex.

"I heard that the Rex brothers have a good relationship with Speaker Marshall Pittman, but no one can confirm this. Mr. Marshall Pittman has never commented on this matter. After the Bruce couples were killed, Marshall Pittman Man had visited the Bruce couple and said that the murderer would be punished severely. "Zhong was not sure of the relationship between the Rex brothers and Marshall Pittman.

This promise is not worth mentioning. Nothing can be explained. It is not uncommon for politicians to change their face at any time according to their own needs.

Chu Wushuang seems to have heard the name of Marshall Pittman in the afternoon, but now I do n’t have any impression. I do n’t have to worry about it anyway. It ’s just the chairperson of a county. Do n’t worry about it. If the backing behind the Rex brothers is Congress Senator Rep. Maybe let Chu Wushuang think about the way.

"Do you know where the Rex brothers are now?" Chu Wushuang wanted to cut the knife quickly and settle the matter earlier, and he could return to New York one day earlier. Chu Wushuang didn't want to waste too much time in Indiana, although the scenery of Lake Michigan It's always been good, but it's much worse than New York's ocean view.

"The Rex brothers' ranch is not far from here. The two brothers have a house in Brazil City. Many days ago, the two brothers stayed in Brazil City and never dared to return. Otherwise, we would have shot them into horse honeycombs. It can be heard from Zhong's words that the Chinese in Clay County are not provoked.

This is normal. Behind the back of a giant like the Steed Group, even a flock of sheep can become a tiger.

Zhong is right. The current Rex brothers are indeed afraid to leave the city, otherwise they may be shot dead by Chinese people. After all, it is not only the Qing Dynasty that does not blame the public. Relatively speaking The US is more serious.

In fact, it is not difficult to kill a person these years. There is a tradition of duel in western society. Once the conflict between two people cannot be reconciled, it must be solved by life and death. The duel is the most suitable method. For example, the famous Russian writer Pushkin died. For a set-up duel, that was about 40 years ago.

Many times, the duel is also very funny. About ten years ago, Mark Twain was about to fight with someone, and the result was to rely on the bragging of the deputy to win.

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