Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 814: only

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People like Shun Shui are for everyone. Springfield Institute of Technology was just established and its reputation has not spread beyond New York, so no one has noticed the situation at Springfield Institute of Technology. Springfield Institute of Technology graduates are starting to walk out of campus on a large scale, then people will notice that the ratio of Chinese students to white students at Springfield Institute of Technology, although guided by other media such as Time Magazine, This situation will not be linked to racial discrimination, but in the end it is not very good-looking. Even if it is just doing it, Li Mu will also fortify some white students to enter Springfield Institute of Technology.

Of course, to increase the proportion of white students, one of the first conditions is that the quality of the students must meet the requirements of Springfield Institute of Technology. Of course, Li Mu's recommendation is also a condition that meets the requirements. Many middle school students in the United States want to go to college. All need to recommend people, in fact, is to open the back door, this situation persists until the 21st century.

Since it is the back door, the subject does not matter. Brown and Luke meet the criteria for Li Mu to open the back door.

"Of course not, neither Cody nor I would mind." This is an era of scarce knowledge, and Helena knows how valuable this opportunity is: "Thank you, Rimm."

It seems that expressing her gratitude with a piece of gratitude is not enough. Helena used her eyes to indicate what Yan Hu was going to say. The relationship with Li Mu must be more familiar to Yan Hu.

"Uh, thank you, Lim." Yan Hu immediately raised the cup at hand and gestured to Li Mu.

Li Mu smiled and nodded, and drank a little to deal with the matter.

For Li Mu's arrangement, Yan Shun and Chu Xue didn't even care. The family banquet, Xiao Mianyu and Xiao Will also have to participate. Although the two guys are not yet eating, they are sitting on the baby chair and want to participate. In the adult's conversation, Gloria was still lazy if she could be lazy. Yan Shun and Chu Xue just watched one by one.

After all, Helena came to Governor's Island for the first time, and still do n’t know much about the relationship between Li Mu and Yan ’s family. For Yan Hu and Yan Shun, Li Mu is not just the boss or brother-in-law, Yan family is strictly speaking Li Mu The servant, even though Xuexue already had a small cotton jacket with Li Mu, according to the customs of the Qing empire, it was just the eldest daughter who had been housed by the host. Although Li Mu did not think of it that way, as long as Li Mu needed it, Li Mu could take away Yan at any time. Everything that the family has, Yan Hu and Yan Shun still have this consciousness even if they have grown up now.

I have to say that the power of tradition is still extremely powerful.

"Come on, let's have a drink, for the Polytechnic." Li Mu raised the cup and offered to offer, the reason was that no one cared, mainly the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is still very good, everyone is satisfied with a meal, Li Mu's collections are still very good, Helena is a bit overwhelmed, and returned to her home, still a little faint.

Li Mu is very generous. His investment in his people has always been cost-free. There is also enough space on the Governor's Island, so Li Mu built a lot of single-family villas by the garden, and gave these villas to Yan Hu, Yan Shun and Mason. people.

Since they are all villas, of course, the green space and garden are absolutely necessary, because the time for dinner is a little short. Helena didn't notice the size of the garden and lawn, and ran up and down excitedly, and looked around every room. .

Now Li Mu, of course, is much more involved than in Springfield. When Li Mu built his house in Springfield, he still used wood. On the Governor's Island, all the white magnolias shipped from Turkey were used. Marble, compared to the three-meter storey of a typical villa, the nearly seven-meter storey appears to have huge space. Yan Hu also got a lot of gold products in Montana. At the beginning, according to Yan Hu's meaning, these loot were all Handing it over to Li Mu, of course, Li Mu would not be stupid enough to melt all these spoils into gold ingots, so the gold used in the decoration of Yan Hu's house was extraordinarily large, and even the handrails of the stairs were inlaid with a thick Indian-style gold mask.

"These gold is real?" Helena now knows just how rich Yan Hu's wealth is. Although it appeared just now that Yan Hu's account in San Diego's investment company was mentioned, Helena was not embarrassed to ask, so she asked them all now.

"Of course, these are the trophies when Montana and the Indians are fighting, and the two sets of family members when they enter the door. They are the trophies when Cuba and the Spanish are fighting." Yan Hu is still proud, Li Mu. Years are spent on making money, but Yan Hu has been in the barracks. It is no wonder that Yan Hu will climb so fast. In recent years, Yan Hu has not missed any war in which the US Army participated.

Well, in fact, there is no war. In these years, the Army really participated in the domestic offensive against the Indians. It was not a US state action that Yan Hu went to Cuba to help the Cubans deal with the Spaniards. Otherwise, Washington did not need to find Li Mubei. Pot. As for the Spanish-American War, although the First Army Division was ready to go to the Far East, the Spanish had surrendered before the First Cavalry Division got on the ship.

"You are my hero." The white girl's enthusiasm was still very straightforward, and Helena jumped up and hugged Yan Hu as a mad kiss.

Yan Hu has been accustomed to Helena's enthusiasm, and the response is still very fierce. After a while, the two people hand in hand upstairs: "Upstairs is the bedroom, cloakroom, study, and future baby room-"

Do n’t look at this is Yan Hu ’s home, but it ’s the first time that Yan Hu has really calmed down to admire it. Helena ’s focus is definitely not the same as Yan Hu ’s. She went upstairs and went straight to the cloakroom. By then, there will be no resistance to clothing.

Although Yan Hu hasn't lived here, there are still Yan Hu's clothes in the cloakroom. These are all prepared by Chu Xue for Yan Hu. Like Yan Shun's clothes, the latest men's clothing.

"The urban beauties seem to be the bosses of Lim. After we get married, can I get a discount if I go to the urban beauties to buy clothes?" Helena is most concerned about this. Don't look at Cody as the mayor, but there is not much money. Helena knows the beauty of the city, but has not entered the store of the beauty of the city, Manhattan's top consumer is still a little distance from the previous Helena.

"It ’s fine if you do n’t give money. The clothes here are all delivered by men. I have never given any money. It seems that Jennifer will check out with the steeds every season. The costumes are all provided by Junma Clothing. There should be discounts for buying so much. "Yan Hu didn't know how much it would cost to maintain a team of so many people, and Yan Hu didn't even know how many people there were on the Governor's Island.

Those who are qualified to serve on the Governor's Island are, of course, seniors, such as the bodyguards on the Governor's Island. Generally, they will not appear directly next to Li Mu and Gloria, but if necessary, they will To appear as fast as possible, so the bodyguards on the Governor's Island are indeed a little bit more secure than even the Presidential Palace.

"This-isn't it great?" Most women are righteous. Yan Hu describes the prospect as simply wonderful for Helena. Although Helena's eyes are shining, she can still Restrain your inner excitement.

Maybe for Yan Hu, men's clothes are just for clothes, but not for Helena. Urban beauties not only sell all kinds of fashionable, colorful and good-quality clothes, but also sell all kinds of clothes. Women's supplies, such as bags-

Well, cure all diseases, if there are any problems that cannot be solved by one package, then two.

"Don't mind, you can think of Riem as the head of the Governor's Island. These things are the benefits that Riem provides to us. We can enjoy all of this in peace. Of course, when we need it, we must also help Rimm. Give everything-rest assured, Riem will never touch anyone's bottom line. "Yan Hu is a good choice. If Edison and Mrs. Colt are here, Yan Hu will look down.

"It seems that your relationship is really good, then why have I never heard you talk about this?" Helena is still a little careful, all of them are getting married, of course, Helena knows Yan Hu well, at least better than Yan Tiger thinks that he knows better. Although Yan Hu explained it a moment ago, Helena can still hear that the relationship between Yan Hu and Li Mu is Yan Hu's willingness to give his life at any time.

"Some things don't need to hang on my lips, just like I love you--" Men are usually self-taught at this time, and Yan Hu will also speak rhetorically, and forget Helena in one sentence. Who is Li Mu: "Go and see the baby room. It will definitely surprise you."

"We don't have any children yet. What are you looking at?" Helena's voice was a little low, letting Yan Hu indulge involuntarily.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Yan Hu said with action. It may not take long for the baby room to come in handy.

When Yan Hu and Helena worked hard to make people, Li Mu was also discussing this issue with Gloria.

"Our family has only two children now, and it's still a little bit less. If you work hard to make money, there will always be a qualified successor." Gloria wanted to give Will a younger brother, or more than one. It doesn't matter, there is Chuxue anyway, no need for Gloria to bring children.

Now Gloria has completely accepted the existence of Chu Xue and Xiao Mianyu. If Gloria had any dissatisfaction with Li Mu before, it is probably because of Chu Xue, but compared to others, Li Mu is not bad, at least Li Mu Gloria was never satisfied outside, which made Gloria very satisfied. Compared with those guys whose red flags do not fall and the colorful flags flutter outside, Li Mu's approach is more shameless, but it is more acceptable to Gloria.

"Are you going to give Xiao Weier the label of disqualification now? He will hate you when he knows it." Li Mu also felt that the two children were a little bit less, let alone make up a football team, at least he must make up Only a basketball team can do it. From a probabilistic point of view, this is really a way to select a more qualified heir.

For ordinary families, one child or two children does not matter, it is enough to educate them properly, let them establish the correct three perspectives, and then become a useful person for society.

But for a family like Li Mu, this level of education is only the starting point. Although Li Mu has decided to use family trust to maintain his wealth in the future, it is better if he can train qualified heirs from future generations. Li Mu also returns I want to retire early and take Gloria and Chu Xue to travel around the world. At that time, the steed group will be handed over to Xiao Weil or Xiao Mianyi to manage. As long as Xiao Wei and Xiao Mianyi do not die, then Li Mu's family should be able to grow Prosperous.

In fact, for a family like Li Mu, the San Diego investment company's business model is the most correct direction. The current San Diego investment company is to scatter nets to focus on fishing. It is possible that the San Diego investment company has invested in ten companies, but only one The company was able to survive in the end, but the investment profits of San Diego Investment Company were enough to make up for the losses of the other nine companies. At this time, a qualified inspection team is even more needed, and the importance of investors is infinite. Decreased, perhaps the efficiency of collective decision-making is a bit low, but collective decision-making is less likely to make mistakes, which is more important for investment.

"It doesn't matter, no matter if Will is suitable for inheritance in the future, I only hope he can do what he likes, even if you don't leave property to Will, the trust fund that Will left to Will, It ’s enough for Will to live without worry. ”Gloria is not afraid to educate her children unsuccessfully. It ’s the same as playing a game. It ’s okay if one number is discarded. You can re-practice one more. The more you practice, the more you will naturally stand out of.

Of course, this is not a waste, it depends on how you think about it. For a family like Li Mu, it doesn't really matter whether the character is good or not. Li Mu itself is an unscrupulous person. Of course, the view of "disused" is also common. It ’s not the same. For ordinary families, eating a gamble is a very serious problem, but for a family like Li Mu, eating, drinking, gambling, etc. is actually nothing, even the most serious gambling, in fact The consequences are not so serious. Those who are ruined by gambling are either not thick enough or have been made a bureau. Can anyone in this world be thicker than Li Mu? Would anyone dare to play against arms dealers?

Impatient to do this!

Therefore, Li Mu attaches more importance to ability, and this is the essence to ensure the longevity of the enterprise.

"Ha, Will's property will be inherited by the Second Life, and our family is not short of that." Li Mu said with confidence, how much money Will could save for Will, Li Mu would definitely not treat his only son.

So far it is the only one.

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