Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Can't offend

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There are more unlucky presidents in American history. Even if they are required by loose standards, some presidents are more unlucky than Hayes. However, this kind of thing is not good compared with the worst people. So if there is a chance, Hayes is still willing Save your reputation, even if that doesn't seem to make much sense.

"Rim, what kind of result do you want, just get people back, or do you want the Colombian government to compromise more?" Hayes wanted more background. There may be other reasons for asking so much, but That reason Hayes is probably embarrassed to say.

Even if Hayes is a betrayal, Hays is the President of the United States of America. There is no doubt that Hayes has no background. If you change to Ulysses Grant with a military background, then even Ulysses Grant has done too much, and I am afraid no one dares to treat Ulysses Grant in this way.

Don't look at Ulysses Grant when he stepped down. Almost everything was pointed out. In fact, until he stepped down, Ulysses Grant also had considerable rights. It was just before Ulysses Grant stepped down. It was only then that Lisis Grant imposed import taxes in the United States to uphold the domestic industry and commerce decision.

This is something Hayes and Ulysses Grant can't match, maybe because Hayes's political proposition has offended too many people, and Hayes now has no influence on Congress, even Republicans. Will not vote for Hayes' proposal.

It is really boring to say that the president is in this role.

Even if he is not president, Hayes has dignity. The reason why Hayes was able to win the election was Li Mu ’s help played a decisive role. So no matter how it is understood, it seems that Li Mu should not hold on to Hays like those members of Congress. Negative attitude, this has always been beyond the reach of Hayes.

"Of course, people have to get it back first. Ford Benjamin is a U.S. citizen. Put aside the specific duties of Ford Benjamin. Let ’s not say that the Colombian government has no jurisdiction over Ford Benjamin. Mr. President, you should know why the Colombian government will Benjamin is listed as No. 2 wanted because of the Panama Canal, and the importance of the Panama Canal to the United States does not need me to repeat. This is enough for us to do anything. Of course, the Colombian government is unwilling to release Ford Benjamin, but this At the time, I thought we should show the toughness of the United States. If the Colombian government does not let go, the United States should use all means, including war, which is determined by American interests, not because of Ford Benjamin's identity. "Of course, Li Mu demanded More, but those reasons Li Mu can not say, can only connect Ford Benjamin and the Panama Canal, as long as Hayes is not crazy, Hayes should know what to do.

If possible, Li Mu wants to pressure the Colombian government through Washington to create more convenience for the treasure hunt on Lake Guadavia, but for this reason, Li Mu is difficult to say because it involves taxation issues. Li Mu does not want to send Guada When the treasure of Lake Via was shipped back to the United States, taxes were paid to Washington based on the actual value of the treasure. This reason Li Mu could not say, but whether it was Li Mu or Rockefeller, or J.P. Morgan, his attitude on this issue. All are consistent.

"Of course, as the President of the United States, I will resolutely safeguard the interests of all American citizens." No matter what I think, Hayes still has to say that Colombia is not English France after all, and the United States still has enough advantages in the Americas. As long as Hayes Showing a tough attitude, even if the Colombian government hates Ford Benjamin again, it must consider the attitude of the United States.

This is the sorrow of a small country and a small population. Even strictly speaking, Colombia is already the largest country in South America, but when facing the United States, the Colombian government has no more advantages than the Qing Empire in the Far East.

To put it plainly, a big fist is truth!

Just as Li Mu sought Hayes for help, a rescue operation against Ford Benjamin was underway in Nuki, Colombia's west coast.

Although the gunman who attacked Ford Benjamin was killed on the spot, Ford Benjamin was still injured. In fact, the injury was not serious. As long as he was treated in time, Ford Benjamin was not life-threatening. Because of this, the gunmen who sneaked ashore Xiang Nu The Port Authority asked for help, which led to the seizure of Ford Benjamin and the Port Nuuk Authority.

Yes, it is a seizure, not even an arrest. Don't look at Ford Benjamin as the No. 2 wanted criminal of the Colombian government, but to arrest Ford Benjamin, the Nuki Port Authority really does not have the ability.

More than 150 mercenaries smuggled ashore with Ford Benjamin. Although this number does not seem to be large, unfortunately, the local government of Nuki could not even mobilize a force capable of annihilating the entire hundred and fifty. That is, because Ford Benjamin desperately needs treatment, the doctors at the Nuki Port Authority can approach Ford Benjamin, but it is only the doctor who provides treatment to Ford Benjamin.

Of course, the determination of the Nuki Port Authority to arrest Ford Benjamin is beyond doubt. After the identity of Ford Benjamin was determined, the Nuki Port Authority sent a gendarmerie to demand the arrest of Ford Benjamin, but at the door of the hospital where the gendarmerie Ford Benjamin was living , Was intercepted by lawyers hired by Panamanian companies and mercenaries with live ammunition.

"Sorry, I would like to tell you once again that Mr. Ford Benjamin is an American. We are not in the United States to accept Bogota's allegations against Mr. Ford Benjamin, and that Mr. Ford Benjamin is currently in hospital and is in danger of life at any time, So sorry, you ca n’t arrest Mr. Ford Benjamin. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I ’m Mars Goss, an attorney representing Mr. Ford Benjamin. The officials and gendarmerie sent by the Nuki Port Authority were not taken into account.

An embarrassing fact is that Mars Goss is not an American, but a standard Colombian, which sounds ridiculous, but the fact is that Thomas Toynbee gave Mars Gos a promise , Will take Mars Goss and his family to the United States, and then Mars Goss began to serve Ford Benjamin wholeheartedly, completely forgetting his original nationality.

It sounds sad, but this is the reality. Every country has patriots, but also treasoners. When some people are willing to give their lives for the country's **** struggle, others will not hesitate to betray him and support him. It is not necessary to say that this is the nineteenth century, even the twenty-first century. Such examples are always common.

For a Colombian, especially for a highly educated Colombian, an American citizenship is still full of temptation. Some people can resist this temptation, and some people have no resistance. Dogs, the conscience must be a scholar. This sentence is not absolute, but it must be a high probability.

"Mr. Mars, don't forget that you are still a Colombian now. What you are doing now should shame yourself, including your family." The officials who came to arrest Ford Benjamin were furious and treated the traitors, almost everyone All attitudes are consistent, if possible, officials of the Nuuk Port Authority would like to stand Mars Goss on the spot.

This is the sorrow of a democratic country, especially when this legal system is not sound. It is not surprising that Mars Goss has no power to stop officials and gendarmerie of the Nuki Port Authority, but when Mars When Goss did this, the officials and gendarmerie of the Nuki Port Authority did not have much to do. Unless violence is used, it needs the approval of the Nuki local government and local councils.

Do n’t forget that Ford Benjamin is not life-threatening, and the efficiency of the government and the parliament is not high. If you follow the procedures, it is estimated that Ford Benjamin has been discharged from the hospital with injuries. Therefore, everyone is really responsible for this responsibility. I'm sorry.

"Perhaps you are right, but it also depends on how you understand. When a country is not worth your time and when a country cannot protect its citizens at all, there are not many options left for you." Mars · Goss certainly knows that what he is doing has departed from Colombia's interests, but what can Mars Gos do? When Thomas Toynbee found Mars Goss, in fact Mars Goss had no choice.

This problem is actually very easy to understand, just like the keyboard heroes of the 21st century. When facing some social negative news, the keyboard heroes are hiding behind the screen. Of course, they can impassionately give pointers, but when those unfairness really come When it comes to keyboard men, I am afraid that there are very few people who have the courage to fight. In fact, this kind of thing can not be generalized with cowardice. Sometimes instability is also one of the choices. .

Like the Panamanian mercenaries, Standard Oil's manager is not a good person. If Mars Goss rejects Thomas Toynbee, then maybe Mars Goss and his family are now out of control. At that time, Can the Colombian government impart justice to Mars Goss and his family?

It was precisely because of his skepticism that Mars Goss could only accept Thomas Toynbee's terms.

The consequences of not accepting are obvious, and this consequence is unacceptable to Mars Goss, so-

Man is really a very complicated animal.

"You coward!" An official of the Nuki Port Authority did not approve of Mars Goss' choice. He had good reasons to reprimand Mars Goss, but unfortunately, this did not seem to help the result.

"Yes, I'm a coward, and I admit that I don't have much choice between humble life and brave death." Mars Goss doesn't deny his cowardice, a very ironic fact is that even The officials of the Nuki Port Authority have enough stances to take more actions, but the officials of the Nuki Port Authority are also afraid to do so, so many people are actually the same on the issue of cowardice.

If a grumpy person had been replaced, violence could now be used to forcefully rush into the hospital and arrest Ford Benjamin.

It seems that every righteous person will choose this way. The key issue is whether the righteous person has the power or the courage to make this decision. Once violence is used, let alone whether the gendarmerie of the Port Authority can pass the employment of the Panama Company. Bing, even if Ford Benjamin is arrested, then the Nuki Port Authority, including the Colombian government, must face the pressure from the United States. This is like a sword of Damocles, hanging on all Colombians. In the past, if this problem is not solved, let alone justice and courage, not everyone dares to break the boat.

In other words, a person who dares to break the boat in a bureaucratic system like the Colombian government simply cannot survive.

"Sorry, I don't have many choices. Ford Benjamin is a wanted man in the government. We have to arrest him." The officials of the Port Authority also don't have many choices. The responsibility lies in the sorrow of the little ones. They can't decide their own destiny. Can only be passively accepted.

"I reiterate to you once again that Mr. Ford Benjamin is an American because of a serious threat to his life and urgently needs hospitalization, so you cannot arrest him now. If you must do so, please consider clearly once you are in the process of arrest During the arrest, or after the arrest, Mr. Ford Benjamin suffered an unpredictable situation, and what serious consequences would it cause. "Mars Goss was actually dragging until Bogota couldn't bear the pressure of Washington. By then, everything was It goes without saying.

"Sorry, that's not in my consideration. The order I am leading now will arrest Ford Benjamin and arrest him. As for the future, it is a question for the masters of the parliament to consider." Officials of the Port Authority took a serious attitude, and the officials behind them The gendarmerie are all soldiers. It is relatively simple to consider the problem. It is this simplicity that gives them enough courage.

Just after the ultimatum of officials from the Port Authority, the gendarmerie was firing guns in preparation for mandatory actions.

And the mercenaries behind Mars Goss have been waiting for a long time. They actually have more advanced weapons than the gendarmerie and are more prepared. Even in the hospital, bunkers have been built, just as Mars Goss and Port Authority officials At the time of the negotiations, the mercenaries were standing by, and a conflict was inevitable.

"Wait a minute." Someone who finally broke the deadlock appeared, just as Mars Goss said, and the parliamentary masters certainly didn't want to offend Washington.

It can't be offended.

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