Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 852: The dead are big

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Ordinary people under the feudal system have no quality of life at all, and it is good to live. Many people do not know what it means to enjoy life.

Ordinary employees of the Steed Group, holding the salary provided by the Steed Group, live in the house provided by the Steed Group and enjoy the living benefits provided by the Steed Group. The children attend school at the Steed Affiliated School. They can go to the Workers Club on weekends and go out on long vacations. Travel, such a life is considered to be quality.

The life that Li Mu understands, even a peasant, must have at least his own land. There are pigs in pigpens, dogs in kennels, and children's wives. They can have the mood to pursue a quality life.

The peasants of the Qing Empire certainly couldn't do this, but the farmers of Vladivostok could.

Vladivostok has almost unlimited land. The state government does not restrict the land that farmers can own. In theory, even if there is only one farmer, he can reclaim all the arable land in Vladivostok, which is also owned by him.

Of course, no matter how much land there is, the tax to be paid must not be less. The tax exemption range stipulated by the Vladivostok government for each household is one hundred acres. Above this amount, all land must be taxed. If the tax is not paid, So even if the land is cultivated by the farmers themselves, the state government will take it away.

Therefore, the private ownership of a capitalist society is not a complete private ownership. Americans in the 21st century also have to pay property taxes. This is the most important tax and the main source of income for local governments below the state. Generally, it accounts for almost More than 50% of the total local government income level.

Vladivostok will continue to do so in the future. Now the Vladivostok government will definitely not begin to collect land tax and property tax, but it will definitely be collected in the future. Even if the land of Vladivostok is still vast and the Chinese population continues to increase, there will always be a day when mining reaches its limit. At that time, the government will start collecting taxes, but that is probably a long time later.

At this stage Vladivostok was mainly for absorbing immigrants. Vladivostok was very sparsely populated. In order to increase the population rapidly, Chen Guofang even proposed to absorb immigrants from Japan. However, this proposal was completely rejected by Li Mu. Li Mu bought Vladivostok, but not for Japan People bought it.

Of course, in order to increase the labor force of Vladivostok, Li Mu is not opposed to hiring workers from Japan, or from Korea. The city facilities of Vladivostok still need to be perfect, the streets are not wide enough, the road surface needs to be level, and residential areas and markets must be built. To build factories, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, etc., as well as the military port that George Dewey required, Vladivostok needed people everywhere. The labor gap next year is about 500,000 or more.

This part of the labor gap is not enough to simply emigrate from the Qing Empire. In Li Mu's vision, the early immigrants of the Qing Empire should focus on reclaiming land. It is up to the Japanese and Koreans to work. Anyway, it is all physical work that does not require advanced technology. It is meaningless for the Chinese to do these tasks.

"As the capital of Vladivostok, Vladivostok's urban area should be more than 500 square kilometers. This will be the political, cultural, industrial, and economic center of Vladivostok. Of course, this cannot be completed in a day. I have already Let the designers of Junma Architects start urban design. I am satisfied that this city can be built within ten years. "Chen Guofang mentioned that he is full of confidence in the future.

I have to say that Chen Guofang is really ambitious. The area of ​​500 square kilometers is not small. Now New York City does not have 500 square kilometers. If Chen Guofang's ideal can be realized, then Vladivostok will become a first-class city in the Far East. If you consider If advanced, then the entire Far East will be crowned.

"Are you planning to return to Hawaii?" Li Mu asked himself that Chen Guofang could not do it to the same degree. Chen Guofang wanted to end the old rhythm of Vladivostok and let Li Mu pay for the construction of Vladivostok, because no matter how much money is spent now, It can be recovered dozens of times and hundreds of times. It is not enough for Li Mu to dedicate his life to Vladivostok. Li Mu is not so great. Vladivostok is not so important. New York is the battlefield of Li Mu.

"Why go back? Hawaii is not my hometown. For me, Vladivostok and Hawaii are no different." Chen Guofang was really free and easy. Before coming to Vladivostok, Chen Guofang had sold his house in Hawaii and would not travel in the future. Hawaii.

"Rim, I have a new discovery—" George Dewey rushed to Li Mu.

Li Mu thought that George Dewey was for the military harbour. Seeing George Dewey promised immediately, "We are talking about this matter, and we will start construction in March next year to ensure that all projects are completed within next year."

This commitment is difficult to achieve. Vladivostok does not have suitable construction materials locally. Before the local factory starts, all raw materials must be imported from the United States and transported through the Pacific Ocean. Li Mu has not enough workers here. According to the current As things stand, being completed within three years is already giving the War Department a face.

Of course, whether or not it can be done is another matter. This does not prevent Li Mu from talking big. He will blow out the cowhide and then talk about it. Then when the completion is completed, Li Mu has the final say. Anyway, the money given by the War Department has already been spent. The shutdown has not been retired, and it has to be added if it is not enough. This is how many US military expenditures are wasted.

"No, no, no, I am for the military port, but not for Vladivostok. The port here is good, and there is a certain infrastructure. It should not cost much to rebuild, but it is regrettable that Vladivostok has a half-year frozen period in winter. At that time, it is very inconvenient for ships to enter and leave the port. I also need to use icebreakers. I found an unfrozen port in Ezo, if we can build a military port here, it will definitely meet our requirements. "George Dewey I was idle, always looking for a place more suitable to build a military harbour than Vladivostok. The effort was worthy of care, and it really made him find it.

Ezo, which is now Hokkaido, Li Mu does not know what port George Dewey called, because Japan is an island country and there are many places suitable for building military ports.

George Dewey brought the map, and Li Mu knew that what George Dewey said was probably the future of Wakkanai Port.

Indeed, as George Dewey said, Wakkanai Port and Vladivostok are different. It is an unfrozen port, which is indeed very suitable for building a port.

However, there are many problems. Although Wakkanai Port has not been frozen for many years, it does not have port infrastructure. Although the Tokugawa Shogunate has stepped up the development of Hokkaido with the support of Bai Qi in the past two years, it is clear that the pioneering team has not yet reached Wakkanai Port. Today, Wakkanai Port is just a small fishing village. If you build a military port, you will definitely face greater difficulties than Vladivostok.

Moreover, a bigger problem is that Wakkanai Port belongs to the Tokugawa Shogunate and is not under the jurisdiction of Vladivostok. If George Dewey insists, then Li Mu has to do some coordination.

It is indeed "coordination", and that's all. Bai Qi is now the emperor of Tokugawa Shogunate, and Li Mu is the wife of the emperor. Even if Li Mu now lets Tokugawa Shogunate sell Wakkanai Port to Li Mu, it is not difficult.

"I know here, it's very good here, because the warm currents around Japan, there is indeed no ice-sealing period here, which is very suitable for building a port, but you have considered no, here is the land of the Japanese government, I am afraid the Japanese government will not allow the US government to A military port will be built on Japanese territory. "Li Mu will certainly not say so easily to George Dewey. If George Dewe insists, Li Mu will try to make George Dewe do what he wants. Of course, it should still be knocked on a bamboo pole. No shortage, let the Pacific Fleet and the Ministry of War be grateful for Li Mu's help. As long as the benefits can be obtained, Li Mu will not let go of it at all.

"Man, you have to solve this problem. I know you have a good relationship with the Ryukyu government. Rest assured, I will immediately apply for additional funding from the Ministry of War." George Dewey is also a wonderful man. As the commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, George Dewey Surely know the relationship between Li Mu and Bai Qi. George Dewey doesn't mind Li Mu's severely killing the War Department because of this. It is not George Dewey spending money. The War Department pays the bill. Everyone can get what they want. Why not do it.

"Yes, if the Ministry of War gives a reasonable price, I think the Japanese government will consider it." Li Mu must be indifferent. Tokugawa insisted that he was very obedient in front of Bai Qi. Li Mu sought the money that the Ministry of War wanted, and even gave it to Germany. The Shogunate is okay.

In fact, if you stand in the United States, Li Muhui recommends George Dewey. Even if Vladivostok has a half-year ice season, it is better to build a military port in Vladivostok. At least this way, it will reduce a lot of trouble in the future. The Shogunate is very obedient now. After decades, it may not be necessarily. At that time, the Japanese may not come to non-violence or cooperation.

However, Li Mu did not want to remind George Dewey that even after the Japanese began to awaken for decades, the Japanese also went to the Americans to make trouble, which had nothing to do with Li Mu.

George Dewey asked the Ministry of War telegram for additional funds that night, but the Ministry of War did not respond in time.

Not to mention the Department of War, the entire United States is now in chaos.

James Garfield, who was just elected president of the United States and had not been sworn in, was assassinated. The news spread throughout the world in a short period of time.

Although Washington did not disclose the physical condition of James Garfield, according to information provided by some people who did not want to be named, James Garfield was shot three times and died on the spot. Assassin Charles Giteau was stubborn and was James. Garfield's guard was killed on the spot.

This is good news. Not the police shot Charles Giteau, but James Garfield's guard, which seems more reasonable.

According to the United States Constitution, when the president cannot exercise his responsibilities for any reason, the vice president should succeed as the new president.

However, Washington did not announce that James Garfield was dead, so Arthur is now the nominal vice president, and Arthur will not succeed until the exact news of James Garfield's death is announced.

If you can succeed, you still need to say two things. According to regulations, although James Garfield has been successfully elected, he is not yet eligible to stay in the Presidential Palace, because Hayes's term of office has not yet arrived. In March, James Garfield To be sworn in.

And at this crucial time, the assassination of James Garfield gave the Democratic Party a great opportunity. On the day of the assassination of James Garfield, although Washington has not yet announced the death of James Garfield, Democrats have requested it. Re-election.

Such a thing is impossible.

Hayes's term is less than three months, and the presidential election process can not be completed in three months. The previous presidential election was particularly noticeable. James Garfield began to canvass for votes one year ago. His election campaign was warming up, and the Republicans and Democrats also spent millions of dollars for this presidential election. These dollars were donated voluntarily by party members. It is not easy for them to donate again. No one wants to spend this. This kind of unjust money, and not many people are willing to toss, the four-year presidential election has exhausted everyone, and it is annoying to come again immediately.

Soon there was unfavorable news for the Democrats. It was said that the murderer Charles Giteau shouted before he was killed: "This is because you (Republicans) persecuted us Democrats and you (Republicans) should all Hell. "

The part inside the parentheses is supplemented by the media. Some media do this to confuse audio-visual. More media, such as Time Magazine, are responsible for the facts, and will not be jealous. What will happen to readers? Think, that's not what the media can control.

Even without jealousy, the news immediately put the Democrats in an extremely disadvantaged position.

The words that Charles Giteau said before his death were too bad. After the Civil War, the Southern slave masters assassinated Lincoln. Now Lincoln's bones are not cold, and the Democrats have assassinated James Garfield again. The United States is again divided.

On this issue, everyone is consistent. Whether it is Time Magazine, a Republican trend, or Echo, a Democrat trend, they are calling on readers to stay calm and not be provoked. The United States cannot afford another civil war. At this time, no one even asked Charles Giteau why he wanted to kill James Garfield, and it was the common aspiration of everyone to try to minimize the impact of this incident on the invisible.

This time, the Washington government has finally shown a rare high efficiency. On January 10th, the Washington government confirmed that James Garfield was dead. On the same day, Congress decided not to hold a second election, and Vice President Arthur succeeded to the United States. Twenty-first President.

Yes, don't look at James Garfield as president for a day, but the honor is there, and no one cares about the dead.

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