Shucheng chats with Shu Ning and talks a lot, and Shu Ning endures the difficulties and is as sweet as it is.

Until Shu Ning couldn't open his eyes, Shu Cheng stopped the long story and set his quilt for his son to go back to sleep. Shu Ning frowned, the temperature around him was gone, the hands subconsciously stretched out his hands, Shucheng glimpsed, lying beside the villain, and plunging his son into his arms, never felt warm and sprinted.

From a young age, Shu Heng is different from a child of the same age. He is not a pro, no matter how small the official business is, and it exudes a breath that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

Shucheng didn't feel sorry. When Shu Ning came here, it wouldn't work. Now he is squatting and especially satisfied. No wonder Shu Heng always likes to take a villain with him. The pillow is just right, warm and soft. Soft, fragrant, small arms and calves, white and clean, just right.

More than ten o'clock, Shucheng is still not sleepy, quietly accompanied Shu Ning... The door opened?

The second floor has always been the site of Shu Heng. No one but him can be seen at this time. Shucheng was puzzled and simply closed his eyes and wondered what the eldest son had secretly come in.

Shu Heng’s heart is very unpleasant. He didn’t make any noise. He went to the bed and looked at it. Oh, the little guy slept well, dad’s arms are good, right? Is it possible for anyone? For a time, Shu Heng was extremely boring, and simply opened the quilt as he pleased, carefully slamming Shucheng's hand.

Σ(°△°|||)_The heart of Shucheng is like this...

The eldest son, is this the second son?

No, I am the first time. If I am gone, what should I do when Shuning wakes up in the morning?

There is a gap between our father and son. Shucheng plans to fill in the soil from time to time. Can you let go? So I can't hold it anymore, and I will open my eldest son's desire to increase my strength.

Shu Heng looked up, and Dad opened his eyes. Two pairs of incomparably sharp eyes smashed the spark, and no one blinked.

Shucheng’s intention is not to give ^^

Shu Heng means giving me back ̄ ̄ ̄

Shu Ning sleeps dark and doesn't know anything..._(:3ゝ∠)_呼~呼~呼~

This stalemate is not good, Shucheng eyes brightened, nodding his head, Shu Heng raised his eyebrows and did not move, Shucheng had to hint at the next point, Shu Heng was willing to move closer to Shu Ning, Shucheng was very happy, arranged with his sons What to sleep, great, never had a very precious time for parent-child, Shucheng stretched out the arm of Shu Ning, Shu Heng hesitated and lay down, right hand on the waist of Shu Ning, and Shucheng The left arm was also placed on Shu Ning and Shu Heng, squatting under the arm of the eldest son, so that the three people would sleep closely.

Shu Ning is in the middle, there is no discomfort at all, and the arm is stronger and stronger than usual. With a thick neck, I can hear a strong and steady heartbeat. My father's chest is broad and has a chest muscle. It is very comfortable. Behind the brother's cordial guardianship, the familiar temperature is constantly coming over, it is very reassuring, even if the environment changes, Shu Ning is not uncomfortable, sleep more sweet.

Qin Yu bracelet left and right, etc., wondering why Shucheng is still not coming back? Suddenly the mobile phone text message rang and scared her. Holding your heart and mouth, Qin Yu bracelet opened a look depressed, want to accompany his son? There are two days left, OK, just as I think about it, Shu Ning occasionally said a few words into the situation, there are some truths.

These days, the Qin Yu bracelet is not stable, and because of pregnancy, can not eat An / sleep / medicine, as long as you close your eyes, you can recall the picture of the day, Shu Cheng was forced to pull the tie by the watch, he should be very Like it, such a bold woman, and still an old classmate, is it a first love, right?

The old woman does not mean that it is not good. Such a woman has more charm. It is a restlessness with that red wave.

The head was so dizzy, and it was disgusting. Qin Yu bracelet went to the bathroom, retching, and could not spit it out. Hearing the sound of a car outside, his face was pale and snowy, and the suspected Qin Yu bracelet drank his mouth and went out to see it.

Is Shucheng really accompanying Shu Ning?

Qin Yu bracelet went to the second floor again, standing in the corridor with bodyguards, among which there was the one that blocked Shucheng before.

The Qin Yu bracelet felt very strange. Going over, the result was the same as before, and was stopped again. The male bodyguard was very vigilant and seemed to be stuffed in his ear: "Sorry, the night is here."

"..." Qin Yu bracelet smiled and screamed: "I am the hostess of Shu, do you know?"

"Know, but it's constant and low to pay me. I won't listen to anyone's orders, and my existence is tacit. You don't have to worry about it."

Simply explain what happened to you and point out the points.

Qin Yu bracelet flashed: "Who acquiesced?"

"Old man."

"Shucheng is the owner. After ten or twenty years, he is still the owner. Do you understand?"

"Understood," the bodyguard nodded, and his tone was still business: "Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, forty, or even fifty years later, the wages for me will still be constant."

Next to the other bodyguards silently laughed, Heng Shao only eighteen, than age? This woman hinted that it was interesting to suggest that it was going.

In the end, she still didn't understand the nature of these buddies. The masters are different. Naturally, they can't be compared. What's more, everyone comes to the capital. It is a special talent that has been retired from a certain department. It is specially used to protect Hengshao, and there is no relationship with Shujia! However, this matter is still reported to the family, lest the "stepmother" to take the initiative to do things, it is not good to hurt the constant.

The Qin Yu bracelet that doesn't sleep in the middle of the night is like a clown. She doesn't ask, these people don't talk, but they communicate with each other. Qin Yu bracelet looks very unhappy in the eyes: "I want to see my son, Is this always ok?"

"No, Shu always sleeps with Ning, and Heng Shao also rests. Please come back."

The Qin Yu bracelet pulled out the mobile phone, and the finger stroked the screen. In the end, it didn’t go out and didn’t send a text message. Playing in the past may provoke Shucheng, do you check in? Texting may be ignored, but instead sitting on a small family, Qin Yu bracelet can only return to the feathers, sitting in the room angry, disgusting.

The next morning, no bird noisy, Shu Ning sleeps to wake up naturally.

The small hand subconsciously moved, um... good drums and drums~ Pressed, when is the brother's chest muscle so developed? A yawn, Shu Ning heard a laugh on his head, so shocked, Shu Heng is not laughing! Oops, IQ is also awake, Shu Ning opened his eyes and moved up, it really is Dad, why didn't he leave?

Shu Ning subconsciously wants to go backwards, behind the heat, there are people? In a flash, the face is covered with a black line (°△°|||)_

"Wake up?" Shucheng was very happy, his left hand slipped and slipped, and the arm of the eldest son was so happy that happiness was good.

Shu Heng is also awake, usually ran early in the circle, do not want to go today, lest his father move hands and feet on my people, or look at it with confidence.

"Dad~ early~" Shu Ning is clever.

"Well, sleep well?" Shucheng bowed his head and licked the little man's hair. He kissed his forehead, and the little guy who just woke up had a pink face, his eyes were soft, and his voice was soft. He was very nice: "Morning What to eat?"

(⊙o⊙) Ah! Shu Ning’s heart was screwed up, and Dad’s attitude was intriguing~

Shu Heng couldn't help but talk: "Ask you."

"Oh, feel free, just as usual," Shu Ning looked back, and his brother held his head with one hand and his eyes were gloomy.

(⊙v⊙) The situation is not good, are these two fathers and children competing for pets?

Shucheng retracted his left hand, pinched his small face and sucked the attention of the villain: "It may be very difficult to learn after going to high school. Remember to listen to your brother. If he bullies you, just call and tell Dad to know?" ”

"Oh..." How do you pick up this? Shu Ning chooses to shut up, long live the eldest son in his father's heart, the second son hehehe~

Shu Heng is unpredictable: "It is also possible to bully you together." I feel wrong, Dad will feel wrong and very confident.

Shu Ning: "..." fell and fell~

"Well, it is possible," Shucheng smiled. He ordered a little nose of Shu Ning. He was not big and his expression was rich: "If you are wrong, Dad will not say you."

“Really?” Shu Ning was dubious, his eyes were all stars: “Dad~”

Shu Heng God fills the knife: "I have finished speaking, Dad will naturally not say it, it will only appease things."

Shu Ning: "..." Are you all gods, round and smooth? Wrong, the whole family is a god, can you give the chicken alive?

Shucheng laughed and laughed again and again: "People who don't tell jokes, and occasionally talk about jokes are quite powerful, Xiaoheng, you have worked hard."

Shu Heng stunned Shu Ning in his arms and tightened it tightly: "My brother, it is so."

What is it with? What kind of dumb puzzle is it good to play? Clearly, oh ~ the capital's business, Shu Ning lowered his head, leaving here, Qin Yu bracelet pregnant belly, can not take her how, after birth will not let her have a good life. The days of secretly watching stocks can be over, right. Isn’t the first year of college not a school?

I don't know if a big now has this rule. If there is, Shu Heng is only the top and bottom of the city, and it should converge in the capital, and it will not be special. For a while, I felt so strange, and I hope that he should not be so close, and hope that every day is sticky, disappointment is more than excitement, what is wrong with me?

What kind of character Shu Heng and Shu Cheng are, immediately found that Shu Ning's mood is low, and immediately rely on it.

Hot and hot~ Are you not too hot? Shu Ning wants to cry without tears, Dad likes to touch his face, my brother likes to touch the stomach, and suddenly there is a feeling that I am a pet dog / (tot) / ~ ~

Who can help me?

Shu Heng mobile phone text message audio, Shu Gaofa, Shu Heng can not ignore, point to open a look black: "Grandpa told us to go downstairs to eat."

"Can't let your grandfather wait," Shucheng is the most filial, and then he will not get up. He has to get up immediately. The children have the same kind of learning, and naturally they will be dutiful sons: "You two will also get up."

When Shu Heng got up, he was subconsciously holding the little guy together. Shu Ning was used to it. He yawned to the bathroom. Shu Heng also went in and took out a new toothbrush from the cupboard. Shucheng curiously followed the past, the two little guys were facing the mirror and making a brushing sound. He touched his nose: "Ningning, is there a toothbrush?"

The bathroom is a little small, not as big as the master bedroom, and it is a bit too much to squeeze the three people together. Shucheng naturally fell to the end, hard to wipe the face with a towel, and then smiled to Shu Heng face to greet. Shu Heng's body stiffened, Shu Ning did not hold back, snorted and laughed. My brother is also today? I have to laugh for a lifetime, it’s so interesting.

Shu Heng blushed red, all eighteen, and today was actually served by his father.

Shucheng is very fulfilled. He simply picks up the smirk and says, "Speaking."

This time, Shu Ning turned black, sitting on Dad’s one-armed arm, being hugged downstairs or something, let me die...

Shu Heng thought thoughtfully at the back and pinched his arm. This position should be consumed... It should be practiced.

Downstairs, Qin Yu’s mouth was pulled down and a sweet smile was put on it: “City brother early~ Dad waited for a while, hurry and sit down.”

"No hurry," Shuga touched his beard, his eyes brightened and Shu Ning, his eyes were laughing.

After Shu Ning landed, walked to the grandfather's side, Shu Gao opened his arm, Shu Ning gently sat down, hehe... When can I grow up?

The gods have exclusive pillows, and they don’t like it.

Shu Heng was indifferent, and his cold face was normal. Only Shucheng patted the eldest son's shoulder slightly: "Go to the company today, and the account is accountable."

On the last day, I have to cherish the work. Qin Yu bracelet sneer in my heart, only 18 years old, how many waves can I get out of the company? Qin Yu Biao deliberately got some scorpions, not the kind of attack immediately. When Shu Heng really enters the company, those hidden mysteries will erupt, enough to Shu Heng to hell.

When eating, Shu Ning himself sat, afraid to crush the legs of Shugao, looking very healthy in his sixties, often said that it would fall, it is impossible to prevent.

Shu Heng still doesn't know what he is betrayed by Dad. One mind is thinking about whether or not to add something to make the home more warm. As for the pet dog mentioned by Xu Wei? Crossed out, no need. Instead, I can hang a three-dimensional fish tank on the wall. When I am not at home, more or less can make Shu Ning send loneliness.

After the meal, Shu Ning returned to the room, Shu Heng went to the company, Shucheng went to the fourth floor after Shu Gao, Qin Yu bracelet did not find a chance to be alone with Shu Cheng, quite tangled, chest tightness and shortness of breath, slightly worried about the fetus Development, simply go to the hospital for examination.

On the balcony on the fourth floor, Shugao will look at the flowers every day to see the scenery, cultivate self-cultivation and cultivate sentiment.

"What's wrong? Qin Yu bracelet gave you a wrong answer?"

Shucheng is speechless, sitting in a chaise longue and drinking tea, other chairs are far away, too lazy to move. Sun Lin brought a small snack, a plate of fruit, so that Shucheng looked at it.

Shu Gao helplessly shakes his head, the son who grew up in his own eyelids, what kind of heart, what temper is still well-known: "Let's say, it is because of women, always because of women, like me is not very good?"

"That's not the same."

"How is it different? You are young, can you use that stick?"

Shucheng's old face is red, annoyed: "Dad!"

"Don't say it? Don't say gossip," Shuga picked up the scissors, slammed it, and cut off a diagonal branch: "How was it messed up yesterday?"

I mean, Shucheng sighs: "I still have a good father."

"What the **** is it?"

"I want to buy other islands abroad, I want to buy one, just hesitate to live with my family, or develop into a tourist attraction."

If there is risk in development, it will be beyond the reach of the local culture, local customs, market research, etc., and manpower and resources will take time. Of course, the interests are also rich. However, the domestic market is flourishing, the industry is developing rapidly, business opportunities are constant, and it is not necessary to be high-spirited. Although it is good to plan ahead, many roads and many lives. Shuga personally lifted a pot of camellia on the table, cut a flower and placed it in front of Shucheng: "Shu is like this potted plant, and there are too many flowers."

Shucheng understands that there are too many industries, and it is not suitable for doing anything else. Once something goes wrong, it is necessary to dismantle the east wall to make up the Western Wall. It is better not to open it. I will take care of many industries at the moment and flourish: "Dad, I understand, but The island is still to be bought, and it is just right for a vacation."

Well, the scorpion can teach, and Shuga smiles, and the wrinkles on his face are open~

Shucheng didn't say anything about the Qin Yu bracelet. The two things between the two were solved by themselves, without the involvement of Dad. Just depressed, staying with Dad can ease one or two. After all, in the eyes of Shucheng, Shugao is the same as heaven. Qin Yu bracelet is indeed excessive, how can I say the word derailed to the child?

In the future, how can Shucheng face Shu Ning?

Shucheng knows that Qin Yu bracelet is in a special period at this moment, irritability, irritability, suspicion, suspicion, and temper. This is the normal reaction of pregnant women. When Shu Heng was still in the womb, Shucheng looked A lot of information, naturally understand. Moreover, he is a man, and he will not be dissatisfied because of some things between husband and wife. After all, whoever is in the house.

He wants a wife, not a poor worm who only looks at his face.

What are the dissatisfaction of Qin Yu bracelet? If someone else quarrels, it will also pull the child. Is Shucheng so few years old?

The average child will help the mother. When Dad is working outside, he is often not at home. He does not accompany the child to grow up. If he is quarreling, he will be in a disadvantageous position. Fortunately, Shu Ning is faint to his parents. He still has the opportunity to be a good father. Qin Yu bracelet gave birth to Shu Ning, and there will be Shu Yao in the future. For these two children, Mrs. Shu’s position must be Qin Yu bracelet.

It’s just... If she gave birth to a child, it’s still too chilling. After all, Shucheng asked himself, and the Qin Yu bracelet is already true.

Foreign islands must be sold, and it is not necessarily the time to live for them.

Before Shucheng went to the company, he took the ice cream to see Shu Ning, Shu Ning heard the door, calmly closed the stock page, and opened the game interface that had been prepared. I thought it was Qin Yu bracelet, Shu Ning squinted: "Dad?"

"The weather is hot, do you want one?"

Ice cream, dare to be good, Shu Heng compares the tortoise, do not like to let Shu Ning eat. Shu Ning walked over and sat on the sofa with his father. He felt very embarrassed when he was eating, because Shucheng had been watching, his eyes were fascinating, and his figure reflected his eyes and was very focused.

"Dad, do you have a bite too?"

"Okay," Shucheng bit, secretly thinking, the son does not despise me?

How can Shu Ning be disgusted? They were all felt by Shu Heng, Emma, ​​but he was afraid that Shucheng would dislike himself. Dad is willing to eat his own things, Shu Ning is very happy, his eyes are bright. Shucheng’s heart is warm, so he went to the company, and he regretted it. Suddenly he had an idea: “Go with Dad to the company to play?”

Hey, Shu Ning really sprayed...

Shucheng quickly pulled out the paper towel and wiped it out for Shu Ning. What happened? Just fine? Is it exciting: "Eat, take you after eating."

"Dad, can you not go? I still have a lot of homework not written, and I..."

"Stop!" Interrupted, Shucheng touched his son's face: "I can always play in the president's office? Go out for a big meal at noon, go home from work at night, you have to go to the capital, more Is it good to spend time with my father?"

The company is like a flood of beasts, really do not want to be contaminated, but Shucheng said so, in the face of the father's love that is beyond reach, Shu Ning could not refuse.

Going on the bus, leaving people, entering the company, all the way unimpeded, the difference with the feeling of entering Shu's for the first time is too far away, everyone else is respectful, not afraid to pay more, even if a curious look is not.

This is the difference between the different treatments, there is Shucheng personally pulled, and behind the Qin Yu bracelet is two things.

The president's office is the most versatile and luxurious. It is not like Shucheng likes, but sitting in this position, there must be a decent environment.

Shu Ning has a lot of feelings. Really, every time I came in, I didn’t spend more than ten minutes each time. Most of them were embarrassing, and I didn’t have the mood to look at them. I always looked down and was a little inferior. Now Dad took him around to visit. It was almost eleven o'clock before he sat down for a while and drank his mouth.

"Tired?" Shucheng squatted down, wondering where to put up a big box: "Be boring to eat snacks, there are the latest game consoles, the latest Walkman, there are many things here. I watched myself playing."

"Well," Shu Ning really can't see these things, even if mp3... Hey, haven't you yet? →→

The secretary had a report, Shucheng started to work, Shu quietly sat on the sofa to play games, Shucheng talked with the secretary or the department manager, Shu Ning understood that his eyes were on the screen, but his heart was thinking. The Qin Yu bracelet came over at noon. My husband didn't want to see me and I didn't see it. She had already figured out some things, and the surface was still to be done.

I knew that Shu Ning had gone, so I made a few dishes at home, and I sent it to the past, and I showed my face. The so-called three-part relationship, I will leave if I say a few words, but she just turned and left, Shu Heng The big party came in, Shucheng took the pen to sign it, and looked at Shu Heng without hesitation. He reached out and picked up the villain and turned away.

Shucheng (⊙o⊙) said good parent-child time?

Qin Yu bracelet... I am just passing, not intending to destroy the intimate atmosphere between Shucheng and Shu Ning. Damn, Shu Heng is doing this, I am not a person inside! Qin Yubiao didn't want to see a man change his face. He simply went away and said, "I have a date, and I see my husband at night."

Shucheng: "..." said good lunch together, Xiao Ningning~

Shu Heng was working next door. When he first came, he stayed in the president's office. The whole company knew that he was a prince, and who is the person he is holding? After a while, the news of the second less came like a snowflake, and I wanted to see the truth. If I started from the bottom and experienced life, we would deliberately pull it together!

And Shu Heng has been sitting in the chair with the villain.

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