Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1254 Laying Down the Unscrupulous Village

"Damn, get off, don't stick to me."

"The priest quickly disperse me, my movement speed has been reduced by 70%."

"Healing blood."


Amidst the screams, the white wolf led the team to kill, and in less than half an hour, the team of Daniel, Kerim, and the blood slaughterer who came to support Wuliang Village was dispersed by the white lion. , and the white lion protruded five kilometers ahead.

"Big brother, there is no one in front." White Wolf said.

"Where's the people?" The white lion red-eyed, looking left and right.

"It collapsed. It is estimated that the enemy will not be able to support it within half an hour." Bai Lang thought about it and said, "Now is a good opportunity. We should go to the unscrupulous village and take this opportunity to occupy the resurrection point of this village. ."

"It makes sense." The white lion roared and said, "Brothers, turn around with me and go to Wuliang Village, rush."

"Kill it~!" The remaining 200,000 people stormed away from the Wuliang Village near the G8. The G8 player who was attacking the Wuliang Village and the Li Wenxing Group was a Bangladeshi player, and the two sides were fighting hard. The Forbidden Magic Mage teams on both sides were bombarding the village violently. Just like the Fire Tongue Village, Li Wenxing and the Bangladeshi party were both mad, and neither of them would take a step back, watching the players rush in and die.

When the white lion and the white wolf rushed to the place with the team, they happened to be in the position of the Forbidden Magic Mage group consisting of 20,000 people on the Bangladesh side.

"Iron Brotherhood, kill~!" The white lion roared, and 200,000 people launched a fierce attack.

The 20,000 Forbidden Magic Mage team on the Bangladesh side was rushed to kill most of the casualties before they could react to what happened, and the rest also lost their team.

Li Wenxing was standing on the high platform watching the battle in Wuliang Village, and found that the white lions came in from the flank, and shouted excitedly: "Intensify the attack, our reinforcements are here."

The situation in the village was the most obvious. After 30 seconds, the secondary forbidden spell on the G8 side stopped, leaving only the forbidden spell on the side of the Jagged Brotherhood. As a result, the G8 players lost their magic immunity and died immediately. The Jagged Brothers Alliance can continue to fight, and the two sides stand together.

On the one hand, Bangladesh quickly mobilized players to block the attack on the flank, but the previous formation was forward, and now it is very difficult to change to the south. Therefore, the Bangladeshi players need to spend more people to block the Jagged Brotherhood.

It is a pity that the two cannot be taken into account. Since the banishment of the Forbidden Magic Mage on the Bangladesh side, Li Wenxing's side has surpassed the Bangladesh side in the city.

10 minutes.

[System Channel]: The Jagged Brotherhood occupies the unscrupulous village.

"Nice job." Lu Yang clenched his fist in the air. He didn't expect the situation to be so favorable to him.

Both the center and the left wing achieved decisive victories. The resurrection of Jagged Brothers players can appear 10 minutes away from the battlefield, but the Group of Eight has to appear half an hour away. The balance of victory continues to tilt in favor of the Jagged Brothers.

"Daniel, Blood Butcher, Kerim, what's the matter with the three of you? Why were the white lions breaking through the camp, where have you been?" Galga scolded angrily.

The three of Daniel were leading people from the cemetery to Wuliang Village, with expressions of shame and anger on their faces.

"Give us half an hour, I will definitely defeat the Jagged Brotherhood and help Bengal regain the unscrupulous village." Daniel roared.

"To fight with all your strength, you must not lose your flanks." Galga felt helpless. The three of Daniel were on the same level as him, and they were all presidents.

"Damn, why is the Jagged Brotherhood so strong?" Galga scolded.

Ronnie and Xiali looked at Galga and then looked at each other, both of them felt that something was wrong.

"President Galga, what's going on? Why did we fail in two important positions?" Ronnie asked.

Galga shook his head and said, "I am also looking for the reason. In terms of the quality of the players, we are not weaker than the Jagged Brotherhood. This situation may be an accident."

Xiali and Ronnie didn't understand, so they could only shake their heads and sit back to their original positions, continuing to watch the battle on the field.

"I hope the cavalry regiment of the gods can cause trouble to Lu Yang and the others, and force him to withdraw the players to return to the rescue." Xiali said.

Galga also thought, he looked at Lu Yang standing in the sky, he was too far away, more than 2000 meters, even his players with the heart of a shooter could not hit him.

Lu Yang felt Galga's gaze, he called the lovely queen and asked, "Where are your people?"

The lovely queen said: "I am advancing in the cave, and it is estimated that I will reach the predetermined position in another hour."

"Very good, go ahead and tell me at the predetermined location." Lu Yang ended the call, used the teleportation scepter, a burst of light lit up, and he flew to the Tianjian Fortress.

When Galga saw Lu Yang leave, he guessed that he was going to the battlefield of Tianjian Fortress, opened the live video, and saw Lu Yang appearing at the city head of Tianjian Fortress, which made him relieved.

In the live broadcast room, because there were too many wars, the Jagged Brothers League started a war, and other regions in the New World also took this opportunity to ignite the war. Several parties fought, so that the major live broadcast platforms did not know who to broadcast the game.

Tongtong came out to live a channel alone today, and she was in charge of the live broadcast of the battle at Tianjian Fortress.

"Lu Yang, it's Lu Yang, he has come to Tianjian Fortress, the boss of the Jagged Brotherhood is going to fight the cavalry regiment of the gods in person." Tong Tong screamed and shouted.

in the game.

Lu Yang Lingkong stood on the flying carpet, and on the battlefield below, a total of 1 million people from the Jagged Brotherhood of Massat and the headquarter of the turbid wine were lined up along the fortress wall and the mountains on both sides.

Steiger, Reynolds, Tolemie, and Gaddafi each stood on the high platform formed by the Earthquake in the formation. The four of them did not separate, but stood together. Obviously, they believed in the combat ability of their subordinates, and they did not need to personally end.

"Lu Yang, we finally met on the battlefield. I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Steiger gritted his teeth and said grimly.

From the very beginning, when Lu Yang became a shareholder, he was not trusted by other guilds, to when he was betrayed by Lu Yang and had to attack other guilds in Germany when he was not prepared, and then to Lu Yang forcing him to merge the guild into a listed company, causing Lu Yang to withdraw At the same time, he threatened him to sell the shares to the Israelis, so that he lost so much money. His hatred for Lu Yang could not be said overnight.

Lu Yang looked at Steiger with a smile and said, "Don't be so angry, Lao Shi, don't you think you're attacking me while I'm fighting the Group of Eight, it's even, it's even. "

"Who is even with you, you bastard." Steiger was furious, pointing at Lu Yang and scolding: "Today I must break your Heavenly Sword Fortress and destroy your human foundation."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "You can't do it."

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