Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1265 Contract Trap

With a grinning expression on Qiu An's face, he said, "Although I don't have the right to manage the daily affairs of the Group of Eight, I know where they level up every day, just forget about ordinary players, those elite players wearing level 140 dark gold equipment, If you are ambushed, this Friday's war will definitely allow you to easily win the battle."

Lu Yang cooperated with a bright expression and said, "How many people can you catch?"

Qiu An said: "There are at least 1 million people. We studied dungeon play in Tianyuan Shencheng before, and we found a level 140 nightmare difficulty dungeon that was relatively easy to play, but we didn't expect that there would be a chaos between scattered people and you. The war, so we had to find a new copy, which was still bought from the studio, but this copy is in the 140-level dark gold map south of Qingling Plain. If you can send someone to ambush on Thursday morning There, the G8 must be hit hard."

If what Qiu An said is true, Lu Yang really has the intention to ambush. Once he wins, the war will basically end, but he knows that the possibility is very slim.

"Where exactly?" Lu Yang asked.

Qiu An didn't answer, and looked at Lu Yang with a playful expression on his face, as if to say that it's time for you to talk about the treatment.

Lu Yang said, "Well, I'll give you 10 million credit points as the price for this intelligence."

Qiu An shook his head repeatedly and said, "It's too little, I don't want to enter your guild, you give me ten million dollars."

Lu Yang smiled. This kid has a lot of appetite. If he provides fake news, he will not only lose money, but also lose people.

"I can give you the money, but how can I tell if your news is true? What if you set a trap for me?" Lu Yang asked.

Knowing that the opportunity was coming, Qiu An smiled and said: "You can deposit money into an account in the system, and we make an agreement that the system will be the notary. If my news is true, the money will automatically go to me. If the account is fake, you can take it back without losing the original bill."

This is a service launched by the system, specifically for various contracts in the game, but there is a big loophole in this contract. In the last life, Lu Yang knew this very well. I don't know how many big guilds fell on this contract.

Some foreign players have specially found legal loopholes for lawyers to exploit contracts, and used these loopholes to sign contracts with major guilds. During that dark period, many unscrupulous players took advantage of this loophole to get tens of millions of gold coins. Many players and studios and the guild suffered huge losses.

Lu Yang looked at Qiu An's fake smile,

He knew Qiu Anlai's purpose. On the one hand, he wanted to cheat his own players, and on the other hand, he wanted to cheat his own money.

"Okay, you can sign this contract, but wait a moment, I'll find a professional lawyer to come and sign the contract with you," Lu Yang said.

Qiu An blinked, panicked inwardly, and said, "Doesn't the official have a professional contract? Why do you need to find someone else?"

Lu Yang smiled. He didn't want to disturb Qiu An at this time, and said, "Just go through the process. As a guild president, I have a lot of talents in all aspects. All contracts must be checked by the legal department before passing."

Qiu An was a little relieved that the personnel of the legal department were not experts, and they didn't know much about the game, so it was difficult to find loopholes.

"Okay, then it's up to you to draft it, and I'll sign it when I see no problem." Qiu An said.

Lu Yang looked at the time and said, "It's time for dinner. I'm the host. It's because of fate that we know each other. Let's go have a light meal together."

Qiu An wanted to end it early and feel at ease, and said, "Sign the contract first."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "My legal department employees are all eating in the cafeteria at this time. How can anyone work? I work strictly in accordance with European and American standards, and I definitely don't work during breaks."

Qiu An smiled awkwardly. He knew that he couldn't refuse any more at this time. He thought that there was nothing to be afraid of even having a meal, and said, "Well, let's go to dinner first. ."

Lu Yang made a gesture of invitation and said, "Let's go."

Going downstairs, getting into the car, and in the two cars sat Qiu An and Tu Feng, Lu Yang and an employee of the legal department. This employee is an ordinary person. Lu Yang was afraid that he would not understand, so he specifically told this person about the loopholes in the contract. When he got to the hotel, Lu Yang got off the car, and the people from the legal department immediately took the car and went back to draw up the contract.

After Lu Yang had invited Qiu An to dinner, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon when he brought him back to the company. At the dinner table, Qiu An was stunned. It was the first time he served food so slowly, and there was so much food.

In order to delay the time, Lu Yang went to the best hotel in Donghai City, where the best chef made the most complicated food in the world. A cucumber was cut for 108 dollars. The serving was as slow as a dog. Ann strongly requested not to be served until it was over.

On the way back, Tu Feng looked at Qiu An's expression and kept laughing in his heart. He found that Lu Yang was really smart sometimes. With this move, the legal department over there had already drafted the contract, and Lu Yang was at the dinner table. It has been reviewed three times.

In the office, Tu Feng pretended to call the legal department to urge the contract. Within 10 minutes, someone from the legal department came up, and the young man wiped his sweat and said, "Vice president, president, this is the contract template that the company has been using. I changed it a little bit to use this contract."

There were three contracts in total. Lu Yang took over one, gave the other to Qiu An, and gave the third to Tu Feng.

Qiu Anxin was always worried about the contract. He hurriedly checked the contract, but after reading it, he was shocked. All the loopholes they had researched before were blocked in Lu Yang, and they didn't even think about it. The loopholes in the contract were also blocked by Lu Yang. If this contract is signed, Qiu An will definitely not get a penny.

"This, this." The expression on Qiu An's face was wonderful.

Lu Yang asked with a smile, "Is there a problem?"

Qiu An said with an embarrassed smile: "No, this contract is very good. It is worthy of being a big company. It is really good. Let's sign the contract."

Lu Yang nodded with a smile. After signing the contract with Qiu An, he passed the online version to the system. After retrieval, the system confirmed that the contract was valid.

"I'll go back now. On Thursday night, which is our daytime, we will meet at the door of the dungeon. I will tell you the exact location of the 2 million people who came to play the dungeon." Qiu An said.

Lu Yang said: "A word is for sure."

He watched Qiu An leave, and said to Tu Feng beside him: "Look, there must be something wrong with this kid, his expression has already betrayed him."

Tu Feng said with a smile: "After all, he is not a professional shopping mall person. He is not bad if he can do this."

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