Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1311 Time and Space Elf Mage Bloodline

As for the 160-level Nightmare difficulty dungeon they just got together with the 150-level Dark Gold-level suit, this is a very difficult thing, because the related 160-level skills, cooking, mixture, and enchantment are not yet available.

Without these things, it is equivalent to losing 18% of the attributes. Originally, it was difficult to beat the Nightmare dungeon with all the attributes. Without these 18% of the attributes, it is almost impossible to beat. However, Lu Yang has His exclusive method, this method is in a regular bloodline.

Lu Yang said to the bitter love half a lifetime and the turbid wine who were present: "Call your two cousins ​​over, and I will tell them how to change jobs."

"Yes." Kuai Bansheng and Doojiu hurriedly took out the phone. They both took other things lightly, but took their family very seriously.

Soon, two little guys walked in excitedly, one was taller, named Lu Yuming, the cousin who had been in love for half his life, and the other was shorter, but stronger, the cousin who was full of wine.

"Boss." The two said together.

Lu Yang looked at the two of them with a smile, and said with satisfaction: "In Master Han Zhong's assessment, the two of you have the fastest reaction times, so I'll give you the task of transferring this special bloodline to you."

This special bloodline is called the Time and Space Elf Mage, one of the five top bloodlines of the Time and Space Department. The way to complete it is hidden on the upper roof on the west side of the Tianyu, where the statue of the Time and Space Elf God Cybestem is enshrined.

The way to do this quest is also simpler, but Lu Yang can guarantee that no player will try it, because the way to start this quest is to kneel in front of the Cybastium statue and kowtow three times!

It's just a game, a game, who can kowtow three times to the characters in the game, not to mention that the kneeling ceremony is long gone, and still kowtow, this is simply an insult to modern people.

In the last life, even at level 180, this quest in the game was not discovered by too many people. Even the masters of the major guilds who were in charge of finding hidden quests, passed by the Cybestem statue, and no one tried it. bow down.

When they found out later, the players exclaimed, it turned out that such a top-level bloodline mission was just where they once walked, and they didn't even find it!

Unfortunately, it was already too late at that time. The limit for this task was 10,000 people, and there was no need for one more. It just so happened that there were 10,000 elf mages in Lu Yang's second-generation ancestral army, and none of them had blood.

Lu Yang changed his clothes, and led the two of them into the west side of Tianyu. He took the elevator to the upper roof. As soon as it stopped, he saw various temples and statues on the second roof.

Among the many temples, a temple that looked no different from other temples was found by Lu Yang by turning left and right.

System Tip: You have found the Temple of Cybestheme!

Lu Yang walked in with the two of them. The temple was not very big, and there was a 3-meter-high statue directly opposite the statue of Cybestem.

When meeting in the game, many players can reach a height of more than 3 meters, and this idol looks very ordinary in front of them.

The statue itself is just a white plaster sculpture, and the text next to it records the introduction of the great god Cybestem, only saying that this is a time-space elf god, and nothing else.

This kind of introduction is very common. As a hidden quest, he is exactly the same as the introduction of other temples. The purpose is to prevent players from finding it easily.

Lu Yang said to Lu Yuming and Huo Zong, "Kow your head, kowtow to him three times, and you can start the mission."

Lu Yuming: "..."

Huo Zong: "..."

If Lu Yang hadn't said it himself, it would have been anyone else who would have told them that this was the mission, and they both wanted to beat people.

This is really ridiculous, it turned out to be a kowtow task, but this task is just like that. In the official records of the last life, the cause of this task is described in detail. The number of believers of the Great God of Cybestem is decreasing day by day, which reduces the ability of the gods. This made God Cybestem very sad, but he was not a god who liked to give believers divine power at will.

In order to ensure that every believer truly believed in him, he set this rule. Once he devoutly bowed down and kowtowed three times, he recognized the other party's belief, and then only granted the other party divine power.

Lu Yuming and Huo Zong knelt on the mat and kowtowed three times.




When the three heads were finished, just as the two looked up at the statue, suddenly, a blazing nine-color light of time and space appeared from their bodies.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Lu Yuming for transferring to become a time and space wizard

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Huo Zong for his transfer to become a time and space wizard

Lu Yuming and Huo Zong looked at Lu Yang in shock, Lu Yuming said, "Boss, this is a successful job transfer."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You still need to complete a follow-up quest. Go to the temple next to you to worship. He will tell you that the quest in the skill book has been obtained. With the skill book, you have completed the job transfer."

A special setting in the game, the easier it is to change jobs, the less skills are given, and the harder it is to change jobs, the more skills are given.

The time and space wizard is so easy to transfer, but one skill is not given. If you want to get the bloodline skill, you need to complete the follow-up task from the temple priest to get it.

"We're going right now," Huo Zong said.

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "First, bring your 10,000 brothers to change jobs here in batches. Remember, don't let others find out. If you find out, all this will be in vain."

Lu Yuming scratched his head and said, "Boss, but 10,000 people can't come here in one day without being noticed."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Silly boy, who told you to complete it in one day, I will give you enough time from three days to a week, remember, if someone passes by the temple, you don't even want to enter. "

The two nodded.

"Go, I have other things to do." Lu Yang motioned for the two to leave.

Lu Yuming and Huo Zong both nodded and left.

Lu Yang used the teleportation scroll to fly back to the city owner's mansion in Chiyang City, and found Tu Feng and Qingqian Zimeng who were still there.

"Boss." The two stood up and said.

Lu Yang motioned the two to sit down and said, "What I said today is top secret, you two can't say a word to the outside world."

Tu Feng and Qingqian Zimeng looked surprised.

"Boss, tell me, we both know the importance." Tu Feng said.

Qingqian Zimeng also nodded.

Lu Yang said: "For Alfonso's use of troops, the fastest will be two weeks later, and the slowest will not exceed three weeks."

"So fast?" Tu Feng asked in surprise.

Lu Yang said, "That's right, but before I fight, I need to mess up the Group of Eight, the Cavalry of the Gods, and the central region, and activate your spies to mess up the three surrounding groups."

"Yes." Tu Feng said.

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