Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2293 Supporting Zhuojiu

"If you want to kill me, I'll eat you." An angry voice appeared, using human language.

The Blazing Demon God said to Xia Yuwei: "Eat it in your soul. If you lose, it will become you."

Xia Yuwei panicked and asked, "How to control the soul?"

"I'll help you." A red light emitted from the spirit body of the Blazing Demon God hit Xia Yuwei's eyebrows. The next second, Xia Yuwei's consciousness returned to the soul space.

In this small place, a weak ant-like soul was frantically biting Xia Yuwei's basketball-sized soul.

Xia Yuwei felt the pain in her soul, the feeling as if her brain was being torn apart. She furiously bit the ant-like soul. But just when Xia Yuwei was about to chew it up, she found that the other party was inside. Despite her desperate resistance, Xia Yuwei couldn't bite.

But Xia Yuwei was in a state of extreme anger at this time. Zhang Zibo and Zheng Yuan, who had been with her for more than 20 years and grew up together, were both dead. She hated the flesh-and-blood mother worm and would bite her even with all her life. Break it.


Lu Yang looked at the blazing demon god beside him and asked worriedly: "Is everything going to be okay?"

The Blazing Demon God sneered and said: "There is no absolute safety. Unlike you, you almost died. Malthus and I tried our best and even blew up a corner of the Demon God's heart. The ancient Demon God is still afraid of the battle of souls. You He survived, whether Xia Yuwei can survive or not depends on him."

Lu Yang asked, "Can you help her?"

The Blazing Demon God thought for a while and said: "You can input part of the flame origin into her soul, which can play a partial role, but it will take a long time for you to restore this part of the origin."

Lu Yang smiled and put his left hand on Xia Yuwei's head, inputting the source of flames in his body into Xia Yuwei's soul. He said to the Blazing Demon God: "I can no longer bear the death of my brother."

The Blazing Demon God didn't stop him, he just smiled and watched Lu Yang do these things. On the other side, a violent flame energy suddenly poured into Xia Yuwei's soul, and this energy could be controlled by him.

Xia Yuwei was anxious because she couldn't kill the soul of the flesh-and-blood mother worm, so she quickly controlled the flame energy to launch an attack.

The soul of the flesh-and-blood mother worm is originally strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

After being attacked by the flames again, she couldn't resist it. Xia Yuwei bit her soul into pieces, chewed it and swallowed it into her soul body.


The magic pattern on Xia Yuwei's left face suddenly emitted a ray of light and then stopped spreading. She opened her eyes and looked at Lu Yang and said, "Boss, I'm fine."

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, stopped transmitting the source and said, "What do you feel?"

Xia Yuwei smiled, opened her arms and said, "I feel now that my entire body and soul are integrated with the void, and the void is my final destination."

The magic lines on Xia Yuwei's face quickly spread all over her body, and the next second, her body disappeared out of thin air. If Lu Yang's perception ability hadn't locked onto Xia Yuwei, even Lu Yang would not have known where Xia Yuwei had gone.

Lu Yang nodded and asked: "Slowly digest the information about the soul of the flesh-and-blood mother worm, and teach the sisters to learn spells. I will go to the battle first."

Xia Yuwei showed her body, the magic marks disappeared, and said: "Okay."

Lu Yang looked back at everyone in the sister group and said: "Be strong, your enemies are not dead yet, don't fall, avenge them, live well for them, and become stronger for them."

Liu Juan, Li Mao and other girls looked at Lu Yang firmly. They knew that they were not qualified to grieve for too long. The enemy was still attacking fiercely. Their comrades would have to face death at any time. Now they could only hide their sorrow. Protect your living brothers, because they are warriors of the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood.

"Don't worry, boss, we know what to do." Liu Juan said with a solemn expression.

Lu Yang nodded, looked at them one last time, and his soul returned to his body. He summoned Hong Ye, jumped on the dragon's head and said, "Leave here and find Zhuojiu."


Hong Ye roared, spread his wings and ignited flames, quickly flew out of the underground passage and flew towards the direction of Sun Moon Mountain.

The Blazing Demon God asked curiously in his mind: "Among all the monsters we just killed, there is no Old Man Chimu. Aren't you going to continue looking for him in the underground cave?"

Lu Yang asked: "Have you sensed his location?"

The Blazing Demon God shook his head and said, "No, he seems to have disappeared."

Lu Yang sneered and said: "That old fox will not stay here. He will definitely find an excuse to leave. The outcome of the war will not come out until the final outcome. However, no matter where he goes, I will seek his blood debt." He paid for it with blood, he killed so many of my brothers, I will never spare him."

If Lu Yang now relies on his sensory abilities to find the elderly man, Lu Yang is confident that he can find him, but it will take a lot of time, but what Lu Yang lacks most now is time.

The remaining two enemies are the demon army and the fire demon army led by General Huo Ling. The most difficult one is the latter. If General Huo Ling cannot be defeated in a short time, the demon army may break through Zhuojiu's defense line. Attack Shekou headquarters.

The only thing Lu Yang can do now is to believe that Zhou Tianming can delay General Huoling. According to the suspicious character of the race in the other world, General Huoling will definitely wait for news from General Necromancer after knowing that General Necromancer has launched an attack.

General Huo Ling will only launch an attack if General Necromancer is seriously injured. The news of General Necromancer's death has not spread yet. Xia Yuwei and others are also hiding in the Demon Temple. It is absolutely impossible for General Huo Ling to know the situation here, so , General Huo Ling will never fight Zhou Tianming, and the two sides are still in a confrontation.

Lu Yang patted Hong Ye's head and said, "Use all your strength to fly, and be sure to reach Maojiu within 20 minutes."

"Roar~!" Hong Ye roared, and more violent flames erupted from his body, lighting up half of the sky like a sun.

There are only about 100 kilometers from Shekou to the place where Zhuojiu is deployed. There is a grand canyon. It was originally a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. But at this time, six of the defensive positions in the mountain have been breached, and thousands of people have been killed. Soldiers and more than 100 mages died tragically in the formation.

The damaged magic circle still exudes the light of magic, so that in the middle of the night, the Grand Canyon is illuminated by lights of various colors.

The demons also suffered great losses. At least 3,000 demons died on the ground. The mages of the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood in the subsequent positions relied on the magic circle to continuously throw third-level flames, ice arrows, wind blades and other spells. The archers also continued to shoot poisonous bows and arrows.

The demons rushed up again and again to destroy the magic circle, but they were all killed by the Iron Blood Brotherhood warriors protecting the magic circle in front with shields and star steel two-handed swords.

On the side of the war between the two sides, Zhuojiu's body shines with golden light. Malthus's weak soul is desperately summoning the Holy Light element, but Zhuojiu's body has been injured in many places, but he can still resist, just because he is a Holy Light warrior and has The Holy Light was there to help him recover.

The three big demons on the opposite side also had a hard time. Zarha was seriously injured and lost an arm. Mengsi's abdomen was shining with golden light and could not be healed. Bicas had two broken horns.

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