Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2375 Godly Race

At the entrance of the main hall, there are six creatures of different races in a group of three who are hostile to each other. The first one on the left has a ghost-like face, but his body is similar to that of an orc. He is about 2 meters tall. The second one has three faces, but they are all They have the face of a dead person, and the last one is a ghost clan with a soul body.

Of the three races on the right, the first is a humanoid race with tentacles on its chin, the second is a monster with six arms and a face like a mummy, and the third is a race with a dragon head and an orc body.

The Blazing Demon God said in his mind: "The ones on the left are the Ghost Face Clan and the Three Face Clan, and the three on the right are the God Beard Clan, the Multi-Armed Clan, and the Dragon Beast Clan. One of the two sides represents the God of Death, and the other represents the God of Nature. Their strength is around the mid-level lord level, but don’t underestimate them, the armor, weapons and treasures they have are extraordinary.”

"Is it as powerful as my Fire God Bird Suit?" Lu Yang asked.

"No, but it's not too bad," said the Blazing Demon God.

"Then I understand." Lu Yang was about to run away.

"A new friend has arrived. What's his religion?" A dead face from the Three-face Clan faced Lu Yang and asked with a cunning expression.

Lu Yang had discussed this with the Blazing Demon God when he came. He smiled and said in ancient Elf language: "The wandering race is not worth mentioning. Please continue on both sides and I won't disturb you."

Wandering races are those races that have lost their faith after their tribesmen were wiped out. Often there are only a few tribesmen of these races. They wander on planets in other worlds and rely on being bounty hunters to survive.

Often such individuals are very powerful. When they have nothing to worry about, major races are usually reluctant to provoke them, lest they be attacked and killed by these mercenaries who have no faith and no honor.

"I didn't expect wandering races to be able to enter here. How about joining our God of Destruction camp? We guarantee that you can get a red mist bead." The three-faced man released a bewitching spell.

"What he said is a lie. Join our camp of nature gods. I guarantee in the name of the God of Light that you will get a red mist bead." The lord-level strongman of the Shenxu tribe shouted angrily and interrupted the bewitching spell.


"What do you want?"

The two sides showed their weapons, and they seemed to be fighting over a disagreement, but neither side actually took action. Those who could enter here first were not fools. What they were fighting for outside was a chance to enter here. They had already come in. Naturally, the winner will not be decided at this time. There are three people on both sides, and there is an extra Lu Yang who no one cares about.

"How do friends make decisions?" the three-faced man asked with a smile.

Lu Yang cupped his hands on both sides and said, "I'm sorry, I can't make a decision yet, so I'll take the first step."

After finishing speaking, he bypassed the area where the two sides were confronting each other and walked backwards towards the depths of the hall. Just when both sides wanted to keep him, Lu Yang said: "The legions of various ethnic groups outside are not far from here. I advise you all to follow suit." Leave quickly, otherwise, the army will rush in and no one will be spared."

Even the lord level cannot withstand the crazy attacks of five or six hundred spirit level experts in a small space. Besides, who knows which lord is watching in secret and which spirit level expert has a special attack weapon?

The six lord-level powerful men looked at each other, and gradually put down their weapons. The three-faced man said: "How about we say goodbye right now?"

"Agreed." The lord of the multi-armed clan nodded and said.

"Then let's each take a step back and look for a safe place first." The Lord of the Ghost Clan said.

The six lords stared at each other and each took a step back. Finally, the war subsided and they each ran forward.

Among them, the lord of the three-faced clan ran to Lu Yang, turned his head 120 degrees, and the smiling face among the three faces was pointed at Lu Yang, and said: "Friend, I feel that we are very close, how about walking together?"

The Blazing Demon God snorted coldly and said: "This lord of the three-faced clan wants to assassinate you. He has a special attack method, which uses his soul to attack the opponent. This ignores armor. Be careful. Once he releases it from the body, Three souls bite your soul, and you may be killed.”

Lu Yang secretly thought that it was dangerous. Ever since he had the full set of armor of the Vulcan Bird and the soul of the Phoenix Bird, he looked down on the strong men of the same level. He did not expect that a being who could kill him would appear.

"Take another step closer to me, don't blame me for being rude, put away your soul attack." The Vulcan war hammer appeared in Lu Yang's hand, and he stared at the Three-faced clan lord who was getting closer and said.

"Haha, you must have been seen through. It's really ridiculous that you still want to sneak attack with your dirty tricks." The leader of the dragon beast clan opened his huge dragon mouth and laughed.

The three-faced man stopped in place angrily, his face quickly rotated 120 degrees and turned into a grimace. He glared at the dragon orc behind him and cursed: "In comparison, your dragon roar is rubbish."

The Blazing Demon God chuckled and said: "The dragon beast clan has an innate ability, which is roaring at close range. The super sound wave attack at close range is very terrifying, and it also ignores armor. You have to be careful."

Lu Yang was speechless for a while and said: "How come anyone can break this armor of yours? You are too useless to just leave these tatters."

"Damn~!" The Blazing Demon God became anxious and cursed: "Where do you think this is? Take a good look at these six races. Are they the races you have seen before? They are born to be demon king-level powerhouses. With a little training, They have been lord-level powerhouses for decades. They are all purebred divine races. These are the descendants of races with gods and official positions in the divine world. Not to mention their special skills, their weapons are definitely not ordinary weapons. "

"No wonder." Lu Yang took a careful look at these six people. Sure enough, their weapons all had a strange light, completely different from those made of ordinary star steel and broken star iron.

The six lords were also secretly staring at Lu Yang at this time. Seeing Lu Yang's weapons and armor, they felt that Lu Yang was not an ordinary wandering tribesman, and they were very afraid of him.


Suddenly, there was a knocking sound at the door of the palace. The next second, the door of the palace opened with the impact. Countless snake-like people appeared at the door. When they saw Lu Yang and others, they simultaneously raised the hammer in their hands.

"Kill them~!" The leader of the snakes shouted, and countless snakes poured in like a tide.

"Run quickly." None of the six lords had any intention of attacking these snake-like people, so they raised their legs and ran towards the depths of the hall.

Lu Yang also ran quickly. He didn't want to expose his attack skills at this time. If he accidentally fell into the tide of snake-shaped people, he would have a hard time staying alive.

"There are six forks ahead, how should I run?" Lu Yang asked.

The Blazing Demon God said: "The second one on the right."

Lu Yang nodded and quickly ran into the second entrance on the right. But by chance, he and the three-faced man ran into the same entrance, while the other lords were at other forks.

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