"You're amazing," Miley said with a smile.

"Oh! Thank you for the compliment! Coco, my home is actually nearby. Would you like to come to my home for a drink?" Fred tentatively issued an invitation.

He thought, as long as this woman accepts my application, then I can achieve good things today.

Miley smiled and said, "Yes! Let's go together.

The bald white man was overjoyed.

"Then, please get in my car! My car is over there!" he said excitedly.

Miley got into his car.

Soon, we arrived at a residential area outside Los Angeles.

The houses here are all three-story townhouses.

The car stopped outside a house.

"Beautiful girl, dear Coco, we are home now. Please follow me." Fred graciously opened the door for Miley.

Miley smiled sweetly and said thank you, and followed Fred into his house.

As soon as he entered the door, Fred was a little impatient.

He rushed over for a hug.

Miley stretched out her hand and pushed gently.


Fred 13 was pushed away by more than three meters and fell to the ground.

Now that she has arrived at Fred's house, Miley will not pretend.

She looked at Fred on the ground coldly, and said, "Mr. Fred, I hope you can tell me the truth.

Fred got up from the ground.

He shook his head, a little confused.

This girl looks soft and weak, but she didn't expect her strength to be so strong.

Who is she?

Although it was overturned once, Fred still didn't take Miley to heart.

She's just a woman, can she beat herself?

Moreover, she still does not cage Chinese people.

Such a person is best bullied, even if she uses force on her, she will not be able to do anything to herself in the future.

Fred approached Miley slowly with a smile and said, "Beautiful girl, I also hope that you can tell me a little truth. Excuse me, who are you?"

"Could it be that you are a gangster trying to rob a house?"

Miley shrugged, she couldn't be bothered to talk nonsense to the bald man.

She used a little hypnosis directly on Fred.

Fred was quickly hypnotized.

At this moment, his spirit is controlled by Miley.

"Let me ask you, who ordered you to frame Jordan Brand?" Miley asked.

Fred mechanically said: "It was a man named Smith who found me, and he told me that Jordan is a brand of Longguo people, and the people of Longguo used some tricks to hype this brand up to everyone, threatening the local people. Brand development. Smith hopes that I can independently investigate and create a little negative news about the Jordan brand.

Miley asked: "So, what is Smith's identity? How much are they promising you?"

Fred said: "I don't know what Smith's real identity is. Smith said that as long as I find out any defects in the Jordan brand and publish the article in the newspaper, as long as it arouses social repercussions, they will pay me 20,000 yuan." Rice Yuan."

Sure enough, he wanted to launch a fatal attack by fishing boats.

Miley was a little angry.

You are paralyzed!

Is this too cruel?

Can't compete head-on, and then you play fishing boat planting attack?

It seems that at present this should be in a preparatory investigation period.

The action has not yet begun.

Miley asked: "Do you have that Smith's number?"

Fred said, "I have."

Miley said, "Tell me!"

Fred told Miley if the phone was okay.

Miley called that Smith right away.

The phone got through.

Soon, someone answered the phone.

"Hello! This is Smith's studio."

Miley said: "Hi! I'm Mr. Fred's assistant. He asked me to call you. He said he found a fatal flaw in the Jordan generation. He's still out there.

He wants you to come to his house, can you come now?"

Miley's voice is sweet.

Moreover, it is very charming.

"Oh?! Has he found a major problem? What is the problem?" Smith was immediately interested.

"He didn't say the details. He just asked me to inform you to come to his house as soon as possible." Miley said.

"Okay! Then I'll be there right away!" Smith replied.

Hanging up, Miley snapped her fingers.

Now she just wants to follow the vine! She wants to see, who is the biggest melon on this vine?

In just over half an hour, a car stopped outside Fred's house.

A handsome man in a suit and leather shoes walked to the door.

Miley opened the door before the man knocked.

She smiled and asked, "Excuse me, are you Smith?"

Smith's eyes lit up: What a beautiful oriental beauty! When did Fred find such a female assistant for himself?

"Yes! I am! Excuse me, is Fred home yet?"

"He just got home and is waiting for you in the living room. Come in," Miley said.

Smith knew no deceit, he walked into the door very relaxed.

He saw that Fred was sitting on the sofa with a dull expression, as if he was thinking about something.

"Mr. Fred, hello! I heard that you have found a major flaw in the Jordan generation?" Smith came to Fred eagerly.

Fred just gave Smith a blank look and ignored him.

Smith was a little weird.

This Fred, what's the matter?

Miley smiled at this time and said: "You don't have to talk to him. He is in a state of confusion right now.

Smith immediately felt something was wrong.

"Who are you? You are definitely not Mr. Fred's assistant!" 480 Smith said vigilantly.

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave.

Miley blocked the door: "If you want to leave, I'm afraid it's not easy."

Smith reached out and was about to roughly push Miley away.

A small tackle by Miley twisted Smith's right arm behind his back.

She sent it lightly.

Smith just lay on the ground like a dog eating shit.

Miley slowly approached him and said, "Be honest, who are you? Why did you make this deal with Fred to deliberately frame and discredit the Jordan brand? Who is behind your back!"

"Don't try to resist, because that will put you in a deadly danger."

Smith was in shock.

He turned over, lay on his back on the ground, and asked, "Who are you?"

Miley smiled mysteriously: "You'd better not ask about my identity! Because, if I tell you clearly, you probably won't be able to live.

What she said was a little dark.

Smith's mind turned, and he thought of many mysterious existences in America.

The more he thought about it, the more he shuddered.

"I think you must have misunderstood something. In fact, I have nothing to do with Fred. We are just a cooperative relationship. Our purpose is very simple. It is to give the Jordan brand to Gao Yan."

Part 3! Please subscribe and support!.

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