This also fully illustrates a problem. The reason why Xiangjiang was able to develop rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s and become the four Asian tigers was thanks to the blessings of the mainland.

On ATV's side, after hearing the news that Xiangjiang TV Station would start broadcasting at noon on December 31, Fu Mingjian immediately instructed his subordinates to immediately shoot a program about the meeting between Asian sisters and enthusiastic audiences, and broadcast it at noon the next day.

Sister Asia is the biggest hot spot on ATV right now.

Moreover, all the beauties have already begun to prepare for the fierce competition for the final.

Therefore, the audience is still very concerned about every move of the Asian sisters.

But to be honest, the influence of the Asian sister contest is not as great as that of Miss Xiangjiang. Among the sisters of Asia, there has never been any particularly famous person.


Fast forward to December 31st.

This is the last day of '79.

Waking up in the morning, Han Xiao sneezed two or three times in succession.

There was a cold wave last night, and the temperature dropped considerably.

He seems to be a little cold.

The door was pushed open from the outside, and Su Wen walked in: "Boss, you seem to be suffering from a cold."

She came to his side and stroked Han Xiao's forehead: "The temperature is not bad, 36.7 degrees. It is recommended to add more clothes to keep warm."

Han Xiao smiled and said, "Thank you! Maybe I didn't sleep well last night, and now I feel a little dizzy."

Su Wen said: "You are too worried. You have been thinking about the TV station broadcast at noon today. Let me help you relieve your tense nerves."

As she spoke, she gently massaged Han Xiao's temples and acupuncture points on the head and neck.

Not to mention, it's quite comfortable.

Her hands made him feel numb all over, and his whole spirit and body relaxed.

It still feels great.

Han Xiao was indeed a little excited last night.

I was thinking about things, but I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. It was after 1 o'clock in the morning that I became confused.

To be honest, he is really under pressure. He doesn't know what kind of situation he will face after his Xiangjiang TV station starts broadcasting.

Can it be as popular as World Odd Stories and Tomato Daily?

He has no idea.

The main thing is the TV industry, and wireless is really strong now. Even ATV is stumbled in the competition with it now, and can only follow hard.

At 11:15 that day, Han Xiao was already sitting on the sofa in his office and turned on the TV in the room.

Choose the channel of Xiangjiang TV Station, there is still a snowflake, there is no signal at all.

However, soon, the TV screen automatically adjusted, showing the logo of Xiangjiang TV Station.

There is a sentence under the logo: Xiangjiang TV Station, wonderful programs, will be presented soon!

Since it is the first broadcast on the TV station, how to open this new chapter?

Han Xiao felt that there was still a ceremony.

How about this opening ceremony?

There must be an ingenious idea, right?

After thinking about it, Han Xiao didn't have a clue.

It was still Anna who personally made a dazzling opening animation: the vermilion lacquer gate with the logo of Xiangjiang TV Station hung on it, and the beautiful New Year painting of Feitian on the gate.

Feitian on the New Year painting suddenly came to life.

The gate opened, Feitian danced to lead the way, and all kinds of auspicious birds flew inside.

Along the way, there are various scenes of representative cultural and historical figures of the Dragon Kingdom and the city style of Xiangjiang.

The fireworks are flying into the sky, colorful.

The fireworks blooming in the sky turned into two giant dragons.

The giant dragon danced quickly in the air, and finally turned into a line of golden characters: Congratulations to Xiangjiang TV Station for its launch, tune in Changhong!

With the current technical conditions, similar animations are not easy to make.

Relatively novel and atmospheric.

After the broadcast of the animation, it was a blessing from various big figures in Xiangjiang to the launch of Xiangjiang TV.

This is the whole opening ceremony.

The whole thing adds up to about 3 minutes.

Then, according to the program list, the TV series Huo Yuanjia began to be played.

This is purely used to attract popularity at noon, only one episode will be broadcast at noon, and then there will be people's livelihood news at noon, paying close attention to the basic necessities of life of the people in Xiangjiang City. Here is another linkage with Tomato Daily. This is also to attract public attention.

In the afternoon, the audition highlights of The Voice of Xiangjiang began to be played.

Han Xiao thought about the entire program flow.

He felt that this arrangement, on the whole, was quite compact, and it could be considered lively and interesting.

I just don't know how the audience will react.


There was a knock on the door.

Han Xiao came in with a shout.

Anna walked to him and sat down beside him: "Boss, you seem a little nervous."

Han Xiao smiled and said, "It is indeed a little nervous."


Chapter 7! Seek data support to comfort the fragile heart of the author. I think this book is very good-looking, and I must encourage it a lot!

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