Rebirth Of Xiangjiang: From A Multinational Chaebol To The Light Of A Private Enterprise

Chapter 76 Even If You Act Like A Ghost, You Have To Let Me Take Advantage~ Please Subscribe!

This is a blue ocean of IP adaptation!

He has to work hard to get it down!

The meeting this time was not in Cha Daxia's office.

Instead, it was placed in a quiet room of a teahouse.

"Mr. Han, you asked me out this time, what do you want to talk to me about?" Daxia Zha was a little curious.

The young man in front of him created a powerful whirlwind in the entire Xiangjiang River in a short period of time.

He has completely changed the pattern of Hong Kong's newspapers and TV media.

And just half a year ago, he was just an assistant editor under him.

Han Xiao said with a smile: "Mr. Cha, I want to talk to you about the copyright adaptation of your novel.

Daxia Zha laughed: "This is a trivial matter, as long as you want to use the copyright of my novel, just say no! You can pay the copyright fee, and a big boss like you will not treat me badly, right?" ?" "Seven Twenty"

Han Xiao said: "I'm here this time to talk about buying out all your novels, films, and game adaptation copyrights in a package.

"That is to say, after I buy it out, other companies and individuals will no longer be able to use the video game copyright of your novel."

Daxia Zha smiled and said, "I've never considered this before."

"So many companies want to adapt my novels into film and television dramas, they are worthy of me.

"After you buy it out, wouldn't it mean they won't be able to use it?"

Han Xiao knew that the other party would refuse.

However, he has long been prepared.

He is determined to win the copyright of all works of Daxia Zha!

Only exclusive, unique, can produce the greatest economic benefits, isn't it?

Before the price of copyright has increased significantly, if you don't sell it at this time, when will you sell it?

In the future, with the popularity of Daxia Zha's novels in mainland China, the copyright fee for his novels will rise to sky-high prices.

Han Xiao smiled and said, "Mr. Cha, don't rush to refuse. Let me ask you, how much copyright fee can you get each time you authorize other companies to film and adapt your novel?"

Daxia Zha said: "The amount of copyright fees that can be obtained each time varies. Sometimes it is 50,000 yuan, sometimes it is 100,000 yuan. Recently, the copyright price has increased, and each time it is almost 200,000 yuan."

He is obviously exaggerating.

This is also normal.

Han Xiao said with a faint smile: "Mr. Cha, just click 200,000 once, how many times do you think you can collect?"

Cha Daxia was taken aback.

He hasn't thought about it yet.

Han Xiao continued: "Even if each of your novels can be adapted 10 times, it's only 2 million, right?"

Daxia Zha said in his heart, it is impossible to adapt so many times, right?

At most three or five times it will be exhausted.

But Cha Daxia said: "That's not necessarily true! For example, TVB is already planning to buy my copyright to make a series of movies. Each time I have to pay 50,000 yuan."

Han Xiao said with a smile: "Mr. Cha, just say, if I want to buy out all 14 of your novels in a package, how much will you ask me for?"

Blind Han Xiao.

His mind was spinning fast.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and smiled and said, "Let's forget it! I asked you for too much, but you said I was greedy, and if I wanted less, I was obviously at a disadvantage. In order to avoid hurting my friendship," I still don't sell out good."

Han Xiao said: "Mr. Cha, what do you think! Aren't things in the business world just a matter of bargaining! It's not that complicated.

"Tell me the ideal price in your mind! I think it's right, so I'll buy it."

"If it doesn't feel right, let's discuss it again."

Daxia Zha frowned: "Then, why do you insist on buying out my novel, film and television copyright?"

Han Xiao said: "Because, I don't want your classic novels to be ruined by those people! I hope that every novel can be made into a classic TV series.

"Mr. Cha, there were companies that filmed your novels before, and you read them too. Those people changed your novels into a mess and made them crudely produced."

"How is this possible?"

"This bastard eats barley and wastes food!"

"If you sell all the copyrights of your novels, films and games to me, I swear, I will keep improving and make the best adaptations!"

"In this way, your book can sell well, right?"

Now, for Daxia Zha, the main income from his novels is from selling books.

He has his own publishing house, publishes his own novels, and earns at least half of each book.

Every year, just by selling books, he can earn millions.

Compared with paper books, film and television copyright is just a trick.

Han Xiao's words obviously moved Daxia Zha.

He nodded and said: "The Huo Yuanjia filmed by you is quite good... You bought my rights to shoot the Condor Shooting drama before, and I watched two episodes. Very approved."

Han Xiao smiled.

He knew that his words had already moved Daxia Zha.

He continued: "Then, Mr. Cha, please tell me the price in your mind!"

Daxia Zha pondered for a long time, and he said: "Then I will quote you a price, so that you can give up your mind!"

As he spoke, he tapped the table with his fingers, mustering up a lot of courage to quote a price: "You give 10 million! I will sell the film and television of my novel and what... the packaging copyright to you. !"

Han Xiao was overjoyed.


Did he summon such courage to quote such a price?

After the 2010s in later generations, this is simply the price of cabbage.

Of course, people’s income is generally still very low now. According to the current purchasing power of money, 10 million at this time is equivalent to 100 million in later generations.

But the economic value contained in Zha Daxia's novels is worth tens or even tens of billions!

Which of the popular martial arts games in later generations can bypass Zha Daxia's novels?

How many film and television dramas based on Zha Daxia's novels are so popular?

Therefore, looking at the problem from the perspective of development, 10 million to buy out all the copyrights of Cha Daxia's works is definitely worth it!

Even now, that is a great benefit!

After he buys out the copyright of Daxia Zha's novels on 2.5, he is the only one who can exclusively make film and television dramas of these novels.

How can other film companies and TV stations compete with him?

Although Han Xiao was secretly happy in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face.

Even, there was a bit of shock on his face: "Isn't it? Mr. Cha, you actually set such a high price?"

Daxia Zha chuckled: "I knew it, you would be scared. That's fine!"

Han Xiao said, "Can it be cheaper?"

"Mr. Cha can't take me for a fool!"

Daxia Zha shook his head and said, "Cheap can't be cheap! As a person, I never like to suffer losses! I will feel depressed and in a bad mood for a long time if I suffer losses!"

Chapter 2 is a paid chapter. Today there will be 7 chapters. I hope you will subscribe and encourage more.

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