Daxia Zha smiled and said: "Ms. Fang, I'm really sorry, all the film and television copyrights of my novel have been sold, and it has nothing to do with me anymore.


Xiao Fang was taken aback.

"No way! Who bought all the film and television copyrights of your novels?" Xiao Fang asked.

Daxia Zha said: "It's Han Xiao from Dinglong. We just signed an agreement. Therefore, the film and television copyright of my novel is no longer mine."

Xiao Fang was very depressed.

She said: "How can you let him buy it out? He can't give you a little money, right? We plan to pay 200,000 yuan to buy you the right to use it once!"

"We hope to make the classic novel of Shooting the Condors into a TV series that is the most classic and close to the original plot!"

Daxia Zha said, "Don't you think 200,000 is a bit too little?"

"Also, before you used my copyright, you were only willing to give 50,000 or 100,000 each time. It's a bit too stingy."

"However, it's meaningless to say these things now, why don't you call Han Xiao and see if he agrees to your use of copyright.

Xiao Fang thought to himself, it would be strange if he would allow me to use it!

We are all competitors!

The reason why TVB bought the copyright of Shooting Condors this time to make a TV series is to hope to win back a success!

Huo Yuanjia of Xiangjiang TV Station is about to finish broadcasting.

This TV series can be said to have crushed TVB's Pu Beach to death.

Even if TVB adjusted the broadcast time twice, Shang Beach's ratings were still very dismal in the end, with an average rating of only 17 to 8%.

The ratings are really bad.

Zhao Yifu was very dissatisfied.

Zhao Yifu is going to fight a beautiful turnaround.

So, Zhao Yitian thought of Legend of the Condor Heroes, a masterpiece of martial arts by Hundred Angels!

This book is well known in the entire Chinese circle and has been widely circulated.

Zhao Yifu now wants to grit his teeth and use the entire wireless family property to produce the most popular TV series!

What he wants to shoot is sculpture shooting!

Xiaofang was entrusted by him, this time he called Daxia Zha specifically to buy the copyright of Condor Shooting.

Xiao Fang was not reconciled.

She asked: "Mr. Cha, I would like to ask, how much money did he give you to sell all the film and television copyrights of your works to him~"?"

Cha Daxia chuckled: "Guess!"

Xiao Fang said, "One million?"

"No! You definitely won't sell it for one million! Could it be five million? If it's five million, it's a bit much. Film and television copyrights aren't worth that much money."

"Could it be that he bought out the copyright of all your novels with 2 million cash?"

Cha Daxia was even more proud.

"Hmph! Don't you think my novel film and television copyright is only worth 2 million yuan? Every year my novels can earn nearly 2 million yuan in Xiangjiang just by selling books! In Southeast Asia and other markets, my annual The royalty income is more than 10 million!"

Xiao Fang said: "The publishing value of your novel is of course very high. However, if it is adapted into a film and television, it is actually not that big of a profit!"

"Just tell me how much you sold your copyright for."

Daxia Zha said: "Anyway, there are many more figures than what you said!"

Xiao Fang sighed: "This Han Xiao is desperate to concentrate all the superior resources in his own hands! How exasperating! I have never seen such an insidious and cunning person."

After making the phone call, Xiao Fang immediately went back to Zhao Yifu's office.

Zhao Yifu is now eagerly waiting for the result.

"How?" He saw Xiao Fang and asked.

Xiao Fang smiled wryly and shook his head and said, "Yi Fu, I feel that there may be ghosts among us!"

"Huh?! What do you mean?" Zhao Yifu asked.

Xiao Fang said: "Han Xiao actually bought out all the copyrights of Mr. Cha's novels first!"

"He must have known in advance that we wanted to shoot the eagles, so he did it first."

Zhao Yifu was very surprised: "He actually bought it out?"

"It means that if we want to shoot the TV series of Condor Shooting, we need to obtain Han Xiao's authorization?"

Xiao Fang nodded: "Yes!"

"So, our plan is likely to be ruined!"

Zhao Yifu's face became gloomy: "Not many people know about shooting the eagles, right? We only got the news during our internal middle-level meeting. At that time, we also specially told not to spread the company's secrets."

"Those middle managers are old people who have been working together for decades. They shouldn't have betrayed the company's secrets!"

"It's also possible that the kid surnamed Han started ahead of time to monopolize the advantage of adapting resources, forming a real advantage of the solo drama!"

Xiao Fang said: "Your analysis is very correct."

Zhao Yifu pondered for a while, and said: "In my life, I have experienced too many storms and waves, and I can overcome any difficult hurdles! I still don't believe that this kid can drive me into such a mess!"

"I want to call him personally! I want to see if he is willing and dares to authorize us to shoot the movie Shooting the Condors!"

Xiao Fang said worriedly: "Yafu, I don't think there is any need to do this, because I always feel that this is just asking for humiliation.

"Why don't you let me make the call."

Zhao Yifu said: "Alright, you can make a phone call and try it out! I think, if it really doesn't work, let's take the lead and buy out all the copyrights of Liang Yusheng's novels!"

"There is also the novel of Bone Dragon, which is also a popular copyright. If you can buy it, buy it all and stock up! Since he wants to get stuck in this, it can only be a fight!"

Xiao Fang nodded: "I see, Yifu."

Xiao Fang left Zhao Yifu's office and went back to his office to make a phone call.

Because, she was worried that calling Zhao Yifu would affect Zhao Yitian's mood.

After all, he is already an old man in his 70s.

However, Han Xiao returned to his office, and as soon as he sat down, Yu Huixian knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Han, (of Li's) has good news for you. The copyright of the bone dragon has been negotiated by the person we sent there. The film and television copyrights and game copyrights of the works he has completed now and the works he will write in the future are all Will sell out to us!

"The total selling price is 6 million Hong Kong papers!"

Han Xiao was overjoyed.

This is indeed good news.

There are three major martial arts writers in the Chinese circle: Jin Yong Gu Long Liang Yusheng! This is the representative figure of the new martial arts.

If their film and television copyrights and game copyrights are taken down, then they can become a super big IP and form a traditional new martial arts IP universe!

This is one of Han Xiao's ambitions.

He wants to create a super IP similar to Marvel.

Han Xiao smiled and said, "Good! Not bad, not bad! Now, I can breathe a sigh of relief!"

Yu Huixian blinked curiously, and said, "Mr. Han, is it really worth spending so much money to buy out their copyrights?".

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