At this time, Yu Huixian was nervously doing one thing, which was to count the ratings of tonight's show.

The show was broadcast live on Xiangjiang TV.

Strictly speaking, this is Xiangjiang's first large-scale variety singing show broadcast on New Year's Eve.

Previously, even a giant like TVB only arranged to broadcast episodes on New Year's Eve, and would not hold a special New Year's Eve party.

In this era, the statistics of audience ratings are basically carried out through random phone calls.

Yu Huixian directed the people in the customer service center of Dinglong Entertainment to make more than 1,300 calls in one go.

Of course, these calls were all made randomly.

The survey results showed that out of the 1,338 calls, 1,292 were connected. Among them, 1,274 citizens who answered the calls said that they were watching the TV finals and New Year's Eve party of The Voice of Hong Kong.

The ratings are too scary!

Up to 98% or more!

Yu Huixian was very excited when she saw the results of such a ratings survey.

It seems that holding such a party on the night of New Year's Eve has a good effect!

Tonight's show, just ticket revenue reached 2.08 million yuan!

In addition to the ticket revenue, there are also various advertising sponsorships, such as stage background advertisements and various advertising display boards around the stage, all of which were sold out.

Although there were no advertisements in the middle of the party, the revenue from various implanted advertisements reached 733.48 yuan!

The income of a show is almost tens of millions.

In Xiangjiang in 1980, it was definitely a huge success! There is no doubt about it!

The whole Hong Kong is paying attention to this evening show.

Most people pay attention to who is the final champion of The Voice of Xiangjiang.

The phenomenon-level talent show of The Voice of Xiangjiang spread all over Xiangjiang. After the top four came out, these four also won a large number of supporters.

Among them, Liu Dehua has the most fans.

Huazai is handsome, he sings well, and he is very popular. He has always been eye-catching in competitions, and many young people like him very much.

13-year-old Zeng Yijian is a fan of Huazai.

Zeng Yijian was in middle school at this time.

He is handsome and introverted, but he has his own life plan in his heart very early on.

He is eager to enter the show business circle, he wants to be a big star, appearing on the screen and the big screen.

For this ideal, Zeng Yijian once went to Xiangjiang TV Station to interview members of the training class in his spare time.

However, because he was too young, he was passed out.

Zeng Yijian (bdei) went to TVB again to take part in the talent test, but also failed because he was too young.

But he has always been paying attention to the movement of the entertainment industry.

When Xiangjiang Television started to hold the audition for The Voice of Xiangjiang, he also went to participate.

But he didn't even pass the audition, so he was dismissed.

It can be said that Zeng Yijian encountered many obstacles when he was twelve or thirteen years old.

When he learned that Xiangjiang TV was going to hold the final of The Voice of Xiangjiang at Xiangjiang Stadium on New Year’s Eve, Zeng Yijian begged his parents, hoping to get 80 yuan to buy a ticket to watch the game.

Naturally, this request was flatly rejected by the parents!

What are you kidding?

Zeng Yijian's family of five or six people is supported by his father working in a garment factory!

The family lived in a wooden house, which was cramped and small.

On weekdays, eating and dressing, everything is carefully calculated, and this is barely able to live.

How can I have 80 yuan to show Zeng Yijian the scene of the finale of The Voice of Xiangjiang?

"Just watch it on TV that night! 80 yuan is enough to feed the whole family for a week!" Mother said sternly.

Zeng Yijian had no choice, he thought, I can earn money by myself to buy tickets.

Therefore, Zeng Yijian secretly worked odd jobs outside his spare time.

Now Xiangjiang is in a period of great development.

At this time, there are many job opportunities.

As long as you are willing to work, you will basically never starve to death.

He took the initiative to work outside for a week, and he didn't come home until 10 o'clock every night. He told his mother that the shoe factory run by his classmate's family was short of manpower, and the classmate asked him to help, and he could make some money by the way.

The mother had no objection to her son's willingness to work after school to earn money.

Because, life at home is really too bitter.

There are a total of 4 children and two adults, relying on the two to three thousand yuan from the father, it is really too hard.

A week later, he paid his wages and got 138 yuan.

This is the first time Zeng Yijian has made money by himself, and he is very excited.

Now, I can use the money I earn to buy tickets.

Unfortunately, what Zeng Yijian didn't expect was that the tickets went on sale for half a day before they were gone.

He ran to the ticket office near the school after school that morning, but it was gone.

This made Zeng Yijian a little dumbfounded.

What made him even more devastated was that the money he hid privately was secretly confiscated by his mother that night without even an explanation.

On New Year's Eve, Zeng Yijian had resigned himself to his fate: he decided to watch the show at home, and then see if his favorite contestant, Liu Dehua, could win the championship!

However, the TV set in his home was originally a second-hand one. In the afternoon, while watching it, suddenly there was no video. No matter how you tap it, there is no response.

This is broken.

Zeng Yijian begged his mother: "Mom, why don't we find someone to fix it, don't delay us to watch the 8:00 p.m. finals of The Voice of Hong Kong!"

The father said impatiently: "I don't even know what time it is? It's Chinese New Year, who will come to fix the TV for you?"

"Eat your meal well! What if you don't watch the party?"

Zeng Yijian didn't dare to speak anymore.

My father has a very violent temper and beats people at every turn.

After eating, Zeng Yijian put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said to his mother, "Mom, I'm going to play outside for a while."

Zeng Yijian ran away from home.

He wanted to see if anyone had put out a TV in the street shop outside, if he couldn't watch it at home, he would watch someone else's TV outside.

But he walked around outside and found that all the street shops that were open on weekdays are now closed.

This is also normal, after all, after a year of hard work for the Chinese New Year, everyone wants to take a rest.

Moreover, for the purchase of new year's goods, almost all of them are bought on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. No one buys anything anymore.

Zeng Yijian was very confused: Is it so difficult to find a TV to watch?

He suddenly thought, I can go outside the gymnasium! Even if I can't get in, can't I still hear something when standing outside?

Zeng Yijian spread his legs and ran to the Xiangjiang Stadium.

His home is about three kilometers away.

Soon, Zeng Yijian ran outside the Xiangjiang Stadium.

At this moment, it is already past 8 o'clock, and the party has already begun.

Outside the gymnasium, there was really a large crowd of people, all unwilling to buy a ticket.

The 6th update! Please subscribe for support!.

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